Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 47 » Verse 5

Isaiah 47:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 Sit H3427 thou silent, H1748 and get H935 thee into darkness, H2822 O daughter H1323 of the Chaldeans: H3778 for thou shalt no more H3254 be called, H7121 The lady H1404 of kingdoms. H4467

Cross Reference

Isaiah 47:7 STRONG

And thou saidst, H559 I shall be a lady H1404 for ever: H5769 so that thou didst not lay H7760 these things to thy heart, H3820 neither didst remember H2142 the latter end H319 of it.

Daniel 2:37-38 STRONG

Thou, H607 O king, H4430 art a king H4430 of kings: H4430 for the God H426 of heaven H8065 hath given H3052 thee a kingdom, H4437 power, H2632 and strength, H8632 and glory. H3367 And wheresoever H3606 the children H1123 of men H606 dwell, H1753 the beasts H2423 of the field H1251 and the fowls H5776 of the heaven H8065 hath he given H3052 into thine hand, H3028 and hath made thee ruler H7981 over them all. H3606 Thou H607 art this head H7217 of gold. H1722

Revelation 18:21-24 STRONG

And G2532 a G1520 mighty G2478 angel G32 took up G142 a stone G3037 like G5613 a great G3173 millstone, G3458 and G2532 cast G906 it into G1519 the sea, G2281 saying, G3004 Thus G3779 with violence G3731 shall G906 that great G3173 city G4172 Babylon G897 be thrown down, G906 and G2532 shall be found G2147 no more G3364 at all. G2089 And G2532 the voice G5456 of harpers, G2790 and G2532 musicians, G3451 and G2532 of pipers, G834 and G2532 trumpeters, G4538 shall be heard G191 no more G3364 at all G2089 in G1722 thee; G4671 and G2532 no G3364 G3956 craftsman, G5079 of whatsoever G3956 craft G5078 he be, shall be found G2147 any more G2089 in G1722 thee; G4671 and G2532 the sound G5456 of a millstone G3458 shall be heard G191 no more G3364 at all G2089 in G1722 thee; G4671 And G2532 the light G5457 of a candle G3088 shall shine G5316 no more G3364 at all G2089 in G1722 thee; G4671 and G2532 the voice G5456 of the bridegroom G3566 and G2532 of the bride G3565 shall be heard G191 no more G3364 at all G2089 in G1722 thee: G4671 for G3754 thy G4675 merchants G1713 were G2258 the great men G3175 of the earth; G1093 for G3754 by G1722 thy G4675 sorceries G5331 were G4105 all G3956 nations G1484 deceived. G4105 And G2532 in G1722 her G846 was found G2147 the blood G129 of prophets, G4396 and G2532 of saints, G40 and G2532 of all G3956 that were slain G4969 upon G1909 the earth. G1093

Revelation 18:16-19 STRONG

And G2532 saying, G3004 Alas, G3759 alas, G3759 that great G3173 city, G4172 that was clothed in G4016 fine linen, G1039 and G2532 purple, G4210 and G2532 scarlet, G2847 and G2532 decked G5558 with G1722 gold, G5557 and G2532 precious G5093 stones, G3037 and G2532 pearls! G3135 For G3754 in one G3391 hour G5610 so great G5118 riches G4149 is come to nought. G2049 And G2532 every G3956 shipmaster, G2942 and G2532 all G3956 the company G3658 in G1909 ships, G4143 and G2532 sailors, G3492 and G2532 as many as G3745 trade G2038 by sea, G2281 stood G2476 afar G3113 off, G575 And G2532 cried G2896 when they saw G3708 the smoke G2586 of her G846 burning, G4451 saying, G3004 What G5101 city is like G3664 unto this great G3173 city! G4172 And G2532 they cast G906 dust G5522 on G1909 their G846 heads, G2776 and G2532 cried, G2896 weeping G2799 and G2532 wailing, G3996 saying, G3004 Alas, G3759 alas, G3759 that great G3173 city, G4172 wherein G1722 G3739 were made rich G4147 all G3956 that had G2192 ships G4143 in G1722 the sea G2281 by reason of G1537 her G846 costliness! G5094 for G3754 in one G3391 hour G5610 is she made desolate. G2049

Revelation 18:7 STRONG

How much G3745 she hath glorified G1392 herself, G1438 and G2532 lived deliciously, G4763 so much G5118 torment G929 and G2532 sorrow G3997 give G1325 her: G846 for G3754 she saith G3004 in G1722 her G846 heart, G2588 I sit G2521 a queen, G938 and G2532 am G1510 no G3756 widow, G5503 and G2532 shall see G1492 no G3364 sorrow. G3997

Revelation 17:18 STRONG

And G2532 the woman G1135 which G3739 thou sawest G1492 is G2076 that great G3173 city, G4172 which G3588 reigneth G2192 G932 over G1909 the kings G935 of the earth. G1093

Revelation 17:3-5 STRONG

So G2532 he carried G667 me G3165 away G667 in G1722 the spirit G4151 into G1519 the wilderness: G2048 and G2532 I saw G1492 a woman G1135 sit G2521 upon G1909 a scarlet coloured G2847 beast, G2342 full of G1073 names G3686 of blasphemy, G988 having G2192 seven G2033 heads G2776 and G2532 ten G1176 horns. G2768 And G2532 the woman G1135 was G2258 arrayed G4016 in purple G4209 and G2532 scarlet colour, G2847 and G2532 decked G5558 with gold G5557 and G2532 precious G5093 stones G3037 and G2532 pearls, G3135 having G2192 a golden G5552 cup G4221 in G1722 her G846 hand G5495 full of G1073 abominations G946 and G2532 filthiness G168 of her G846 fornication: G4202 And G2532 upon G1909 her G846 forehead G3359 was a name G3686 written, G1125 MYSTERY, G3466 BABYLON G897 THE GREAT, G3173 THE MOTHER G3384 OF HARLOTS G4204 AND G2532 ABOMINATIONS G946 OF THE EARTH. G1093

Jude 1:13 STRONG

Raging G66 waves G2949 of the sea, G2281 foaming out G1890 their own G1438 shame; G152 wandering G4107 stars, G792 to whom G3739 is reserved G5083 the blackness G2217 of darkness G4655 for G1519 ever. G165

Matthew 22:12-13 STRONG

And G2532 he saith G3004 unto him, G846 Friend, G2083 how G4459 camest thou G1525 in hither G5602 not G3361 having G2192 a wedding G1062 garment? G1742 And G1161 he was speechless. G5392 Then G5119 said G2036 the king G935 to the servants, G1249 Bind G1210 him G846 hand G5495 and G2532 foot, G4228 and take G142 him G846 away, G142 and G2532 cast G1544 him into G1519 outer G1857 darkness; G4655 there G1563 shall be G2071 weeping G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth. G3599

Zechariah 2:13 STRONG

Be silent, H2013 O all flesh, H1320 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 for he is raised up H5782 out of his holy H6944 habitation. H4583

Habakkuk 2:20 STRONG

But the LORD H3068 is in his holy H6944 temple: H1964 let all the earth H776 keep silence H2013 before H6440 him.

1 Samuel 2:9 STRONG

He will keep H8104 the feet H7272 of his saints, H2623 and the wicked H7563 shall be silent H1826 in darkness; H2822 for by strength H3581 shall no man H376 prevail. H1396

Lamentations 1:1 STRONG

How doth the city H5892 sit H3427 solitary, H910 that was full H7227 of people! H5971 how is she become as a widow! H490 she that was great H7227 among the nations, H1471 and princess H8282 among the provinces, H4082 how is she become tributary! H4522

Jeremiah 25:10 STRONG

Moreover I will take H6 from them the voice H6963 of mirth, H8342 and the voice H6963 of gladness, H8057 the voice H6963 of the bridegroom, H2860 and the voice H6963 of the bride, H3618 the sound H6963 of the millstones, H7347 and the light H216 of the candle. H5216

Jeremiah 8:14 STRONG

Why do we sit still? H3427 assemble H622 yourselves, and let us enter H935 into the defenced H4013 cities, H5892 and let us be silent H1826 there: for the LORD H3068 our God H430 hath put us to silence, H1826 and given us water H4325 of gall H7219 to drink, H8248 because we have sinned H2398 against the LORD. H3068

Isaiah 47:1 STRONG

Come down, H3381 and sit H3427 in the dust, H6083 O virgin H1330 daughter H1323 of Babylon, H894 sit H3427 on the ground: H776 there is no throne, H3678 O daughter H1323 of the Chaldeans: H3778 for thou shalt no more H3254 be called H7121 tender H7390 and delicate. H6028

Isaiah 14:23 STRONG

I will also make H7760 it a possession H4180 for the bittern, H7090 and pools H98 of water: H4325 and I will sweep H2894 it with the besom H4292 of destruction, H8045 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Isaiah 14:4 STRONG

That thou shalt take up H5375 this proverb H4912 against the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and say, H559 How hath the oppressor H5065 ceased! H7673 the golden city H4062 ceased! H7673

Isaiah 13:19-20 STRONG

And Babylon, H894 the glory H6643 of kingdoms, H4467 the beauty H8597 of the Chaldees' H3778 excellency, H1347 shall be as when God H430 overthrew H4114 Sodom H5467 and Gomorrah. H6017 It shall never H5331 be inhabited, H3427 neither shall it be dwelt H7931 in from generation H1755 to generation: H1755 neither shall the Arabian H6163 pitch tent H167 there; neither shall the shepherds H7462 make their fold H7257 there.

Isaiah 13:10 STRONG

For the stars H3556 of heaven H8064 and the constellations H3685 thereof shall not give H1984 their light: H216 the sun H8121 shall be darkened H2821 in his going forth, H3318 and the moon H3394 shall not cause her light H216 to shine. H5050

Psalms 46:10 STRONG

Be still, H7503 and know H3045 that I am God: H430 I will be exalted H7311 among the heathen, H1471 I will be exalted H7311 in the earth. H776

Psalms 31:17 STRONG

Let me not be ashamed, H954 O LORD; H3068 for I have called H7121 upon thee: let the wicked H7563 be ashamed, H954 and let them be silent H1826 in the grave. H7585

Commentary on Isaiah 47 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 47:1-15. The Destruction of Babylon Is Represented under the Image of a Royal Virgin Brought Down in a Moment from Her Magnificent Throne to the Extreme of Degradation.

1. in the dust—(See on Isa 3:26; Job 2:13; La 2:10).

virgin—that is, heretofore uncaptured [Herodotus, 1.191].

daughter of Babylon—Babylon and its inhabitants (see on Isa 1:8; Isa 37:22).

no throne—The seat of empire was transferred to Shushan. Alexander intended to have made Babylon his seat of empire, but Providence defeated his design. He soon died; and Seleucia, being built near, robbed it of its inhabitants, and even of its name, which was applied to Seleucia.

delicate—alluding to the effeminate debauchery and prostitution of all classes at banquets and religious rites [Curtius, 5.1; Herodotus, 1.199; Baruch, 6.43].

2. millstones—like the querns or hand-mills, found in this country, before the invention of water mills and windmills: a convex stone, made by the hand to turn in a concave stone, fitted to receive it, the corn being ground between them: the office of a female slave in the East; most degrading (Job 31:10; Mt 24:41).

uncover thy locks—rather, "take off thy veil" [Horsley]: perhaps the removal of the plaited hair worn round the women's temples is included; it, too, is a covering (1Co 11:15); to remove it and the veil is the badge of the lowest female degradation; in the East the head is the seat of female modesty; the face of a woman is seldom, the whole head almost never, seen bare (see on Isa 22:8).

make bare the leg—rather "lift up (literally, 'uncover'; as in lifting up the train the leg is uncovered) thy flowing train." In Mesopotamia, women of low rank, as occasion requires, wade across the rivers with stript legs, or else entirely put off their garments and swim across. "Exchange thy rich, loose, queenly robe, for the most abject condition, that of one going to and fro through rivers as a slave, to draw water," &c.

uncover … thigh—gather up the robe, so as to wade across.

3. not meet … as a man—rather, "I will not meet a man," that is, suffer man to intercede with me—give man an audience [Horsley]. Or, "I will not make peace with any man," before all are destroyed. Literally, "strike a league with"; a phrase arising from the custom of striking hands together in making a compact [Maurer], (see on Pr 17:18; Pr 22:26; 11:15, Margin). Or else from striking the victims sacrificed in making treaties.

4. As for—rather supply, "Thus saith our Redeemer" [Maurer]. Lowth supposes this verse to be the exclamation of a chorus breaking in with praises, "Our Redeemer! Jehovah of hosts," &c. (Jer 50:34).

5. Sit—the posture of mourning (Ezr 9:4; Job 2:13; La 2:10).

darkness—mourning and misery (La 3:2; Mic 7:8).

lady of kingdoms—mistress of the world (Isa 13:19).

6. reason for God's vengeance on Babylon: in executing God's will against His people, she had done so with wanton cruelty (Isa 10:5, &c.; Jer 50:17; 51:33; Zec 1:15).

polluted my inheritance—(Isa 43:28).

the ancient—Even old age was disregarded by the Chaldeans, who treated all alike with cruelty (La 4:16; 5:12) [Rosenmuller]. Or, "the ancient" means Israel, worn out with calamities in the latter period of its history (Isa 46:4), as its earlier stage of history is called its "youth" (Isa 54:6; Eze 16:60).

7. so that—Through thy vain expectation of being a queen for ever, thou didst advance to such a pitch of insolence as not to believe "these things" (namely, as to thy overthrow, Isa 47:1-5) possible.

end of it—namely, of thy insolence, implied in her words, "I shall be a lady for ever."

8. given to pleasures—(See on Isa 47:1). In no city were there so many incentives to licentiousness.

I am … none … beside me—(Isa 47:10). Language of arrogance in man's mouth; fitting for God alone (Isa 45:6). See Isa 5:8, latter part.

widow … loss of children—A state, represented as a female, when it has fallen is called a widow, because its king is no more; and childless, because it has no inhabitants; they having been carried off as captives (Isa 23:4; 54:1, 4, 5; Re 18:7, 8).

9. in a moment—It should not decay slowly, but be suddenly and unexpectedly destroyed; in a single night it was taken by Cyrus. The prophecy was again literally fulfilled when Babylon revolted against Darius; and, in order to hold out to the last, each man chose one woman of his family, and strangled the rest, to save provisions. Darius impaled three thousand of the revolters.

in … perfection—that is, "in full measure."

for … for—rather, "notwithstanding the … notwithstanding"; "in spite of" [Lowth]. So "for" (Nu 14:11). Babylon was famous for "expiations or sacrifices, and other incantations, whereby they tried to avert evil and obtain good" [Diodorus Siculus].

10. wickedness—as in Isa 13:11, the cruelty with which Babylon treated its subject states.

None seeth me—(Ps 10:11; 94:7). "There is none to exact punishment from me." Sinners are not safe, though seeming secret.

Thy wisdom—astrological and political (Isa 19:11, &c., as to Egypt).

perverted—turns thee aside from the right and safe path.

11. from whence it riseth—Hebrew, "the dawn thereof," that is, its first rising. Evil shall come on thee without the least previous intimation [Rosenmuller]. But dawn is not applied to "evil," but to prosperity shining out after misery (Isa 21:12). Translate, "Thou shall not see any dawn" (of alleviation) [Maurer].

put … off—rather, as Margin, "remove by expiation"; it shall be never ending.

not know—unawares: which thou dost not apprehend. Proving the fallacy of thy divinations and astrology (Job 9:5; Ps 35:8).

12. Stand—forth: a scornful challenge to Babylon's magicians to show whether they can defend their city.

laboured—The devil's service is a laborious yet fruitless one (Isa 55:2).

13. wearied—(compare Isa 57:10; Eze 24:12).

astrologers—literally, those who form combinations of the heavens; who watch conjunctions and oppositions of the stars. "Casters of the configurations of the sky" [Horsley]. Gesenius explains it: the dividers of the heavens. In casting a nativity they observed four signs:—the horoscope, or sign which arose at the time one was born; the mid-heaven; the sign opposite the horoscope towards the west; and the hypogee.

monthly prognosticators—those who at each new moon profess to tell thereby what is about to happen. Join, not as English Version, "save … from those things," &c.; but, "They that at new moons make known from (by means of) them the things that shall come upon thee" [Maurer].

14. (Isa 29:6; 30:30).

not … a coal—Like stubble, they shall burn to a dead ash, without leaving a live coal or cinder (compare Isa 30:14), so utterly shall they be destroyed.

15. Thus, &c.—Such shall be the fate of those astrologers who cost thee such an amount of trouble and money.

thy merchants, from thy youth—that is, with whom thou hast trafficked from thy earliest history, the foreigners sojourning in Babylon for the sake of commerce (Isa 13:14; Jer 51:6, 9; Na 3:16, 17) [Barnes]. Rather, the astrologers, with whom Babylon had so many dealings (Isa 47:12-14) [Horsley].

to his quarter—literally, "straight before him" (Eze 1:9, 12). The foreigners, whether soothsayers or merchants, shall flee home out of Babylon (Jer 50:16).