Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 15 » Verse 7

Jeremiah 15:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 And I will fan H2219 them with a fan H4214 in the gates H8179 of the land; H776 I will bereave H7921 them of children, I will destroy H6 my people, H5971 since they return H7725 not from their ways. H1870

Cross Reference

Isaiah 9:13 STRONG

For the people H5971 turneth H7725 not unto him that smiteth H5221 them, neither do they seek H1875 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Matthew 3:12 STRONG

Whose G3739 fan G4425 is in G1722 his G846 hand, G5495 and G2532 he will throughly purge G1245 his G846 floor, G257 and G2532 gather G4863 his G846 wheat G4621 into G1519 the garner; G596 but G1161 he will burn up G2618 the chaff G892 with unquenchable G762 fire. G4442

Hosea 9:12-17 STRONG

Though they bring up H1431 their children, H1121 yet will I bereave H7921 them, that there shall not be a man H120 left: yea, woe H188 also to them when I depart H5493 from them! Ephraim, H669 as I saw H7200 Tyrus, H6865 is planted H8362 in a pleasant place: H5116 but Ephraim H669 shall bring forth H3318 his children H1121 to the murderer. H2026 Give H5414 them, O LORD: H3068 what wilt thou give? H5414 give H5414 them a miscarrying H7921 womb H7358 and dry H6784 breasts. H7699 All their wickedness H7451 is in Gilgal: H1537 for there I hated H8130 them: for the wickedness H7455 of their doings H4611 I will drive them out H1644 of mine house, H1004 I will love H160 them no more: H3254 all their princes H8269 are revolters. H5637 Ephraim H669 is smitten, H5221 their root H8328 is dried up, H3001 they shall bear H6213 no fruit: H6529 yea, though they bring forth, H3205 yet will I slay H4191 even the beloved H4261 fruit of their womb. H990 My God H430 will cast them away, H3988 because they did not hearken H8085 unto him: and they shall be wanderers H5074 among the nations. H1471

Jeremiah 51:2 STRONG

And will send H7971 unto Babylon H894 fanners, H2114 that shall fan H2219 her, and shall empty H1238 her land: H776 for in the day H3117 of trouble H7451 they shall be against her round about. H5439

Jeremiah 18:21 STRONG

Therefore deliver up H5414 their children H1121 to the famine, H7458 and pour out H5064 their blood by the force H3027 of the sword; H2719 and let their wives H802 be bereaved H7909 of their children, and be widows; H490 and let their men H582 be put H2026 to death; H4194 let their young men H970 be slain H5221 by the sword H2719 in battle. H4421

Jeremiah 8:4-5 STRONG

Moreover thou shalt say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Shall they fall, H5307 and not arise? H6965 shall he turn away, H7725 and not return? H7725 Why then is this people H5971 of Jerusalem H3389 slidden back H7725 by a perpetual H5329 backsliding? H4878 they hold H2388 fast deceit, H8649 they refuse H3985 to return. H7725

Jeremiah 5:3 STRONG

O LORD, H3068 are not thine eyes H5869 upon the truth? H530 thou hast stricken H5221 them, but they have not grieved; H2342 thou hast consumed H3615 them, but they have refused H3985 to receive H3947 correction: H4148 they have made their faces H6440 harder H2388 than a rock; H5553 they have refused H3985 to return. H7725

Isaiah 41:16 STRONG

Thou shalt fan H2219 them, and the wind H7307 shall carry them away, H5375 and the whirlwind H5591 shall scatter H6327 them: and thou shalt rejoice H1523 in the LORD, H3068 and shalt glory H1984 in the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478

Psalms 1:4 STRONG

The ungodly H7563 are not so: but are like the chaff H4671 which the wind H7307 driveth away. H5086

Zechariah 1:4 STRONG

Be ye not as your fathers, H1 unto whom the former H7223 prophets H5030 have cried, H7121 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Turn H7725 ye now from your evil H7451 ways, H1870 and from your evil H7451 doings: H4611 but they did not hear, H8085 nor hearken H7181 unto me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Amos 4:10-12 STRONG

I have sent H7971 among you the pestilence H1698 after the manner H1870 of Egypt: H4714 your young men H970 have I slain H2026 with the sword, H2719 and have taken away H7628 your horses; H5483 and I have made the stink H889 of your camps H4264 to come up H5927 unto your nostrils: H639 yet have ye not returned H7725 unto me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 I have overthrown H2015 some of you, as God H430 overthrew H4114 Sodom H5467 and Gomorrah, H6017 and ye were as a firebrand H181 plucked out H5337 of the burning: H8316 yet have ye not returned H7725 unto me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Therefore thus will I do H6213 unto thee, O Israel: H3478 and because H6118 I will do H6213 this unto thee, prepare H3559 to meet H7125 thy God, H430 O Israel. H3478

Ezekiel 24:25 STRONG

Also, thou son H1121 of man, H120 shall it not be in the day H3117 when I take H3947 from them their strength, H4581 the joy H4885 of their glory, H8597 the desire H4261 of their eyes, H5869 and that whereupon they set H4853 their minds, H5315 their sons H1121 and their daughters, H1323

Jeremiah 4:11-12 STRONG

At that time H6256 shall it be said H559 to this people H5971 and to Jerusalem, H3389 A dry H6703 wind H7307 of the high places H8205 in the wilderness H4057 toward H1870 the daughter H1323 of my people, H5971 not to fan, H2219 nor to cleanse, H1305 Even a full H4392 wind H7307 from those places shall come H935 unto me: now also will I give H1696 sentence H4941 against them.

Deuteronomy 28:41 STRONG

Thou shalt beget H3205 sons H1121 and daughters, H1323 but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go H3212 into captivity. H7628

Deuteronomy 28:18 STRONG

Cursed H779 shall be the fruit H6529 of thy body, H990 and the fruit H6529 of thy land, H127 the increase H7698 of thy kine, H504 and the flocks H6251 of thy sheep. H6629

Ezekiel 24:21 STRONG

Speak H559 unto the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will profane H2490 my sanctuary, H4720 the excellency H1347 of your strength, H5797 the desire H4261 of your eyes, H5869 and that which your soul H5315 pitieth; H4263 and your sons H1121 and your daughters H1323 whom ye have left H5800 shall fall H5307 by the sword. H2719

Jeremiah 9:21 STRONG

For death H4194 is come up H5927 into our windows, H2474 and is entered H935 into our palaces, H759 to cut off H3772 the children H5768 from without, H2351 and the young men H970 from the streets. H7339

Deuteronomy 28:53-56 STRONG

And thou shalt eat H398 the fruit H6529 of thine own body, H990 the flesh H1320 of thy sons H1121 and of thy daughters, H1323 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given H5414 thee, in the siege, H4692 and in the straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemies H341 shall distress H6693 thee: So that the man H376 that is tender H7390 among you, and very H3966 delicate, H6028 his eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward his brother, H251 and toward the wife H802 of his bosom, H2436 and toward the remnant H3499 of his children H1121 which he shall leave: H3498 So that he will not give H5414 to any H259 of them of the flesh H1320 of his children H1121 whom he shall eat: H398 because he hath nothing left H7604 him in the siege, H4692 and in the straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemies H341 shall distress H6693 thee in all thy gates. H8179 The tender H7390 and delicate H6028 woman among you, which would not adventure H5254 to set H3322 the sole H3709 of her foot H7272 upon the ground H776 for delicateness H6026 and tenderness, H7391 her eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward the husband H376 of her bosom, H2436 and toward her son, H1121 and toward her daughter, H1323

Deuteronomy 28:32 STRONG

Thy sons H1121 and thy daughters H1323 shall be given H5414 unto another H312 people, H5971 and thine eyes H5869 shall look, H7200 and fail H3616 with longing for them all the day H3117 long: and there shall be no might H410 in thine hand. H3027

Commentary on Jeremiah 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 15:1-21. God's Reply to Jeremiah's Intercessory Prayer.

1. Moses … Samuel—eminent in intercessions (Ex 32:11, 12; 1Sa 7:9; Ps 99:6).

be toward—could not be favorably inclined toward them.

out of my sight—God speaks as if the people were present before Him, along with Jeremiah.

2. death—deadly plague (Jer 18:21; 43:11; Eze 5:2, 12; Zec 11:9).

3. appoint—(Le 26:16).

kinds—of punishments.

4. cause … to be removed—(De 28:25; Eze 23:46). Rather, "I will give them up to vexation," I will cause them to wander so as nowhere to have repose [Calvin]; (2Ch 29:8, "trouble;" Margin, "commotion").

because of Manasseh—He was now dead, but the effects of his sins still remained. How much evil one bad man can cause! The evil fruits remain even after he himself has received repentance and forgiveness. The people had followed his wicked example ever since; and it is implied that it was only through the long-suffering of God that the penal consequences had been suspended up to the present time (compare 1Ki 14:16; 2Ki 21:11; 23:26; 24:3, 4).

5. go aside … how thou doest—Who will turn aside (in passing by) to salute thee (to wish thee "peace")?

6. weary with repenting—(Ho 13:14; 11:8). I have so often repented of the evil that I threatened (Jer 26:19; Ex 32:14; 1Ch 21:15), and have spared them, without My forbearance moving them to repentance, that I will not again change My purpose (God speaking in condescension to human modes of thought), but will take vengeance on them now.

7. fan—tribulation—from tribulum, a threshing instrument, which separates the chaff from the wheat (Mt 3:12).

gates of the land—that is, the extreme bounds of the land through which the entrance to and exit from it lie. Maurer translates, "I will fan," that is, cast them forth "to the gates of the land" (Na 3:13). "In the gates"; English Version draws the image from a man cleaning corn with a fan; he stands at the gate of the threshing-floor in the open air, to remove the wheat from the chaff by means of the wind; so God threatens to remove Israel out of the bounds of the land [Houbigant].

8. Their widows—My people's (Jer 15:7).

have brought—prophetical past: I will bring.

mother of the young men—"mother" is collective; after the "widows," He naturally mentions bereavement of their sons ("young men"), brought on the "mothers" by "the spoiler"; it was owing to the number of men slain that the "widows" were so many [Calvin]. Others take "mother," as in 2Sa 20:19, of Jerusalem, the metropolis; "I have brought on them, against the 'mother,' a young spoiler," namely, Nebuchadnezzar, sent by his father, Nabopolassar, to repulse the Egyptian invaders (2Ki 23:29; 24:1), and occupy Judea. But Jer 15:7 shows the future, not the past, is referred to; and "widows" being literal, "mother" is probably so, too.

at noonday—the hottest part of the day, when military operations were usually suspended; thus it means unexpectedly, answering to the parallel, "suddenly"; openly, as others explain it, will not suit the parallelism (compare Ps 91:6).

it—English Version seems to understand by "it" the mother city, and by "him" the "spoiler"; thus "it" will be parallel to "city." Rather, "I will cause to fall upon them (the 'mothers' about to be bereft of their sons) suddenly anguish and terrors."

the city—rather, from a root "heat," anguish, or consternation. So the Septuagint.

9. borne seven—(1Sa 2:5). Seven being the perfect number indicates full fruitfulness.

languisheth—because not even one is left of all her sons (Jer 15:8).

sun is gone down while … yet day—Fortune deserts her at the very height of her prosperity (Am 8:9).

she … ashamed—The mothers (she being collective) are put to the shame of disappointed hopes through the loss of all their children.

10. (Jer 20:14; Job 3:1, &c.). Jeremiah seems to have been of a peculiarly sensitive temperament; yet the Holy Spirit enabled him to deliver his message at the certain cost of having his sensitiveness wounded by the enmities of those whom his words offended.

man of strife—exposed to strifes on the part of "the whole earth" (Ps 80:6).

I have neither lent, &c.—proverbial for, "I have given no cause for strife against me."

11. Verily—literally, "Shall it not be?" that is, "Surely it shall be."

thy remnant—the final issue of thy life; thy life, which now seems to thee so sad, shall eventuate in prosperity [Calvin]. They who think that they shall be the surviving remnant, whereas thou shalt perish, shall themselves fall, whereas thou shalt remain and be favored by the conquerors [Junius], (Jer 40:4, 5; 39:11, 12). The Keri reads, "I will set thee free (or as Maurer, 'I will establish thee') for good" (Jer 14:11; Ezr 8:22; Ps 119:122).

to entreat thee well—literally, "to meet thee"; so "to be placable, nay, of their own accord to anticipate in meeting thee with kindness" [Calvin]. I prefer this translation as according with the event (Jer 39:11, 12; 40:4, 5). Gesenius, from Jer 7:16; 27:18; Job 21:15, translates (not only will I relieve thee from the enemy's vexations, but) "I will make thine enemy (that now vexeth thee) apply to thee with prayers" (Jer 38:14; 42:2-6).

12. steel—rather, brass or copper, which mixed with "iron" (by the Chalybes near the Euxine Pontus, far north of Palestine), formed the hardest metal, like our steel. Can the Jews, hardy like common iron though they be, break the still hardier Chaldees of the north (Jer 1:14), who resemble the Chalybian iron hardened with copper? Certainly not [Calvin]. Henderson translates. "Can one break iron, (even) the northern iron, and brass," on the ground that English Version makes ordinary iron not so hard as brass. But it is not brass, but a particular mixture of iron and brass, which is represented as harder than common iron, which was probably then of inferior texture, owing to ignorance of modern modes of preparation.

13. Thy substance … sins—Judea's, not Jeremiah's.

without price—God casts His people away as a thing worth naught (Ps 44:12). So, on the contrary, Jehovah, when about to restore His people, says, He will give Egypt, &c., for their "ransom" (Isa 43:3).

even in all thy borders—joined with "Thy substance … treasures, as also with "all thy sins," their sin and punishment being commensurate (Jer 17:3).

14. thee—Maurer supplies "them," namely, "thy treasures." Eichorn, needlessly, from Syriac and the Septuagint, reads, "I will make thee to serve thine enemies"; a reading doubtless interpolated from Jer 17:4.

fire—(De 32:22).

15. thou knowest—namely, my case; what wrongs my adversaries have done me (Jer 12:3).

revenge me—(See on Jer 11:20). The prophet in this had regard to, not his own personal feelings of revenge, but the cause of God; he speaks by inspiration God's will against the ungodly. Contrast in this the law with the gospel (Lu 23:34; Ac 7:60).

take me not away in thy long-suffering—By Thy long-suffering towards them, suffer them not meanwhile to take away my life.

for thy sake I have suffered rebuke—the very words of the antitype, Jesus Christ (Ps 69:7, 22-28), which last compare with Jeremiah's prayer in the beginning of this verse.

16. eat—(Eze 2:8; 3:1, 3; Re 10:9, 10). As soon as Thy words were found by me, I eagerly laid hold of and appropriated them. The Keri reads, "Thy word."

thy word … joy—(Job 23:12; Ps 119:72, 111; compare Mt 13:44).

called by thy name—I am Thine, Thy minister. So the antitype, Jesus Christ (Ex 23:21).

17. My "rejoicing" (Jer 15:16) was not that of the profane mockers (Ps 1:1; 26:4, 5) at feasts. So far from having fellowship with these, he was expelled from society, and made to sit "alone," because of his faithful prophecies.

because of thy hand—that is, Thine inspiration (Isa 8:11; Eze 1:3; 3:14).

filled me with indignation—So Jer 6:11, "full of the fury of the Lord"; so full was he of the subject (God's "indignation" against the ungodly) with which God had inspired him, as not to be able to contain himself from expressing it. The same comparison by contrast between the effect of inspiration, and that of wine, both taking a man out of himself, occurs (Ac 2:13, 15, 18).

18. (Jer 30:15). "Pain," namely, the perpetual persecution to which he was exposed, and his being left by God without consolation and "alone." Contrast his feeling here with that in Jer 15:16, when he enjoyed the full presence of God, and was inspired by His words. Therefore he utters words of his natural "infirmity" (so David, Ps 77:10) here; as before he spoke under the higher spiritual nature given him.

as a liar, and as—rather, "as a deceiving (river) … waters that are not sure (lasting)"; opposed to "living (perennial) waters" (Job 6:15). Streams that the thirsty traveller had calculated on being full in winter, but which disappoint him in his sorest need, having run dry in the heat of summer. Jehovah had promised Jeremiah protection from his enemies (Jer 1:18, 19); his infirmity suggests that God had failed to do so.

19. God's reply to Jeremiah.

return … bring … again—Jeremiah, by his impatient language, had left his proper posture towards God; God saith, "If thou wilt return (to thy former patient discharge of thy prophetic function) I will bring thee back" to thy former position: in the Hebrew there is a play of words, "return … turn again" (Jer 8:4; 4:1).

stand before me—minister acceptably to Me (De 10:8; 1Ki 17:1; 18:15).

take … precious from … vile—image from metals: "If thou wilt separate what is precious in thee (the divine graces imparted) from what is vile (thy natural corruptions, impatience, and hasty words), thou shall be as My mouth": my mouthpiece (Ex 4:16).

return not thou unto them—Let not them lead you into their profane ways (as Jeremiah had spoken irreverently, Jer 15:18), but lead thou them to the ways of godliness (Jer 15:16, 17). Eze 22:26 accords with the other interpretation, which, however, does not so well suit the context, "If thou wilt separate from the promiscuous mass the better ones, and lead them to conversion by faithful warnings," &c.

20, 21. The promise of Jer 1:18, 19, in almost the same words, but with the addition, adapted to the present attacks of Jeremiah's formidable enemies, "I will deliver thee out of … wicked … redeem … terrible"; the repetition is in order to assure Jeremiah that God is the same now as when He first made the promise, in opposition to the prophet's irreverent accusation of unfaithfulness (Jer 15:18).