Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 1 » Verse 8

Jeremiah 1:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Be not afraid H3372 of their faces: H6440 for I am with thee to deliver H5337 thee, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Joshua 1:5 STRONG

There shall not any man H376 be able to stand H3320 before H6440 thee all the days H3117 of thy life: H2416 as I was with Moses, H4872 so I will be with thee: I will not fail H7503 thee, nor forsake H5800 thee.

Joshua 1:9 STRONG

Have not I commanded H6680 thee? Be strong H2388 and of a good courage; H553 be not afraid, H6206 neither be thou dismayed: H2865 for the LORD H3068 thy God H430 is with thee whithersoever thou goest. H3212

Exodus 3:12 STRONG

And he said, H559 Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token H226 unto thee, that H3588 I have sent H7971 thee: When thou hast brought forth H3318 the people H5971 out of Egypt, H4714 ye shall serve H5647 God H430 upon this mountain. H2022

Luke 12:4-5 STRONG

And G1161 I say G3004 unto you G5213 my G3450 friends, G5384 Be G5399 not G3361 afraid G5399 of them G575 that kill G615 the body, G4983 and G2532 after G3326 that G5023 have G2192 no G3361 G5100 more G4055 that they can do. G4160 But G1161 I will forewarn G5263 you G5213 whom G5101 ye shall fear: G5399 Fear G5399 him, which after G3326 he hath killed G615 hath G2192 power G1849 to cast G1685 into G1519 hell; G1067 yea, G3483 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Fear G5399 him. G5126

Jeremiah 15:20-21 STRONG

And I will make H5414 thee unto this people H5971 a fenced H1219 brasen H5178 wall: H2346 and they shall fight H3898 against thee, but they shall not prevail H3201 against thee: for I am with thee to save H3467 thee and to deliver H5337 thee, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 And I will deliver H5337 thee out of the hand H3027 of the wicked, H7451 and I will redeem H6299 thee out of the hand H3709 of the terrible. H6184

Deuteronomy 31:6 STRONG

Be strong H2388 and of a good courage, H553 fear H3372 not, nor be afraid H6206 of them: H6440 for the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 he it is that doth go H1980 with thee; he will not fail H7503 thee, nor forsake H5800 thee.

Jeremiah 1:17 STRONG

Thou therefore gird up H247 thy loins, H4975 and arise, H6965 and speak H1696 unto them all that I command H6680 thee: be not dismayed H2865 at their faces, H6440 lest I confound H2865 thee before H6440 them.

Acts 18:10 STRONG

For G1360 I G1473 am G1510 with G3326 thee, G4675 and G2532 no man G3762 shall set on G2007 thee G4671 to hurt G2559 thee: G4571 for G1360 I G3427 have G2076 much G4183 people G2992 in G1722 this G5026 city. G4172

Hebrews 13:5-6 STRONG

Let your conversation G5158 be without covetousness; G866 and be content G714 with such things as ye have: G3918 for G1063 he G846 hath said, G2046 I will never G3364 leave G447 thee, G4571 nor G3761 G3364 forsake G1459 thee. G4571 So that G5620 we G2248 may boldly G2292 say, G3004 The Lord G2962 is my G1698 helper, G998 and G2532 I will G5399 not G3756 fear G5399 what G5101 man G444 shall do G4160 unto me. G3427

2 Timothy 4:17-18 STRONG

Notwithstanding G1161 the Lord G2962 stood G3936 with me, G3427 and G2532 strengthened G1743 me; G3165 that G2443 by G1223 me G1700 the preaching G2782 might be fully known, G4135 and G2532 that all G3956 the Gentiles G1484 might hear: G191 and G2532 I was delivered G4506 out of G1537 the mouth G4750 of the lion. G3023 And G2532 the Lord G2962 shall deliver G4506 me G3165 from G575 every G3956 evil G4190 work, G2041 and G2532 will preserve G4982 me unto G1519 his G846 heavenly G2032 kingdom: G932 to whom G3739 be glory G1391 for G1519 ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281

Ephesians 6:20 STRONG

For G5228 which G3739 I am an ambassador G4243 in G1722 bonds: G254 that G2443 therein G1722 G846 I may speak boldly, G3955 as G5613 I G3165 ought G1163 to speak. G2980

2 Corinthians 1:8-10 STRONG

For G1063 we would G2309 not, G3756 brethren, G80 have G50 you G5209 ignorant G50 of G5228 our G2257 trouble G2347 which G3588 came G1096 to us G2254 in G1722 Asia, G773 that G3754 we were pressed G2596 out G916 of measure, G5236 above G5228 strength, G1411 insomuch G5620 that we G2248 despaired G1820 even G2532 of life: G2198 But G235 G846 we had G2192 the sentence G610 of death G2288 in G1722 ourselves, G1438 that G3363 we should G3982 not G3363 trust G3982 in G1909 ourselves, G1438 G5600 but G235 in G1909 God G2316 which G3588 raiseth G1453 the dead: G3498 Who G3739 delivered G4506 us G2248 from G1537 so great G5082 a death, G2288 and G2532 doth deliver: G4506 in G1519 whom G3739 we trust G1679 that G3754 he will G4506 G2532 yet G2089 deliver G4506 us;

Acts 26:17 STRONG

Delivering G1807 thee G4571 from G1537 the people, G2992 and G2532 from the Gentiles, G1484 unto G1519 whom G3739 now G3568 I send G649 thee, G4571

Deuteronomy 31:8 STRONG

And the LORD, H3068 he it is that doth go H1980 before H6440 thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail H7503 thee, neither forsake H5800 thee: fear H3372 not, neither be dismayed. H2865

Acts 7:9-10 STRONG

And G2532 the patriarchs, G3966 moved with envy, G2206 sold G591 Joseph G2501 into G1519 Egypt: G125 but G2532 God G2316 was G2258 with G3326 him, G846 And G2532 delivered G1807 him G846 out of G1537 all G3956 his G846 afflictions, G2347 and G2532 gave G1325 him G846 favour G5485 and G2532 wisdom G4678 in the sight G1726 of Pharaoh G5328 king G935 of Egypt; G125 and G2532 he made G2525 him G846 governor G2233 over G1909 Egypt G125 and G2532 all G3650 his G846 house. G3624

Acts 4:29 STRONG

And G2532 now, G3569 Lord, G2962 behold G1896 G1909 their G846 threatenings: G547 and G2532 grant unto G1325 thy G4675 servants, G1401 that with G3326 all G3956 boldness G3954 they may speak G2980 thy G4675 word, G3056

Acts 4:13 STRONG

Now G1161 when they saw G2334 the boldness G3954 of Peter G4074 and G2532 John, G2491 and G2532 perceived G2638 that G3754 they were G1526 unlearned G62 and G2532 ignorant G2399 men, G444 they marvelled; G2296 and G5037 they took knowledge G1921 of them, G846 that G3754 they had been G2258 with G4862 Jesus. G2424

Matthew 28:20 STRONG

Teaching G1321 them G846 to observe G5083 all things G3956 whatsoever G3745 I have commanded G1781 you: G5213 and, G2532 lo, G2400 I G1473 am G1510 with G3326 you G5216 alway, G3956 G2250 even unto G2193 the end G4930 of the world. G165 Amen. G281

Matthew 10:26 STRONG

Fear G5399 them G846 not G3361 therefore: G3767 for G1063 there is G2076 nothing G3762 covered, G2572 that G3739 shall G601 not G3756 be revealed; G601 and G2532 hid, G2927 that G3739 shall G1097 not G3756 be known. G1097

Ezekiel 3:8-9 STRONG

Behold, I have made H5414 thy face H6440 strong H2389 against H5980 their faces, H6440 and thy forehead H4696 strong H2389 against H5980 their foreheads. H4696 As an adamant H8068 harder H2389 than flint H6864 have I made H5414 thy forehead: H4696 fear H3372 them not, neither be dismayed H2865 at their looks, H6440 though they be a rebellious H4805 house. H1004

Ezekiel 2:6-7 STRONG

And thou, son H1121 of man, H120 be not afraid H3372 of them, neither be afraid H3372 of their words, H1697 though briers H5621 and thorns H5544 be with thee, and thou dost dwell H3427 among scorpions: H6137 be not afraid H3372 of their words, H1697 nor be dismayed H2865 at their looks, H6440 though they be a rebellious H4805 house. H1004 And thou shalt speak H1696 my words H1697 unto them, whether they will hear, H8085 or whether they will forbear: H2308 for they are most rebellious. H4805

Jeremiah 20:11 STRONG

But the LORD H3068 is with me as a mighty H1368 terrible one: H6184 therefore my persecutors H7291 shall stumble, H3782 and they shall not prevail: H3201 they shall be greatly H3966 ashamed; H954 for they shall not prosper: H7919 their everlasting H5769 confusion H3639 shall never be forgotten. H7911

Isaiah 51:12 STRONG

I, even I, am he that comforteth H5162 you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid H3372 of a man H582 that shall die, H4191 and of the son H1121 of man H120 which shall be made H5414 as grass; H2682

Isaiah 51:7 STRONG

Hearken H8085 unto me, ye that know H3045 righteousness, H6664 the people H5971 in whose heart H3820 is my law; H8451 fear H3372 ye not the reproach H2781 of men, H582 neither be ye afraid H2865 of their revilings. H1421

Isaiah 43:2 STRONG

When thou passest through H5674 the waters, H4325 I will be with thee; and through the rivers, H5104 they shall not overflow H7857 thee: when thou walkest H3212 through H1119 the fire, H784 thou shalt not be burned; H3554 neither shall the flame H3852 kindle H1197 upon thee.

Commentary on Jeremiah 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 1:1-19. The General Title or Introduction

Jer 1:1-3, probably prefixed by Jeremiah, when he collected his prophecies and gave them to his countrymen to take with them to Babylon [Michaelis].

1. Anathoth—a town in Benjamin, twenty stadia, that is, two or three miles north of Jerusalem; now Anata (compare Isa 10:30, and the context, Isa 10:28-32). One of the four cities allotted to the Kohathites in Benjamin (Jos 21:18). Compare 1Ki 2:26, 27; a stigma was cast thenceforth on the whole sacerdotal family resident there; this may be alluded to in the words here, "the priests … in Anathoth." God chooses "the weak, base, and despised things … to confound the mighty."

2, 3. Jehoiakim … Josiah … Zedekiah—Jehoahaz and Jehoiachin are omitted for they reigned only three months each. The first and last of the kings under whom each prophet prophesied are often thus specified in the general title. See on these kings, and Jeremiah's life, my Introduction.

thirteenth … of his reign—(Jer 25:3).

fifth month—(2Ki 25:8).

4-10. Jeremiah's call to the prophetical office.

unto me—other manuscripts read "to him"; but English Version probably represents the true Hebrew text; this inscription was doubtless made by Jeremiah himself.

5. knew—approved of thee as My chosen instrument (Ex 33:12, 17; compare Isa 49:1, 5; Ro 8:29).

sanctified—rather, "separated." The primary meaning is, "to set apart" from a common to a special use; hence arose the secondary sense, "to sanctify," ceremonially and morally. It is not here meant that Jehovah cleansed Jeremiah from original sin or regenerated him by His Spirit; but separated him to his peculiar prophetical office, including in its range, not merely the Hebrews, but also the nations hostile to them (Jer 25:12-38; 27:1-21; 46:1-51:64), [Henderson]. Not the effect, but the predestination in Jehovah's secret counsel, is meant by the sanctification here (compare Lu 1:15, 41; Ac 15:18; Ga 1:15; Eph 1:11).

6. From the long duration of his office (Jer 1:2, 3; Jer 40:1, &c.; Jer 43:8, &c.), it is supposed that he was at the time of his call under twenty-five years of age.

child—the same word is translated, "young man" (2Sa 18:5). The reluctance often shown by inspired ministers of God (Ex 4:10; 6:12, 30; Jon 1:3) to accept the call, shows that they did not assume the office under the impulse of self-deceiving fanaticism, as false prophets often did.

7. to all that—to all "to whom" [Rosenmuller]. Rather, "to all against whom"; in a hostile sense (compare Jer 1:8, 17, 18, 19) [Maurer]. Such was the perversity of the rulers and people of Judea at that time, that whoever would desire to be a faithful prophet needed to arm himself with an intrepid mind; Jeremiah was naturally timid and sensitive; yet the Spirit moulded him to the necessary degree of courage without taking away his peculiar individuality.

8. (Eze 2:6; 3:9).

I am with thee—(Ex 3:12; Jos 1:5).

9. touched my mouth—a symbolical act in supernatural vision, implying that God would give him utterance, notwithstanding his inability to speak (Jer 1:6). So Isaiah's lips were touched with a living coal (Isa 6:7; compare Eze 2:8, 9, 10; Da 10:16).

10. set thee over—literally, "appointed thee to the oversight." He was to have his eye upon the nations, and to predict their destruction, or restoration, according as their conduct was bad or good. Prophets are said to do that which they foretell shall be done; for their word is God's word; and His word is His instrument whereby He doeth all things (Ge 1:3; Ps 33:6, 9). Word and deed are one thing with Him. What His prophet saith is as certain as if it were done. The prophet's own consciousness was absorbed into that of God; so closely united to God did he feel himself, that Jehovah's words and deeds are described as his. In Jer 31:28, God is said to do what Jeremiah here is represented as doing (compare Jer 18:7; 1Ki 19:17; Eze 43:3).

root out—(Mt 15:13).

pull down—change of metaphor to architecture (2Co 10:4). There is a play on the similar sounds, linthosh, linthotz, in the Hebrew for "root out … pull down."

build … plant—restore upon their repenting. His predictions were to be chiefly, and in the first instance, denunciatory; therefore the destruction of the nations is put first, and with a greater variety of terms than their restoration.

11. rod—shoot, or branch.

almond tree—literally, "the wakeful tree," because it awakes from the sleep of winter earlier than the other trees, flowering in January, and bearing fruit in March; symbol of God's early execution of His purpose; Jer 1:12, "hasten My word" (compare Am 8:3).

12. hasten—rather, "I will be wakeful as to My word," &c.; alluding to Jer 1:11, "the wakeful tree" [Maurer].

13. Another vision, signifying what is the "word" about to be "performed," and by what instrumentality.

seething—literally, "blown under"; so boiling by reason of the flame under it kept brisk by blowing. An Oriental symbol of a raging war.

toward—rather, "from the north." Literally, "from the face of the region situated towards the north" (compare Jer 1:14, 15) [Maurer]. The pot in the north rested on one side, its mouth being about to pour forth its contents southwards, namely, on Judea. Babylon, though east of Judea, was regarded by the Hebrews as north, because they appropriated the term "east" to Arabia-Deserta, stretching from Palestine to the Euphrates; or rather [Bochart], the reference here is not to the site, but to the route of the Babylonians; not being able to cross the desert, they must enter the Holy Land by the northern frontier, through Riblah in Hamath (Jer 39:5; 52:9).

14. break forth—"shall disclose itself."

Out of the north—(Jer 4:6; 6:1, 22; 10:22; 25:9; Eze 26:7). The Chaldeans did not cast off the yoke of Assyria till several years after, under Nabopolassar, 625 B.C.; but long previously they had so increased as to threaten Assyria, which was now grown weak, and other neighboring peoples.

15. families—the tribes or clans composing the various kingdoms of Babylon; the specification of these aggravates the picture of calamity (Jer 25:9).

throne at … gates—the usual place of administering justice. The conquering princes will set up their tribunal there (Jer 39:3, 5; 52:9). Or the reference is to the military pavilion (Jer 43:10) [Maurer].

16. utter—pronounce. The judicial sentences, pronounced against the Jews by the invading princes, would be virtually the "judgments of God" (Isa 10:5).


17. gird … loins—resolutely prepare for thy appointed task. Metaphor from the flowing robes worn in the East, which have to be girt up with a girdle, so as not to incommode one, when undertaking any active work (Job 38:3; Lu 12:35; 1Pe 1:13).

dismayed … confound—the same Hebrew word; literally, "to break." Be not dismayed at their faces (before them), lest I make thee dismayed before their faces (before them), that is, "lest I should permit thee to be overcome by them" (compare Jer 49:37).

18. defenced city, &c.—that is, I will give thee strength which no power of thine enemies shall overcome (Jer 6:27; 15:20; Isa 50:7; 54:17; Lu 21:15; Ac 6:10).

walls—plural, to express the abundant strength to be given him. De Rossi's'S manuscripts read singular, "wall."

people of the land—the general masses, as distinguished from the princes and priests.