Worthy.Bible » STRONG » James » Chapter 3 » Verse 5

James 3:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 Even G2532 so G3779 the tongue G1100 is G2076 a little G3398 member, G3196 and G2532 boasteth great things. G3166 Behold, G2400 how great G2245 a matter G5208 a little G3641 fire G4442 kindleth! G381

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 9:3-8 STRONG

And they bend H1869 their tongues H3956 like their bow H7198 for lies: H8267 but they are not valiant H1396 for the truth H530 upon the earth; H776 for they proceed H3318 from evil H7451 to evil, H7451 and they know H3045 not me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Take ye heed H8104 every one H376 of his neighbour, H7453 and trust H982 ye not in any brother: H251 for every brother H251 will utterly H6117 supplant, H6117 and every neighbour H7453 will walk H1980 with slanders. H7400 And they will deceive H2048 every one H376 his neighbour, H7453 and will not speak H1696 the truth: H571 they have taught H3925 their tongue H3956 to speak H1696 lies, H8267 and weary H3811 themselves to commit iniquity. H5753 Thine habitation H3427 is in the midst H8432 of deceit; H4820 through deceit H4820 they refuse H3985 to know H3045 me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 Behold, I will melt H6884 them, and try H974 them; for how shall I do H6213 for H6440 the daughter H1323 of my people? H5971 Their tongue H3956 is as an arrow H2671 shot out; H7819 it speaketh H1696 deceit: H4820 one speaketh H1696 peaceably H7965 to his neighbour H7453 with his mouth, H6310 but in heart H7130 he layeth H7760 his wait. H696

Psalms 17:10 STRONG

They are inclosed H5462 in their own fat: H2459 with their mouth H6310 they speak H1696 proudly. H1348

Psalms 73:8-9 STRONG

They are corrupt, H4167 and speak H1696 wickedly H7451 concerning oppression: H6233 they speak H1696 loftily. H4791 They set H8371 their mouth H6310 against the heavens, H8064 and their tongue H3956 walketh H1980 through the earth. H776

Psalms 52:1-2 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 Maschil, H4905 A Psalm of David, H1732 when Doeg H1673 the Edomite H130 came H935 and told H5046 Saul, H7586 and said H559 unto him, David H1732 is come H935 to the house H1004 of Ahimelech.]] H288 Why boastest H1984 thou thyself in mischief, H7451 O mighty H1368 man? the goodness H2617 of God H410 endureth continually. H3117 Thy tongue H3956 deviseth H2803 mischiefs; H1942 like a sharp H3913 razor, H8593 working H6213 deceitfully. H7423

Psalms 12:2-4 STRONG

They speak H1696 vanity H7723 every one H376 with his neighbour: H7453 with flattering H2513 lips H8193 and with a double H3820 heart H3820 do they speak. H1696 The LORD H3068 shall cut off H3772 all flattering H2513 lips, H8193 and the tongue H3956 that speaketh H1696 proud H1419 things: Who have said, H559 With our tongue H3956 will we prevail; H1396 our lips H8193 are our own: who is lord H113 over us?

Ezekiel 28:2 STRONG

Son H1121 of man, H120 say H559 unto the prince H5057 of Tyrus, H6865 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because thine heart H3820 is lifted up, H1361 and thou hast said, H559 I am a God, H410 I sit H3427 in the seat H4186 of God, H430 in the midst H3820 of the seas; H3220 yet thou art a man, H120 and not God, H410 though thou set H5414 thine heart H3820 as the heart H3820 of God: H430

Jeremiah 18:18 STRONG

Then said H559 they, Come, H3212 and let us devise H2803 devices H4284 against Jeremiah; H3414 for the law H8451 shall not perish H6 from the priest, H3548 nor counsel H6098 from the wise, H2450 nor the word H1697 from the prophet. H5030 Come, H3212 and let us smite H5221 him with the tongue, H3956 and let us not give heed H7181 to any of his words. H1697

Proverbs 18:21 STRONG

Death H4194 and life H2416 are in the power H3027 of the tongue: H3956 and they that love H157 it shall eat H398 the fruit H6529 thereof.

Proverbs 15:2 STRONG

The tongue H3956 of the wise H2450 useth knowledge H1847 aright: H3190 but the mouth H6310 of fools H3684 poureth out H5042 foolishness. H200

Proverbs 12:18 STRONG

There is H3426 that speaketh H981 like the piercings H4094 of a sword: H2719 but the tongue H3956 of the wise H2450 is health. H4832

Psalms 10:3 STRONG

For the wicked H7563 boasteth H1984 of his heart's H5315 desire, H8378 and blesseth H1288 the covetous, H1214 whom the LORD H3068 abhorreth. H5006

Revelation 13:5-6 STRONG

And G2532 there was given G1325 unto him G846 a mouth G4750 speaking G2980 great things G3173 and G2532 blasphemies; G988 and G2532 power G1849 was given G1325 unto him G846 to continue G4160 forty G5062 and two G1417 months. G3376 And G2532 he opened G455 his G846 mouth G4750 in G1519 blasphemy G988 against G4314 God, G2316 to blaspheme G987 his G846 name, G3686 and G2532 his G846 tabernacle, G4633 and G2532 them that dwell G4637 in G1722 heaven. G3772

Jude 1:16 STRONG

These G3778 are G1526 murmurers, G1113 complainers, G3202 walking G4198 after G2596 their own G846 lusts; G1939 and G2532 their G846 mouth G4750 speaketh G2980 great swelling G5246 words, having men's persons G4383 in admiration G2296 because G5484 of advantage. G5622

Exodus 15:9 STRONG

The enemy H341 said, H559 I will pursue, H7291 I will overtake, H5381 I will divide H2505 the spoil; H7998 my lust H5315 shall be satisfied H4390 upon them; I will draw H7324 my sword, H2719 my hand H3027 shall destroy H3423 them.

2 Peter 2:18 STRONG

For G1063 when they speak G5350 great swelling G5246 words of vanity, G3153 they allure G1185 through G1722 the lusts G1939 of the flesh, G4561 through much wantonness, G766 those that were clean G3689 escaped G668 from them who live G390 in G1722 error. G4106

Daniel 4:30 STRONG

The king H4430 spake, H6032 and said, H560 Is not H3809 this H1932 H1668 great H7229 Babylon, H895 that I H576 have built H1124 for the house H1005 of the kingdom H4437 by the might H8632 of my power, H2632 and for the honour H3367 of my majesty? H1923

Daniel 3:15 STRONG

Now H3705 if H2006 ye be H383 ready H6263 that at what time H5732 ye hear H8086 the sound H7032 of the cornet, H7162 flute, H4953 harp, H7030 H7030 sackbut, H5443 psaltery, H6460 and dulcimer, H5481 and all H3606 kinds H2178 of musick, H2170 ye fall down H5308 and worship H5457 the image H6755 which I have made; H5648 well: but if H2006 ye worship H5457 not, H3809 ye shall be cast H7412 the same hour H8160 into the midst H1459 of a burning H3345 fiery H5135 furnace; H861 and who H4479 is that God H426 that shall deliver H7804 you out of H4481 my hands? H3028

Job 22:17 STRONG

Which said H559 unto God, H410 Depart H5493 from us: and what can the Almighty H7706 do H6466 for them?

Job 21:14-15 STRONG

Therefore they say H559 unto God, H410 Depart H5493 from us; for we desire H2654 not the knowledge H1847 of thy ways. H1870 What is the Almighty, H7706 that we should serve H5647 him? and what profit H3276 should we have, if we pray H6293 unto him?

2 Kings 19:22-24 STRONG

Whom hast thou reproached H2778 and blasphemed? H1442 and against whom hast thou exalted H7311 thy voice, H6963 and lifted up H5375 thine eyes H5869 on high? H4791 even against the Holy H6918 One of Israel. H3478 By H3027 thy messengers H4397 thou hast reproached H2778 the Lord, H136 and hast said, H559 With the multitude H7230 of my chariots H7393 H7393 I am come up H5927 to the height H4791 of the mountains, H2022 to the sides H3411 of Lebanon, H3844 and will cut down H3772 the tall H6967 cedar trees H730 thereof, and the choice H4004 fir trees H1265 thereof: and I will enter H935 into the lodgings H4411 of his borders, H7093 and into the forest H3293 of his Carmel. H3760 I have digged H6979 and drunk H8354 strange H2114 waters, H4325 and with the sole H3709 of my feet H6471 have I dried H2717 up all the rivers H2975 of besieged places. H4693

Commentary on James 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jas 3:1-18. Danger of Eagerness to Teach, and of an Unbridled Tongue: True Wisdom Shown by Uncontentious Meekness.

1. be not—literally, "become not": taking the office too hastily, and of your own accord.

many—The office is a noble one; but few are fit for it. Few govern the tongue well (Jas 3:2), and only such as can govern it are fit for the office; therefore, "teachers" ought not to be many.

masters—rather, "teachers." The Jews were especially prone to this presumption. The idea that faith (so called) without works (Jas 2:14-26) was all that is required, prompted "many" to set up as "teachers," as has been the case in all ages of the Church. At first all were allowed to teach in turns. Even their inspired gifts did not prevent liability to abuse, as James here implies: much more is this so when self-constituted teachers have no such miraculous gifts.

knowing—as all might know.

we … greater condemnation—James in a humble, conciliatory spirit, includes himself: if we teachers abuse the office, we shall receive greater condemnation than those who are mere hearers (compare Lu 12:42-46). Calvin, like English Version, translates, "masters" that is, self-constituted censors and reprovers of others Jas 4:12 accords with this view.

2. all—The Greek implies "all without exception": even the apostles.

offend not—literally "stumbleth not": is void of offence or "slip" in word: in which respect one is especially tried who sets up to be a "teacher."

3. Behold—The best authorities read, "but if," that is, Now whensoever (in the case) of horses (such is the emphatic position of "horses" in the Greek) we put the bits (so literally, "the customary bits") into their mouths that they may obey us, we turn about also their whole body. This is to illustrate how man turns about his whole body with the little tongue. "The same applies to the pen, which is the substitute for the tongue among the absent" [Bengel].

4. Not only animals, but even ships.

the governor listeth—literally, "the impulse of the steersman pleaseth." The feeling which moves the tongue corresponds with this.

5. boasteth great things—There is great moment in what the careless think "little" things [Bengel]. Compare "a world," "the course of nature," "hell," Jas 3:6, which illustrate how the little tongue's great words produce great mischief.

how great a matter a little fire kindleth—The best manuscripts read, "how little a fire kindleth how great a," &c. Alford, for "matter," translates, "forest." But Grotius translates as English Version, "material for burning": a pile of fuel.

6. Translate, "The tongue, that world of iniquity, is a fire." As man's little world is an image of the greater world, the universe, so the tongue is an image of the former [Bengel].

so—omitted in the oldest authorities.

is—literally, "is constituted." "The tongue is (constituted), among the members, the one which defileth," &c. (namely, as fire defiles with its smoke).

course of nature—"the orb (cycle) of creation."

setteth on fire … is set on fire—habitually and continually. While a man inflames others, he passes out of his own power, being consumed in the flame himself.

of hell—that is, of the devil. Greek, "Gehenna"; found here only and in Mt 5:22. James has much in common with the Sermon on the Mount (Pr 16:27).

7. every kind—rather, "every nature" (that is, natural disposition and characteristic power).

of beasts—that is, quadrupeds of every disposition; as distinguished from the three other classes of creation, "birds, creeping things (the Greek includes not merely 'serpents,' as English Version), and things in the sea."

is tamed, and hath been—is continually being tamed, and hath been so long ago.

of mankind—rather, "by the nature of man": man's characteristic power taming that of the inferior animals. The dative in the Greek may imply, "Hath suffered itself to be brought into tame subjection TO the nature of men." So it shall be in the millennial world; even now man, by gentle firmness, may tame the inferior animal, and even elevate its nature.

8. no man—literally, "no one of men": neither can a man control his neighbor's, nor even his own tongue. Hence the truth of Jas 3:2 appears.

unruly evil—The Greek, implies that it is at once restless and incapable of restraint. Nay, though nature has hedged it in with a double barrier of the lips and teeth, it bursts from its barriers to assail and ruin men [Estius].

deadly—literally, "death-bearing."

9. God—The oldest authorities read, "Lord." "Him who is Lord and Father." The uncommonness of the application of "Lord" to the Father, doubtless caused the change in modern texts to "God" (Jas 1:27). But as Messiah is called "Father," Isa 9:6, so God the Father is called by the Son's title, "Lord": showing the unity of the Godhead. "Father" implies His paternal love; "Lord," His dominion.

men, which—not "men who"; for what is meant is not particular men, but men genetically [Alford].

are made after … similitude of God—Though in a great measure man has lost the likeness of God in which he was originally made, yet enough of it still remains to show what once it was, and what in regenerated and restored man it shall be. We ought to reverence this remnant and earnest of what man shall be in ourselves and in others. "Absalom has fallen from his father's favor, but the people still recognize him to be the king's son" [Bengel]. Man resembles in humanity the Son of man, "the express image of His person" (Heb 1:3), compare Ge 1:26; 1Jo 4:20. In the passage, Ge 1:26, "image" and "likeness" are distinct: "image," according to the Alexandrians, was something in which men were created, being common to all, and continuing to man after the fall, while the "likeness" was something toward which man was created, to strive after and attain it: the former marks man's physical and intellectual, the latter his moral pre-eminence.

10. The tongue, says ÆSOP, is at once the best and the worst of things. So in a fable, a man with the same breath blows hot and cold. "Life and death are in the power of the tongue" (compare Ps 62:4).

brethren—an appeal to their consciences by their brotherhood in Christ.

ought not so to be—a mild appeal, leaving it to themselves to understand that such conduct deserves the most severe reprobation.

11. fountain—an image of the heart: as the aperture (so the Greek for "place" is literally) of the fountain is an image of man's mouth. The image here is appropriate to the scene of the Epistle, Palestine, wherein salt and bitter springs are found. Though "sweet" springs are sometimes found near, yet "sweet and bitter" (water) do not flow "at the same place" (aperture). Grace can make the same mouth that "sent forth the bitter" once, send forth the sweet for the time to come: as the wood (typical of Christ's cross) changed Marah's bitter water into sweet.

12. Transition from the mouth to the heart.

Can the fig tree, &c.—implying that it is an impossibility: as before in Jas 3:10 he had said it "ought not so to be." James does not, as Matthew (Mt 7:16, 17), make the question, "Do men gather figs of thistles?" His argument is, No tree "can" bring forth fruit inconsistent with its nature, as for example, the fig tree, olive berries: so if a man speaks bitterly, and afterwards speaks good words, the latter must be so only seemingly, and in hypocrisy, they cannot be real.

so can no fountain … salt … and fresh—The oldest authorities read, "Neither can a salt (water spring) yield fresh." So the mouth that emits cursing, cannot really emit also blessing.

13. Who—(Compare Ps 34:12, 13). All wish to appear "wise": few are so.

show—"by works," and not merely by profession, referring to Jas 2:18.

out of a good conversation his works—by general "good conduct" manifested in particular "works." "Wisdom" and "knowledge," without these being "shown," are as dead as faith would be without works [Alford].

with meekness of wisdom—with the meekness inseparable from true "wisdom."

14. if ye have—as is the case (this is implied in the Greek indicative).

bitter—Eph 4:31, "bitterness."

envying—rather, "emulation," or literally, "zeal": kindly, generous emulation, or zeal, is not condemned, but that which is "bitter" [Bengel].

strife—rather, "rivalry."

in your hearts—from which flow your words and deeds, as from a fountain.

glory not, and lie not against the truth—To boast of your wisdom is virtually a lying against the truth (the gospel), while your lives belie your glorying. Jas 3:15; Jas 1:18, "The word of truth." Ro 2:17, 23, speaks similarly of the same contentious Jewish Christians.

15. This wisdom—in which ye "glory," as if ye were "wise" (Jas 3:13, 14).

descendeth not from above—literally, "is not one descending," &c.: "from the Father of lights" (true illumination and wisdom), Jas 1:17; through "the Spirit of truth," Joh 15:26.

earthly—opposed to heavenly. Distinct from "earthy," 1Co 15:47. Earthly is what is IN the earth; earthy, what is of the earth.

sensual—literally, "animal-like": the wisdom of the "natural" (the same Greek) man, not born again of God; "not having the Spirit" (Jude 19).

devilish—in its origin (from "hell," Jas 3:6; not from God, the Giver of true wisdom, Jas 1:5), and also in its character, which accords with its origin. Earthly, sensual, and devilish, answer to the three spiritual foes of man, the world, the flesh, and the devil.

16. envying—So English Version translates the Greek, which usually means "zeal"; "emulation," in Ro 13:13. "The envious man stands in his own light. He thinks his candle cannot shine in the presence of another's sun. He aims directly at men, obliquely at God, who makes men to differ."

strife—rivalry [Alford].

confusion—literally, "tumultuous anarchy": both in society (translated "commotions," Lu 21:9; "tumults," 2Co 6:5), and in the individual mind; in contrast to the "peaceable" composure of true "wisdom," Jas 3:17. James does not honor such effects of this earthly wisdom with the name "fruit," as he does in the case of the wisdom from above. Jas 3:18; compare Ga 5:19-22, "works of the flesh … fruit of the Spirit."

17. first pure—literally, "chaste," "sanctified": pure from all that is "earthly, sensual (animal), devilish" (Jas 3:15). This is put, "first of all," before "peaceable" because there is an unholy peace with the world which makes no distinction between clean and unclean. Compare "undefiled" and "unspotted from the world," Jas 1:27; 4:4, 8, "purify … hearts"; 1Pe 1:22, "purified … souls" (the same Greek). Ministers must not preach before a purifying change of heart, "Peace," where there is no peace. Seven (the perfect number) characteristic peculiarities of true wisdom are enumerated. Purity or sanctity is put first because it has respect both to God and to ourselves; the six that follow regard our fellow men. Our first concern is to have in ourselves sanctity; our second, to be at peace with men.

gentle—"forbearing"; making allowances for others; lenient towards neighbors, as to the DUTIES they owe us.

easy to be entreated—literally, "easily persuaded," tractable; not harsh as to a neighbor's FAULTS.

full of mercy—as to a neighbor's MISERIES.

good fruits—contrasted with "every evil work," Jas 3:16.

without partiality—recurring to the warning against partial "respect to persons," Jas 2:1, 4, 9. Alford translates as the Greek is translated, Jas 1:6, "wavering," "without doubting." But thus there would be an epithet referring to one's self inserted amidst those referring to one's conduct towards others. English Version is therefore better.

without hypocrisy—Not as Alford explains from Jas 1:22, 26, "Without deceiving yourselves" with the name without the reality of religion. For it must refer, like the rest of the six epithets, to our relations to others; our peaceableness and mercy towards others must be "without dissimulation."

18. "The peaceable fruit of righteousness." He says "righteousness"; because it is itself the true wisdom. As in the case of the earthly wisdom, after the characteristic description came its results; so in this verse, in the case of the heavenly wisdom. There the results were present; here, future.

fruit … sown—Compare Ps 97:11; Isa 61:3, "trees of righteousness." Anticipatory, that is, the seed whose "fruit," namely, "righteousness," shall be ultimately reaped, is now "sown in peace." "Righteousness," now in germ, when fully developed as "fruit" shall be itself the everlasting reward of the righteous. As "sowing in peace" (compare "sown in dishonor," 1Co 15:43) produces the "fruit of righteousness," so conversely "the work" and "effect of righteousness" is "peace."

of them that make peace—"by (implying also that it is for them, and to their good) them that work peace." They, and they alone, are "blessed." "Peacemakers," not merely they who reconcile others, but who work peace. "Cultivate peace" [Estius]. Those truly wise towards God, while peaceable and tolerant towards their neighbors, yet make it their chief concern to sow righteousness, not cloaking men's sins, but reproving them with such peaceable moderation as to be the physicians, rather than the executioners, of sinners [Calvin].