Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 16 » Verse 11

Jeremiah 16:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 Then shalt thou say H559 unto them, Because your fathers H1 have forsaken H5800 me, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and have walked H3212 after H310 other H312 gods, H430 and have served H5647 them, and have worshipped H7812 them, and have forsaken H5800 me, and have not kept H8104 my law; H8451

Cross Reference

Psalms 106:35-41 STRONG

But were mingled H6148 among the heathen, H1471 and learned H3925 their works. H4639 And they served H5647 their idols: H6091 which were a snare H4170 unto them. Yea, they sacrificed H2076 their sons H1121 and their daughters H1323 unto devils, H7700 And shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood, H1818 even the blood H1818 of their sons H1121 and of their daughters, H1323 whom they sacrificed H2076 unto the idols H6091 of Canaan: H3667 and the land H776 was polluted H2610 with blood. H1818 Thus were they defiled H2930 with their own works, H4639 and went a whoring H2181 with their own inventions. H4611 Therefore was the wrath H639 of the LORD H3068 kindled H2734 against his people, H5971 insomuch that he abhorred H8581 his own inheritance. H5159 And he gave H5414 them into the hand H3027 of the heathen; H1471 and they that hated H8130 them ruled H4910 over them.

Deuteronomy 29:25-26 STRONG

Then men shall say, H559 Because they have forsaken H5800 the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which he made H3772 with them when he brought them forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 For they went H3212 and served H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worshipped H7812 them, gods H430 whom they knew H3045 not, and whom he had not given H2505 unto them:

1 Kings 9:9 STRONG

And they shall answer, H559 Because they forsook H5800 the LORD H3068 their God, H430 who brought forth H3318 their fathers H1 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and have taken hold H2388 upon other H312 gods, H430 and have worshipped H7812 them, and served H5647 them: therefore hath the LORD H3068 brought H935 upon them all this evil. H7451

Nehemiah 9:26-29 STRONG

Nevertheless they were disobedient, H4784 and rebelled H4775 against thee, and cast H7993 thy law H8451 behind H310 their backs, H1458 and slew H2026 thy prophets H5030 which testified H5749 against them to turn H7725 them to thee, and they wrought H6213 great H1419 provocations. H5007 Therefore thou deliveredst H5414 them into the hand H3027 of their enemies, H6862 who vexed H6887 them: and in the time H6256 of their trouble, H6869 when they cried H6817 unto thee, thou heardest H8085 them from heaven; H8064 and according to thy manifold H7227 mercies H7356 thou gavest H5414 them saviours, H3467 who saved H3467 them out of the hand H3027 of their enemies. H6862 But after they had rest, H5117 they did H6213 evil H7451 again H7725 before H6440 thee: therefore leftest H5800 thou them in the hand H3027 of their enemies, H341 so that they had the dominion H7287 over them: yet when they returned, H7725 and cried H2199 unto thee, thou heardest H8085 them from heaven; H8064 and many H7227 times H6256 didst thou deliver H5337 them according to thy mercies; H7356 And testifiedst H5749 against them, that thou mightest bring them again H7725 unto thy law: H8451 yet they dealt proudly, H2102 and hearkened H8085 not unto thy commandments, H4687 but sinned H2398 against thy judgments, H4941 (which if a man H120 do, H6213 he shall live H2421 in them;) and withdrew H5414 H5637 the shoulder, H3802 and hardened H7185 their neck, H6203 and would not hear. H8085

Jeremiah 5:7-9 STRONG

How H335 shall I pardon H5545 thee for this? H2063 thy children H1121 have forsaken H5800 me, and sworn H7650 by them that are no H3808 gods: H430 when I had fed them to the full, H7650 they then committed adultery, H5003 and assembled themselves by troops H1413 in the harlots' H2181 houses. H1004 They were as fed H2109 horses H5483 in the morning: H7904 every one H376 neighed H6670 after his neighbour's H7453 wife. H802 Shall I not visit H6485 for these things? saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 and shall not my soul H5315 be avenged H5358 on such a nation H1471 as this?

Jeremiah 8:2 STRONG

And they shall spread H7849 them before the sun, H8121 and the moon, H3394 and all the host H6635 of heaven, H8064 whom they have loved, H157 and whom they have served, H5647 and after H310 whom they have walked, H1980 and whom they have sought, H1875 and whom they have worshipped: H7812 they shall not be gathered, H622 nor be buried; H6912 they shall be for dung H1828 upon the face H6440 of the earth. H127

Jeremiah 22:9 STRONG

Then they shall answer, H559 Because they have forsaken H5800 the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 their God, H430 and worshipped H7812 other H312 gods, H430 and served H5647 them.

Ezekiel 11:21 STRONG

But as for them whose heart H3820 walketh H1980 after the heart H3820 of their detestable things H8251 and their abominations, H8441 I will recompense H5414 their way H1870 upon their own heads, H7218 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

1 Peter 4:3 STRONG

For G1063 the time G5550 past G3928 of our life G979 may suffice G713 us G2254 to have wrought G2716 the will G2307 of the Gentiles, G1484 when we walked G4198 in G1722 lasciviousness, G766 lusts, G1939 excess of wine, G3632 revellings, G2970 banquetings, G4224 and G2532 abominable G111 idolatries: G1495

Judges 2:12-13 STRONG

And they forsook H5800 the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which brought them out H3318 of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and followed H3212 H310 other H312 gods, H430 of the gods H430 of the people H5971 that were round about H5439 them, and bowed H7812 themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD H3068 to anger. H3707 And they forsook H5800 the LORD, H3068 and served H5647 Baal H1168 and Ashtaroth. H6252

Judges 10:13-14 STRONG

Yet ye have forsaken H5800 me, and served H5647 other H312 gods: H430 wherefore I will deliver H3467 you no more. H3254 Go H3212 and cry H2199 unto the gods H430 which ye have chosen; H977 let them H1992 deliver H3467 you in the time H6256 of your tribulation. H6869

Jeremiah 2:8 STRONG

The priests H3548 said H559 not, Where is the LORD? H3068 and they that handle H8610 the law H8451 knew H3045 me not: the pastors H7462 also transgressed H6586 against me, and the prophets H5030 prophesied H5012 by Baal, H1168 and walked H1980 after H310 things that do not profit. H3276

Jeremiah 9:14 STRONG

But have walked H3212 after H310 the imagination H8307 of their own heart, H3820 and after H310 Baalim, H1168 which their fathers H1 taught H3925 them:

Daniel 9:10-12 STRONG

Neither have we obeyed H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 our God, H430 to walk H3212 in his laws, H8451 which he set H5414 before H6440 us by H3027 his servants H5650 the prophets. H5030 Yea, all Israel H3478 have transgressed H5674 thy law, H8451 even by departing, H5493 that they might not obey H8085 thy voice; H6963 therefore the curse H423 is poured H5413 upon us, and the oath H7621 that is written H3789 in the law H8451 of Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of God, H430 because we have sinned H2398 against him. And he hath confirmed H6965 his words, H1697 which he spake H1696 against us, and against our judges H8199 that judged H8199 us, by bringing H935 upon us a great H1419 evil: H7451 for under the whole heaven H8064 hath not been done H6213 as hath been done H6213 upon Jerusalem. H3389

Commentary on Jeremiah 16 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 16:1-21. Continuation of the Previous Prophecy.

2. in this place—in Judea. The direction to remain single was (whether literally obeyed, or only in prophetic vision) to symbolize the coming calamities of the Jews (Eze 24:15-27) as so severe that the single state would be then (contrary to the ordinary course of things) preferable to the married (compare 1Co 7:8, 26, 29; Mt 24:19; Lu 23:29).

4. grievous deaths—rather, "deadly diseases" (Jer 15:2).

not … lamented—so many shall be the slain (Jer 22:18).

dung—(Ps 83:10).

5. (Eze 24:17, 22, 23).

house of mourning—(Mr 5:38). Margin, "mourning-feast"; such feasts were usual at funerals. The Hebrew means, in Am 6:7, the cry of joy at a banquet; here, and La 2:19, the cry of sorrow.

6. cut themselves—indicating extravagant grief (Jer 41:5; 47:5), prohibited by the law (Le 19:28).

bald—(Jer 7:29; Isa 22:12).

7. tear themselves—rather, "break bread," namely, that eaten at the funeral-feast (De 26:14; Job 42:11; Eze 24:17; Ho 9:4). "Bread" is to be supplied, as in La 4:4; compare "take" (food) (Ge 42:33).

give … cup of consolation … for … father—It was the Oriental custom for friends to send viands and wine (the "cup of consolation") to console relatives in mourning-feasts, for example, to children upon the death of a "father" or "mother."

8. house of feasting—joyous: as distinguished from mourning-feasts. Have no more to do with this people whether in mourning or joyous feasts.

10. (De 29:24; 1Ki 9:8, 9).

11. (Jer 5:19; 13:22; 22:8, 9).

12. ye—emphatic: so far from avoiding your fathers' bad example, ye have done worse (Jer 7:26; 1Ki 14:9).

imagination—rather, "stubborn perversity."

that they may not hearken—rather, connected with "ye"; "ye have walked … so as not to hearken to Me."

13. serve other gods—That which was their sin in their own land was their punishment in exile. Retribution in kind. They voluntarily forsook God for idols at home; they were not allowed to serve God, if they wished it, in captivity (Da 3:12; 6:7).

day and night—irony. You may there serve idols, which ye are so mad after, even to satiety, and without intermission.

14. Therefore—So severe shall be the Jews' bondage that their deliverance from it shall be a greater benefit than that out of Egypt. The consolation is incidental here; the prominent thought is the severity of their punishment, so great that their rescue from it will be greater than that from Egypt [Calvin]; so the context, Jer 16:13, 17, 18, proves (Jer 23:7, 8; Isa 43:18).

15. the north—Chaldea. But while the return from Babylon is primarily meant, the return hereafter is the full and final accomplishment contemplated, as "from all the lands" proves. "Israel" was not, save in a very limited sense, "gathered from all the lands" at the return from Babylon (see on Jer 24:6; Jer 30:3; Jer 32:15).

16. send for—translate, "I will send many"; "I will give the commission to many" (2Ch 17:7).

fishers … hunters—successive invaders of Judea (Am 4:2; Hab 1:14, 15). So "net" (Eze 12:13). As to "hunters," see Ge 10:9; Mic 7:2. The Chaldees were famous in hunting, as the Egyptians, the other enemy of Judea, were in fishing. "Fishers" expresses the ease of their victory over the Jews as that of the angler over fishes; "hunters," the keenness of their pursuit of them into every cave and nook. It is remarkable, the same image is used in a good sense of the Jews' restoration, implying that just as their enemies were employed by God to take them in hand for destruction, so the same shall be employed for their restoration (Eze 47:9, 10). So spiritually, those once enemies by nature (fishermen many of them literally) were employed by God to be heralds of salvation, "catching men" for life (Mt 4:19; Lu 5:10; Ac 2:41; 4:4); compare here Jer 16:19, "the Gentiles shall come unto thee" (2Co 12:16).

17. (Jer 32:19; Pr 5:21; 15:3).

their iniquity—the cause of God's judgments on them.

18. first … double—Horsley translates, "I will recompense … once and again"; literally, "the first time repeated": alluding to the two captivities—the Babylonian and the Roman. Maurer, "I will recompense their former iniquities (those long ago committed by their fathers) and their (own) repeated sins" (Jer 16:11, 12). English Version gives a good sense, "First (before 'I bring them again into their land'), I will doubly (that is, fully and amply, Jer 17:18; Isa 40:2) recompense."

carcasses—not sweet-smelling sacrifices acceptable to God, but "carcasses" offered to idols, an offensive odor to God: human victims (Jer 19:5; Eze 16:20), and unclean animals (Isa 65:4; 66:17). Maurer explains it, "the carcasses" of the idols: their images void of sense and life. Compare Jer 16:19, 20. Le 26:30 favors this.

19, 20. The result of God's judgments on the Jews will be that both the Jews when restored, and the Gentiles who have witnessed those judgments, shall renounce idolatry for the worship of Jehovah. Fulfilled partly at the return from Babylon, after which the Jews entirely renounced idols, and many proselytes were gathered in from the Gentiles, but not to be realized in its fulness till the final restoration of Israel (Isa 2:1-17).

20. indignant protest of Jeremiah against idols.

and they (are) no gods—(Jer 2:11; Isa 37:19; Ga 4:8). "They" refers to the idols. A man (a creature himself) making God is a contradiction in terms. Vulgate takes "they" thus: "Shall man make gods, though men themselves are not gods?"

21. Therefore—In order that all may be turned from idols to Jehovah, He will now give awful proof of His divine power in the judgments He will inflict.

this once—If the punishments I have heretofore inflicted have not been severe enough to teach them.

my name … Lord—Jehovah (Ps 83:18): God's incommunicable name, to apply which to idols would be blasphemy. Keeping His threats and promises (Ex 6:3).