Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 12 » Verse 12

Jeremiah 12:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 The spoilers H7703 are come H935 upon all high places H8205 through the wilderness: H4057 for the sword H2719 of the LORD H3068 shall devour H398 from the one end H7097 of the land H776 even to the other end H7097 of the land: H776 no flesh H1320 shall have peace. H7965

Cross Reference

Amos 9:4 STRONG

And though they go H3212 into captivity H7628 before H6440 their enemies, H341 thence will I command H6680 the sword, H2719 and it shall slay H2026 them: and I will set H7760 mine eyes H5869 upon them for evil, H7451 and not for good. H2896

Jeremiah 47:6 STRONG

O H1945 thou sword H2719 of the LORD, H3068 how long will it be ere H3808 thou be quiet? H8252 put up H622 thyself into thy scabbard, H8593 rest, H7280 and be still. H1826

Ezekiel 14:17 STRONG

Or if I bring H935 a sword H2719 upon that land, H776 and say, H559 Sword, H2719 go through H5674 the land; H776 so that I cut off H3772 man H120 and beast H929 from it:

Isaiah 34:6 STRONG

The sword H2719 of the LORD H3068 is filled H4390 with blood, H1818 it is made fat H1878 with fatness, H2459 and with the blood H1818 of lambs H3733 and goats, H6260 with the fat H2459 of the kidneys H3629 of rams: H352 for the LORD H3068 hath a sacrifice H2077 in Bozrah, H1224 and a great H1419 slaughter H2874 in the land H776 of Idumea. H123

Ezekiel 5:2 STRONG

Thou shalt burn H1197 with fire H217 a third part H7992 in the midst H8432 of the city, H5892 when the days H3117 of the siege H4692 are fulfilled: H4390 and thou shalt take H3947 a third part, H7992 and smite H5221 about H5439 it with a knife: H2719 and a third part H7992 thou shalt scatter H2219 in the wind; H7307 and I will draw out H7324 a sword H2719 after H310 them.

Revelation 19:16-21 STRONG

And G2532 he hath G2192 on G1909 his vesture G2440 and G2532 on G1909 his G846 thigh G3382 a name G3686 written, G1125 KING G935 OF KINGS, G935 AND G2532 LORD G2962 OF LORDS. G2962 And G2532 I saw G1492 an G1520 angel G32 standing G2476 in G1722 the sun; G2246 and G2532 he cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying G3004 to all G3956 the fowls G3732 that fly G4072 in G1722 the midst of heaven, G3321 Come G1205 and G2532 gather yourselves together G4863 unto G1519 the supper G1173 of the great G3173 God; G2316 That G2443 ye may eat G5315 the flesh G4561 of kings, G935 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of captains, G5506 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of mighty men, G2478 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of horses, G2462 and G2532 of them that sit G2521 on G1909 them, G846 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of all G3956 men, both free G1658 and G2532 bond, G1401 both G2532 small G3398 and G2532 great. G3173 And G2532 I saw G1492 the beast, G2342 and G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 their G846 armies, G4753 gathered together G4863 to make G4160 war G4171 against G3326 him that sat G2521 on G1909 the horse, G2462 and G2532 against G3326 his G846 army. G4753 And G2532 the beast G2342 was taken, G4084 and G2532 with G3326 him G5127 the false prophet G5578 that wrought G4160 miracles G4592 before G1799 him, G846 with G1722 which G3739 he deceived G4105 them that had received G2983 the mark G5480 of the beast, G2342 and G2532 them that worshipped G4352 his G846 image. G1504 These both G1417 were cast G906 alive G2198 into G1519 a lake G3041 of fire G4442 burning G2545 with G1722 brimstone. G2303 And G2532 the remnant G3062 were slain G615 with G1722 the sword G4501 of him that sat G2521 upon G1909 the horse, G2462 which G3588 sword proceeded G1607 out of G1537 his G846 mouth: G4750 and G2532 all G3956 the fowls G3732 were filled G5526 with G1537 their G846 flesh. G4561

Revelation 6:4 STRONG

And G2532 there went out G1831 another G243 horse G2462 that was red: G4450 and G2532 power was given G1325 to him G846 that sat G2521 thereon G1909 G846 to take G2983 peace G1515 from G575 the earth, G1093 and G2532 that G2443 they should kill G4969 one another: G240 and G2532 there was given G1325 unto him G846 a great G3173 sword. G3162

Matthew 24:21-22 STRONG

For G1063 then G5119 shall be G2071 great G3173 tribulation, G2347 such as G3634 was G1096 not G3756 since G575 the beginning G746 of the world G2889 to this G2193 time, G3568 no, G3761 nor ever G3364 shall be. G1096 And G2532 except G1508 those G1565 days G2250 should be shortened, G2856 there G3756 should G302 no G3956 flesh G4561 be saved: G4982 but G1161 for G1223 the elect's sake G1588 those G1565 days G2250 shall be shortened. G2856

Zephaniah 2:12 STRONG

Ye Ethiopians H3569 also, ye H1992 shall be slain H2491 by my sword. H2719

Leviticus 26:33 STRONG

And I will scatter H2219 you among the heathen, H1471 and will draw out H7324 a sword H2719 after H310 you: and your land H776 shall be desolate, H8077 and your cities H5892 waste. H2723

Jeremiah 48:2 STRONG

There shall be no more praise H8416 of Moab: H4124 in Heshbon H2809 they have devised H2803 evil H7451 against it; come, H3212 and let us cut it off H3772 from being a nation. H1471 Also thou shalt be cut down, H1826 O Madmen; H4086 the sword H2719 shall pursue H3212 thee. H310

Jeremiah 34:17 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Ye have not hearkened H8085 unto me, in proclaiming H7121 liberty, H1865 every one H376 to his brother, H251 and every man H376 to his neighbour: H7453 behold, I proclaim H7121 a liberty H1865 for you, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 to the sword, H2719 to the pestilence, H1698 and to the famine; H7458 and I will make H5414 you to be removed H2189 H2113 into all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth. H776

Jeremiah 15:2 STRONG

And it shall come to pass, if they say H559 unto thee, Whither shall we go forth? H3318 then thou shalt tell H559 them, Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Such as are for death, H4194 to death; H4194 and such as are for the sword, H2719 to the sword; H2719 and such as are for the famine, H7458 to the famine; H7458 and such as are for the captivity, H7628 to the captivity. H7628

Jeremiah 9:19-21 STRONG

For a voice H6963 of wailing H5092 is heard H8085 out of Zion, H6726 How are we spoiled! H7703 we are greatly H3966 confounded, H954 because we have forsaken H5800 the land, H776 because our dwellings H4908 have cast us out. H7993 Yet hear H8085 the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 O ye women, H802 and let your ear H241 receive H3947 the word H1697 of his mouth, H6310 and teach H3925 your daughters H1323 wailing, H5092 and every one H802 her neighbour H7468 lamentation. H7015 For death H4194 is come up H5927 into our windows, H2474 and is entered H935 into our palaces, H759 to cut off H3772 the children H5768 from without, H2351 and the young men H970 from the streets. H7339

Jeremiah 4:11-15 STRONG

At that time H6256 shall it be said H559 to this people H5971 and to Jerusalem, H3389 A dry H6703 wind H7307 of the high places H8205 in the wilderness H4057 toward H1870 the daughter H1323 of my people, H5971 not to fan, H2219 nor to cleanse, H1305 Even a full H4392 wind H7307 from those places shall come H935 unto me: now also will I give H1696 sentence H4941 against them. Behold, he shall come up H5927 as clouds, H6051 and his chariots H4818 shall be as a whirlwind: H5492 his horses H5483 are swifter H7043 than eagles. H5404 Woe H188 unto us! for we are spoiled. H7703 O Jerusalem, H3389 wash H3526 thine heart H3820 from wickedness, H7451 that thou mayest be saved. H3467 How long shall thy vain H205 thoughts H4284 lodge H3885 within H7130 thee? For a voice H6963 declareth H5046 from Dan, H1835 and publisheth H8085 affliction H205 from mount H2022 Ephraim. H669

Jeremiah 3:2 STRONG

Lift up H5375 thine eyes H5869 unto the high places, H8205 and see H7200 where H375 thou hast not been lien H7693 H7901 with. In the ways H1870 hast thou sat H3427 for them, as the Arabian H6163 in the wilderness; H4057 and thou hast polluted H2610 the land H776 with thy whoredoms H2184 and with thy wickedness. H7451

Isaiah 66:15-16 STRONG

For, behold, the LORD H3068 will come H935 with fire, H784 and with his chariots H4818 like a whirlwind, H5492 to render H7725 his anger H639 with fury, H2534 and his rebuke H1606 with flames H3851 of fire. H784 For by fire H784 and by his sword H2719 will the LORD H3068 plead H8199 with all flesh: H1320 and the slain H2491 of the LORD H3068 shall be many. H7231

Isaiah 57:21 STRONG

There is no peace, H7965 saith H559 my God, H430 to the wicked. H7563

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Jeremiah 12

Commentary on Jeremiah 12 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-6

The prophet's displeasure at the prosperity of the wicked. - The enmity experienced by Jeremiah at the hands of his countrymen at Anathoth excites his displeasure at the prosperity of the wicked, who thrive and live with immunity. He therefore beings to expostulate with God, and demands from God's righteousness that they be cut off out of the land (Jeremiah 12:1-4); whereupon the Lord reproves him for this outburst of ill-nature and impatience by telling him that he must patiently endure still worse. - This section, the connection of which with the preceding is unmistakeable, shows by a concrete instance the utter corruptness of the people; and it has been included in the prophecies because it sets before us the greatness of God's long-suffering towards a people ripe for destruction.

Jeremiah 12:1

"Righteous art Thou, Jahveh, if I contend with Thee; yet will I plead with Thee in words. Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper, are all secure that deal faithlessly? Jeremiah 12:2. Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root; grow, yea, bring forth fruit. Near art Thou in their mouth, yet far from their reins. Jeremiah 12:3. But Thou, Jahveh, knowest me, seest me, and triest mine heart toward Thee. Tear them away like sheep to the slaughter, and devote them for a day of slaughter. Jeremiah 12:4. How long is the earth to mourn and the herb of the field to wither? For the wickedness of them that dwell therein, gone are cattle and fowl; for they say: He sees not our end. Jeremiah 12:5. If with the footmen thou didst run and they wearied thee, how couldst thou contend with the horses? and if thou trustest in the land of peace, how wilt thou do in the glory of Jordan? Jeremiah 12:6. For even thy brethren and they father's house, even they are faithless towards thee, yea, they call after thee with full voice. Believe them not, though they speak friendly to thee."