Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 50 » Verse 11

Isaiah 50:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 Behold, all ye that kindle H6919 a fire, H784 that compass yourselves about H247 with sparks: H2131 walk H3212 in the light H217 of your fire, H784 and in the sparks H2131 that ye have kindled. H1197 This shall ye have of mine hand; H3027 ye shall lie down H7901 in sorrow. H4620

Cross Reference

Revelation 19:20 STRONG

And G2532 the beast G2342 was taken, G4084 and G2532 with G3326 him G5127 the false prophet G5578 that wrought G4160 miracles G4592 before G1799 him, G846 with G1722 which G3739 he deceived G4105 them that had received G2983 the mark G5480 of the beast, G2342 and G2532 them that worshipped G4352 his G846 image. G1504 These both G1417 were cast G906 alive G2198 into G1519 a lake G3041 of fire G4442 burning G2545 with G1722 brimstone. G2303

Romans 10:3 STRONG

For G1063 they being ignorant G50 of God's G2316 righteousness, G1343 and G2532 going about G2212 to establish G2476 their own G2398 righteousness, G1343 have G5293 not G3756 submitted themselves G5293 unto the righteousness G1343 of God. G2316

Romans 1:21-22 STRONG

Because G1360 that, when they knew G1097 God, G2316 they glorified G1392 him not G3756 as G5613 God, G2316 neither G2228 were thankful; G2168 but G235 became vain G3154 in G1722 their G846 imaginations, G1261 and G2532 their G846 foolish G801 heart G2588 was darkened. G4654 Professing themselves G5335 to be G1511 wise, G4680 they became fools, G3471

John 9:39 STRONG

And G2532 Jesus G2424 said, G2036 For G1519 judgment G2917 I G1473 am come G2064 into G1519 this G5126 world, G2889 that G2443 they which see G991 not G3361 might see; G991 and G2532 that they which see G991 might be made G1096 blind. G5185

Matthew 15:6-8 STRONG

And G2532 honour G5091 not G3364 his G846 father G3962 or G2228 his G846 mother, G3384 he shall be free. Thus G2532 have ye made G208 the commandment G1785 of God G2316 of none effect G208 by G1223 your G5216 tradition. G3862 Ye hypocrites, G5273 well G2573 did G4395 Esaias G2268 prophesy G4395 of G4012 you, G5216 saying, G3004 This G3778 people G2992 draweth nigh G1448 unto me G3427 with their G846 mouth, G4750 and G2532 honoureth G5091 me G3165 with their lips; G5491 but G1161 their G846 heart G2588 is G568 far G4206 from G575 me. G1700

Jonah 2:8 STRONG

They that observe H8104 lying H7723 vanities H1892 forsake H5800 their own mercy. H2617

Jeremiah 17:5-7 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Cursed H779 be the man H1397 that trusteth H982 in man, H120 and maketh H7760 flesh H1320 his arm, H2220 and whose heart H3820 departeth H5493 from the LORD. H3068 For he shall be like the heath H6199 in the desert, H6160 and shall not see H7200 when good H2896 cometh; H935 but shall inhabit H7931 the parched places H2788 in the wilderness, H4057 in a salt H4420 land H776 and not inhabited. H3427 Blessed H1288 is the man H1397 that trusteth H982 in the LORD, H3068 and whose hope H4009 the LORD H3068 is.

Isaiah 28:15-20 STRONG

Because ye have said, H559 We have made H3772 a covenant H1285 with death, H4194 and with hell H7585 are we H6213 at agreement; H2374 when the overflowing H7857 scourge H7752 H7885 shall pass through, H5674 H5674 it shall not come H935 unto us: for we have made H7760 lies H3577 our refuge, H4268 and under falsehood H8267 have we hid H5641 ourselves: Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 Behold, I lay H3245 in Zion H6726 for a foundation a stone, H68 a tried H976 stone, H68 a precious H3368 corner H6438 stone, a sure H3245 foundation: H4143 he that believeth H539 shall not make haste. H2363 Judgment H4941 also will I lay H7760 to the line, H6957 and righteousness H6666 to the plummet: H4949 and the hail H1259 shall sweep away H3261 the refuge H4268 of lies, H3577 and the waters H4325 shall overflow H7857 the hiding place. H5643 And your covenant H1285 with death H4194 shall be disannulled, H3722 and your agreement H2380 with hell H7585 shall not stand; H6965 when the overflowing H7857 scourge H7752 shall pass through, H5674 then ye shall be trodden down H4823 by it. From the time H1767 that it goeth forth H5674 it shall take H3947 you: for morning H1242 by morning H1242 shall it pass over, H5674 by day H3117 and by night: H3915 and it shall be a vexation H2113 only to understand H995 the report. H8052 For the bed H4702 is shorter H7114 than that a man can stretch H8311 himself on it: and the covering H4541 narrower H6887 than that he can wrap H3664 himself in it.

Psalms 20:7-8 STRONG

Some trust in chariots, H7393 and some in horses: H5483 but we will remember H2142 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 our God. H430 They are brought down H3766 and fallen: H5307 but we are risen, H6965 and stand upright. H5749

Isaiah 30:15-16 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 the Holy One H6918 of Israel; H3478 In returning H7729 and rest H5183 shall ye be saved; H3467 in quietness H8252 and in confidence H985 shall be your strength: H1369 and ye would H14 not. But ye said, H559 No; for we will flee H5127 upon horses; H5483 therefore shall ye flee: H5127 and, We will ride H7392 upon the swift; H7031 therefore shall they that pursue H7291 you be swift. H7043

Revelation 20:15 STRONG

And G2532 whosoever G1536 was G2147 not G3756 found G2147 written G1125 in G1722 the book G976 of life G2222 was cast G906 into G1519 the lake G3041 of fire. G4442

Ezekiel 20:39 STRONG

As for you, O house H1004 of Israel, H3478 thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Go H3212 ye, serve H5647 ye every one H376 his idols, H1544 and hereafter H310 also, if ye will not hearken H8085 unto me: but pollute H2490 ye my holy H6944 name H8034 no more with your gifts, H4979 and with your idols. H1544

Isaiah 65:13-16 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 Behold, my servants H5650 shall eat, H398 but ye shall be hungry: H7456 behold, my servants H5650 shall drink, H8354 but ye shall be thirsty: H6770 behold, my servants H5650 shall rejoice, H8055 but ye shall be ashamed: H954 Behold, my servants H5650 shall sing H7442 for joy H2898 of heart, H3820 but ye shall cry H6817 for sorrow H3511 of heart, H3820 and shall howl H3213 for vexation H7667 of spirit. H7307 And ye shall leave H3240 your name H8034 for a curse H7621 unto my chosen: H972 for the Lord H136 GOD H3069 shall slay H4191 thee, and call H7121 his servants H5650 by another H312 name: H8034 That he who blesseth H1288 himself in the earth H776 shall bless H1288 himself in the God H430 of truth; H543 and he that sweareth H7650 in the earth H776 shall swear H7650 by the God H430 of truth; H543 because the former H7223 troubles H6869 are forgotten, H7911 and because they are hid H5641 from mine eyes. H5869

Isaiah 8:22 STRONG

And they shall look H5027 unto the earth; H776 and behold trouble H6869 and darkness, H2825 dimness H4588 of anguish; H6695 and they shall be driven H5080 to darkness. H653

Exodus 11:9-10 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Pharaoh H6547 shall not hearken H8085 unto you; that my wonders H4159 may be multiplied H7235 in the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 And Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 did H6213 all these wonders H4159 before H6440 Pharaoh: H6547 and the LORD H3068 hardened H2388 Pharaoh's H6547 heart, H3820 so that he would not let the children H1121 of Israel H3478 go out H7971 of his land. H776

James 3:6 STRONG

And G2532 the tongue G1100 is a fire, G4442 a world G2889 of iniquity: G93 so G3779 is G2525 the tongue G1100 among G1722 our G2257 members, G3196 that it defileth G4695 the whole G3650 body, G4983 and G2532 setteth on fire G5394 the course G5164 of nature; G1078 and G2532 it is set on fire G5394 of G5259 hell. G1067

2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 STRONG

In G1722 flaming G5395 fire G4442 taking G1325 vengeance G1557 on them that know G1492 not G3361 God, G2316 and G2532 that obey G5219 not G3361 the gospel G2098 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547 Who G3748 shall be punished G1349 G5099 with everlasting G166 destruction G3639 from G575 the presence G4383 of the Lord, G2962 and G2532 from G575 the glory G1391 of his G846 power; G2479

John 8:24 STRONG

I said G2036 therefore G3767 unto you, G5213 that G3754 ye shall die G599 in G1722 your G5216 sins: G266 for G1063 if G3362 ye believe G4100 not G3362 that G3754 I G1473 am G1510 he, ye shall die G599 in G1722 your G5216 sins. G266

Matthew 22:13 STRONG

Then G5119 said G2036 the king G935 to the servants, G1249 Bind G1210 him G846 hand G5495 and G2532 foot, G4228 and take G142 him G846 away, G142 and G2532 cast G1544 him into G1519 outer G1857 darkness; G4655 there G1563 shall be G2071 weeping G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth. G3599

Matthew 8:12 STRONG

But G1161 the children G5207 of the kingdom G932 shall be cast out G1544 into G1519 outer G1857 darkness: G4655 there G1563 shall be G2071 weeping G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth. G3599

Amos 4:4-5 STRONG

Come H935 to Bethel, H1008 and transgress; H6586 at Gilgal H1537 multiply H7235 transgression; H6586 and bring H935 your sacrifices H2077 every morning, H1242 and your tithes H4643 after three H7969 years: H3117 And offer H6999 a sacrifice of thanksgiving H8426 with leaven, H2557 and proclaim H7121 and publish H8085 the free offerings: H5071 for this H3651 liketh H157 you, O ye children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Isaiah 55:2 STRONG

Wherefore do ye spend H8254 money H3701 for that which is not bread? H3899 and your labour H3018 for that which satisfieth H7654 not? H3808 hearken H8085 diligently H8085 unto me, and eat H398 ye that which is good, H2896 and let your soul H5315 delight H6026 itself in fatness. H1880

Proverbs 26:18 STRONG

As a mad H3856 man who casteth H3384 firebrands, H2131 arrows, H2671 and death, H4194

Psalms 32:10 STRONG

Many H7227 sorrows H4341 shall be to the wicked: H7563 but he that trusteth H982 in the LORD, H3068 mercy H2617 shall compass H5437 him about.

Psalms 16:4 STRONG

Their sorrows H6094 shall be multiplied H7235 that hasten H4116 after another H312 god: their drink offerings H5262 of blood H1818 will I not offer, H5258 nor H1077 take up H5375 their names H8034 into my lips. H8193

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Isaiah 50

Commentary on Isaiah 50 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

The words are no longer addressed to Zion, but to her children. “Thus saith Jehovah, Where is your mother's bill of divorce, with which I put her away? Or where is one of my creditors, to whom I sold you? Behold, for your iniquities are ye sold, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.” It was not He who had broken off the relation in which He stood to Zion; for the mother of Israel, whom Jehovah had betrothed to Himself, had no bill of divorce to show, with which Jehovah had put her away and thus renounced for ever the possibility of receiving her again (according to Deuteronomy 24:1-4), provided she should in the meantime have married another. Moreover, He had not yielded to outward constraint, and therefore given her up to a foreign power; for where was there on of His creditors (there is not any one) to whom He would have been obliged to relinquish His sons, because unable to pay His debts, and in this way to discharge them? - a harsh demand, which was frequently made by unfelling creditors of insolvent debtors (Exodus 21:7; 2 Kings 4:1; Matthew 18:25). On nōsheh , a creditor, see at Isaiah 24:2. Their present condition was indeed that of being sold and put away; but this was not the effect of despotic caprice, or the result of compulsion on the part of Jehovah. It was Israel itself that had broken off the relation in which it stood to Jehovah; they had been sold through their own faults, and “for your transgressions is your mother put away.” Instead of וּבפשׁעיה we have וּבפשׁעיכם . This may be because the church, although on the one hand standing higher and being older than her children (i.e., her members at any particular time), is yet, on the other hand, orally affected by those to whom she has given birth, who have been trained by her, and recognised by her as her own.

Verse 2-3

The radical sin, however, which has lasted from the time of the captivity down to the present time, is disobedience to the word of God. This sin brought upon Zion and her children the judgment of banishment, and it was this which made it last so long. “Why did I come, and there was no one there? Why did I call, and there was no one who answered? Is my hand too short to redeem? or is there no strength in me to deliver? Behold, through my threatening I dry up the sea; turn streams into a plain: their fish rot, because there is no water, and die for thirst. I clothe the heavens in mourning, and make sackcloth their covering.” Jehovah has come, and with what? It follows, from the fact of His bidding them consider, that His hand is not too short to set Israel loose and at liberty, that He is not so powerless as to be unable to draw it out; that He is the Almighty, who by His mere threatening word (Psalms 106:9; Psalms 104:7) can dry up the sea, and turn streams into a hard and barren soil, so that the fishes putrefy for want of water (Exodus 7:18, etc.), and die from thirst ( thâmōth a voluntative used as an indicative, as in Isaiah 12:1, and very frequently in poetical composition); who can clothe the heavens in mourning, and make sackcloth their (dull, dark) covering (for the expression itself, compare Isaiah 37:1-2); who therefore, fiat applicatio , can annihilate the girdle of waters behind which Babylon fancies herself concealed (see Isaiah 42:15; Isaiah 44:27), and cover the empire, which is now enslaving and torturing Israel, with a sunless and starless night of destruction (Isaiah 13:10). It follows from all this, that He has come with a gospel of deliverance from sin and punishment; but Israel has given no answer, has not received this message of salvation with faith, since faith is assent to the word of God. And in whom did Jehovah come? Knobel and most of the commentators reply, “in His prophets.” This answer is not wrong, but it does not suffice to show the connection between what follows and what goes before. For there it is one person who speaks; and who is that, but the servant of Jehovah, who is introduced in these prophecies with dramatic directness, as speaking in his own name? Jehovah has come to His people in His servant. We know who was the servant of Jehovah in the historical fulfilment. It was He whom even the New Testament Scriptures describe as τὸν παῖδα τοῦ κυρίου , especially in the Acts (Acts 3:13, Acts 3:26; Acts 4:27, Acts 4:30). It was not indeed during the Babylonian captivity that the servant of Jehovah appeared in Israel with the gospel of redemption; but, as we shall never be tired of repeating, this is the human element in these prophecies, that they regard the appearance of the “servant of Jehovah,” the Saviour of Israel and the heathen, as connected with the captivity: the punishment of Israel terminating, according to the law of the perspective foreshortening of prophetic vision, with the termination of the captivity - a connection which we regard as one of the strongest confirmations of the composition of these addresses before the captivity, as well as of Isaiah's authorship. But this ἀνθρώπινον does not destroy the θεῖον in them, inasmuch as the time at which Jesus appeared was not only similar to that of the Babylonian captivity, but stood in a causal connection with it, since the Roman empire was the continuation of the Babylonian, and the moral state of the people under the iron arm of the Roman rule resembled that of the Babylonian exiles (Ezekiel 2:6-7). At the same time, whatever our opinion on this point may be, it is perfectly certain that it is to the servant of Jehovah, who was seen by the prophet in connection with the Babylonian captivity, that the words “wherefore did I come” refer.

Verse 4

He in whom Jehovah came to His nation, and proclaimed to it, in the midst of its self-induced misery, the way and work of salvation, is He who speaks in Isaiah 50:4 : “The Lord Jehovah hath given me a disciple's tongue, that I may know how to set up the wearied with words: He wakeneth every morning; wakeneth mine ear to attend in disciple's manner.” The word limmūdı̄m , which is used in the middle of the verse, and which is the older word for the later talmidı̄m , μαθηταί , as in Isaiah 8:16; Isaiah 54:13, is repeated at the close of the verse, according to the figure of palindromy, which is such a favourite figure in both parts of the book of Isaiah; and the train of thought, “He wakeneth morning by morning, wakeneth mine ear,” recals to mind the parallelism with reservation which is very common in the Psalms, and more especially the custom of a “triolet-like” spinning out of the thoughts, from which the songs of “degrees” (or ascending steps, shı̄r hamma‛ălōth ) have obtained their name. The servant of Jehovah affords us a deep insight here into His hidden life. The prophets received special revelations from God, for the most part in the night, either in dreams or else in visions, which were shown them in a waking condition, but yet in the more susceptible state of nocturnal quiet and rest. Here, however, the servant of Jehovah receives the divine revelations neither in dreams nor visions of the night; but every morning ( babbōqer babbōqer as in Isaiah 28:19), i.e., when his sleep is over, Jehovah comes to him, awakens his ear, by making a sign to him to listen, and then takes him as it were into the school after the manner of a pupil, and teaches him what and how he is to preach. Nothing indicates a tongue befitting the disciples of God, so much as the gift of administering consolation; and such a gift is possessed by the speaker here. “To help with words him that is exhausted” (with suffering and self-torture): עוּת , Arab. gât̬ , med. Vav , related to אוּשׁ , חוּשׁ , signifies to spring to a person with words to help, Aq. ὑποστηρίσαι , Jer. sustentare . The Arabic gât̬ , med. Je , to rain upon or water (Ewald, Umbreit, etc.), cannot possibly be thought of, since this has no support in the Hebrew; still less, however, can we take עוּת as a denom. from עת , upon which Luther has founded his rendering, “to speak to the weary in due season” (also Eng. ver.). דּבר is an accusative of more precise definition, like אשׁר in Isaiah 50:1 (cf., Isaiah 42:25; Isaiah 43:23). Jerome has given the correct rendering: “that I may know how to sustain him that is weary with a word.”

Verse 5-6

His calling is to save, not to destroy; and for this calling he has Jehovah as a teacher, and to Him he has submitted himself in docile susceptibility and immoveable obedience. Isaiah 50:5 “The Lord Jehovah hath opened mine ear; and I, I was not rebellious, and did not turn back.” He put him into a position inwardly to discern His will, that he might become the mediator of divine revelation; and he did not set himself against this calling ( m ârâh , according to its radical meaning stringere , to make one's self rigid against any one, ἀντιτείνειν ), and did not draw back from obeying the call, which, as he well knew, would not bring him earthly honour and gain, but rather shame and ill-treatment. Ever since he had taken the path of his calling, he had not drawn timidly back from the sufferings with which it was connected, but had rather cheerfully taken them upon him. V.6 “I offered my back to smiters, and my cheeks to them that pluck off the hair; I hid not my face from shame and spitting.” He offered his back to such as smote it, his cheeks to such as plucked out the hair of his beard ( m ârat as in Nehemiah 13:25). He did not hide his face, to cover it up from actual insults, or from being spit upon (on k e limmōth with rōq , smiting on the cheek, κολαφίζειν , strokes with rods, ῥαπίζειν , blows upon the head, τύπτειν εἰς τὴν κεφαλήν with ἐμπτύειν , compare Matthew 26:67; Matthew 27:30; John 18:22). The way of his calling leads through a shameful condition of humiliation. What was typified in Job (see Isaiah 30:10; Isaiah 17:6), and prefigured typically and prophetically in the Psalms of David (see Psalms 22:7; Psalms 69:8), finds in him its perfect antitypical fulfilment.

Verse 7

But no shame makes him faint-hearted; he trusts in Him who hath called him, and looks to the end. “But the Lord Jehovah will help me; therefore have I not suffered myself to be overcome by mockery: therefore did I make my face like the flint, and knew that I should not be put to shame.” The ו introduces the thought with which his soul was filled amidst all his sufferings. In נכלמתּי לא he affirms, that he did not suffer himself to be inwardly overcome and overpowered by k e limmâh . The consciousness of his high calling remained undisturbed; he was never ashamed of that, nor did he turn away from it. The two על־כּן stand side by side upon the same line. He made his face kachallâmı̄sh (from c hâlam , related to gâlam in Isaiah 49:21, with the substantive termination ı̄sh : see Jeshurun , p. 229), i.e., he made it as unfelling as a flint-stone to the attacks of his foes (cf., Ezekiel 3:8-9). The lxx renders this ἔθηκα τὸ πρόσωπον μου ὡς στερεὰν πέτραν ; but ἐστήριξα τὸ πρός , which is the rendering given to פני שׂים in Jeremiah 21:10, would have been just the proper rendering here (see Luke 9:51). In “holy hardness of endurance,” as Stier says, he turned his face to his antagonists, without being subdued or frightened away, and was well assured that He whose cause he represented would never leave him in the lurch.

Verse 8-9

In the midst of his continued sufferings he was still certain of victory, feeling himself exalted above every human accusation, and knowing that Jehovah would acknowledge him; whereas his opponents were on the way to that destruction, the germ of which they already carried with them. “He is near that justifieth me; who will contend with me?! We will draw near together! Who is my adversary in judgment?! Let him draw near to me! Behold, the Lord Jehovah will help me; who is he that could condemn me?! Behold, they all shall fall to pieces like a garment; the moth shall eat them up.” הצדּיו and הרשׁיע are forensic antitheses: the former signifies to set one forth, both practically and judicially, as righteous (2 Samuel 15:4; Psalms 82:3); the latter as guilty, רשׁע (Deuteronomy 25:1; Psalms 109:7). נעמדה , which has lost the principal tone on account of the following יחד ( יּהד ), has m unach instead of m etheg in the antepenultimate. Ba‛al m ishpâtı̄ means, “he who has a judicial cause of lawsuit against me,” just as in Roman law the dominus litis is distinguished from the procurator, i.e., from the person who represents him in court (syn. ba‛al d e bhârı̄m , Exodus 24:14, and 'ı̄sh rı̄bhı̄ in Job 31:35; compare Isaiah 41:11). מי־הוּא are connected, and form an emphatic τίς , Romans 8:34 (Ewald §325, a ). “All of them” ( kullâm ): this refers to all who are hostile to him. They fall to pieces like a worn-out garment, and fall a prey to the moth which they already carry within them - a figure which we meet with again in Isaiah 51:8 (cf., Job 13:28; Hosea 5:12), and one which, although apparently insignificant, is yet really a terrible one, inasmuch as it points to a power of destruction working imperceptibly and slowly, but yet effecting the destruction of the object selected with all the greater certainty.

Verse 10-11

Thus far we have the words of the servant. The prophecy opened with words of Jehovah (Isaiah 50:1-3), and with such words it closes, as we may see from the expression, “this shall ye have at my hand,” in Isaiah 50:11 . The first word of Jehovah is addressed to those who fear Him, and hearken to the voice of His servant. Isaiah 50:10 “Who among you is fearing Jehovah, hearkening to the voice of His servant? He that walketh in darkness, and without a ray of light, let him trust in the name of Jehovah, and stay himself upon his God.” The question is asked for the purpose of showing to any one who could reply, “I am one, or wish to be such an one,” what his duty and his privileges are. In the midst of the apparent hopelessness of his situation ( c hăshēkhı̄m the accusative of the object, and plural to c hăshēkhâh , Isaiah 8:22), and of his consequent despondency of mind, he is to trust in the name of Jehovah, that firmest and surest of all grounds of trust, and to stay himself upon his God, who cannot forsake or deceive him. He is to believe (Isaiah 7:9; Isaiah 28:16; Habakkuk 2:4) in God and the word of salvation, for בטח and נשׁען are terms applied to that fiducia fidei which is the essence of faith. The second word of Jehovah is addressed to the despisers of His word, of which His servant is the bearer. Isaiah 50:11 “Behold, all ye that kindle fire, that equip yourselves with burning darts, away into the glow of your fire, and into the burning darts that ye have kindled! This comes to you from my hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow.” The fire is not the fire of divine wrath (Jeremiah 17:4), but the fire of wickedness ( rish‛âh , Isaiah 9:17), more especially that hellish fire with which an evil tongue is set on fire (James 3:6); for the zı̄qōth (equivalent to ziqqōth , from zēq = zinq , from zânaq , to spring, to let fly, Syr. to shoot or hurl), i.e., shots, and indeed burning arrows (Psalms 7:14), are figurative, and stand for the blasphemies and anathemas which they cast at the servant of Jehovah. It is quite unnecessary to read מאירי instead of מאזּרי , as Hitzig, Ewald, and Knobel propose, or even, contrary to all usage of speech, מאורי . The former is the more pictorial: they gird burning darts, accingunt malleolos , i.e., they equip or arm themselves with them for the purpose of attack (Isaiah 45:5). But the destruction which they prepare for the servant of Jehovah becomes their own. They themselves have to go into the midst of the burning fire and the burning darts, that they have set on fire. The hand of Jehovah suddenly inverts the position; the fire of wrath becomes the fire of divine judgment, and this fire becomes their bed of torment. The lxx has it correctly, ἐν λύπῃ κοιμηθήσεσθε . The Lamed indicates the situation (Ewald, §217, d ). תּשׁכּבוּן with the tone upon the last syllable gives a dictatorial conclusion. It has a terrible sound, but still more terrible (apart from the future state) is the historical fulfilment that presents itself to the eye.