Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 50 » Verse 8

Isaiah 50:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 He is near H7138 that justifieth H6663 me; who will contend H7378 with me? let us stand H5975 together: H3162 who is mine adversary? H1167 H4941 let him come near H5066 to me.

Cross Reference

Isaiah 41:1 STRONG

Keep silence H2790 before me, O islands; H339 and let the people H3816 renew H2498 their strength: H3581 let them come near; H5066 then let them speak: H1696 let us come near H7126 together H3162 to judgment. H4941

Romans 8:32-34 STRONG

He that G3739 G1065 spared G5339 not G3756 his own G2398 Son, G5207 but G235 delivered G3860 him G846 up G3860 for G5228 us G2257 all, G3956 how G4459 shall he G5483 not G3780 with G4862 him G846 also G2532 freely give G5483 us G2254 all things? G3956 Who G5101 shall lay any thing G1458 to the charge G2596 of God's G2316 elect? G1588 It is God G2316 that justifieth. G1344 Who G5101 is he that condemneth? G2632 It is Christ G5547 that died, G599 yea G1161 rather, G3123 G2532 that is risen again, G1453 who G3739 is G2076 even G2532 at G1722 the right hand G1188 of God, G2316 who G3739 also G2532 maketh intercession G1793 for G5228 us. G2257

Revelation 12:10 STRONG

And G2532 I heard G191 a loud G3173 voice G5456 saying G3004 in G1722 heaven, G3772 Now G737 is come G1096 salvation, G4991 and G2532 strength, G1411 and G2532 the kingdom G932 of our G2257 God, G2316 and G2532 the power G1849 of his G846 Christ: G5547 for G3754 the accuser G2723 of our G2257 brethren G80 is cast down, G2598 which G3588 accused G2725 them G846 before G1799 our G2257 God G2316 day G2250 and G2532 night. G3571

Exodus 22:9 STRONG

For all manner H1697 of trespass, H6588 whether it be for ox, H7794 for ass, H2543 for sheep, H7716 for raiment, H8008 or for any manner of lost thing, H9 which another challengeth H559 to be his, the cause H1697 of both parties H8147 shall come H935 before the judges; H430 and whom the judges H430 shall condemn, H7561 he shall pay H7999 double H8147 unto his neighbour. H7453

Deuteronomy 19:17 STRONG

Then both H8147 the men, H582 between whom the controversy H7379 is, shall stand H5975 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 before H6440 the priests H3548 and the judges, H8199 which shall be in those days; H3117

Job 23:3-7 STRONG

Oh that H5414 I knew H3045 where I might find H4672 him! that I might come H935 even to his seat! H8499 I would order H6186 my cause H4941 before H6440 him, and fill H4390 my mouth H6310 with arguments. H8433 I would know H3045 the words H4405 which he would answer H6030 me, and understand H995 what he would say H559 unto me. Will he plead H7378 against H5978 me with his great H7230 power? H3581 No; but he would put H7760 strength in me. There the righteous H3477 might dispute H3198 with him; so should I be delivered H6403 for ever H5331 from my judge. H8199

Isaiah 41:21 STRONG

Produce H7126 your cause, H7379 saith H559 the LORD; H3068 bring forth H5066 your strong H6110 reasons, saith H559 the King H4428 of Jacob. H3290

Isaiah 43:26 STRONG

Put me in remembrance: H2142 let us plead H8199 together: H3162 declare H5608 thou, that thou mayest be justified. H6663

Zechariah 3:1-10 STRONG

And he shewed H7200 me Joshua H3091 the high H1419 priest H3548 standing H5975 before H6440 the angel H4397 of the LORD, H3068 and Satan H7854 standing H5975 at his right hand H3225 to resist H7853 him. And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Satan, H7854 The LORD H3068 rebuke H1605 thee, O Satan; H7854 even the LORD H3068 that hath chosen H977 Jerusalem H3389 rebuke H1605 thee: is not this a brand H181 plucked H5337 out of the fire? H784 Now Joshua H3091 was clothed H3847 with filthy H6674 garments, H899 and stood H5975 before H6440 the angel. H4397 And he answered H6030 and spake H559 unto those that stood H5975 before H6440 him, saying, H559 Take away H5493 the filthy H6674 garments H899 from him. And unto him he said, H559 Behold, H7200 I have caused thine iniquity H5771 to pass H5674 from thee, and I will clothe H3847 thee with change of raiment. H4254 And I said, H559 Let them set H7760 a fair H2889 mitre H6797 upon his head. H7218 So they set H7760 a fair H2889 mitre H6797 upon his head, H7218 and clothed H3847 him with garments. H899 And the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 stood by. H5975 And the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 protested H5749 unto Joshua, H3091 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 If thou wilt walk H3212 in my ways, H1870 and if thou wilt keep H8104 my charge, H4931 then thou shalt also judge H1777 my house, H1004 and shalt also keep H8104 my courts, H2691 and I will give H5414 thee places to walk H4108 among these that stand by. H5975 Hear H8085 now, O Joshua H3091 the high H1419 priest, H3548 thou, and thy fellows H7453 that sit H3427 before H6440 thee: for they are men H582 wondered at: H4159 for, behold, I will bring forth H935 my servant H5650 the BRANCH. H6780 For behold the stone H68 that I have laid H5414 before H6440 Joshua; H3091 upon one H259 stone H68 shall be seven H7651 eyes: H5869 behold, I will engrave H6605 the graving H6603 thereof, saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and I will remove H4185 the iniquity H5771 of that land H776 in one H259 day. H3117 In that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 shall ye call H7121 every man H376 his neighbour H7453 under the vine H1612 and under the fig tree. H8384

Matthew 5:25 STRONG

Agree G2468 G2132 with thine G4675 adversary G476 quickly, G5035 whiles G2193 G3755 thou art G1488 in G1722 the way G3598 with G3326 him; G846 lest at any time G3379 the adversary G476 deliver G3860 thee G4571 to the judge, G2923 and G2532 the judge G2923 deliver G3860 thee G4571 to the officer, G5257 and G2532 thou be cast G906 into G1519 prison. G5438

1 Timothy 3:16 STRONG

And G2532 without controversy G3672 great G3173 is G2076 the mystery G3466 of godliness: G2150 God G2316 was manifest G5319 in G1722 the flesh, G4561 justified G1344 in G1722 the Spirit, G4151 seen G3700 of angels, G32 preached G2784 unto G1722 the Gentiles, G1484 believed on G4100 in G1722 the world, G2889 received up G353 into G1722 glory. G1391

Commentary on Isaiah 50 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 50:1-11. The Judgments on Israel Were Provoked by Their Crimes, yet They Are Not Finally Cast Off by God.

1. Where … mothers divorcement—Zion is "the mother"; the Jews are the children; and God the Husband and Father (Isa 54:5; 62:5; Jer 3:14). Gesenius thinks that God means by the question to deny that He had given "a bill of divorcement" to her, as was often done on slight pretexts by a husband (De 24:1), or that He had "sold" His and her "children," as a poor parent sometimes did (Ex 21:7; 2Ki 4:1; Ne 5:5) under pressure of his "creditors"; that it was they who sold themselves through their own sins. Maurer explains, "Show the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom … ; produce the creditors to whom ye have been sold; so it will be seen that it was not from any caprice of Mine, but through your own fault, your mother has been put away, and you sold" (Isa 52:3). Horsley best explains (as the antithesis between "I" and "yourselves" shows, though Lowth translates, "Ye are sold") I have never given your mother a regular bill of divorcement; I have merely "put her away" for a time, and can, therefore, by right as her husband still take her back on her submission; I have not made you, the children, over to any "creditor" to satisfy a debt; I therefore still have the right of a father over you, and can take you back on repentance, though as rebellious children you have sold yourselves to sin and its penalty (1Ki 21:25).

bill … whom—rather, "the bill with which I have put her away" [Maurer].

2. I—Messiah.

no man—willing to believe in and obey Me (Isa 52:1, 3). The same Divine Person had "come" by His prophets in the Old Testament (appealing to them, but in vain, Jer 7:25, 26), who was about to come under the New Testament.

hand shortened—the Oriental emblem of weakness, as the long stretched-out hand is of power (Isa 59:1). Notwithstanding your sins, I can still "redeem" you from your bondage and dispersion.

dry up … sea—(Ex 14:21). The second exodus shall exceed, while it resembles in wonders, the first (Isa 11:11, 15; 51:15).

make … rivers … wilderness—turn the prosperity of Israel's foes into adversity.

fish stinketh—the very judgment inflicted on their Egyptian enemies at the first exodus (Ex 7:18, 21).

3. heavens … blackness—another of the judgments on Egypt to be repeated hereafter on the last enemy of God's people (Ex 10:21).

sackcloth—(Re 6:12).

4. Messiah, as "the servant of Jehovah" (Isa 42:1), declares that the office has been assigned to Him of encouraging the "weary" exiles of Israel by "words in season" suited to their case; and that, whatever suffering it is to cost Himself, He does not shrink from it (Isa 50:5, 6), for that He knows His cause will triumph at last (Isa 50:7, 8).

learned—not in mere human learning, but in divinely taught modes of instruction and eloquence (Isa 49:2; Ex 4:11; Mt 7:28, 29; 13:54).

speak a word in season—(Pr 15:23; 25:11). Literally, "to succor by words," namely, in their season of need, the "weary" dispersed ones of Israel (De 28:65-67). Also, the spiritual "weary" (Isa 42:3; Mt 11:28).

wakeneth morning by morning, &c.—Compare "daily rising up early" (Jer 7:25; Mr 1:35). The image is drawn from a master wakening his pupils early for instruction.

wakeneth … ear—prepares me for receiving His divine instructions.

as the learned—as one taught by Him. He "learned obedience," experimentally, "by the things which He suffered"; thus gaining that practical learning which adapted Him for "speaking a word in season" to suffering men (Heb 5:8).

5. opened … ear—(See on Isa 42:20; Isa 48:8); that is, hath made me obediently attentive (but Maurer, "hath informed me of my duty"), as a servant to his master (compare Ps 40:6-8, with Php 2:7; Isa 42:1; 49:3, 6; 52:13; 53:11; Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27).

not rebellious—but, on the contrary, most willing to do the Father's will in proclaiming and procuring salvation for man, at the cost of His own sufferings (Heb 10:5-10).

6. smiters—with scourges and with the open hand (Isa 52:14; Mr 14:65). Literally fulfilled (Mt 27:26; 26:27; Lu 18:33). To "pluck the hair" is the highest insult that can be offered an Oriental (2Sa 10:4; La 3:30). "I gave" implies the voluntary nature of His sufferings; His example corresponds to His precept (Mt 5:39).

spitting—To spit in another's presence is an insult in the East, much more on one; most of all in the face (Job 30:10; Mt 27:30; Lu 18:32).

7. Sample of His not being "discouraged" (Isa 42:4; 49:5).

set … face like … flint—set Myself resolutely, not to be daunted from My work of love by shame or suffering (Eze 3:8, 9).

8. (Isa 49:4). The believer, by virtue of his oneness with Christ, uses the same language (Ps 138:8; Ro 8:32-34). But "justify" in His case, is God's judicial acceptance and vindication of Him on the ground of His own righteousness (Lu 23:44-47; Ro 1:4; 1Ti 3:16, with which compare 1Pe 3:18); in their case, on the ground of His righteousness and meritorious death imputed to them (Ro 5:19).

stand together—in judgment, to try the issue.

adversary—literally, "master of my cause," that is, who has real ground of accusation against me, so that he can demand judgment to be given in his favor (compare Zec 3:1, &c. Re 12:10).

9. (Compare "deal," or "proper," Isa 52:13, Margin; Isa 53:10; Ps 118:6; Jer 23:5).

as a garment—(Isa 51:6, 8; Ps 102:26). A leading constituent of wealth in the East is change of raiment, which is always liable to the inroads of the moth; hence the frequency of the image in Scripture.

10. Messiah exhorts the godly after His example (Isa 49:4, 5; 42:4) when in circumstances of trial ("darkness," Isa 47:5), to trust in the arm of Jehovah alone.

Who is, &c.—that is, Whosoever (Jud 7:3).

obeyeth … servant—namely, Messiah. The godly "honor the Son, even as they honor the Father" (Joh 5:23).

darkness—(Mic 7:8, 9). God never had a son who was not sometimes in the dark. For even Christ, His only Son, cried out, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

light—rather, "splendor"; bright sunshine; for the servant of God is never wholly without "light" [Vitringa]. A godly man's way may be dark, but his end shall be peace and light. A wicked man's way may be bright, but his end shall be utter darkness (Ps 112:4; 97:11; 37:24).

let him trust in the name of the Lord—as Messiah did (Isa 50:8, 9).

11. In contrast to the godly (Isa 50:10), the wicked, in times of darkness, instead of trusting in God, trust in themselves (kindle a light for themselves to walk by) (Ec 11:9). The image is continued from Isa 50:10, "darkness"; human devices for salvation (Pr 19:21; 16:9, 25) are like the spark that goes out in an instant in darkness (compare Job 18:6; 21:17, with Ps 18:28).

sparks—not a steady light, but blazing sparks extinguished in a moment.

walk—not a command, but implying that as surely as they would do so, they should lie down in sorrow (Jer 3:25). In exact proportion to mystic Babylon's previous "glorifying" of herself shall be her sorrow (Mt 25:30; 8:12; Re 18:7).