Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 49 » Verse 24

Isaiah 49:24 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

24 Shall the prey H4455 be taken H3947 from the mighty, H1368 or the lawful H6662 captive H7628 delivered? H4422

Cross Reference

Matthew 12:29 STRONG

Or G2228 else how G4459 can G1410 one G5100 enter G1525 into G1519 a strong man's G2478 house, G3614 and G2532 spoil G1283 his G846 goods, G4632 except G3362 he first G4412 bind G1210 the strong man? G2478 and G2532 then G5119 he will spoil G1283 his G846 house. G3614

Ezra 9:9 STRONG

For we were bondmen; H5650 yet our God H430 hath not forsaken H5800 us in our bondage, H5659 but hath extended H5186 mercy H2617 unto us in the sight H6440 of the kings H4428 of Persia, H6539 to give H5414 us a reviving, H4241 to set up H7311 the house H1004 of our God, H430 and to repair H5975 the desolations H2723 thereof, and to give H5414 us a wall H1447 in Judah H3063 and in Jerusalem. H3389

Ezra 9:13 STRONG

And after H310 all that is come H935 upon us for our evil H7451 deeds, H4639 and for our great H1419 trespass, H819 seeing that thou our God H430 hast punished H2820 us less H4295 than our iniquities H5771 deserve, and hast given H5414 us such deliverance H6413 as this;

Nehemiah 9:33 STRONG

Howbeit thou art just H6662 in all that is brought H935 upon us; for thou hast done H6213 right, H571 but we have done wickedly: H7561

Nehemiah 9:37 STRONG

And it yieldeth much H7235 increase H8393 unto the kings H4428 whom thou hast set H5414 over us because of our sins: H2403 also they have dominion H4910 over our bodies, H1472 and over our cattle, H929 at their pleasure, H7522 and we are in great H1419 distress. H6869

Psalms 124:6-7 STRONG

Blessed H1288 be the LORD, H3068 who hath not given H5414 us as a prey H2964 to their teeth. H8127 Our soul H5315 is escaped H4422 as a bird H6833 out of the snare H6341 of the fowlers: H3369 the snare H6341 is broken, H7665 and we are escaped. H4422

Psalms 126:1-3 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 When the LORD H3068 turned again H7725 the captivity H7870 of Zion, H6726 we were like them that dream. H2492 Then was our mouth H6310 filled H4390 with laughter, H7814 and our tongue H3956 with singing: H7440 then said H559 they among the heathen, H1471 The LORD H3068 hath done H6213 great things H1431 for them. The LORD H3068 hath done H6213 great things H1431 for us; whereof we are glad. H8056

Isaiah 42:22 STRONG

But this is a people H5971 robbed H962 and spoiled; H8154 they are all of them snared H6351 in holes, H2352 H970 and they are hid H2244 in prison H3608 houses: H1004 they are for a prey, H957 and none delivereth; H5337 for a spoil, H4933 and none saith, H559 Restore. H7725

Isaiah 53:12 STRONG

Therefore will I divide H2505 him a portion with the great, H7227 and he shall divide H2505 the spoil H7998 with the strong; H6099 because he hath poured out H6168 his soul H5315 unto death: H4194 and he was numbered H4487 with the transgressors; H6586 and he bare H5375 the sin H2399 of many, H7227 and made intercession H6293 for the transgressors. H6586

Jeremiah 25:6-9 STRONG

And go H3212 not after H310 other H312 gods H430 to serve H5647 them, and to worship H7812 them, and provoke me not to anger H3707 with the works H4639 of your hands; H3027 and I will do you no hurt. H7489 Yet ye have not hearkened H8085 unto me, saith H5002 the LORD; H3068 that ye might provoke me to anger H3707 with the works H4639 of your hands H3027 to your own hurt. H7451 Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Because ye have not heard H8085 my words, H1697 Behold, I will send H7971 and take H3947 all the families H4940 of the north, H6828 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and Nebuchadrezzar H5019 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 my servant, H5650 and will bring H935 them against this land, H776 and against the inhabitants H3427 thereof, and against all these nations H1471 round about, H5439 and will utterly destroy H2763 them, and make H7760 them an astonishment, H8047 and an hissing, H8322 and perpetual H5769 desolations. H2723

Jeremiah 25:11-14 STRONG

And this whole land H776 shall be a desolation, H2723 and an astonishment; H8047 and these nations H1471 shall serve H5647 the king H4428 of Babylon H894 seventy H7657 years. H8141 And it shall come to pass, when seventy H7657 years H8141 are accomplished, H4390 that I will punish H6485 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and that nation, H1471 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 for their iniquity, H5771 and the land H776 of the Chaldeans, H3778 and will make H7760 it perpetual H5769 desolations. H8077 And I will bring H935 upon that land H776 all my words H1697 which I have pronounced H1696 against it, even all that is written H3789 in this book, H5612 which Jeremiah H3414 hath prophesied H5012 against all the nations. H1471 For many H7227 nations H1471 and great H1419 kings H4428 shall serve H5647 themselves of them also: and I will recompense H7999 them according to their deeds, H6467 and according to the works H4639 of their own hands. H3027

Ezekiel 37:3 STRONG

And he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 can these bones H6106 live? H2421 And I answered, H559 O Lord H136 GOD, H3069 thou knowest. H3045

Ezekiel 37:11 STRONG

Then he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 these bones H6106 are the whole house H1004 of Israel: H3478 behold, they say, H559 Our bones H6106 are dried, H3001 and our hope H8615 is lost: H6 we are cut off H1504 for our parts.

Luke 11:21-22 STRONG

When G3752 a strong man G2478 armed G2528 keepeth G5442 his G833 palace, G1438 his G846 goods G5224 are G2076 in G1722 peace: G1515 But G1161 when G1875 a stronger G2478 than he G846 shall come upon him, G1904 and overcome G3528 him, G846 he taketh G142 from him G846 all his armour G3833 wherein G1909 G3739 he trusted, G3982 and G2532 divideth G1239 his G846 spoils. G4661

Commentary on Isaiah 49 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 49:1-26. Similar to Chapter 42:1-7 (Isa 49:1-9).

Messiah, as the ideal Israel (Isa 49:3), states the object of His mission, His want of success for a time, yet His certainty of ultimate success.

1. O isles—Messiah is here regarded as having been rejected by the Jews (Isa 49:4, 5), and as now turning to the Gentiles, to whom the Father hath given Him "for a light and salvation." "Isles" mean all regions beyond sea.

from the womb—(Isa 44:2; Lu 1:31; Joh 10:36).

from … bowels … mention of my name—His name "Jesus" (that is, God-Saviour) was designated by God before His birth (Mt 1:21).

2. my mouth … sword—(Isa 11:4; Re 19:15). The double office of the Word of God, saving and damnatory, is implied (Isa 50:4; Joh 12:48; Heb 4:12).

shaft—(Ps 45:5). "Polished," that is, free from all rust, implies His unsullied purity.

in … quiver … hid me—Like a sword in its scabbard, or a shaft in the quiver, Messiah, before His appearing, was hid with God, ready to be drawn forth at the moment God saw fit [Hengstenberg]; also always protected by God, as the arrow by the quiver (Isa 51:16).

3. Israel—applied to Messiah, according to the true import of the name, the Prince who had power with God in wrestling in behalf of man, and who prevails (Ge 32:28; Ho 12:3, 4). He is also the ideal Israel, the representative man of the nation (compare Mt 2:15 with Ho 11:1).

in whom … glorified—(Joh 14:13; 17:1-5).

4. I—Messiah.

in vain—comparatively in the case of the greater number of His own countrymen. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not" (Isa 53:1-3; Lu 19:14; Joh 1:11; 7:5). Only a hundred twenty disciples met after His personal ministry was ended (Ac 1:15).

yet … my judgment … with the Lord—Ultimately, God will do justice to My cause, and reward (Margin for "work," compare Isa 40:10; 62:11) My labors and sufferings. He was never "discouraged" (Isa 42:4; 50:7, 10). He calmly, in spite of seeming ill success for the time, left the result with God, confident of final triumph (Isa 53:10-12; 1Pe 2:23). So the ministers of Christ (1Co 4:1-5; 1Pe 4:19).

5. The reason why He was confident that His work would be accepted and rewarded, namely, because He is "glorious in the eyes of Jehovah," &c.

to bring Jacob again to him—(Mt 15:24; Ac 3:26).

Though Israel be not gathered—metaphor from a scattered flock which the shepherd gathers together again; or a hen and her chickens (Mt 23:37). Instead of the text "not," the Keri has the similar Hebrew word, "to Him," which the parallelism favors: "And that Israel may be gathered to Him."

yet—rather, parenthetically. "For I am glorious, &c., and My God is My strength." Then (Isa 49:6) resuming the words from the beginning of Isa 49:5, "He saith" (I repeat), &c. Horsley explains, "Notwithstanding the incredulity of the Jews, Messiah shall be glorified in the conversion of the Gentiles," reading as English Version: but if the Keri be read, "Israel shall at one time or other be gathered, notwithstanding their incredulity during Messiah's sojourn on earth."

6. It is a light thing—"It is too little that Thou shouldest," [Hengstenberg], that is, It is not enough honor to Thee to raise up Jacob and Israel, but I design for Thee more, namely, that Thou shouldest be the means of enlightening the Gentiles (Isa 42:6, 7; 60:3).

the preserved—namely, those remaining after the judgments of God on the nation—the elect remnant of Israel reserved for mercy. Lowth, with a slight but needless change of the Hebrew, translates for "tribes" and "preserved," the "scions"—the "branches."

7. whom man despiseth—Hebrew, "the despised of soul," that is, by every soul, by all men (Isa 52:14, 15; 53:3; 50:6-9; Ps 22:6). Lowth translates, "whose person is despised."

abhorreth—literally, "who is an abomination to the nation" (Lu 23:18-23). The Jews contemptuously call Him always Tolvi, "the crucified." I prefer, on account of Goi, the Hebrew term for nation being usually applied to the Gentiles, and that for people to the Jews (Ho 1:9; so the Greek terms respectively also Laos and Ethne, Ro 9:25), to take "nation" here collectively for the Gentile world, which also spurned Him (Ps 2:1-3; Ac 4:25-27).

servant of rulers—(Mt 17:27). He who would not exert His power against the rulers (Mt 26:52, 53).

shall see—namely the fulfilment of God's promises (Isa 49:3, 6), "when He (shall be) a light to the Gentiles."

arise—to reverence Thee (Ps 72:10, 11; Php 2:10).

princes also—rather, for the parallelism, supply the ellipsis, thus, "Princes shall see and shall worship."

faithful—namely, to His promises.

choose thee—as God's elect (Isa 42:1).

8. Messiah is represented as having asked for the grace of God in behalf of sinners; this verse contains God the Father's favorable answer.

an acceptable time—"In a time of grace" [Hengstenberg]. A limited time (Isa 61:2; 2Co 6:2). The time judged by God to be the best fitted for effecting the purposes of His grace by Messiah.

heard thee—(Ps 2:8; Heb 5:7).

day of salvation—when "the fulness of time" (Ga 4:4) shall have come. The day of salvation is "to-day" (Heb 4:7).

helped—given Thee the help needed to enable Thee, as man, to accomplish man's salvation.

preserve—from the assaults and efforts of Satan, to divert Thee from Thy voluntary death to save man.

covenant of the people—(See on Isa 42:6). "The people," in the singular, is always applied exclusively to Israel.

establish the earth—rather, "to restore the land," namely, Canaan to Israel. Spiritually, the restoration of the Church (the spiritual Israel) to the heavenly land forfeited by man's sin is also included.

cause to inherit … desolate heritages—image from the desolate state of Judea during the Babylonish captivity. Spiritually, the Gentile world, a moral waste, shall become a garden of the Lord. Literally, Judea lying desolate for ages shall be possessed again by Israel (compare Isa 61:7, "in their land"). Jesus, the antitype of, and bearing the same name as Joshua (Heb 4:8), shall, like him, divide the land among its true heirs (Isa 54:3; 61:4).

9. (Isa 42:7; Zec 9:12).

prisoners—the Jews bound in legal bondage.

them … in darkness—the Gentiles having no light as to the one true God [Vitringa].

Show yourselves—not only see but be seen (Mt 5:16; Mr 5:19). Come forth from the darkness of your prison into the light of the Sun of righteousness.

in the ways, &c.—In a desert there are no "ways," nor "high places," with "pastures"; thus the sense is: "They shall have their pastures, not in deserts, but in cultivated and inhabited places." Laying aside the figure, the churches of Christ at the first shall be gathered, not in obscure and unknown regions, but in the most populous parts of the Roman empire, Antioch, Alexandria, Rome, &c. [Vitringa]. Another sense probably is the right one. Israel, on its way back to the Holy Land, shall not have to turn aside to devious paths in search of necessaries, but shall find them in all places wherever their route lies; so Rosenmuller. God will supply them as if He should make the grass grow in the trodden ways and on the barren high places.

10. Messiah will abundantly satisfy all the wants, both of literal Israel on their way to Palestine, and of the spiritual on their way to heaven, as their Shepherd (Isa 65:13; Mt 5:6), also in heaven (Re 7:16, 17).

11. my—All things are God's.

mountains a way—I will remove all obstructions out of the way (Isa 40:4).

exalted—that is, cast up (Isa 57:14; 62:10); for instance, over valleys. Vitringa explains "mountains" as great kingdoms, Egypt, Syria, &c., subjected to Rome, to facilitate the spreading of the Gospel; "highways," the Christian doctrine wherein those who join the Church walk, and which, at the time of Constantine, was to be raised into prominence before all, and publicly protected (Isa 35:8, 9).

12. Sinim—The Arabians and other Asiatics called China Sin, or Tchin; the Chinese had no special name for themselves, but either adopted that of the reigning dynasty or some high-sounding titles. This view of "Sinim" suits the context which requires a people to be meant "from far," and distinct from those "from the north and from the west" [Gesenius].

13. So Re 12:12. God will have mercy on the afflicted, because of His compassion; on His afflicted, because of His covenant.

14. Zion—the literal Israel's complaint, as if God had forsaken her in the Babylonian captivity; also in their dispersion previous to their future restoration; thereby God's mercy shall be called forth (Isa 63:15-19; Ps 77:9, 10; 102:17).

16. Alluding to the Jews' custom (perhaps drawn from Ex 13:9) of puncturing on their hands a representation of their city and temple, in token of zeal for them [Lowth], (So 8:6).

17. Thy children—Israel (Isa 49:20, 21; Isa 43:6). Jerome reads, for "Thy children," "Thy builders"; they that destroyed thee shall hasten to build thee.

haste—to rebuild thy desolate capital.

shall go forth—Thy destroyers shall leave Judea to Israel in undisturbed possession.

18. As Zion is often compared to a bride (Isa 54:5), so the accession of converts is like bridal ornaments ("jewels," Isa 62:3; Mal 3:17). Her literal children are, however, more immediately meant, as the context refers to their restoration; and only secondarily to her spiritual children by conversion to Christ. Israel shall be the means of the final complete conversion of the nations (Mic 5:7; Ro 11:12, 15).

as a bride—namely, binds on her ornaments.

19. land of thy destruction—thy land once the scene of destruction.

too narrow—(Isa 54:1, 2; Zec 10:10).

20. children … after … other—rather, "the children of thy widowhood," that is, the children of whom thou hast been bereft during their dispersion in other lands (see on Isa 47:8) [Maurer].

again—rather, "yet."

give place—rather, "stand close to me," namely, in order that we may be the more able to dwell in in the narrow place [Horsley]. Compare as to Israel's spiritual children, and the extension of the gospel sphere, Ro 15:19, 24; 2Co 10:14-16. But Isa 49:22 (compare Isa 66:20) shows that her literal children are primarily meant. Gesenius translates, "Make room."

21. Who, &c.—Zion's joyful wonder at the unexpected restoration of the ten tribes. Secondarily, the accession of spiritual Israelites to the mother church of Jerusalem from the Gentiles is meant. This created surprise at first (Ac 10:45; 14:27; 15:3, 4).

lost … am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro—rather, "bereaved of … have been barren, an exile and outcast" [Horsley]. She had been "put away" by Jehovah, her husband (Isa 50:1); hence her wonder at the children begotten to her.

22. lift … hand—that is, beckon to (see on Isa 13:2).

standard—(Isa 11:12).

bring … sons in … arms—The Gentiles shall aid in restoring Israel to its own land (Isa 60:4; 66:20). Children able to support themselves are carried on the shoulders in the East; but infants, in the arms, or astride on one haunch (Isa 60:12). "Thy sons" must be distinct from "the Gentiles," who carry them; and therefore cannot primarily refer to converts among the Gentiles.

23. lick … dust—that is, kiss thy feet in token of humble submission.

for they … not … ashamed … wait for me—The restoration of Israel shall be in answer to their prayerful waiting on the Lord (Isa 30:18, 19; Ps 102:16, 17; Zec 12:10; 14:3).

24. the prey—Israel, long a prey to mighty Gentile nations, whose oppression of her shall reach its highest point under Antichrist (Da 11:36, 37, 41, 45).

lawful captive—the Jews justly consigned for their sins (Isa 50:1) as captives to the foe. Secondarily, Satan and Death are "the mighty" conquerors of man, upon whom his sin give them their "lawful" claim. Christ answers that claim for the sinners, and so the captive is set free (Job 19:25; 14:14; Mt 12:29; Ho 6:2, where Isa 49:4 shows the primary reference is to Israel's restoration, to which the resurrection corresponds; Isa 26:19; Eph 4:8; Heb 2:14, 15). Others not so well translate, "the captives taken from among the just Israelites."

25. (Isa 53:12; Ps 68:18; Col 2:15).

contend with him, &c.—(Isa 54:17).

26. feed … own flesh—a phrase for internal strifes (Isa 9:20).

own blood—a just retribution for their having shed the blood of God's servants (Re 16:6).

sweet wine—that is, must, or new wine, the pure juice which flows from the heap of grapes before they are pressed; the ancients could preserve it for a long time, so as to retain its flavor. It was so mild that it required a large quantity to intoxicate; thus the idea here is that very much blood would be shed (Re 14:10, 20).

all flesh shall, &c.—the effect on the world of God's judgments (Isa 66:15, 16, 18, 19; Re 15:3, 4).