Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 14 » Verse 20

Jeremiah 14:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 We acknowledge, H3045 O LORD, H3068 our wickedness, H7562 and the iniquity H5771 of our fathers: H1 for we have sinned H2398 against thee.

Cross Reference

Psalms 32:5 STRONG

I acknowledged H3045 my sin H2403 unto thee, and mine iniquity H5771 have I not hid. H3680 I said, H559 I will confess H3034 my transgressions H6588 unto the LORD; H3068 and thou forgavest H5375 the iniquity H5771 of my sin. H2403 Selah. H5542

Leviticus 26:40-42 STRONG

If they shall confess H3034 their iniquity, H5771 and the iniquity H5771 of their fathers, H1 with their trespass H4604 which they trespassed H4603 against me, and that also they have walked H1980 contrary H7147 unto me; And that I also have walked H3212 contrary H7147 unto them, and have brought H935 them into the land H776 of their enemies; H341 if then H176 their uncircumcised H6189 hearts H3824 be humbled, H3665 and they then accept H7521 of the punishment of their iniquity: H5771 Then will I remember H2142 my covenant H1285 with Jacob, H3290 and also my covenant H1285 with Isaac, H3327 and also my covenant H1285 with Abraham H85 will I remember; H2142 and I will remember H2142 the land. H776

Nehemiah 9:2 STRONG

And the seed H2233 of Israel H3478 separated H914 themselves from all strangers, H1121 H5236 and stood H5975 and confessed H3034 their sins, H2403 and the iniquities H5771 of their fathers. H1

Psalms 106:6-48 STRONG

We have sinned H2398 with our fathers, H1 we have committed iniquity, H5753 we have done wickedly. H7561 Our fathers H1 understood H7919 not thy wonders H6381 in Egypt; H4714 they remembered H2142 not the multitude H7230 of thy mercies; H2617 but provoked H4784 him at the sea, H3220 even at the Red H5488 sea. H3220 Nevertheless he saved H3467 them for his name's H8034 sake, that he might make his mighty power H1369 to be known. H3045 He rebuked H1605 the Red H5488 sea H3220 also, and it was dried up: H2717 so he led H3212 them through the depths, H8415 as through the wilderness. H4057 And he saved H3467 them from the hand H3027 of him that hated H8130 them, and redeemed H1350 them from the hand H3027 of the enemy. H341 And the waters H4325 covered H3680 their enemies: H6862 there was not one H259 of them left. H3498 Then believed H539 they his words; H1697 they sang H7891 his praise. H8416 They soon H4116 forgat H7911 his works; H4639 they waited H2442 not for his counsel: H6098 But lusted H183 exceedingly H8378 in the wilderness, H4057 and tempted H5254 God H410 in the desert. H3452 And he gave H5414 them their request; H7596 but sent H7971 leanness H7332 into their soul. H5315 They envied H7065 Moses H4872 also in the camp, H4264 and Aaron H175 the saint H6918 of the LORD. H3068 The earth H776 opened H6605 and swallowed up H1104 Dathan, H1885 and covered H3680 the company H5712 of Abiram. H48 And a fire H784 was kindled H1197 in their company; H5712 the flame H3852 burned up H3857 the wicked. H7563 They made H6213 a calf H5695 in Horeb, H2722 and worshipped H7812 the molten image. H4541 Thus they changed H4171 their glory H3519 into the similitude H8403 of an ox H7794 that eateth H398 grass. H6212 They forgat H7911 God H410 their saviour, H3467 which had done H6213 great things H1419 in Egypt; H4714 Wondrous works H6381 in the land H776 of Ham, H2526 and terrible things H3372 by the Red H5488 sea. H3220 Therefore he said H559 that he would destroy H8045 them, had not H3884 Moses H4872 his chosen H972 stood H5975 before H6440 him in the breach, H6556 to turn away H7725 his wrath, H2534 lest he should destroy H7843 them. Yea, they despised H3988 the pleasant H2532 land, H776 they believed H539 not his word: H1697 But murmured H7279 in their tents, H168 and hearkened H8085 not unto the voice H6963 of the LORD. H3068 Therefore he lifted up H5375 his hand H3027 against them, to overthrow H5307 them in the wilderness: H4057 To overthrow H5307 their seed H2233 also among the nations, H1471 and to scatter H2219 them in the lands. H776 They joined H6775 themselves also unto Baalpeor, H1187 and ate H398 the sacrifices H2077 of the dead. H4191 Thus they provoked him to anger H3707 with their inventions: H4611 and the plague H4046 brake in H6555 upon them. Then stood up H5975 Phinehas, H6372 and executed judgment: H6419 and so the plague H4046 was stayed. H6113 And that was counted H2803 unto him for righteousness H6666 unto all H1755 generations H1755 for H5704 evermore. H5769 They angered H7107 him also at the waters H4325 of strife, H4808 H4809 so that it went ill H3415 with Moses H4872 for their sakes: Because they provoked H4784 his spirit, H7307 so that he spake unadvisedly H981 with his lips. H8193 They did not destroy H8045 the nations, H5971 concerning whom the LORD H3068 commanded H559 them: But were mingled H6148 among the heathen, H1471 and learned H3925 their works. H4639 And they served H5647 their idols: H6091 which were a snare H4170 unto them. Yea, they sacrificed H2076 their sons H1121 and their daughters H1323 unto devils, H7700 And shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood, H1818 even the blood H1818 of their sons H1121 and of their daughters, H1323 whom they sacrificed H2076 unto the idols H6091 of Canaan: H3667 and the land H776 was polluted H2610 with blood. H1818 Thus were they defiled H2930 with their own works, H4639 and went a whoring H2181 with their own inventions. H4611 Therefore was the wrath H639 of the LORD H3068 kindled H2734 against his people, H5971 insomuch that he abhorred H8581 his own inheritance. H5159 And he gave H5414 them into the hand H3027 of the heathen; H1471 and they that hated H8130 them ruled H4910 over them. Their enemies H341 also oppressed H3905 them, and they were brought into subjection H3665 under their hand. H3027 Many H7227 times H6471 did he deliver H5337 them; but they provoked H4784 him with their counsel, H6098 and were brought low H4355 for their iniquity. H5771 Nevertheless he regarded H7200 their affliction, H6862 when he heard H8085 their cry: H7440 And he remembered H2142 for them his covenant, H1285 and repented H5162 according to the multitude H7230 of his mercies. H2617 He made H5414 them also to be pitied H7356 of H6440 all those that carried them captives. H7617 Save H3467 us, O LORD H3068 our God, H430 and gather H6908 us from among the heathen, H1471 to give thanks H3034 unto thy holy H6944 name, H8034 and to triumph H7623 in thy praise. H8416 Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 from everlasting H5769 to everlasting: H5769 and let all the people H5971 say, H559 Amen. H543 Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Jeremiah 3:25 STRONG

We lie down H7901 in our shame, H1322 and our confusion H3639 covereth H3680 us: for we have sinned H2398 against the LORD H3068 our God, H430 we and our fathers, H1 from our youth H5271 even unto this day, H3117 and have not obeyed H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 our God. H430

Daniel 9:5-8 STRONG

We have sinned, H2398 and have committed iniquity, H5753 and have done wickedly, H7561 and have rebelled, H4775 even by departing H5493 from thy precepts H4687 and from thy judgments: H4941 Neither have we hearkened H8085 unto thy servants H5650 the prophets, H5030 which spake H1696 in thy name H8034 to our kings, H4428 our princes, H8269 and our fathers, H1 and to all the people H5971 of the land. H776 O Lord, H136 righteousness H6666 belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion H1322 of faces, H6440 as at this day; H3117 to the men H376 of Judah, H3063 and to the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 and unto all Israel, H3478 that are near, H7138 and that are far off, H7350 through all the countries H776 whither thou hast driven H5080 them, because of their trespass H4604 that they have trespassed H4603 against thee. O Lord, H136 to us belongeth confusion H1322 of face, H6440 to our kings, H4428 to our princes, H8269 and to our fathers, H1 because we have sinned H2398 against thee.

2 Samuel 12:13 STRONG

And David H1732 said H559 unto Nathan, H5416 I have sinned H2398 against the LORD. H3068 And Nathan H5416 said H559 unto David, H1732 The LORD H3068 also hath put away H5674 thy sin; H2403 thou shalt not die. H4191

2 Samuel 24:10 STRONG

And David's H1732 heart H3820 smote H5221 him after H310 that he had numbered H5608 the people. H5971 And David H1732 said H559 unto the LORD, H3068 I have sinned H2398 greatly H3966 in that I have done: H6213 and now, I beseech thee, O LORD, H3068 take away H5674 the iniquity H5771 of thy servant; H5650 for I have done very H3966 foolishly. H5528

Ezra 9:6-7 STRONG

And said, H559 O my God, H430 I am ashamed H954 and blush H3637 to lift up H7311 my face H6440 to thee, my God: H430 for our iniquities H5771 are increased H7235 over H4605 our head, H7218 and our trespass H819 is grown up H1431 unto the heavens. H8064 Since the days H3117 of our fathers H1 have we been in a great H1419 trespass H819 unto this day; H3117 and for our iniquities H5771 have we, our kings, H4428 and our priests, H3548 been delivered H5414 into the hand H3027 of the kings H4428 of the lands, H776 to the sword, H2719 to captivity, H7628 and to a spoil, H961 and to confusion H1322 of face, H6440 as it is this day. H3117

Job 33:27 STRONG

He looketh H7789 upon men, H582 and if any say, H559 I have sinned, H2398 and perverted H5753 that which was right, H3477 and it profited H7737 me not;

Psalms 51:3-4 STRONG

For I acknowledge H3045 my transgressions: H6588 and my sin H2403 is ever H8548 before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, H2398 and done H6213 this evil H7451 in thy sight: H5869 that thou mightest be justified H6663 when thou speakest, H1696 and be clear H2135 when thou judgest. H8199

Jeremiah 3:13 STRONG

Only acknowledge H3045 thine iniquity, H5771 that thou hast transgressed H6586 against the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and hast scattered H6340 thy ways H1870 to the strangers H2114 under every green H7488 tree, H6086 and ye have not obeyed H8085 my voice, H6963 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Luke 15:18-21 STRONG

I will arise G450 and go G4198 to G4314 my G3450 father, G3962 and G2532 will say G2046 unto him, G846 Father, G3962 I have sinned G264 against G1519 heaven, G3772 and G2532 before G1799 thee, G4675 And G2532 am G1510 no more G3765 worthy G514 to be called G2564 thy G4675 son: G5207 make G4160 me G3165 as G5613 one G1520 of thy G4675 hired servants. G3407 And G2532 he arose, G450 and came G2064 to G4314 his G1438 father. G3962 But G1161 when he G846 was yet G2089 a great way G3112 off, G568 his G846 father G3962 saw G1492 him, G846 and G2532 had compassion, G4697 and G2532 ran, G5143 and fell G1968 on G1909 his G846 neck, G5137 and G2532 kissed G2705 him. G846 And G1161 the son G5207 said G2036 unto him, G846 Father, G3962 I have sinned G264 against G1519 heaven, G3772 and G2532 in G1799 thy G4675 sight, G1799 and G2532 am G1510 no more G3765 worthy G514 to be called G2564 thy G4675 son. G5207

1 John 1:7-9 STRONG

But G1161 if G1437 we walk G4043 in G1722 the light, G5457 as G5613 he G846 is G2076 in G1722 the light, G5457 we have G2192 fellowship G2842 one with another, G3326 G240 and G2532 the blood G129 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 his G846 Son G5207 cleanseth G2511 us G2248 from G575 all G3956 sin. G266 If G1437 we say G2036 that G3754 we have G2192 no G3756 sin, G266 we deceive G4105 ourselves, G1438 and G2532 the truth G225 is G2076 not G3756 in G1722 us. G2254 If G1437 we confess G3670 our G2257 sins, G266 he is G2076 faithful G4103 and G2532 just G1342 to G2443 forgive G863 us G2254 our sins, G266 and G2532 to cleanse G2511 us G2248 from G575 all G3956 unrighteousness. G93

Commentary on Jeremiah 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 14:1-22. Prophecies on the Occasion of a Drought Sent in Judgment on Judea.

1. Literally, "That which was the word of Jehovah to Jeremiah concerning the dearth"

drought—literally, the "withholdings," namely, of rain (De 11:17; 2Ch 7:13). This word should be used especially of the withholding of rain because rain is in those regions of all things the one chiefly needed (Jer 17:8, Margin).

2. gates—The place of public concourse in each city looks sad, as being no longer frequented (Isa 3:26; 24:4).

black—that is, they mourn (blackness being indicative of sorrow), (Jer 8:21).

unto the ground—bowing towards it.

cry—of distress (1Sa 5:12; Isa 24:11).

3. little ones—rather, "their inferiors," that is, domestics.

pits—cisterns for collecting rain water, often met with in the East where there are no springs.

covered … heads—(2Sa 15:30). A sign of humiliation and mourning.

5. The brute creation is reduced to the utmost extremity for the want of food. The "hind," famed for her affection to her young, abandons them.

6. wild asses—They repair to "the high places" most exposed to the winds, which they "snuff in" to relieve their thirst.

dragons—jackals [Henderson].

eyes—which are usually most keen in detecting grass or water from the "heights," so much so that the traveller guesses from their presence that there must be herbage and water near; but now "their eyes fail." Rather the reference is to the great boas and python serpents which raise a large portion of their body up in a vertical column ten or twelve feet high, to survey the neighborhood above the surrounding bushes, while with open jaws they drink in the air. These giant serpents originated the widely spread notions which typified the deluge and all destructive agents under the form of a dragon or monster serpent; hence, the dragon temples always near water, in Asia, Africa, and Britain; for example, at Abury, in Wiltshire; a symbol of the ark is often associated with the dragon as the preserver from the waters [Kitto, Biblical Cyclopædia].

7. do thou it—what we beg of Thee; interpose to remove the drought. Jeremiah pleads in the name of his nation (Ps 109:21). So "work for us," absolutely used (1Sa 14:6).

for thy name's sake—"for our backslidings are so many" that we cannot urge Thee for the sake of our doings, but for the glory of Thy name; lest, if Thou give us not aid, it should be said it was owing to Thy want of power (Jos 7:9; Ps 79:9; 106:8; Isa 48:9; Eze 20:44). The same appeal to God's mercy, "for His name's sake," as our only hope, since our sin precludes trust in ourselves, occurs in Ps 25:11.

8. The reference is, not to the faith of Israel which had almost ceased, but to the promise and everlasting covenant of God. None but the true Israel make God their "hope." (Jer 17:13).

turneth aside to tarry—The traveller cares little for the land he tarries but a night in; but Thou hast promised to dwell always in the midst of Thy people (2Ch 33:7, 8). Maurer translates, "spreadeth," namely, his tent.

9. astonied—like a "mighty man," at other times able to help (Isa 59:1), but now stunned by a sudden calamity so as to disappoint the hopes drawn from him.

art in the midst of us—(Ex 29:45, 46; Le 26:11, 12).

called by thy name—(Da 9:18, 19) as Thine own peculiar people (De 9:29).

10. Jehovah's reply to the prayer (Jer 14:7-9; Jer 2:23-25).

Thus—So greatly.

loved—(Jer 5:31).

not refrained … feet—They did not obey God's command; "withhold thy foot" (Jer 2:25), namely, from following after idols.

remember … iniquity—(Ho 8:13; 9:9). Their sin is so great, God must punish them.

11. (Jer 7:16; Ex 32:10).

12. not hear—because their prayers are hypocritical: their hearts are still idolatrous. God never refuses to hear real prayer (Jer 7:21, 22; Pr 1:28; Isa 1:15; 58:3).

sword … famine … pestilence—the three sorest judgments at once; any one of which would be enough for their ruin (2Sa 24:12, 13).

13. Jeremiah urges that much of the guilt of the people is due to the false prophets' influence.

assured peace—solid and lasting peace. Literally, "peace of truth" (Isa 39:8).

14. (Jer 23:21).

15. (Jer 5:12, 13).

By sword and famine … consumed—retribution in kind both to the false prophets and to their hearers (Jer 14:16).

16. none to bury—(Ps 79:3).

pour their wickedness—that is, the punishment incurred by their wickedness (Jer 2:19).

17. (Jer 9:1; La 1:16). Jeremiah is desired to weep ceaselessly for the calamities coming on his nation (called a "virgin," as being heretofore never under foreign yoke), (Isa 23:4).

18. go about—that is, shall have to migrate into a land of exile. Horsley translates, "go trafficking about the land (see Jer 5:31, Margin; 2Co 4:2; 2Pe 2:3), and take no knowledge" (that is, pay no regard to the miseries before their eyes) (Isa 1:3; 58:3). If the literal sense of the Hebrew verb be retained, I would with English Version understand the words as referring to the exile to Babylon; thus, "the prophet and the priest shall have to go to a strange land to practise their religious traffic (Isa 56:11; Eze 34:2, 3; Mic 3:11).

19. The people plead with God, Jeremiah being forbidden to do so.

no healing—(Jer 15:18).

peace … no good—(Jer 8:15).

20. (Da 9:8).

21. us—"the throne of Thy glory" may be the object of "abhor not" ("reject not"); or "Zion" (Jer 14:19).

throne of thy glory—Jerusalem, or, the temple, called God's "footstool" and "habitation" (1Ch 28:2; Ps 132:5).

thy covenant—(Ps 106:45; Da 9:19).

22. vanities—idols (De 32:21).

rain—(Zec 10:1, 2).

heavens—namely, of themselves without God (Mt 5:45; Ac 14:17); they are not the First Cause, and ought not to be deified, as they were by the heathen. The disjunctive "or" favors Calvin's explanation: "Not even the heavens themselves can give rain, much less can the idol vanities."

art not thou he—namely, who canst give rain?