Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 21 » Verse 1

Jeremiah 21:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 The word H1697 which came unto Jeremiah H3414 from the LORD, H3068 when king H4428 Zedekiah H6667 sent H7971 unto him Pashur H6583 the son H1121 of Melchiah, H4441 and Zephaniah H6846 the son H1121 of Maaseiah H4641 the priest, H3548 saying, H559

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 29:25 STRONG

Thus speaketh H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 Because thou hast sent H7971 letters H5612 in thy name H8034 unto all the people H5971 that are at Jerusalem, H3389 and to Zephaniah H6846 the son H1121 of Maaseiah H4641 the priest, H3548 and to all the priests, H3548 saying, H559

Jeremiah 37:3 STRONG

And Zedekiah H6667 the king H4428 sent H7971 Jehucal H3081 the son H1121 of Shelemiah H8018 and Zephaniah H6846 the son H1121 of Maaseiah H4641 the priest H3548 to the prophet H5030 Jeremiah, H3414 saying, H559 Pray H6419 now unto the LORD H3068 our God H430 for us.

Jeremiah 38:1 STRONG

Then Shephatiah H8203 the son H1121 of Mattan, H4977 and Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Pashur, H6583 and Jucal H3116 the son H1121 of Shelemiah, H8018 and Pashur H6583 the son H1121 of Malchiah, H4441 heard H8085 the words H1697 that Jeremiah H3414 had spoken H1696 unto all the people, H5971 saying, H559

Jeremiah 52:24 STRONG

And the captain H7227 of the guard H2876 took H3947 Seraiah H8304 the chief H7218 priest, H3548 and Zephaniah H6846 the second H4932 priest, H3548 and the three H7969 keepers H8104 of the door: H5592

2 Kings 24:17-18 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Babylon H894 made Mattaniah H4983 his father's brother H1730 king H4427 in his stead, and changed H5437 his name H8034 to Zedekiah. H6667 Zedekiah H6667 was twenty H6242 and one H259 years H8141 old H1121 when he began to reign, H4427 and he reigned H4427 eleven H259 H6240 years H8141 in Jerusalem. H3389 And his mother's H517 name H8034 was Hamutal, H2537 the daughter H1323 of Jeremiah H3414 of Libnah. H3841

2 Kings 25:18-21 STRONG

And the captain H7227 of the guard H2876 took H3947 Seraiah H8304 the chief H7218 priest, H3548 and Zephaniah H6846 the second H4932 priest, H3548 and the three H7969 keepers H8104 of the door: H5592 And out of the city H5892 he took H3947 an H259 officer H5631 that was set H6496 over the men H582 of war, H4421 and five H2568 men H582 of them that were H7200 in the king's H4428 presence, H6440 which were found H4672 in the city, H5892 and the principal H8269 scribe H5608 of the host, H6635 which mustered H6633 the people H5971 of the land, H776 and threescore H8346 men H376 of the people H5971 of the land H776 that were found H4672 in the city: H5892 And Nebuzaradan H5018 captain H7227 of the guard H2876 took H3947 these, and brought H3212 them to the king H4428 of Babylon H894 to Riblah: H7247 And the king H4428 of Babylon H894 smote H5221 them, and slew H4191 them at Riblah H7247 in the land H776 of Hamath. H2574 So Judah H3063 was carried away H1540 out of their land. H127

1 Chronicles 9:12 STRONG

And Adaiah H5718 the son H1121 of Jeroham, H3395 the son H1121 of Pashur, H6583 the son H1121 of Malchijah, H4441 and Maasiai H4640 the son H1121 of Adiel, H5717 the son H1121 of Jahzerah, H3170 the son H1121 of Meshullam, H4918 the son H1121 of Meshillemith, H4921 the son H1121 of Immer; H564

Jeremiah 32:1-3 STRONG

The word H1697 that came to Jeremiah H3414 from the LORD H3068 in the tenth H6224 year H8141 of Zedekiah H6667 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 which was the eighteenth H8083 H6240 H8141 year H8141 of Nebuchadrezzar. H5019 For then the king H4428 of Babylon's H894 army H2428 besieged H6696 Jerusalem: H3389 and Jeremiah H3414 the prophet H5030 was shut up H3607 in the court H2691 of the prison, H4307 which was in the king H4428 of Judah's H3063 house. H1004 For Zedekiah H6667 king H4428 of Judah H3063 had shut him up, H3607 saying, H559 Wherefore dost thou prophesy, H5012 and say, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Behold, I will give H5414 this city H5892 into the hand H3027 of the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and he shall take H3920 it;

Jeremiah 37:1 STRONG

And king H4428 Zedekiah H6667 the son H1121 of Josiah H2977 reigned H4427 instead of Coniah H3659 the son H1121 of Jehoiakim, H3079 whom Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 made king H4427 in the land H776 of Judah. H3063

Jeremiah 52:1-3 STRONG

Zedekiah H6667 was one H259 and twenty H6242 years H8141 old H1121 when he began to reign, H4427 and he reigned H4427 eleven H259 H6240 years H8141 in Jerusalem. H3389 And his mother's H517 name H8034 was Hamutal H2537 the daughter H1323 of Jeremiah H3414 of Libnah. H3841 And he did H6213 that which was evil H7451 in the eyes H5869 of the LORD, H3068 according to all that Jehoiakim H3079 had done. H6213 For through H5921 the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 it came to pass in Jerusalem H3389 and Judah, H3063 till he had cast them out H7993 from his presence, H6440 that Zedekiah H6667 rebelled H4775 against the king H4428 of Babylon. H894

1 Chronicles 3:15 STRONG

And the sons H1121 of Josiah H2977 were, the firstborn H1060 Johanan, H3110 the second H8145 Jehoiakim, H3079 the third H7992 Zedekiah, H6667 the fourth H7243 Shallum. H7967

2 Chronicles 36:10-13 STRONG

And when the year H8141 was expired, H8666 king H4428 Nebuchadnezzar H5019 sent, H7971 and brought H935 him to Babylon, H894 with the goodly H2532 vessels H3627 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and made Zedekiah H6667 his brother H251 king H4427 over Judah H3063 and Jerusalem. H3389 Zedekiah H6667 was one H259 and twenty H6242 years H8141 old H1121 when he began to reign, H4427 and reigned H4427 eleven H259 H6240 years H8141 in Jerusalem. H3389 And he did H6213 that which was evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD H3068 his God, H430 and humbled H3665 not himself before H6440 Jeremiah H3414 the prophet H5030 speaking from the mouth H6310 of the LORD. H3068 And he also rebelled H4775 against king H4428 Nebuchadnezzar, H5019 who had made him swear H7650 by God: H430 but he stiffened H7185 his neck, H6203 and hardened H553 his heart H3824 from turning H7725 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478

Nehemiah 11:12 STRONG

And their brethren H251 that did H6213 the work H4399 of the house H1004 were eight H8083 hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and two: H8147 and Adaiah H5718 the son H1121 of Jeroham, H3395 the son H1121 of Pelaliah, H6421 the son H1121 of Amzi, H557 the son H1121 of Zechariah, H2148 the son H1121 of Pashur, H6583 the son H1121 of Malchiah, H4441

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Jeremiah 21

Commentary on Jeremiah 21 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


II. Special Predictions of the Judgment to Be Accomplished by the Chaldeans, and of the Messianic Salvation - Jeremiah 21-33

These predictions are distinguished from the discourses of the first section, in regard to their form, by special headings assigning precisely the occasion and the date of the particular utterances; and in regard to their substance, by the minute detail with which judgment and salvation are foretold. They fall into two groups. In Jer 21-29 is set forth in detail the judgment to be executed upon Judah and the nations by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon; and in Jer 30-33 the restoration of Judah and Israel on the expiry of the period of punishment.

A. The Predictions of Judgment on Judah and the Nations - Jeremiah 21-29

Although these prophecies deal first and chiefly with the judgment which the king of Babylon is to execute on Judah, yet they at the same time intimate that a like fate is in store for the surrounding nations. And in them there is besides a foreshadowing of the judgment to come on Babylon after the expiration of the period appointed for the domination of the Chaldeans, and in brief hints, of the redemption of Israel from captivity in Babylon and other lands into which it has been scattered. They consist of three prophetic pieces, of which the middle one only, Jer 25, forms one lengthy continuous discourse, while the two others are composed of several shorter or longer utterances; the latter two being arranged around the former as a centre. In the first piece the necessity of judgment is shown by means of an exposure of the profound corruption of the leaders of the people, the kings and the false prophets, and of the people itself; this being done with a view to check the reigning depravity and to bring back Israel to the true God. In the discourse of Jer 25 the judgment is set forth with comprehensive generalness. In the third piece, Jer 26-29, the truth of this declaration is confirmed, and defended against the gainsaying of priests and prophets, by a series of utterances which crush all hopes and all attempts to avert the ruin of Jerusalem and Judah. - This gathering together of the individual utterances and addresses into longer discourse-like compositions, and the grouping of them around the central discourse Jer 25, is evidently a part of the work of editing the book but was doubtless carried out under the direction of the prophet by his assistant Baruch.

The Shepherds and Leaders of the People - Jeremiah 21-24

Under this heading may be comprehended the contents of these four chapters; for the nucleus of this compilation is formed by the prophecy concerning the shepherds of the people, the godless last kings of Judah and the false prophets, in Jer 22 and 23, while Jeremiah 21:1-14 is to be regarded as an introduction thereto, and Jeremiah 24:1-10 a supplement. The aim of this portion of prophetic teaching is to show how the covenant people has been brought to ruin by its corrupt temporal and spiritual rulers, that the Lord must purge it by sore judgments, presently to fall on Judah through Nebuchadnezzar's instrumentality. This is to be done in order to root out the ungodly by sword, famine, and pestilence, and so to make the survivors His true people again by means of right shepherds whom He will raise up in the true branch of David. The introduction, Jeremiah 21:1-14, contains deliverances regarding the fate of King Zedekiah, the people, and the city, addressed by Jeremiah, at the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, to the men sent to him from the king, in reply to the request for intercession with the Lord; the answer being to the effect that God will punish them according to the fruit of their doings. Then follow in order the discourse against the corrupt rulers, especially Kings Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, and Jechoniah, Jer 22, with a promise that the remainder of the Lord's flock will be gathered again and blessed with a righteous shepherd (Jeremiah 23:1-8), and next threatenings against the false prophets (Jer 23:9-40); the conclusion of the whole being formed by the vision of the two baskets of figs, Jeremiah 24:1-10, which foreshadows the fate of the people carried away to Babylon with Jehoiachin and of those that remained in the land with Zedekiah. - The several long constituent portions of this "word of God," united into a whole by the heading Jeremiah 21:1, belong to various times. The contents of Jeremiah 21:1-14 belong to the first period of the Chaldean siege, i.e., the ninth year of Zedekiah; the middle portion, Jer 22 and 23, dates from the reigns of Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin; the conclusion, Jeremiah 24:1-10, is from the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, not long after Jehoiachin and the best part of the people had been carried off to Babylon. - As to the joining of Jer 22 and 23 with Jeremiah 21:1-14, Ewald rightly says that Jeremiah made use of the opportunity furnished by the message of the king to him of speaking plainly out regarding the future destiny of the whole kingdom, as well as in an especial way with regard to the royal house, and the great men and leaders of the people; and that he accordingly gathered into this part of the book all he had hitherto publicly uttered concerning the leaders of the people, both kings and temporal princes, and also prophets and priests. This he did in order to disclose, regardless of consequences, the causes for the destruction of the kingdom of Judah and the city Jerusalem by the Chaldean; while the brief promise of a future gathering again of the remnant of the scattered flock, introduced at Jeremiah 23:1-8, is to show that, spite of the judgment to fall on Judah and Jerusalem, the Lord will yet not wholly cast of His people, but will at a future time admit them to favour again. For the confirmation of this truth there is added in Jeremiah 24:1-10 the vision of the two baskets of figs.

Verse 1

The Taking of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans. - Jeremiah 21:1 and Jeremiah 21:2. The heading specifying the occasion for the following prediction. "The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah when King Zedekiah sent unto him Pashur the son of Malchiah, and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest, saying: Inquire now of Jahveh for us, for Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon maketh war against us; if so be that the Lord will deal with us according to all His wondrous works, that he may go up from us." The fighting of Nebuchadrezzar is in Jeremiah 21:4 stated to be the besieging of the city. From this it appears that the siege had begun ere the king sent the two men to the prophet. Pashur the son of Malchiah is held by Hitz., Graf, Nהg. , etc., to be a distinguished priest of the class of Malchiah. But this is without sufficient reason; for he is not called a priest, as is the case with Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah, and with Pashur the son of Immer (Jeremiah 21:1). Nor is anything proved by the circumstance that Pashur and Malchiah occur in several places as the names of priests, e.g., 1 Chronicles 9:12; for both names are also used of persons not priests, e.g., Malchiah, Ezra 10:25, Ezra 10:31, and Pashur, Jeremiah 38:1, where this son of Gedaliah is certainly a laic. From this passage, where Pashur ben Malchiah appears again, it is clear that the four men there named, who accused Jeremiah for his speech, were government authorities or court officials, since in Jeremiah 38:4 they are called שׂרים . Ros. is therefore right in saying of the Pashur under consideration: videtur unus ex principibus sive aulicis fuisse , cf. Jeremiah 38:4. Only Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah is called priest; and he, acc. to Jeremiah 29:25; Jeremiah 37:3; Jeremiah 52:24, held a high position in the priesthood. Inquire for us of Jahveh, i.e., ask for a revelation for us, as 2 Kings 22:13, cf. Genesis 25:22. It is not: pray for His help on our behalf, which is expressed by התפּלּל בּעדנוּ , Jeremiah 37:3, cf. Jeremiah 52:2. In the request for a revelation the element of intercession is certainly not excluded, but it is not directly expressed. But it is on this that the king founds his hope: Peradventure Jahveh will do with us ( אותנוּ for אתּנוּ ) according to all His wondrous works, i.e., in the miraculous manner in which He has so often saved us, e.g., under Hezekiah, and also, during the blockade of the city by Sennacherib, had recourse to the prophet Isaiah and besought his intercession with the Lord, 2 Kings 19:2., Isaiah 37:2. That he (Nebuch.) may go up from us. עלה , to march against a city in order to besiege it or take it, but with מעל , to withdraw from it, cf. Jeremiah 37:5; 1 Kings 15:19. As to the name Nebuchadrezzar, which corresponds more exactly than the Aramaic-Jewish Nebuchadnezzar with the Nebucadurriusur of the inscriptions ( נבו כדר אצר , i.e., Nebo coronam servat ), see Comm. on Daniel at Daniel 1:1.

Verses 3-14

The Lord's reply through Jeremiah consists of three parts: a . The answer to the king's hope that the Lord will save Jerusalem from the Chaldeans (Jeremiah 21:4-7); b . The counsel given to the people and the royal family as to how they may avert ruin (Jeremiah 21:8-12); c . The prediction that Jerusalem will be punished for her sins (Jeremiah 21:13 and Jeremiah 21:14).

Jeremiah 21:3-6

The answer. - Jeremiah 21:3 . "And Jeremiah said to them: Thus shall ye say to Zedekiah: Jeremiah 21:4 . Thus hath Jahveh the God of Israel said: Behold, I turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon and the Chaldeans, which besiege you without the walls, and gather them together into the midst of this city. Jeremiah 21:5 . And I fight against you with outstretched hand and strong arm, and with anger and fury and great wrath, Jeremiah 21:6 . And smite the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast; of a great plague they shall die. Jeremiah 21:7 . And afterward, saith Jahveh, I will give Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his servants, and the people - namely, such as in this city are left of the plague, of the sword, and of the famine - into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those that seek after their life, that he may smite them according to the sharpness of the sword, not spare them, neither have pity nor mercy." This answer is intended to disabuse the king and his servants of all hope of help from God. So far from saving them from the Chaldeans, God will fight against them, will drive back into the city its defenders that are still holding out without the walls against the enemy; consume the inhabitants by sword, pestilence, famine; deliver the king, with his servants and all that survive inside the lines of the besiegers, into the hand of the latter, and unsparingly cause them to be put to death. "I make the weapons of war turn back" is carried on and explained by "I gather them into the city." The sense is: I will bring it about that ye, who still fight without the walls against the beleaguerers, must turn back with your weapons and retreat into the city. "Without the walls" is not to be joined to מסב , because this is too remote, and מחוּץ is by usage locative, not ablative. It should go with "wherewith ye fight," etc.: wherewith ye fight without the walls against the beleaguering enemies. The siege had but just begun, so that the Jews were still trying to hinder the enemy from taking possession of stronger positions and from a closer blockade of the city. In this they will not succeed, but their weapons will be thrust back into the city.

Jeremiah 21:7

The Lord will make known His almighty power not for the rescue but for the chastisement of Judah. The words "with outstretched hand and strong arm" are a standing figure for the miraculous manifestation of God's power at the release of Israel from Egypt, Deuteronomy 4:34; Deuteronomy 5:15; Deuteronomy 26:8. This power He will now exercise upon Israel, and execute the punishment threatened against apostasy at the renewal of the covenant by Moses in the land of Moab. The words גּדול ... בּאף are from Deuteronomy 29:27. The inhabitants of Jerusalem are to perish during the siege by pestilence and disease, and the remainder, including the king and his servants, to be mercilessly massacred. "Great pestilence" alone is mentioned in Jeremiah 21:6, but in Jeremiah 21:7 there are sword and famine along with it. The ואת before הנּשׁארים seems superfluous and unsuitable, since besides the king, his servants and the people, there could be none others left. The lxx have therefore omitted it, and Hitz., Ew., Graf, and others propose to erase it. But the ו may be taken to be explicative: namely, such as are left, in which case ואת serves to extend the participial clause to all the persons before mentioned, while without the ואת the ' הנּשׁארים וגו could be referred only to העם . "Into the hand of their enemies" is rhetorically amplified by "into the hand of those that seek," etc., as in Jeremiah 19:7, Jeremiah 19:9; Jeremiah 34:20, etc.; לפי חרב , according to the sharpness (or edge) of the sword, i.e., mercilessly (see on Genesis 34:26; in Jer. only here), explained by "not spare them," etc., cf. Jeremiah 13:14.

Jeremiah 21:8-10

The counsel given to the people and royal family how to escape death. - Jeremiah 21:8 . "And unto the people thou shalt say: Thus hath Jahveh said: Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death. Jeremiah 21:9 . He that abideth in this city shall die by sword, by famine, and by pestilence; but he that goeth out and falleth to the Chaldeans that besiege you, he shall live, and have his soul for a prey. Jeremiah 21:10. For I have set my face on this city for evil and not for good, saith Jahveh; into the hand of the king of Babylon shall it be given, who shall burn it with fire. Jeremiah 21:11. And to the house of the king of Judah: Hear the word of Jahveh: Jeremiah 21:12. House of David! thus hath Jahveh said: Hold judgment every morning, and save the despoiled out of the hand of the oppressor, lest my fury break forth as fire, and burn unquenchably, because of the evil of your doings." What the prophet is here to say to the people and the royal house is not directly addressed to the king's envoy, but is closely connected with the answer he was to give to the latter, and serves to strengthen the same. We need not be hampered by the assumption that Jeremiah, immediately after that answer, communicated this advice, so that it might be made known to the people and to the royal house. The counsel given in Jeremiah 21:8-12 to the people was during the siege repeatedly given by Jeremiah both to the king and to the people, cf. Jeremiah 38:1., Jeremiah 38:17., and Jeremiah 27:11., and many of the people acted by his advice, cf. Jeremiah 38:19; Jeremiah 39:9; Jeremiah 52:15. But the defenders of the city, the authorities, saw therein treason, or at least a highly dangerous discouragement to those who were fighting, and accused the prophet as a traitor, Jeremiah 38:4., cf. Jeremiah 37:13. Still Jeremiah, holding his duty higher than his life, remained in the city, and gave as his opinion, under conviction attained to only by divine revelation, that all resistance is useless, since God has irrevocably decreed the destruction of Jerusalem as a punishment for their sins. The idea of Jeremiah 21:7 is clothed in words taken from Deuteronomy 30:15, cf. Deuteronomy 11:26. ישׁב , Jeremiah 21:9, as opposed to יצא , does not mean: to dwell, but: to sit still, abide. To fall to the Chaldeans, i.e., to go over to them, cf. Jeremiah 37:14; Jeremiah 39:9; 2 Kings 25:11; על is interchanged with אל , Jeremiah 37:13; Jeremiah 38:19; Jeremiah 52:15. The Chet . יחיה is right, corresponding to ימוּת ; the Keri וחיה is wrong. His life shall be to him for a prey, i.e., he shall carry it thence as a prey, i.e., preserve it. Jeremiah 21:10 gives the reason for the advice given. For I have set my face, cf. Jeremiah 44:11, recalls Amos 9:4, only there we have עיני for פּני , as in Jeremiah 24:6. To set the face or eye on one means: to pay special heed to him, in good (cf. Jeremiah 39:12) or in evil sense; hence the addition, "for evil," etc.

Jeremiah 21:11-12

(Note: According to Hitz., Gr., and Näg. , the passage Jeremiah 21:11-14 stands in no inner connection with the foregoing, and may, from the contents of it, be seen to belong to an earlier period than that of the siege which took place under Zedekiah, namely, to the time of Jehoiakim, because, a . in the period of Jeremiah 21:1. such an exhortation and conditional threatening must have been out of place after their destruction had been quite unconditionally foretold to Zedekiah and the people in Jeremiah 21:4-7; b . the defiant tone conveyed in Jeremiah 21:13 is inconsistent with the cringing despondency shown by Zedekiah in Jeremiah 21:2; c . it is contrary to what we would expect to find the house of the king addressed separately after the king had been addressed in Jeremiah 21:3, the king being himself comprehended in his "house." But these arguments, on which Hitz. builds ingenious hypotheses, are perfectly valueless. As to a , we have to remark: In Jeremiah 21:4-7 unconditional destruction is foretold against neither king nor people; it is only said that the Chaldeans will capture the city - that the inhabitants will be smitten with pestilence, famine, and sword - and that the king, with his servants and those that are left, will be given into the hand of the king of Babylon, who will smite them unsparingly. But in Jeremiah 21:12 the threatening is uttered against the king, that if he does not practise righteousness, the wrath of God will be kindled unquenchably, and, Jeremiah 21:14, that Jerusalem is to be burnt with fire. In Jeremiah 21:4-7 there is no word of the burning of the city; it is first threatened, Jeremiah 21:10, against the people, after the choice has been given them of escaping utter destruction. How little the burning of Jerusalem is involved in Jeremiah 21:4-7 may be seen from the history of the siege and capture of Jerusalem under Jehoiachin, on which occasion, too, the king, with his servants and the people, was given into the hand of the king of Babylon, while the city was permitted to stand, and the deported king remained in life, and was subsequently set free from his captivity by Evil-Merodach. But that Zedekiah, by hearkening to the word of the Lord, can alleviate his doom and save Jerusalem from destruction, this Jeremiah tells him yet later in very plain terms, Jeremiah 38:17-23, cf. Jeremiah 34:4. Lastly, the release of Hebrew man-servants and maid-servants, recounted in Jeremiah 34:8., shows that even during the siege there were cases of an endeavour to turn and follow the law, and consequently that an exhortation to hold by the right could not have been regarded as wholly superfluous. - The other two arguments, b and c , are totally inconclusive. How the confidence of the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the strength of its fortifications (Jeremiah 21:13) is contradictory of the fact related in Jeremiah 21:2, does not appear. That Zedekiah should betake himself to the prophet, desiring him to entreat the help of God, is not a specimen of cringing despondency such as excludes all confidence in any earthly means of help. Nor are defiance and despondency mutually exclusive opposites in psychological experience, but states of mind that rapidly alternate. Finally, Näg. seems to have added the last argument (c) only because he had no great confidence in the two others, which had been dwelt on by Hitz. and Graf. Why should not Jeremiah have given the king another counsel for warding off the worst, over and above that conveyed in the answer to his question (Jeremiah 21:4-7)? - These arguments have therefore not pith enough to throw any doubt on the connection between the two passages (Jeremiah 21:8-10, and Jeremiah 21:11, Jeremiah 21:12) indicated by the manner in which "and to the house ( וּלבית ) of the king of Judah" points back to "and unto this people thou shalt say" (Jeremiah 21:8), or to induce us to attribute the connection so indicated to the thoughtlessness of the editor.)

The kingly house, i.e., the king and his family, under which are here comprehended not merely women and children, but also the king's companions, his servants and councillors; they are counselled to hold judgment every morning. דּין משׁפּט = דּין דּין , Jeremiah 5:28; Jeremiah 22:16, or שׁפט , Lamentations 3:59; 1 Kings 3:28. לבּקר distributively, every morning, as Amos 4:4. To save the despoiled out of the hand of the oppressor means: to defend his just cause against the oppressor, to defend him from being despoiled; cf. Jeremiah 22:3. The form of address; House of David, which is by a displacement awkwardly separated from שׁמעוּ , is meant to remind the kingly house of its origin, its ancestor David, who walked in the ways of the Lord. - The second half of the verse, "lest my fury," etc., runs like Jeremiah 4:4.

Jeremiah 21:13-14

The chastisement of Jerusalem. - Jeremiah 21:13. "Behold, I am against thee, inhabitress of the valley, of the rock of the plain, saith Jahveh, ye who say: Who shall come down against us, and who shall come into our dwellings? Jeremiah 21:14. And will visit you according to the fruit of your doings, saith Jahveh, and kindle a fire in her forest, that it may devour all her surroundings." This threatening is levelled against the citizens of Jerusalem, who vaunted the impregnableness of their city. The inhabitress of the valley is the daughter of Zion, the population of Jerusalem personified. The situation of the city is spoken of as עמק , ravine between mountains, in respect that Jerusalem was encircled by mountains of greater height (Psalms 125:2); and as rock of the plain, i.e., the region regarded as a level from which Mount Zion, the seat of the kingdom, rose, equivalent to rock of the field, Jeremiah 17:3. In the "rock" we think specially of Mount Zion, and in the "valley" of the so-called lower city. The two designations are chosen to indicate the strong situation of Jerusalem. On this the inhabitants pride themselves, who say: Who shall come down against us? יחת for ינחת , from נחת ; cf. Ew. §139, c . Dwellings, cf. Jeremiah 25:30, not cities or refuge or coverts of wild animals; מעון has not this force, but can at most acquire it from the context; see Del. on Psalms 26:8. The strength of the city will not shield the inhabitants from the punishment with which God will visit them. "According to the fruit," etc., cf. Jeremiah 17:10. I kindle fire in her forest. The city is a forest of houses, and the figure is to be explained by the simile in Jeremiah 22:6, but was not suggested by מעון = lustra ferarum (Hitz.). All her surroundings, how much more then the city itself!