Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 1 » Verse 13

Jeremiah 1:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 And the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came unto me the second time, H8145 saying, H559 What seest H7200 thou? And I said, H559 I see H7200 a seething H5301 pot; H5518 and the face H6440 thereof is toward H6440 the north. H6828

Cross Reference

Ezekiel 11:3 STRONG

Which say, H559 It is not near; H7138 let us build H1129 houses: H1004 this city is the caldron, H5518 and we be the flesh. H1320

Ezekiel 11:7 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Your slain H2491 whom ye have laid H7760 in the midst H8432 of it, they are the flesh, H1320 and this city is the caldron: H5518 but I will bring you forth H3318 out of the midst H8432 of it.

2 Corinthians 13:1-2 STRONG

This G5124 is the third G5154 time I am coming G2064 to G4314 you. G5209 In G1909 the mouth G4750 of two G1417 or G2532 three G5140 witnesses G3144 shall G2476 every G3956 word G4487 be established. G2476 I told you before, G4280 and G2532 foretell you, G4302 as if G5613 I were present, G3918 the second G1208 time; and G2532 being absent G548 now G3568 I write G1125 to them which heretofore have sinned, G4258 and G2532 to all G3956 other, G3062 that, G3754 if G1437 I come G2064 again, G1519 G3825 I will G5339 not G3756 spare: G5339

Genesis 41:32 STRONG

And for that the dream H2472 was doubled H8138 unto Pharaoh H6547 twice; H6471 it is because the thing H1697 is established H3559 by H5973 God, H430 and God H430 will shortly H4116 bring it to pass. H6213

Ezekiel 24:3-14 STRONG

And utter H4911 a parable H4912 unto the rebellious H4805 house, H1004 and say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Set on H8239 a pot, H5518 set it on, H8239 and also pour H3332 water H4325 into it: Gather H622 the pieces H5409 thereof into it, even every good H2896 piece, H5409 the thigh, H3409 and the shoulder; H3802 fill H4390 it with the choice H4005 bones. H6106 Take H3947 the choice H4005 of the flock, H6629 and burn H1754 also the bones H6106 under it, and make it boil H7570 well, H7571 and let them seethe H1310 the bones H6106 of it therein. H8432 Wherefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Woe H188 to the bloody H1818 city, H5892 to the pot H5518 whose scum H2457 is therein, and whose scum H2457 is not gone out H3318 of it! bring it out H3318 piece H5409 by piece; H5409 let no lot H1486 fall H5307 upon it. For her blood H1818 is in the midst H8432 of her; she set H7760 it upon the top H6706 of a rock; H5553 she poured H8210 it not upon the ground, H776 to cover H3680 it with dust; H6083 That it might cause fury H2534 to come up H5927 to take H5358 vengeance; H5359 I have set H5414 her blood H1818 upon the top H6706 of a rock, H5553 that it should not be covered. H3680 Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Woe H188 to the bloody H1818 city! H5892 I will even make the pile H4071 for fire great. H1431 Heap H7235 on wood, H6086 kindle H1814 the fire, H784 consume H8552 the flesh, H1320 and spice H7543 it well, H4841 and let the bones H6106 be burned. H2787 Then set H5975 it empty H7386 upon the coals H1513 thereof, that the brass H5178 of it may be hot, H3179 and may burn, H2787 and that the filthiness H2932 of it may be molten H5413 in it, H8432 that the scum H2457 of it may be consumed. H8552 She hath wearied H3811 herself with lies, H8383 and her great H7227 scum H2457 went not forth H3318 out of her: her scum H2457 shall be in the fire. H784 In thy filthiness H2932 is lewdness: H2154 because I have purged H2891 thee, and thou wast not purged, H2891 thou shalt not be purged H2891 from thy filthiness H2932 any more, till I have caused my fury H2534 to rest H5117 upon thee. I the LORD H3068 have spoken H1696 it: it shall come to pass, H935 and I will do H6213 it; I will not go back, H6544 neither will I spare, H2347 neither will I repent; H5162 according to thy ways, H1870 and according to thy doings, H5949 shall they judge H8199 thee, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Zechariah 4:2 STRONG

And said H559 unto me, What seest H7200 thou? And I said, H559 I have looked, H7200 and behold a candlestick H4501 all of gold, H2091 with a bowl H1531 upon the top H7218 of it, and his seven H7651 lamps H5216 thereon, and seven H7651 pipes H4166 to the seven H7651 lamps, H5216 which are upon the top H7218 thereof:

Commentary on Jeremiah 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 1:1-19. The General Title or Introduction

Jer 1:1-3, probably prefixed by Jeremiah, when he collected his prophecies and gave them to his countrymen to take with them to Babylon [Michaelis].

1. Anathoth—a town in Benjamin, twenty stadia, that is, two or three miles north of Jerusalem; now Anata (compare Isa 10:30, and the context, Isa 10:28-32). One of the four cities allotted to the Kohathites in Benjamin (Jos 21:18). Compare 1Ki 2:26, 27; a stigma was cast thenceforth on the whole sacerdotal family resident there; this may be alluded to in the words here, "the priests … in Anathoth." God chooses "the weak, base, and despised things … to confound the mighty."

2, 3. Jehoiakim … Josiah … Zedekiah—Jehoahaz and Jehoiachin are omitted for they reigned only three months each. The first and last of the kings under whom each prophet prophesied are often thus specified in the general title. See on these kings, and Jeremiah's life, my Introduction.

thirteenth … of his reign—(Jer 25:3).

fifth month—(2Ki 25:8).

4-10. Jeremiah's call to the prophetical office.

unto me—other manuscripts read "to him"; but English Version probably represents the true Hebrew text; this inscription was doubtless made by Jeremiah himself.

5. knew—approved of thee as My chosen instrument (Ex 33:12, 17; compare Isa 49:1, 5; Ro 8:29).

sanctified—rather, "separated." The primary meaning is, "to set apart" from a common to a special use; hence arose the secondary sense, "to sanctify," ceremonially and morally. It is not here meant that Jehovah cleansed Jeremiah from original sin or regenerated him by His Spirit; but separated him to his peculiar prophetical office, including in its range, not merely the Hebrews, but also the nations hostile to them (Jer 25:12-38; 27:1-21; 46:1-51:64), [Henderson]. Not the effect, but the predestination in Jehovah's secret counsel, is meant by the sanctification here (compare Lu 1:15, 41; Ac 15:18; Ga 1:15; Eph 1:11).

6. From the long duration of his office (Jer 1:2, 3; Jer 40:1, &c.; Jer 43:8, &c.), it is supposed that he was at the time of his call under twenty-five years of age.

child—the same word is translated, "young man" (2Sa 18:5). The reluctance often shown by inspired ministers of God (Ex 4:10; 6:12, 30; Jon 1:3) to accept the call, shows that they did not assume the office under the impulse of self-deceiving fanaticism, as false prophets often did.

7. to all that—to all "to whom" [Rosenmuller]. Rather, "to all against whom"; in a hostile sense (compare Jer 1:8, 17, 18, 19) [Maurer]. Such was the perversity of the rulers and people of Judea at that time, that whoever would desire to be a faithful prophet needed to arm himself with an intrepid mind; Jeremiah was naturally timid and sensitive; yet the Spirit moulded him to the necessary degree of courage without taking away his peculiar individuality.

8. (Eze 2:6; 3:9).

I am with thee—(Ex 3:12; Jos 1:5).

9. touched my mouth—a symbolical act in supernatural vision, implying that God would give him utterance, notwithstanding his inability to speak (Jer 1:6). So Isaiah's lips were touched with a living coal (Isa 6:7; compare Eze 2:8, 9, 10; Da 10:16).

10. set thee over—literally, "appointed thee to the oversight." He was to have his eye upon the nations, and to predict their destruction, or restoration, according as their conduct was bad or good. Prophets are said to do that which they foretell shall be done; for their word is God's word; and His word is His instrument whereby He doeth all things (Ge 1:3; Ps 33:6, 9). Word and deed are one thing with Him. What His prophet saith is as certain as if it were done. The prophet's own consciousness was absorbed into that of God; so closely united to God did he feel himself, that Jehovah's words and deeds are described as his. In Jer 31:28, God is said to do what Jeremiah here is represented as doing (compare Jer 18:7; 1Ki 19:17; Eze 43:3).

root out—(Mt 15:13).

pull down—change of metaphor to architecture (2Co 10:4). There is a play on the similar sounds, linthosh, linthotz, in the Hebrew for "root out … pull down."

build … plant—restore upon their repenting. His predictions were to be chiefly, and in the first instance, denunciatory; therefore the destruction of the nations is put first, and with a greater variety of terms than their restoration.

11. rod—shoot, or branch.

almond tree—literally, "the wakeful tree," because it awakes from the sleep of winter earlier than the other trees, flowering in January, and bearing fruit in March; symbol of God's early execution of His purpose; Jer 1:12, "hasten My word" (compare Am 8:3).

12. hasten—rather, "I will be wakeful as to My word," &c.; alluding to Jer 1:11, "the wakeful tree" [Maurer].

13. Another vision, signifying what is the "word" about to be "performed," and by what instrumentality.

seething—literally, "blown under"; so boiling by reason of the flame under it kept brisk by blowing. An Oriental symbol of a raging war.

toward—rather, "from the north." Literally, "from the face of the region situated towards the north" (compare Jer 1:14, 15) [Maurer]. The pot in the north rested on one side, its mouth being about to pour forth its contents southwards, namely, on Judea. Babylon, though east of Judea, was regarded by the Hebrews as north, because they appropriated the term "east" to Arabia-Deserta, stretching from Palestine to the Euphrates; or rather [Bochart], the reference here is not to the site, but to the route of the Babylonians; not being able to cross the desert, they must enter the Holy Land by the northern frontier, through Riblah in Hamath (Jer 39:5; 52:9).

14. break forth—"shall disclose itself."

Out of the north—(Jer 4:6; 6:1, 22; 10:22; 25:9; Eze 26:7). The Chaldeans did not cast off the yoke of Assyria till several years after, under Nabopolassar, 625 B.C.; but long previously they had so increased as to threaten Assyria, which was now grown weak, and other neighboring peoples.

15. families—the tribes or clans composing the various kingdoms of Babylon; the specification of these aggravates the picture of calamity (Jer 25:9).

throne at … gates—the usual place of administering justice. The conquering princes will set up their tribunal there (Jer 39:3, 5; 52:9). Or the reference is to the military pavilion (Jer 43:10) [Maurer].

16. utter—pronounce. The judicial sentences, pronounced against the Jews by the invading princes, would be virtually the "judgments of God" (Isa 10:5).


17. gird … loins—resolutely prepare for thy appointed task. Metaphor from the flowing robes worn in the East, which have to be girt up with a girdle, so as not to incommode one, when undertaking any active work (Job 38:3; Lu 12:35; 1Pe 1:13).

dismayed … confound—the same Hebrew word; literally, "to break." Be not dismayed at their faces (before them), lest I make thee dismayed before their faces (before them), that is, "lest I should permit thee to be overcome by them" (compare Jer 49:37).

18. defenced city, &c.—that is, I will give thee strength which no power of thine enemies shall overcome (Jer 6:27; 15:20; Isa 50:7; 54:17; Lu 21:15; Ac 6:10).

walls—plural, to express the abundant strength to be given him. De Rossi's'S manuscripts read singular, "wall."

people of the land—the general masses, as distinguished from the princes and priests.