Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 64 » Verse 3

Isaiah 64:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 When thou didst H6213 terrible things H3372 which we looked H6960 not for, thou camest down, H3381 the mountains H2022 flowed down H2151 at thy presence. H6440

Cross Reference

Psalms 66:3 STRONG

Say H559 unto God, H430 How terrible H3372 art thou in thy works! H4639 through the greatness H7230 of thy power H5797 shall thine enemies H341 submit H3584 themselves unto thee.

Psalms 66:5 STRONG

Come H3212 and see H7200 the works H4659 of God: H430 he is terrible H3372 in his doing H5949 toward the children H1121 of men. H120

Psalms 106:22 STRONG

Wondrous works H6381 in the land H776 of Ham, H2526 and terrible things H3372 by the Red H5488 sea. H3220

Exodus 34:10 STRONG

And he said, H559 Behold, I make H3772 a covenant: H1285 before all thy people H5971 I will do H6213 marvels, H6381 such as have not been done H1254 in all the earth, H776 nor in any nation: H1471 and all the people H5971 among H7130 which thou art shall see H7200 the work H4639 of the LORD: H3068 for it is a terrible thing H3372 that I will do H6213 with thee.

Deuteronomy 4:34 STRONG

Or hath God H430 assayed H5254 to go H935 and take H3947 him a nation H1471 from the midst H7130 of another nation, H1471 by temptations, H4531 by signs, H226 and by wonders, H4159 and by war, H4421 and by a mighty H2389 hand, H3027 and by a stretched out H5186 arm, H2220 and by great H1419 terrors, H4172 according to all that the LORD H3068 your God H430 did H6213 for you in Egypt H4714 before your eyes? H5869

Deuteronomy 10:21 STRONG

He is thy praise, H8416 and he is thy God, H430 that hath done H6213 for thee these great H1419 and terrible things, H3372 which thine eyes H5869 have seen. H7200

Judges 5:4-5 STRONG

LORD, H3068 when thou wentest out H3318 of Seir, H8165 when thou marchedst out H6805 of the field H7704 of Edom, H123 the earth H776 trembled, H7493 and the heavens H8064 dropped, H5197 the clouds H5645 also dropped H5197 water. H4325 The mountains H2022 melted H5140 from before H6440 the LORD, H3068 even that Sinai H5514 from before H6440 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478

2 Samuel 7:23 STRONG

And what one H259 nation H1471 in the earth H776 is like thy people, H5971 even like Israel, H3478 whom God H430 went H1980 to redeem H6299 for a people H5971 to himself, and to make H7760 him a name, H8034 and to do H6213 for you great things H1420 and terrible, H3372 for thy land, H776 before H6440 thy people, H5971 which thou redeemedst H6299 to thee from Egypt, H4714 from the nations H1471 and their gods? H430

Psalms 65:5-6 STRONG

By terrible things H3372 in righteousness H6664 wilt thou answer H6030 us, O God H430 of our salvation; H3468 who art the confidence H4009 of all the ends H7099 of the earth, H776 and of them that are afar off H7350 upon the sea: H3220 Which by his strength H3581 setteth fast H3559 the mountains; H2022 being girded H247 with power: H1369

Psalms 68:8 STRONG

The earth H776 shook, H7493 the heavens H8064 also dropped H5197 at the presence H6440 of God: H430 even Sinai H5514 itself H2088 was moved at the presence H6440 of God, H430 the God H430 of Israel. H3478

Psalms 76:12 STRONG

He shall cut off H1219 the spirit H7307 of princes: H5057 he is terrible H3372 to the kings H4428 of the earth. H776

Psalms 105:27-36 STRONG

They shewed H7760 his signs H226 H1697 among them, and wonders H4159 in the land H776 of Ham. H2526 He sent H7971 darkness, H2822 and made it dark; H2821 and they rebelled H4784 not against his word. H1697 He turned H2015 their waters H4325 into blood, H1818 and slew H4191 their fish. H1710 Their land H776 brought forth H8317 frogs H6854 in abundance, H8317 in the chambers H2315 of their kings. H4428 He spake, H559 and there came H935 divers sorts of flies, H6157 and lice H3654 in all their coasts. H1366 He gave H5414 them hail H1259 for rain, H1653 and flaming H3852 fire H784 in their land. H776 He smote H5221 their vines H1612 also and their fig trees; H8384 and brake H7665 the trees H6086 of their coasts. H1366 He spake, H559 and the locusts H697 came, H935 and caterpillers, H3218 and that without number, H4557 And did eat up H398 all the herbs H6212 in their land, H776 and devoured H398 the fruit H6529 of their ground. H127 He smote H5221 also all the firstborn H1060 in their land, H776 the chief H7225 of all their strength. H202

Isaiah 64:1 STRONG

Oh H3863 that thou wouldest rend H7167 the heavens, H8064 that thou wouldest come down, H3381 that the mountains H2022 might flow down H2151 at thy presence, H6440

Habakkuk 3:3 STRONG

God H433 came H935 from Teman, H8487 and the Holy One H6918 from mount H2022 Paran. H6290 Selah. H5542 His glory H1935 covered H3680 the heavens, H8064 and the earth H776 was full H4390 of his praise. H8416

Habakkuk 3:6 STRONG

He stood, H5975 and measured H4128 the earth: H776 he beheld, H7200 and drove asunder H5425 the nations; H1471 and the everlasting H5703 mountains H2042 were scattered, H6327 the perpetual H5769 hills H1389 did bow: H7817 his ways H1979 are everlasting. H5769

Commentary on Isaiah 64 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 64:1-12. Transition from Complaint to Prayer.

1. rend … heavens—bursting forth to execute vengeance, suddenly descending on Thy people's foe (Ps 18:9; 144:5; Hab 3:5, 6).

flow down—(Jud 5:5; Mic 1:4).

2. Oh, that Thy wrath would consume Thy foes as the fire. Rather, "as the fire burneth the dry brushwood" [Gesenius].

3. When—Supply from Isa 64:2, "As when."

terrible things—(Ps 65:5).

we looked not for—far exceeding the expectation of any of our nation; unparalleled before (Ex 34:10; Ps 68:8).

camest down—on Mount Sinai.

mountains flowed—Repeated from Isa 64:1; they pray God to do the very same things for Israel now as in former ages. Gesenius, instead of "flowed" here, and "flow" in Isa 64:1, translates from a different Hebrew root, "quake … quaked"; but "fire" melts and causes to flow, rather than to quake (Isa 64:2).

4. perceived by the ear—Paul (1Co 2:9) has for this, "nor have entered into the heart of man"; the virtual sense, sanctioned by his inspired authority; men might hear with the outward ear, but they could only by the Spirit "perceive" with the "heart" the spiritual significancy of God's acts, both those in relation to Israel, primarily referred to here, and those relating to the Gospel secondarily, which Paul refers to.

O God … what he … prepared—rather, "nor hath eye seen a god beside thee who doeth such things." They refer to God's past marvellous acts in behalf of Israel as a plea for His now interposing for His people; but the Spirit, as Paul by inspiration shows, contemplated further God's revelation in the Gospel, which abounds in marvellous paradoxes never before heard of by carnal ear, not to be understood by mere human sagacity, and when foretold by the prophets not fully perceived or credited; and even after the manifestation of Christ not to be understood save through the inward teaching of the Holy Ghost. These are partly past and present, and partly future; therefore Paul substitutes "prepared" for "doeth," though his context shows he includes all three. For "waiteth" he has "love Him"; godly waiting on Him must flow from love, and not mere fear.

5. meetest—that is, Thou makest peace, or enterest into covenant with him (see on Isa 47:3).

rejoiceth and worketh—that is, who with joyful willingness worketh [Gesenius] (Ac 10:35; Joh 7:17).

those—Thou meetest "those," in apposition to "him" who represents a class whose characteristics "those that," &c., more fully describes.

remember thee in thy ways—(Isa 26:8).

sinned—literally, "tripped," carrying on the figure in "ways."

in those is continuance—a plea to deprecate the continuance of God's wrath; it is not in Thy wrath that there is continuance (Isa 54:7, 8; Ps 30:5; 103:9), but in Thy ways ("those"), namely, of covenant mercy to Thy people (Mic 7:18-20; Mal 3:6); on the strength of the everlasting continuance of His covenant they infer by faith, "we shall be saved." God "remembered" for them His covenant (Ps 106:45), though they often "remembered not" Him (Ps 78:42). Castellio translates, "we have sinned for long in them ('thy ways'), and could we then be saved?" But they hardly would use such a plea when their very object was to be saved.

6. unclean thing—legally unclean, as a leper. True of Israel, everywhere now cut off by unbelief and by God's judgments from the congregation of the saints.

righteousness—plural, "uncleanness" extended to every particular act of theirs, even to their prayers and praises. True of the best doings of the unregenerate (Php 3:6-8; Tit 1:15; Heb 11:6).

filthy rags—literally, a "menstruous rag" (Le 15:33; 20:18; La 1:17).

fade … leaf—(Ps 90:5, 6).

7. stirreth—rouseth himself from spiritual drowsiness.

take hold—(Isa 27:5).

8. father—(Isa 63:16).

clay … potter—(Isa 29:16; 45:9). Unable to mould themselves aright, they beg the sovereign will of God to mould them unto salvation, even as He made them at the first, and is their "Father."

9. (Ps 74:1, 2).

we are … thy people—(Jer 14:9, 21).

10. holy cities—No city but Jerusalem is called "the holy city" (Isa 48:2; 52:1); the plural, therefore, refers to the upper and the lower parts of the same city Jerusalem [Vitringa]; or all Judea was holy to God, so its cities were deemed "holy" [Maurer]. But the parallelism favors Vitringa. Zion and Jerusalem (the one city) answering to "holy cities."

11. house—the temple.

beautiful—includes the idea of glorious (Mr 13:1; Ac 3:2).

burned—(Ps 74:7; La 2:7; 2Ch 36:19). Its destruction under Nebuchadnezzar prefigured that under Titus.

pleasant things—Hebrew, "objects of desire"; our homes, our city, and all its dear associations.

12. for these things—Wilt Thou, notwithstanding these calamities of Thy people, still refuse Thy aid (Isa 42:14)?