Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 52 » Verse 6

Isaiah 52:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 Therefore my people H5971 shall know H3045 my name: H8034 therefore they shall know in that day H3117 that I am he that doth speak: H1696 behold, it is I.

Cross Reference

Exodus 33:19 STRONG

And he said, H559 I will make all my goodness H2898 pass H5674 before thee, and I will proclaim H7121 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 before H6440 thee; and will be gracious H2603 to whom I will be gracious, H2603 and will shew mercy H7355 on whom I will shew mercy. H7355

Exodus 34:5-7 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 descended H3381 in the cloud, H6051 and stood H3320 with him there, and proclaimed H7121 the name H8034 of the LORD. H3068 And the LORD H3068 passed by H5674 before him, H6440 and proclaimed, H7121 The LORD, H3068 The LORD H3068 God, H410 merciful H7349 and gracious, H2587 longsuffering, H750 H639 and abundant H7227 in goodness H2617 and truth, H571 Keeping H5341 mercy H2617 for thousands, H505 forgiving H5375 iniquity H5771 and transgression H6588 and sin, H2403 and that will by no means H5352 clear H5352 the guilty; visiting H6485 the iniquity H5771 of the fathers H1 upon the children, H1121 and upon the children's H1121 children, unto the third H8029 and to the fourth H7256 generation.

Numbers 23:19 STRONG

God H410 is not a man, H376 that he should lie; H3576 neither the son H1121 of man, H120 that he should repent: H5162 hath he said, H559 and shall he not do H6213 it? or hath he spoken, H1696 and shall he not make it good? H6965

Psalms 48:10 STRONG

According to thy name, H8034 O God, H430 so is thy praise H8416 unto the ends H7099 of the earth: H776 thy right hand H3225 is full H4390 of righteousness. H6664

Isaiah 42:9 STRONG

Behold, the former things H7223 are come to pass, H935 and new things H2319 do I declare: H5046 before they spring forth H6779 I tell H8085 you of them.

Isaiah 49:23 STRONG

And kings H4428 shall be thy nursing fathers, H539 and their queens H8282 thy nursing mothers: H3243 they shall bow down H7812 to thee with their face H639 toward the earth, H776 and lick up H3897 the dust H6083 of thy feet; H7272 and thou shalt know H3045 that I am the LORD: H3068 for they shall not be ashamed H954 that wait H6960 for me.

Ezekiel 20:44 STRONG

And ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD, H3068 when I have wrought H6213 with you for my name's H8034 sake, not according to your wicked H7451 ways, H1870 nor according to your corrupt H7843 doings, H5949 O ye house H1004 of Israel, H3478 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Ezekiel 37:13-14 STRONG

And ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD, H3068 when I have opened H6605 your graves, H6913 O my people, H5971 and brought you up H5927 out of your graves, H6913 And shall put H5414 my spirit H7307 in you, and ye shall live, H2421 and I shall place H3240 you in your own land: H127 then shall ye know H3045 that I the LORD H3068 have spoken H1696 it, and performed H6213 it, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Ezekiel 39:27-29 STRONG

When I have brought them again H7725 from the people, H5971 and gathered H6908 them out of their enemies' H341 lands, H776 and am sanctified H6942 in them in the sight H5869 of many H7227 nations; H1471 Then shall they know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 their God, H430 which caused them to be led into captivity H1540 among the heathen: H1471 but I have gathered H3664 them unto their own land, H127 and have left H3498 none of them any more there. Neither will I hide H5641 my face H6440 any more from them: for I have poured out H8210 my spirit H7307 upon the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Zechariah 10:9-12 STRONG

And I will sow H2232 them among the people: H5971 and they shall remember H2142 me in far countries; H4801 and they shall live H2421 with their children, H1121 and turn again. H7725 I will bring them again H7725 also out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and gather H6908 them out of Assyria; H804 and I will bring H935 them into the land H776 of Gilead H1568 and Lebanon; H3844 and place shall not be found H4672 for them. And he shall pass through H5674 the sea H3220 with affliction, H6869 and shall smite H5221 the waves H1530 in the sea, H3220 and all the deeps H4688 of the river H2975 shall dry up: H3001 and the pride H1347 of Assyria H804 shall be brought down, H3381 and the sceptre H7626 of Egypt H4714 shall depart away. H5493 And I will strengthen H1396 them in the LORD; H3068 and they shall walk up and down H1980 in his name, H8034 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Hebrews 6:14-18 STRONG

Saying, G3004 Surely G2229 G3375 blessing G2127 I will bless G2127 thee, G4571 and G2532 multiplying G4129 I will multiply G4129 thee. G4571 And G2532 so, G3779 after he had patiently endured, G3114 he obtained G2013 the promise. G1860 For G1063 men G444 verily G3303 swear G3660 by G2596 the greater: G3187 and G2532 an oath G3727 for G1519 confirmation G951 is to them G846 an end G4009 of all G3956 strife. G485 Wherein G1722 G3739 God, G2316 willing G1014 more abundantly G4054 to shew G1925 unto the heirs G2818 of promise G1860 the immutability G276 of his G846 counsel, G1012 confirmed G3315 it by an oath: G3727 That G2443 by G1223 two G1417 immutable G276 things, G4229 in G1722 which G3739 it was impossible G102 for God G2316 to lie, G5574 we might have G2192 a strong G2478 consolation, G3874 who G3588 have fled for refuge G2703 to lay hold G2902 upon the hope G1680 set before us: G4295

Hebrews 8:10-11 STRONG

For G3754 this G3778 is the covenant G1242 that G3739 I will make G1303 with the house G3624 of Israel G2474 after G3326 those G1565 days, G2250 saith G3004 the Lord; G2962 I will put G1325 my G3450 laws G3551 into G1519 their G846 mind, G1271 and G2532 write G1924 them G846 in G1909 their G846 hearts: G2588 and G2532 I will be G2071 to G1519 them G846 a God, G2316 and G2532 they G846 shall be G2071 to G1519 me G3427 a people: G2992 And G2532 they shall G1321 not G3364 teach G1321 every man G1538 his G846 neighbour, G4139 and G2532 every man G1538 his G846 brother, G80 saying, G3004 Know G1097 the Lord: G2962 for G3754 all G3956 shall know G1492 me, G3165 from G575 the least G3398 G846 to G2193 the greatest. G3173 G846

Commentary on Isaiah 52 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 52:1-15. First through Thirteen Verses Connected with Fifty-first Chapter.

Zion long in bondage (Isa 51:17-20) is called to put on beautiful garments appropriate to its future prosperity.

1. strength—as thy adornment; answering to "beautiful garments" in the parallel clause. Arouse thyself from dejection and assume confidence.

the holy city—(Ne 11:1; Re 21:2).

no more … unclean—(Isa 35:8; 60:21; Joe 3:17; Re 21:27). A prophecy never yet fulfilled.

uncircumcised—spiritually (Eze 44:9; Ac 7:51).

2. from the dust—the seat of mourners (Job 2:12, 13).

arise, and sit—namely, in a more dignified place: on a divan or a throne [Lowth], after having shaken off the dust gathered up by the flowing dress when seated on the ground; or simply, "Arise, and sit erect" [Maurer].

bands of … neck—the yoke of thy captivity.

3. As you became your foes' servants, without their paying any price for you (Jer 15:13), so they shall release you without demanding any price or reward (Isa 45:13), (where Cyrus is represented as doing so: a type of their final restoration gratuitously in like manner). So the spiritual Israel, "sold under sin," gratuitously (Ro 7:14), shall be redeemed also gratuitously (Isa 55:1).

4. My people—Jacob and his sons.

went down—Judea was an elevated country compared with Egypt.

sojourn—They went there to stay only till the famine in Canaan should have ceased.

Assyrian—Sennacherib. Remember how I delivered you from Egypt and the Assyrian; what, then, is to prevent Me from delivering you out of Babylon (and the mystical Babylon and the Antichrist in the last days)?

without cause—answering to "for naught" in Isa 52:5; it was an act of gratuitous oppression in the present case, as in that case.

5. what have I here—that is, what am I called on to do? The fact "that My people is taken away (into captivity; Isa 49:24, 25) for naught" (by gratuitous oppression, Isa 52:4; also Isa 52:3, and see on Isa 52:3) demands My interposition.

they that rule—or "tyrannize," namely, Babylon, literal and mystical.

make … to howl—or, raise a cry of exultation over them [Maurer].

blasphemed—namely, in Babylon: God's reason for delivering His people, not their goodness, but for the sake of His holy name (Eze 20:9, 14).

6. shall know in that day—when Christ shall reveal Himself to Israel sensibly; the only means whereby their obstinate unbelief shall be overcome (Ps 102:16; Zec 12:10; 14:5).

7. beautiful … feet—that is, The advent of such a herald seen on the distant "mountains" (see on Isa 40:9; Isa 41:27; Isa 25:6, 7; So 2:17) running in haste with the long-expected good tidings, is most grateful to the desolated city (Na 1:15).

good tidings—only partially applying to the return from Babylon. Fully, and antitypically, the Gospel (Lu 2:10, 11), "beginning at Jerusalem" (Lu 24:47), "the city of the great King" (Mt 5:35), where Messiah shall, at the final restoration of Israel, "reign" as peculiarly Zion's God ("Thy God reigneth"; compare Ps 2:6).

8. watchmen—set on towers separated by intervals to give the earliest notice of the approach of any messenger with tidings (compare Isa 21:6-8). The Hebrew is more forcible than English Version, "The voice of thy watchmen" (exclamatory as in So 2:8). "They lift up their voice! together they sing."

eye to eye—that is, close at hand, and so clearly [Gesenius]; Nu 14:14, "face to face"; Nu 12:8, "mouth to mouth." Compare 1Co 13:12; Re 22:4, of which Simeon's sight of the Saviour was a prefiguration (Lu 2:30). The watchmen, spiritually, are ministers and others who pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Isa 62:6, 7),

bring again—that is, restore. Or else, "return to" [Maurer].

9. (Isa 14:7, 8; 42:11).

redeemed—spiritually and nationally (Isa 48:20).

10. made bare … arm—metaphor from warriors who bare their arm for battle (Eze 4:7).

all … earth … see … salvation of … God—The deliverance wrought by God for Israel will cause all nations to acknowledge the Lord (Isa 66:18-20). The partial fulfilment (Lu 3:6) is a forerunner of the future complete fulfilment.

11. (Isa 48:20; Zec 2:6, 7). Long residence in Babylon made many loath to leave it: so as to mystical Babylon (Re 18:4).

ye … that bear … vessels of the Lord—the priests and Levites, whose office it was to carry the vessels of the temple (Jer 27:18). Nebuchadnezzar had carried them to Babylon (2Ch 36:18). Cyrus restored them (Ezr 1:7-11).

be … clean—by separating yourselves wholly from Babylonian idolaters, mystical and literal.

12. not … with haste—as when ye left Egypt (Ex 12:33, 39; De 16:3; compare Note, see on Isa 28:16). Ye shall have time to cleanse yourselves and make deliberate preparation for departure.

Lord—Jehovah, as your Leader in front (Isa 40:3; Ex 23:20; Mic 2:13).

rereward—literally, "gather up," that is, to bring up the rear of your host. The transition is frequent from the glory of Messiah in His advent to reign, to His humiliation in His advent to suffer. Indeed, so are both advents accounted one, that He is not said, in His second coming, to be about to return, but to come.

13. Here the fifty-third chapter ought to begin, and the fifty-second chapter end with Isa 52:12. This section, from here to end of the fifty-third chapter settles the controversy with the Jews, if Messiah be the person meant; and with infidels, if written by Isaiah, or at any time before Christ. The correspondence with the life and death of Jesus Christ is so minute, that it could not have resulted from conjecture or accident. An impostor could not have shaped the course of events so as to have made his character and life appear to be a fulfilment of it. The writing is, moreover, declaredly prophetic. The quotations of it in the New Testament show: (1) that it was, before the time of Jesus, a recognized part of the Old Testament; (2) that it refers to Messiah (Mt 8:17; Mr 15:28; Lu 22:37; Joh 12:38; Ac 8:28-35; Ro 10:16; 1Pe 2:21-25). The indirect allusions to it still more clearly prove the Messianic interpretation; so universal was that interpretation, that it is simply referred to in connection with the atoning virtue of His death, without being formally quoted (Mr 9:12; Ro 4:25; 1Co 15:3; 2Co 5:21; 1Pe 1:19; 2:21-25; 1Jo 3:5). The genuineness of the passage is certain; for the Jews would not have forged it, since it is opposed to their notion of Messiah, as a triumphant temporal prince. The Christians could not have forged it; for the Jews, the enemies of Christianity, are "our librarians" [Paley]. The Jews try to evade its force by the figment of two Messiahs, one a suffering Messiah (Ben Joseph), the other a triumphant Messiah (Ben David). Hillel maintained that Messiah has already come in the person of Hezekiah. Buxtorf states that many of the modern Rabbins believe that He has been come a good while, but will not manifest Himself because of the sins of the Jews. But the ancient Jews, as the Chaldee paraphrast, Jonathan, refer it to Messiah; so the Medrasch Tauchuma (a commentary on the Pentateuch); also Rabbi Moses Haddarschan (see Hengstenberg, Christology of the Old Testament). Some explain it of the Jewish people, either in the Babylonish exile, or in their present sufferings and dispersion. Others, the pious portion of the nation taken collectively, whose sufferings made a vicarious satisfaction for the ungodly. Others, Isaiah, or Jeremiah [Gesenius], the prophets collectively. But an individual is plainly described: he suffers voluntarily, innocently, patiently, and as the efficient cause of the righteousness of His people, which holds good of none other but Messiah (Isa 53:4-6, 9, 11; contrast Jer 20:7; 15:10-21; Ps 137:8, 9). Isa 53:9 can hold good of none other. The objection that the sufferings (Isa 53:1-10) referred to are represented as past, the glorification alone as future (Isa 52:13-15; 53:11, 12) arises from not seeing that the prophet takes his stand in the midst of the scenes which he describes as future. The greater nearness of the first advent, and the interval between it and the second, are implied by the use of the past tense as to the first, the future as to the second.

Behold—awakening attention to the striking picture of Messiah that follows (compare Joh 19:5, 14).

my servant—Messiah (Isa 42:1).

deal prudently—rather, "prosper" [Gesenius] as the parallel clause favors (Isa 53:10). Or, uniting both meanings, "shall reign well" [Hengstenberg]. This verse sets forth in the beginning the ultimate issue of His sufferings, the description of which follows: the conclusion (Isa 53:12) corresponds; the section (Isa 52:13; 53:12) begins as it ends with His final glory.

extolled—elevated (Mr 16:19; Eph 1:20-22; 1Pe 3:22).

14, 15. Summary of Messiah's history, which is set forth more in detail in the fifty-third chapter. "Just as many were astonished (accompanied with aversion, Jer 18:16; 19:8), &c.; his visage, &c.; so shall He sprinkle," &c.; Israel in this answers to its antitype Messiah, now "an astonishment and byword" (De 28:37), hereafter about to be a blessing and means of salvation to many nations (Isa 2:2, 3; Mic 5:7).

thee; his—Such changes of persons are common in Hebrew poetry.

marred—Hebrew, "disfigurement"; abstract for concrete; not only disfigured, but disfigurement itself.

more than man—Castalio translates, "so that it was no longer that of a man" (compare Ps 22:6). The more perfect we may suppose the "body prepared" (Heb 10:5) for Him by God, the sadder by contrast was the "marring" of His visage and form.

15. sprinkle many—Gesenius, for the antithesis to "be astonished," translates, "shall cause … to exult." But the word universally in the Old Testament means either to sprinkle with blood, as the high priest makes an expiation (Le 4:6; 16:18, 19); or with water, to purify (Eze 36:25; compare as to the Spirit, Ac 2:33), both appropriate to Messiah (Joh 13:8; Heb 9:13, 14; 10:22; 12:24; 1Pe 1:2). The antithesis is sufficient without any forced rendering. Many were astonished; so many (not merely men, but) nations shall be sprinkled. They were amazed at such an abject person claiming to be Messiah; yet it is He who shall justify and purify. Men were dumb with the amazement of scorn at one marred more than the lowest of men, yet the highest: even kings (Isa 49:7, 23) shall be dumb with awe and veneration ("shut … mouths"; Job 29:9, 10; Mic 7:16).

that … not … told them—the reason why kings shall so venerate them; the wonders of redemption, which had not been before told them, shall then be announced to them, wonders such as they had never heard or seen parallelled (Isa 55:1; Ro 15:21; 16:25, 26).