Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 47 » Verse 13

Isaiah 47:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 Thou art wearied H3811 in the multitude H7230 of thy counsels. H6098 Let now the astrologers, H1895 H8064 the stargazers, H2374 H3556 the monthly H2320 prognosticators, H3045 stand up, H5975 and save H3467 thee from these things that shall come H935 upon thee.

Cross Reference

Isaiah 44:25 STRONG

That frustrateth H6565 the tokens H226 of the liars, H907 and maketh diviners H7080 mad; H1984 that turneth H7725 wise H2450 men backward, H268 and maketh their knowledge H1847 foolish; H5528

Isaiah 57:10 STRONG

Thou art wearied H3021 in the greatness H7230 of thy way; H1870 yet saidst H559 thou not, There is no hope: H2976 thou hast found H4672 the life H2416 of thine hand; H3027 therefore thou wast not grieved. H2470

Jeremiah 51:58 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 The broad H7342 walls H2346 of Babylon H894 shall be utterly H6209 broken, H6209 and her high H1364 gates H8179 shall be burned H3341 with fire; H784 and the people H5971 shall labour H3021 in vain, H7385 and the folk H3816 in H1767 the fire, H784 and they shall be weary. H3286

Isaiah 47:15 STRONG

Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured, H3021 even thy merchants, H5503 from thy youth: H5271 they shall wander H8582 every one H376 to his quarter; H5676 none shall save H3467 thee.

Ezekiel 24:12 STRONG

She hath wearied H3811 herself with lies, H8383 and her great H7227 scum H2457 went not forth H3318 out of her: her scum H2457 shall be in the fire. H784

Daniel 2:2-10 STRONG

Then the king H4428 commanded H559 to call H7121 the magicians, H2748 and the astrologers, H825 and the sorcerers, H3784 and the Chaldeans, H3778 for to shew H5046 the king H4428 his dreams. H2472 So they came H935 and stood H5975 before H6440 the king. H4428 And the king H4428 said H559 unto them, I have dreamed H2492 a dream, H2472 and my spirit H7307 was troubled H6470 to know H3045 the dream. H2472 Then spake H1696 the Chaldeans H3778 to the king H4428 in Syriack, H762 O king, H4430 live H2418 for ever: H5957 tell H560 thy servants H5649 the dream, H2493 and we will shew H2324 the interpretation. H6591 The king H4430 answered H6032 and said H560 to the Chaldeans, H3779 The thing H4406 is gone H230 from me: H4481 if H2006 ye will not H3809 make known H3046 unto me the dream, H2493 with the interpretation H6591 thereof, ye shall be cut H5648 in pieces, H1917 and your houses H1005 shall be made H7761 a dunghill. H5122 But if H2006 ye shew H2324 the dream, H2493 and the interpretation H6591 thereof, ye shall receive H6902 of H4481 me H6925 gifts H4978 and rewards H5023 and great H7690 honour: H3367 therefore H3861 shew H2324 me the dream, H2493 and the interpretation H6591 thereof. They answered H6032 again H8579 and said, H560 Let the king H4430 tell H560 his servants H5649 the dream, H2493 and we will shew H2324 the interpretation H6591 of it. The king H4430 answered H6032 and said, H560 I H576 know H3046 of H4481 certainty H3330 that ye H608 would gain H2084 the time, H5732 because H6903 H3606 ye see H2370 the thing H4406 is gone H230 from H4481 me. But if H2006 ye will not H3809 make known H3046 unto me the dream, H2493 there is but one H1932 H2298 decree H1882 for you: for ye have prepared H2164 lying H3538 and corrupt H7844 words H4406 to speak H560 before H6925 me, till H5705 the time H5732 be changed: H8133 therefore H3861 tell H560 me the dream, H2493 and I shall know H3046 that H1768 ye can shew H2324 me the interpretation H6591 thereof. The Chaldeans H3779 answered H6032 before H6925 the king, H4430 and said, H560 There is H383 not H3809 a man H606 upon H5922 the earth H3007 that can H3202 shew H2324 the king's H4430 matter: H4406 therefore H6903 H1768 there is no H3809 king, H4430 lord, H7229 nor ruler, H7990 that asked H7593 such H1836 things H4406 at any H3606 magician, H2749 or astrologer, H826 or Chaldean. H3779

Daniel 5:7-8 STRONG

The king H4430 cried H7123 aloud H2429 to bring H5954 in the astrologers, H826 the Chaldeans, H3779 and the soothsayers. H1505 And the king H4430 spake, H6032 and said H560 to the wise H2445 men of Babylon, H895 Whosoever H606 H3606 shall read H7123 this H1836 writing, H3792 and shew H2324 me the interpretation H6591 thereof, shall be clothed H3848 with scarlet, H711 and have a chain H2002 of gold H1722 about H5922 his neck, H6676 and shall be the third H8523 ruler H7981 in the kingdom. H4437 Then H116 came H5954 in all H3606 the king's H4430 wise H2445 men: but they could H3546 not H3809 read H7123 the writing, H3792 nor make known H3046 to the king H4430 the interpretation H6591 thereof.

Daniel 5:15-16 STRONG

And now H3705 the wise H2445 men, the astrologers, H826 have been brought H5954 in before H6925 me, that they should read H7123 this H1836 writing, H3792 and make known H3046 unto me the interpretation H6591 thereof: but they could H3546 not H3809 shew H2324 the interpretation H6591 of the thing: H4406 And I H576 have heard H8086 of thee, H5922 that thou canst H3202 make H6590 interpretations, H6591 and dissolve H8271 doubts: H7001 now H3705 if H2006 thou canst H3202 read H7123 the writing, H3792 and make known H3046 to me the interpretation H6591 thereof, thou shalt be clothed H3848 with scarlet, H711 and have a chain H2002 of gold H1722 about H5922 thy neck, H6676 and shalt be the third H8531 ruler H7981 in the kingdom. H4437

Daniel 5:30 STRONG

In that night H3916 was Belshazzar H1113 the king H4430 of the Chaldeans H3779 slain. H6992

Habakkuk 2:13 STRONG

Behold, is it not of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 that the people H5971 shall labour H3021 in the very H1767 fire, H784 and the people H3816 shall weary H3286 themselves for very H1767 vanity? H7385

Commentary on Isaiah 47 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 47:1-15. The Destruction of Babylon Is Represented under the Image of a Royal Virgin Brought Down in a Moment from Her Magnificent Throne to the Extreme of Degradation.

1. in the dust—(See on Isa 3:26; Job 2:13; La 2:10).

virgin—that is, heretofore uncaptured [Herodotus, 1.191].

daughter of Babylon—Babylon and its inhabitants (see on Isa 1:8; Isa 37:22).

no throne—The seat of empire was transferred to Shushan. Alexander intended to have made Babylon his seat of empire, but Providence defeated his design. He soon died; and Seleucia, being built near, robbed it of its inhabitants, and even of its name, which was applied to Seleucia.

delicate—alluding to the effeminate debauchery and prostitution of all classes at banquets and religious rites [Curtius, 5.1; Herodotus, 1.199; Baruch, 6.43].

2. millstones—like the querns or hand-mills, found in this country, before the invention of water mills and windmills: a convex stone, made by the hand to turn in a concave stone, fitted to receive it, the corn being ground between them: the office of a female slave in the East; most degrading (Job 31:10; Mt 24:41).

uncover thy locks—rather, "take off thy veil" [Horsley]: perhaps the removal of the plaited hair worn round the women's temples is included; it, too, is a covering (1Co 11:15); to remove it and the veil is the badge of the lowest female degradation; in the East the head is the seat of female modesty; the face of a woman is seldom, the whole head almost never, seen bare (see on Isa 22:8).

make bare the leg—rather "lift up (literally, 'uncover'; as in lifting up the train the leg is uncovered) thy flowing train." In Mesopotamia, women of low rank, as occasion requires, wade across the rivers with stript legs, or else entirely put off their garments and swim across. "Exchange thy rich, loose, queenly robe, for the most abject condition, that of one going to and fro through rivers as a slave, to draw water," &c.

uncover … thigh—gather up the robe, so as to wade across.

3. not meet … as a man—rather, "I will not meet a man," that is, suffer man to intercede with me—give man an audience [Horsley]. Or, "I will not make peace with any man," before all are destroyed. Literally, "strike a league with"; a phrase arising from the custom of striking hands together in making a compact [Maurer], (see on Pr 17:18; Pr 22:26; 11:15, Margin). Or else from striking the victims sacrificed in making treaties.

4. As for—rather supply, "Thus saith our Redeemer" [Maurer]. Lowth supposes this verse to be the exclamation of a chorus breaking in with praises, "Our Redeemer! Jehovah of hosts," &c. (Jer 50:34).

5. Sit—the posture of mourning (Ezr 9:4; Job 2:13; La 2:10).

darkness—mourning and misery (La 3:2; Mic 7:8).

lady of kingdoms—mistress of the world (Isa 13:19).

6. reason for God's vengeance on Babylon: in executing God's will against His people, she had done so with wanton cruelty (Isa 10:5, &c.; Jer 50:17; 51:33; Zec 1:15).

polluted my inheritance—(Isa 43:28).

the ancient—Even old age was disregarded by the Chaldeans, who treated all alike with cruelty (La 4:16; 5:12) [Rosenmuller]. Or, "the ancient" means Israel, worn out with calamities in the latter period of its history (Isa 46:4), as its earlier stage of history is called its "youth" (Isa 54:6; Eze 16:60).

7. so that—Through thy vain expectation of being a queen for ever, thou didst advance to such a pitch of insolence as not to believe "these things" (namely, as to thy overthrow, Isa 47:1-5) possible.

end of it—namely, of thy insolence, implied in her words, "I shall be a lady for ever."

8. given to pleasures—(See on Isa 47:1). In no city were there so many incentives to licentiousness.

I am … none … beside me—(Isa 47:10). Language of arrogance in man's mouth; fitting for God alone (Isa 45:6). See Isa 5:8, latter part.

widow … loss of children—A state, represented as a female, when it has fallen is called a widow, because its king is no more; and childless, because it has no inhabitants; they having been carried off as captives (Isa 23:4; 54:1, 4, 5; Re 18:7, 8).

9. in a moment—It should not decay slowly, but be suddenly and unexpectedly destroyed; in a single night it was taken by Cyrus. The prophecy was again literally fulfilled when Babylon revolted against Darius; and, in order to hold out to the last, each man chose one woman of his family, and strangled the rest, to save provisions. Darius impaled three thousand of the revolters.

in … perfection—that is, "in full measure."

for … for—rather, "notwithstanding the … notwithstanding"; "in spite of" [Lowth]. So "for" (Nu 14:11). Babylon was famous for "expiations or sacrifices, and other incantations, whereby they tried to avert evil and obtain good" [Diodorus Siculus].

10. wickedness—as in Isa 13:11, the cruelty with which Babylon treated its subject states.

None seeth me—(Ps 10:11; 94:7). "There is none to exact punishment from me." Sinners are not safe, though seeming secret.

Thy wisdom—astrological and political (Isa 19:11, &c., as to Egypt).

perverted—turns thee aside from the right and safe path.

11. from whence it riseth—Hebrew, "the dawn thereof," that is, its first rising. Evil shall come on thee without the least previous intimation [Rosenmuller]. But dawn is not applied to "evil," but to prosperity shining out after misery (Isa 21:12). Translate, "Thou shall not see any dawn" (of alleviation) [Maurer].

put … off—rather, as Margin, "remove by expiation"; it shall be never ending.

not know—unawares: which thou dost not apprehend. Proving the fallacy of thy divinations and astrology (Job 9:5; Ps 35:8).

12. Stand—forth: a scornful challenge to Babylon's magicians to show whether they can defend their city.

laboured—The devil's service is a laborious yet fruitless one (Isa 55:2).

13. wearied—(compare Isa 57:10; Eze 24:12).

astrologers—literally, those who form combinations of the heavens; who watch conjunctions and oppositions of the stars. "Casters of the configurations of the sky" [Horsley]. Gesenius explains it: the dividers of the heavens. In casting a nativity they observed four signs:—the horoscope, or sign which arose at the time one was born; the mid-heaven; the sign opposite the horoscope towards the west; and the hypogee.

monthly prognosticators—those who at each new moon profess to tell thereby what is about to happen. Join, not as English Version, "save … from those things," &c.; but, "They that at new moons make known from (by means of) them the things that shall come upon thee" [Maurer].

14. (Isa 29:6; 30:30).

not … a coal—Like stubble, they shall burn to a dead ash, without leaving a live coal or cinder (compare Isa 30:14), so utterly shall they be destroyed.

15. Thus, &c.—Such shall be the fate of those astrologers who cost thee such an amount of trouble and money.

thy merchants, from thy youth—that is, with whom thou hast trafficked from thy earliest history, the foreigners sojourning in Babylon for the sake of commerce (Isa 13:14; Jer 51:6, 9; Na 3:16, 17) [Barnes]. Rather, the astrologers, with whom Babylon had so many dealings (Isa 47:12-14) [Horsley].

to his quarter—literally, "straight before him" (Eze 1:9, 12). The foreigners, whether soothsayers or merchants, shall flee home out of Babylon (Jer 50:16).