Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 52 » Verse 7

Isaiah 52:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 How beautiful H4998 upon the mountains H2022 are the feet H7272 of him that bringeth good tidings, H1319 that publisheth H8085 peace; H7965 that bringeth good tidings H1319 of good, H2896 that publisheth H8085 salvation; H3444 that saith H559 unto Zion, H6726 Thy God H430 reigneth! H4427

Cross Reference

Romans 10:12-15 STRONG

For G1063 there is G2076 no G3756 difference G1293 between G5037 the Jew G2453 and G2532 the Greek: G1672 for G1063 the same G846 Lord G2962 over all G3956 is rich G4147 unto G1519 all G3956 that call upon G1941 him. G846 For G3956 G1063 whosoever G3739 G302 shall call upon G1941 the name G3686 of the Lord G2962 shall be saved. G4982 How G4459 then G3767 shall they call on G1941 him in G1519 whom G3739 they have G4100 not G3756 believed? G4100 and G1161 how G4459 shall they believe in G4100 him of whom G3739 they have G191 not G3756 heard? G191 and G1161 how G4459 shall they hear G191 without G5565 a preacher? G2784 And G1161 how G4459 shall they preach, G2784 except G3362 they be sent? G649 as G2531 it is written, G1125 How G5613 beautiful G5611 are the feet of them G4228 that preach the gospel G2097 of peace, G1515 and bring glad tidings G2097 of good things! G18

Isaiah 40:9 STRONG

O Zion, H6726 that bringest good tidings, H1319 get thee up H5927 into the high H1364 mountain; H2022 O Jerusalem, H3389 that bringest good tidings, H1319 lift up H7311 thy voice H6963 with strength; H3581 lift it up, H7311 be not afraid; H3372 say H559 unto the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 Behold your God! H430

Nahum 1:15 STRONG

Behold upon the mountains H2022 the feet H7272 of him that bringeth good tidings, H1319 that publisheth H8085 peace! H7965 O Judah, H3063 keep H2287 thy solemn feasts, H2282 perform H7999 thy vows: H5088 for the wicked H1100 shall no more H3254 pass through H5674 thee; he is utterly cut off. H3772

Luke 2:10 STRONG

And G2532 the angel G32 said G2036 unto them, G846 Fear G5399 not: G3361 for, G1063 behold, G2400 I bring G2097 you G5213 good tidings G2097 of great G3173 joy, G5479 which G3748 shall be G2071 to all G3956 people. G2992

Isaiah 24:23 STRONG

Then the moon H3842 shall be confounded, H2659 and the sun H2535 ashamed, H954 when the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall reign H4427 in mount H2022 Zion, H6726 and in Jerusalem, H3389 and before his ancients H2205 gloriously. H3519

Psalms 93:1 STRONG

The LORD H3068 reigneth, H4427 he is clothed H3847 with majesty; H1348 the LORD H3068 is clothed H3847 with strength, H5797 wherewith he hath girded H247 himself: the world H8398 also is stablished, H3559 that it cannot be moved. H4131

Mark 16:15 STRONG

And G2532 he said G2036 unto them, G846 Go ye G4198 into G1519 all G537 the world, G2889 and preach G2784 the gospel G2098 to every G3956 creature. G2937

Matthew 28:18 STRONG

And G2532 Jesus G2424 came G4334 and spake G2980 unto them, G846 saying, G3004 All G3956 power G1849 is given G1325 unto me G3427 in G1722 heaven G3772 and G2532 in G1909 earth. G1093

Zechariah 9:9 STRONG

Rejoice H1523 greatly, H3966 O daughter H1323 of Zion; H6726 shout, H7321 O daughter H1323 of Jerusalem: H3389 behold, thy King H4428 cometh H935 unto thee: he is just, H6662 and having salvation; H3467 lowly, H6041 and riding H7392 upon an ass, H2543 and upon a colt H5895 the foal H1121 of an ass. H860

Isaiah 61:1-3 STRONG

The Spirit H7307 of the Lord H136 GOD H3069 is upon me; because the LORD H3068 hath anointed H4886 me to preach good tidings H1319 unto the meek; H6035 he hath sent H7971 me to bind up H2280 the brokenhearted, H7665 H3820 to proclaim H7121 liberty H1865 to the captives, H7617 and the opening of the prison H6495 to them that are bound; H631 To proclaim H7121 the acceptable H7522 year H8141 of the LORD, H3068 and the day H3117 of vengeance H5359 of our God; H430 to comfort H5162 all that mourn; H57 To appoint H7760 unto them that mourn H57 in Zion, H6726 to give H5414 unto them beauty H6287 for ashes, H665 the oil H8081 of joy H8342 for mourning, H60 the garment H4594 of praise H8416 for the spirit H7307 of heaviness; H3544 that they might be called H7121 trees H352 of righteousness, H6664 the planting H4302 of the LORD, H3068 that he might be glorified. H6286

Isaiah 33:22 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 is our judge, H8199 the LORD H3068 is our lawgiver, H2710 the LORD H3068 is our king; H4428 he will save H3467 us.

Song of Solomon 2:8 STRONG

The voice H6963 of my beloved! H1730 behold, he cometh H935 leaping H1801 upon the mountains, H2022 skipping H7092 upon the hills. H1389

Revelation 14:6 STRONG

And G2532 I saw G1492 another G243 angel G32 fly G4072 in G1722 the midst of heaven, G3321 having G2192 the everlasting G166 gospel G2098 to preach G2097 unto them that dwell G2730 on G1909 the earth, G1093 and G2532 to every G3956 nation, G1484 and G2532 kindred, G5443 and G2532 tongue, G1100 and G2532 people, G2992

Revelation 11:15 STRONG

And G2532 the seventh G1442 angel G32 sounded; G4537 and G2532 there were G1096 great G3173 voices G5456 in G1722 heaven, G3772 saying, G3004 The kingdoms G932 of this world G2889 are become G1096 the kingdoms of our G2257 Lord, G2962 and G2532 of his G846 Christ; G5547 and G2532 he shall reign G936 for G1519 ever G165 and ever. G165

Ephesians 6:15 STRONG

And G2532 your feet G4228 shod G5265 with G1722 the preparation G2091 of the gospel G2098 of peace; G1515

Acts 10:36-38 STRONG

The word G3056 which G3739 God sent G649 unto the children G5207 of Israel, G2474 preaching G2097 peace G1515 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547 (he G3778 is G2076 Lord G2962 of all:) G3956 That word, G4487 I say, ye G5210 know, G1492 which was published G1096 throughout G2596 all G3650 Judaea, G2449 and began G756 from G575 Galilee, G1056 after G3326 the baptism G908 which G3739 John G2491 preached; G2784 How G5613 God G2316 anointed G5548 Jesus G2424 of G575 Nazareth G3478 with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 and G2532 with power: G1411 who G846 G3739 went about G1330 doing good, G2109 and G2532 healing G2390 all G3956 that were oppressed G2616 of G5259 the devil; G1228 for G3754 God G2316 was G2258 with G3326 him. G846

Luke 24:47 STRONG

And G2532 that repentance G3341 and G2532 remission G859 of sins G266 should be preached G2784 in G1909 his G846 name G3686 among G1519 all G3956 nations, G1484 beginning G756 at G575 Jerusalem. G2419

Micah 4:7 STRONG

And I will make H7760 her that halted H6760 a remnant, H7611 and her that was cast far off H1972 a strong H6099 nation: H1471 and the LORD H3068 shall reign H4427 over them in mount H2022 Zion H6726 from henceforth, even for H5704 ever. H5769

Psalms 99:1 STRONG

The LORD H3068 reigneth; H4427 let the people H5971 tremble: H7264 he sitteth H3427 between the cherubims; H3742 let the earth H776 be moved. H5120

Psalms 96:10 STRONG

Say H559 among the heathen H1471 that the LORD H3068 reigneth: H4427 the world H8398 also shall be established H3559 that it shall not be moved: H4131 he shall judge H1777 the people H5971 righteously. H4339

Psalms 68:11 STRONG

The Lord H136 gave H5414 the word: H562 great H7227 was the company H6635 of those that published H1319 it.

Matthew 25:34 STRONG

Then G5119 shall the King G935 say G2046 unto them on G1537 his G846 right hand, G1188 Come, G1205 ye blessed G2127 of my G3450 Father, G3962 inherit G2816 the kingdom G932 prepared G2090 for you G5213 from G575 the foundation G2602 of the world: G2889

Psalms 59:13 STRONG

Consume H3615 them in wrath, H2534 consume H3615 them, that they may not be: and let them know H3045 that God H430 ruleth H4910 in Jacob H3290 unto the ends H657 of the earth. H776 Selah. H5542

Mark 13:10 STRONG

And G2532 the gospel G2098 must G1163 first G4412 be published G2784 among G1519 all G3956 nations. G1484

Psalms 97:1 STRONG

The LORD H3068 reigneth; H4427 let the earth H776 rejoice; H1523 let the multitude H7227 of isles H339 be glad H8055 thereof.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Isaiah 52

Commentary on Isaiah 52 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1-2

The same call, which was addressed in Isaiah 51:9 to the arm of Jehovah that was then represented as sleeping, is here addressed to Jerusalem, which is represented as a sleeping woman. “Awake, awake; clothe thyself in thy might, O Zion; clothe thyself in thy state dresses, O Jerusalem, thou holy city: for henceforth there will no more enter into thee one uncircumcised and unclean! Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the chains of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion!” Jerusalem is lying upon the ground stupefied with the wrath of God, and exhausted with grief; but this shameful prostration and degradation will now come to an end. She is to rise up and put on her might, which has long been broken down, and apparently has altogether disappeared, but which can and must be constantly renewed, because it rests upon the foundation of an inviolable promise. She is to wake up and recover her ancient power, and put on her state robes, i.e., her priestly and royal ornaments, which belong to her as a “royal city,” i.e., as the city of Jehovah had His anointed one. For henceforth she will be what she was always intended to be, and that without any further desecration. Heathen, uncircumcised, and those who were unclean in heart and flesh (Ezekiel 44:9), had entered her by force, and desecrated her: heathen, who had no right to enter the congregation of Jehovah as they were (Lamentations 1:10). But she should no longer be defiled, not to say conquered, by such invaders as these (Joel 3:17; Nahum 2:1 ; compare Joel 3:7 with Nahum 2:1 ). On the construction non perget intrabit = intrare , see Ges. §142, 3, c . In Isaiah 52:2 the idea of the city falls into the background, and that of the nation takes its place. ירולשׁם שׁבי does not mean “captive people of Jerusalem,” however, as Hitzig supposes, for this would require שׁביה in accordance with the personification, as in Isaiah 52:2 . The rendering supported by the lxx is the true one, “Sit down, O Jerusalem;” and this is also the way in which it is accentuated. The exhortation is the counterpart of Isaiah 47:1. Jerusalem is sitting upon the ground as a prisoner, having no seat to sit upon; but this is only that she may be the more highly exalted; - whereas the daughter of Babylon is seated as a queen upon a throne, but only to be the more deeply degraded. The former is now to shake herself free from the dust, and to rise up and sit down (viz., upon a throne, Targum). The captive daughter of Zion ( sh e bhiyyâh , αἰχμάλωτος , Exodus 12:29, an adjective written first for the sake of emphasis, as in Isaiah 10:30; Isaiah 53:11) is to undo for herself ( sibi laxare according to p. 62, note, like hithnachēl , Isaiah 14:2, sibi possidendo capere ) the chains of her neck ( the chethib התפתחו , they loosen themselves, is opposed to the beautiful parallelism); for she who was mourning in her humiliation is to be restored to honour once more, and she who was so shamefully laden with fetters to liberty.

Verses 3-6

The reason for the address is now given in a well-sustained promise. “For thus saith Jehovah, Ye have been sold for nothing, and ye shall not be redeemed with silver. For thus saith the Lord Jehovah, My people went down to Egypt in the beginning to dwell there as guests; and Asshur has oppressed it for nothing. And now, what have I to do here? saith Jehovah: for my people are taken away for nothing; their oppressors shriek, saith Jehovah, and my name is continually blasphemed all the day. Therefore my people shall learn my name; therefore, in that day, that I am He who saith, There am I.” Ye have been sold (this is the meaning of Isaiah 52:3); but this selling is merely a giving over to a foreign power, without the slightest advantage accusing to Him who had no other object in view than to cause them to atone for their sins (Isaiah 50:1), and without any other people taking their place, and serving Him in their stead as an equivalent for the loss He sustained. And there would be no need of silver to purchase the favour of Him who had given them up, since a manifestation of divine power would be all that would be required (Isaiah 45:13). For whether Jehovah show Himself to Israel as the Righteous One or as the Gracious One, as a Judge or as a Redeemer, He always acts as the Absolute One, exalted above all earthly affairs, having no need to receive anything, but able to give everything. He receives no recompense, and gives none. Whether punishing or redeeming, He always guards His people's honour, proving Himself in the one case to be all-sufficient, and in the other almighty, but acting in both cases freely from Himself.

In the train of thought in Isaiah 52:4-6 the reason is given for the general statement in Isaiah 52:3. Israel went down to Egypt, the country of the Nile valley, with the innocent intention of sojourning, i.e., living as a guest ( gūr ) there in a foreign land; and yet (as we may supply from the next clause, according to the law of a self-completing parallelism) there it fell into the bondage of the Pharaohs, who, whilst they did not fear Jehovah, but rather despised Him, were merely the blind instruments of His will. Asshur then oppressed it b e phes , i.e., not “at last” ( ultimo tempore , as Hävernick renders it), but (as אפס is the synonym of אין in Isaiah 40:17; Isaiah 41:2) “for nothing,” i.e., without having acquired any right to it, but rather serving in its unrighteousness simply as the blind instrument of the righteousness of Jehovah, who through the instrumentality of Asshur put an end first of all to the kingdom of Israel, and then to the kingdom of Judah. The two references to the Egyptian and Assyrian oppressions are expressed in as brief terms as possible. But with the words “now therefore” the prophecy passes on in a much more copious strain to the present oppression in Babylon. Jehovah inquires, Quid mihi hic (What have I to do here)? Hitzig supposes pōh (here) to refer to heaven, in the sense of, “What pressing occupation have I here, that all this can take place without my interfering?” But such a question as this would be far more appropriate to the Zeus of the Greek comedy than to the Jehovah of prophecy. Knobel, who takes pōh as referring to the captivity, in accordance with the context, gives a ridiculous turn to the question, viz., “What do I get here in Babylonia, from the fact that my people are carried off for nothing? Only loss.” He observes himself that there is a certain wit in the question. But it would be silly rather than witty, if, after Jehovah had just stated that He had given up His people for nothing, the prophet represented Him as preparing to redeem it by asking, “What have I gained by it?” The question can have no other meaning, according to Isaiah 22:16, than “What have I to do here?” Jehovah is thought of as present with His people (cf., Genesis 46:4), and means to inquire whether He shall continue this penal condition of exile any longer (Targum, Rashi, Rosenmüller, Ewald, Stier, etc.). The question implies an intention to redeem Israel, and the reason for this intention is introduced with kı̄ . Israel is taken away ( ablatus ), viz., from its own native home, c hinnâm , i.e., without the Chaldeans having any human claim upon them whatever. The words יהיליילוּ משׁליו ( משׁלו ) are not to be rendered, “its singers lament,” as Reutschi and Rosenmüller maintain, since the singers of Israel are called m e shōr e rı̄m ; nor “its (Israel's) princes lament,” as Vitringa and Hitzig supposed, since the people of the captivity, although they had still their national sârı̄m , had no other m ōsh e lı̄m than the Chaldean oppressors (Isaiah 49:7; Isaiah 14:5). It is the intolerable tyranny of the oppressors of His people, that Jehovah assigns in this sentence as the reason for His interposition, which cannot any longer be deferred. It is true that we do meet with hēlı̄l (of which we have the future here without any syncope of the first syllable) in other passages in the sense of ululare , as a cry of pain; but just as הריע , רנן , רזח signify a yelling utterance of either joy or pain, so heeliil may also be applied to the harsh shrieking of the capricious tyrants, like Lucan's laetis ululare triumphis , and the Syriac ailel , which is used to denote a war-cry and other noises as well. In connection with this proud and haughty bluster, there is also the practice of making Jehovah's name the butt of their incessant blasphemy: מנּא ץ is a part. hithpoel with an assimilated ת and a pausal for , although it might also be a passive hithpoal (for the in the middle syllable, compare מגאל , Malachi 1:7; מבהל , Esther 8:14). In Isaiah 52:6 there follows the closing sentence of the whole train of thought: therefore His people are to get to learn His name, i.e., the self-manifestation of its God, who is so despised by the heathen; therefore lâkhēn repeated with emphasis, like כּעל in Isaiah 59:18, and possibly min in Psalms 45:9) in that day, the day of redemption, (supply “it shall get to learn”) that “I am he who saith, Here am I,” i.e., that He who has promised redemption is now present as the True and Omnipotent One to carry it into effect.

Verse 7

The first two turns in the prophecy (Isaiah 52:1-2, Isaiah 52:3-6) close here. The third turn (Isaiah 52:7-10) exults at the salvation which is being carried into effect. The prophet sees in spirit, how the tidings of the redemption, to which the fall of Babylon, which is equivalent to the dismission of the prisoners, gives the finishing stroke, are carried over the mountains of Judah to Jerusalem. “How lovely upon the mountains are the feet of them that bring good tidings, that publish peace, that bring tidings of good, that publish salvation, that say unto Zion, Thy God reigneth royally!” The words are addressed to Jerusalem, consequently the mountains are those of the Holy Land, and especially those to the north of Jerusalem: m e bhassēr is collective (as in the primary passage, Nahum 2:1; cf., Isaiah 41:27; Psalms 68:12), “whoever brings the glad tidings to Jerusalem.” The exclamation “how lovely” does not refer to the lovely sound of their footsteps, but to the lovely appearance presented by their feet, which spring over the mountains with all the swiftness of gazelles (Song of Solomon 2:17; Song of Solomon 8:14). Their feet look as if they had wings, because they are the messengers of good tidings of joy. The joyful tidings that are left indefinite in m e bhassēr , are afterwards more particularly described as a proclamation of peace , good , salvation , and also as containing the announcement “thy God reigneth,” i.e., has risen to a right royal sway, or seized upon the government ( מל ך in an inchoative historical sense, as in the theocratic psalms which commence with the same watchword, or like ἐβασίλευσε in Revelation 19:6, cf., Revelation 11:17). Up to this time, when His people were in bondage, He appeared to have lost His dominion (Isaiah 63:19); but now He has ascended the throne as a Redeemer with greater glory than ever before (Isaiah 24:23). The gospel of the swift-footed messengers, therefore, is the gospel of the kingdom of God that is at hand; and the application which the apostle makes of this passage of Isaiah in Romans 10:15, is justified by the fact that the prophet saw the final and universal redemption as though in combination with the close of the captivity.

Verse 8

How will the prophets rejoice, when they see bodily before them what they have already seen from afar! “Hark, thy watchers! They lift up the voice together; they rejoice: for they see eye to eye, how Jehovah bringeth Zion home.” קול followed by a genitive formed an interjectional clause, and had almost become an interjection itself (see Genesis 4:10). The prophets are here called tsōphı̄m , spies, as persons who looked into the distance as if from a watch-tower ( specula , Isaiah 21:6; Habakkuk 2:1) just as in Isaiah 56:10. It is assumed that the people of the captivity would still have prophets among them: in fact, the very first word in these prophecies (Isaiah 40:1) is addressed to them. They who saw the redemption from afar, and comforted the church therewith (different from m e bhassēr , the evangelist of the fulfilment), lift up their voice together with rejoicing; for they see Jehovah bringing back Zion, as closely as one man is to another when he looks directly into his eyes (Numbers 14:14). בּ is the same as in the construction בּ ראה ; and שׁוּב has the transitive meaning reducere , restituere (as in Psalms 14:7; Psalms 126:1, etc.), which is placed beyond all doubt by שׁוּבנוּ in Psalms 85:5.

Verse 9

Zion is restored, inasmuch as Jehovah turns away her misery, brings back her exiles, and causes the holy city to rise again from her ruins. “Break out into exultation, sing together, ye ruins of Jerusalem: for Jehovah hath comforted His people, He hath redeemed Jerusalem.” Because the word of consolation has become an act of consolation, i.e., of redemption, the ruins of Jerusalem are to break out into jubilant shouting as they rise again from the ground.

Verse 10

Jehovah has wrought out salvation through judgment in the sight of all the world. “Jehovah hath made bare His holy arm before the eyes of all nations, and all the ends of the earth see the salvation of our God.” As a warrior is accustomed to make bare his right arm up to the shoulder, that he may fight without encumbrance ( exsertare humeros nudamque lacessere pugnan , as Statius says in Theb . i. 413), so has Jehovah made bare His holy arm, that arm in which holiness dwells, which shines with holiness, and which acts in holiness, that arm which has been hitherto concealed and therefore has appeared to be powerless, and that in the sight of the whole world of nations; so that all the ends of the earth come to see the reality of the work, which this arm has already accomplished by showing itself in its unveiled glory - in other words, “the salvation of our God.”

Verse 11-12

This salvation in its immediate manifestation is the liberation of the exiles; and on the ground of what the prophet sees in spirit, he exclaims to them (as in Isaiah 48:20), in Isaiah 52:11, Isaiah 52:12 : “Go ye forth, go ye forth, go out from thence, lay hold of no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her, cleanse yourselves, ye that bear the vessels of Jehovah. For ye shall not go out in confusion, and ye shall not go forth in flight: for Jehovah goeth before you, and the God of Israel is your rear-guard.” When they go out from thence, i.e., from Babylon, they are not to touch anything unclean, i.e., they are not to enrich themselves with the property of their now subjugated oppressors, as was the case at the exodus from Egypt (Exodus 12:36). It is to be a holy procession, at which they are to appear morally as well as corporeally unstained. But those who bear the vessels of Jehovah, i.e., the vessels of the temple, are not only not to defile themselves, but are to purify themselves ( hibbârū with the tone upon the last syllable, a regular imperative niphal of bârar ). This is an indirect prophecy, and was fulfilled in the fact that Cyrus directed the golden and silver vessels, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought to Babylon, to be restored to the returning exiles as their rightful property (Ezra 1:7-11). It would thus be possible for them to put themselves into the right attitude for their departure, since it would not take place in precipitous haste ( b e chippâzon ), as the departure from Egypt did (Deuteronomy 16:3, cf., Exodus 12:39), nor like a flight, but they would go forth under the guidance of Jehovah. מאסּפכם (with the changed into the original ı̆ ) does not man, “He bringeth you, the scattered ones, together,” but according to Numbers 10:25; Joshua 6:9, Joshua 6:13, “He closes your procession,” - He not only goes before you to lead you, but also behind you, to protect you (as in Exodus 14:19). For the m e 'assēph , or the rear-guard of an army, is its keystone, and has to preserve the compactness of the whole.

The division of the chapters generally coincides with the several prophetic addresses. But here it needs emendation. Most of the commentators are agreed that the words “Behold my servant,” etc. ( hinnēh yaskı̄l ‛abhdı̄ ) commence a new section, like hēn ‛abhdı̄ (behold my servant) in Isaiah 42:1.

Verse 13

In this sense there follows here, immediately after the cry. “Go ye out from Babylon,” an index pointing from the suffering of the Servant to His reward in glory. “Behold, my servant will act wisely; he will come forth, and arise, and be very high.” Even apart from Isaiah 42:1, hinnēh ( hēn ) is a favourite commencement with Isaiah; and this very first v. contains, according to Isaiah's custom, a brief, condensed explanation of the theme. The exaltation of the Servant of Jehovah is the theme of the prophecy which follows. In v. 13 a the way is shown, by which He reaches His greatness; in v. 13 b the increasing greatness itself. השׂכּיל by itself means simply to gain, prove, or act with intelligence (lxx συνήσει ); and then, since intelligent action, as a rule, is also effective, it is used as synonymous with הצליח , הכשׁהיר , to act with result, i.e., so as to be successful. Hence it is only by way of sequence that the idea of “prosperously” is connected with that of “prudently” (e.g., Joshua 1:8; Jeremiah 10:21). The word is never applied to such prosperity as a man enjoys without any effort of his own, but only to such as he attains by successful action, i.e., by such action as is appropriate to the desired and desirable result. In Jeremiah 23:2, where hiskı̄l is one feature in the picture of the dominion exercised by the Messiah, the idea of intelligent action is quite sufficient, without any further subordinate meaning. But here, where the exaltation is derived from ישׂכיל as the immediate consequence, without any intervening על־כן , there is naturally associated with the idea of wise action, i.e., of action suited to the great object of his call, that of effective execution or abundant success, which has as its natural sequel an ever-increasing exaltation. Rosenmüller observes, in Isaiah 52:13 , “There is no need to discuss, or even to inquire, what precise difference there is in the meaning of the separate words;” but this is a very superficial remark. If we consider that rūm signifies not only to be high, but to rise up (Proverbs 11:11) and become exalted, and also to become manifest as exalted (Ps. 21:14), and that נשּׂא , according to the immediate and original reflective meaning of the niphal , signifies to raise one's self, whereas gâbhah expresses merely the condition, without the subordinate idea of activity, we obtain this chain of thought: he will rise up, he will raise himself still higher, he will stand on high. The three verbs (of which the two perfects are defined by the previous future) consequently denote the commencement, the continuation, and the result or climax of the exaltation; and Stier is not wrong in recalling to mind the three principal steps of the exaltatio in the historical fulfilment, viz., the resurrection, the ascension, and the sitting down at the right hand of God. The addition of the word מאד shows very clearly that וגבהּ is intended to be taken as the final result: the servant of Jehovah, rising from stage to stage, reaches at last an immeasurable height, that towers above everything besides (comp. ὑπερύψωσε in Philippians 2:9, with ὑψωθείς in Acts 2:33, and for the nature of the ὑπερύψωσε , Ephesians 1:20-23).

Verse 14-15

The prophecy concerning him passes now into an address to him, as in Isaiah 49:8 (cf., Isaiah 49:7), which sinks again immediately into an objective tone. “Just as many were astonished at thee: so disfigured, his appearance was not human, and his form not like that of the children of men: so will he make many nations to tremble; kings will shut their mouth at him: for they see what has not been told them, and discover what they have not heard.” Both Oehler and Hahn suppose that the first clause is addressed to Israel, and that it is here pointed away from its own degradation, which excited such astonishment, to the depth of suffering endured by the One man. Hahn's principal reason, which Oehler adopts, is the sudden leap that we should otherwise have to assume from the second person to the third - an example of “negligence” which we can hardly impute to the prophet. But a single glance at Isaiah 42:20 and Isaiah 1:29 is sufficient to show how little force there is in this principal argument. We should no doubt expect עליכם or עלי ך after what has gone before, if the nation were addressed; but it is difficult to see what end a comparison between the sufferings of the nation and those of the One man, which merely places the sufferings of the two in an external relation to one another, could be intended to answer; whilst the second kēn (so), which evidently introduces an antithesis, is altogether unexplained. The words are certainly addressed to the servant of Jehovah; and the meaning of the sicut (just as) in Isaiah 52:14, and of the sic (so) which introduces the principal sentence in Isaiah 52:15, is, that just as His degradation was the deepest degradation possible, so His glorification would be of the loftiest kind. The height of the exaltation is held up as presenting a perfect contrast to the depth of the degradation. The words, “so distorted was his face, more than that of a man,” form, as has been almost unanimously admitted since the time of Vitringa, a parenthesis, containing the reason for the astonishment excited by the servant of Jehovah. Stier is wrong in supposing that this first “so” ( kēn ) refers to ka'ăsher (just as), in the sense of “If men were astonished at thee, there was ground for the astonishment.” Isaiah 52:15 would not stand out as an antithesis, if we adopted this explanation; moreover, the thought that the fact corresponded to the impression which men received, is a very tame and unnecessary one; and the change of persons in sentences related to one another in this manner is intolerably harsh; whereas, with our view of the relation in which the sentences stand to one another, the parenthesis prepares the way for the sudden change from a direct address to a declaration. Hitherto many had been astonished at the servant of Jehovah: shâmēm , to be desolate or waste, to be thrown by anything into a desolate or benumbed condition, to be startled, confused, as it were petrified, by paralyzing astonishment (Leviticus 26:32; Ezekiel 26:16). To such a degree ( kēn , adeo ) was his appearance m ishchath m ē'ı̄sh , and his form m ibb e nē ' âdâm (sc., m ishchath ). We might take m ishchath as the construct of m ishchâth , as Hitzig does, since this connecting form is sometimes used (e.g., Isaiah 33:6) even without any genitive relation; but it may also be the absolute, syncopated from משׁחתתּ = משׁחתת (Hävernick and Stier), like m oshchath in Malachi 1:14, or, what we prefer, after the form m irmas (Isaiah 10:6), with the original , without the usual lengthening (Ewald, §160, c, Anm. 4). His appearance and his form were altogether distortion (stronger than m oshchâth , distorted), away from men, out beyond men, i.e., a distortion that destroys all likeness to a man;

(Note: The church before the time of Constantine pictured to itself the Lord, as He walked on earth, as repulsive in His appearance; whereas the church after Constantine pictured Him as having quite an ideal beauty (see my tract, Jesus and Hillel , 1865, p. 4). They were both right: unattractive in appearance, though not deformed, He no doubt was in the days of His flesh; but He is ideally beautiful in His glorification. The body in which He was born of Mary was no royal form, though faith could see the doxa shining through. It was no royal form, for the suffering of death was the portion of the Lamb of God, even from His mother's womb; but the glorified One is infinitely exalted above all the idea of art.)

'ı̄sh does not signify man as distinguished from woman here, but a human being generally.

The antithesis follows in Isaiah 52:15 : viz., the state of glory in which this form of wretchedness has passed away. As a parallel to the “many” in Isaiah 52:14, we have here “many nations,” indicating the excess of the glory by the greater fulness of the expression; and as a parallel to “were astonished at thee,” “he shall make to tremble” ( yazzeh ), in other words, the effect which He produces by what He does to the effect produced by what He suffers. The hiphil hizzâh generally means to spirt or sprinkle ( adspergere ), and is applied to the sprinkling of the blood with the finger, more especially upon the capporeth and altar of incense on the day of atonement (differing in this respect from zâraq , the swinging of the blood out of a bowl), also to the sprinkling of the water of purification upon a leper with the bunch of hyssop (Leviticus 14:7), and of the ashes of the red heifer upon those defiled through touching a corpse (Numbers 19:18); in fact, generally, to sprinkling for the purpose of expiation and sanctification. And Vitringa, Hengstenberg, and others, accordingly follow the Syriac and Vulgate in adopting the rendering adsperget (he will sprinkle). They have the usage of the language in their favour; and this explanation also commends itself from a reference to נגוּע in Isaiah 53:4, and נגע in Isaiah 53:8 (words which are generally used of leprosy, and on account of which the suffering Messiah is called in b. Sanhedrin 98 b by an emblematical name adopted from the old synagogue, “the leper of Rabbi's school”), since it yields the significant antithesis, that he who was himself regarded as unclean, even as a second Job, would sprinkle and sanctify whole nations, and thus abolish the wall of partition between Israel and the heathen, and gather together into one holy church with Israel those who had hitherto been pronounced “unclean” (Isaiah 52:1). But, on the other hand, this explanation has so far the usage of the language against it, that hizzâh is never construed with the accusative of the person or thing sprinkled (like adspergere aliqua re aliquem ; since 'eth in Leviticus 4:6, Leviticus 4:17 is a preposition like ‛al , ‛el elsewhere); moreover, there would be something very abrupt in this sudden representation of the servant as a priest. Such explanations as “he will scatter asunder” ( disperget , Targum, etc.), or “he will spill” (sc., their blood), are altogether out of the question; such thoughts as these would be quite out of place in a spiritual picture of salvation and glory, painted upon the dark ground we have here. The verb nâzâh signified primarily to leap or spring ; hence hizzâh , with the causative meaning to sprinkle . The kal combines the intransitive and transitive meanings of the word “spirt,” and is used in the former sense in Isaiah 63:3, to signify the springing up or sprouting up of any liquid scattered about in drops. The Arabic nazâ (see Ges. Thes .) shows that this verb may also be applied to the springing or leaping of living beings, caused by excess of emotion. And accordingly we follow the majority of the commentators in adopting the rendering exsilire faciet . The fact that whole nations are the object, and not merely individuals, proves nothing to the contrary, as Habakkuk 3:6 clearly shows. The reference is to their leaping up in amazement (lxx θαυμάσονται ); and the verb denotes less an external than an internal movement. They will tremble with astonishment within themselves (cf., pâchădū v e râg e zū in Jeremiah 33:9), being electrified, as it were, by the surprising change that has taken place in the servant of Jehovah. The reason why kings “shut their mouths at him” is expressly stated, viz., what was never related they see, and what was never heard of they perceive; i.e., it was something going far beyond all that had ever been reported to them outside the world of nations, or come to their knowledge within it. Hitzig's explanation, that they do not trust themselves to begin to speak before him or along with him, gives too feeble a sense, and would lead us rather to expect לפניו than עליו . The shutting of the mouth is the involuntary effect of the overpowering impression, or the manifestation of their extreme amazement at one so suddenly brought out of the depths, and lifted up to so great a height. The strongest emotion is that which remains shut up within ourselves, because, from its very intensity, it throws the whole nature into a suffering state, and drowns all reflection in emotion (cf., yachărı̄sh in Zephaniah 3:17). The parallel in Isaiah 49:7 is not opposed to this; the speechless astonishment, at what is unheard and inconceivable, changes into adoring homage, as soon as they have become to some extent familiar with it. The first turn in the prophecy closes here: The servant of Jehovah, whose inhuman sufferings excite such astonishment, is exalted on high; so that from utter amazement the nations tremble, and their kings are struck dumb.