Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 25 » Verse 19

Jeremiah 25:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 and his servants, H5650 and his princes, H8269 and all his people; H5971

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 46:2 STRONG

Against Egypt, H4714 against the army H2428 of Pharaohnecho H6549 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 which was by the river H5104 Euphrates H6578 in Carchemish, H3751 which Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 smote H5221 in the fourth H7243 year H8141 of Jehoiakim H3079 the son H1121 of Josiah H2977 king H4428 of Judah. H3063

Jeremiah 46:13-26 STRONG

The word H1697 that the LORD H3068 spake H1696 to Jeremiah H3414 the prophet, H5030 how Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 should come H935 and smite H5221 the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 Declare H5046 ye in Egypt, H4714 and publish H8085 in Migdol, H4024 and publish H8085 in Noph H5297 and in Tahpanhes: H8471 say H559 ye, Stand fast, H3320 and prepare H3559 thee; for the sword H2719 shall devour H398 round about H5439 thee. Why are thy valiant H47 men swept away? H5502 they stood H5975 not, because the LORD H3068 did drive H1920 them. He made many H7235 to fall, H3782 yea, one H376 fell H5307 upon another: H7453 and they said, H559 Arise, H6965 and let us go again H7725 to our own people, H5971 and to the land H776 of our nativity, H4138 from H6440 the oppressing H3238 sword. H2719 They did cry H7121 there, Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt H4714 is but a noise; H7588 he hath passed H5674 the time appointed. H4150 As I live, H2416 saith H5002 the King, H4428 whose name H8034 is the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 Surely as Tabor H8396 is among the mountains, H2022 and as Carmel H3760 by the sea, H3220 so shall he come. H935 O thou daughter H1323 dwelling H3427 in Egypt, H4714 furnish H6213 thyself to go into captivity: H3627 H1473 for Noph H5297 shall be waste H8047 and desolate H3341 without an inhabitant. H3427 Egypt H4714 is like a very fair H3304 heifer, H5697 but destruction H7171 cometh; H935 it cometh out H935 of the north. H6828 Also her hired men H7916 are in the midst H7130 of her like fatted H4770 bullocks; H5695 for they also are turned back, H6437 and are fled away H5127 together: H3162 they did not stand, H5975 because the day H3117 of their calamity H343 was come H935 upon them, and the time H6256 of their visitation. H6486 The voice H6963 thereof shall go H3212 like a serpent; H5175 for they shall march H3212 with an army, H2428 and come H935 against her with axes, H7134 as hewers H2404 of wood. H6086 They shall cut down H3772 her forest, H3293 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 though it cannot be searched; H2713 because they are more H7231 than the grasshoppers, H697 and are innumerable. H369 H4557 The daughter H1323 of Egypt H4714 shall be confounded; H3001 she shall be delivered H5414 into the hand H3027 of the people H5971 of the north. H6828 The LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel, H3478 saith; H559 Behold, I will punish H6485 the multitude H527 H528 of No, H4996 and Pharaoh, H6547 and Egypt, H4714 with their gods, H430 and their kings; H4428 even Pharaoh, H6547 and all them that trust H982 in him: And I will deliver H5414 them into the hand H3027 of those that seek H1245 their lives, H5315 and into the hand H3027 of Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and into the hand H3027 of his servants: H5650 and afterward H310 it shall be inhabited, H7931 as in the days H3117 of old, H6924 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Nahum 3:8-10 STRONG

Art thou better H3190 than populous H527 H528 No, H4996 that was situate H3427 among the rivers, H2975 that had the waters H4325 round about H5439 it, whose rampart H2426 was the sea, H3220 and her wall H2346 was from the sea? H3220 Ethiopia H3568 and Egypt H4714 were her strength, H6109 and it was infinite; H369 H7097 Put H6316 and Lubim H3864 were thy helpers. H5833 Yet was she carried away, H1473 she went H1980 into captivity: H7628 her young children H5768 also were dashed in pieces H7376 at the top H7218 of all the streets: H2351 and they cast H3032 lots H1486 for her honourable men, H3513 and all her great men H1419 were bound H7576 in chains. H2131

Jeremiah 43:9-11 STRONG

Take H3947 great H1419 stones H68 in thine hand, H3027 and hide H2934 them in the clay H4423 in the brickkiln, H4404 which is at the entry H6607 of Pharaoh's H6547 house H1004 in Tahpanhes, H8471 in the sight H5869 of the men H582 of Judah; H3064 And say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Behold, I will send H7971 and take H3947 Nebuchadrezzar H5019 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 my servant, H5650 and will set H7760 his throne H3678 upon H4605 these stones H68 that I have hid; H2934 and he shall spread H5186 his royal pavilion H8237 over them. And when he cometh, H935 he shall smite H5221 the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and deliver such as are for death H4194 to death; H4194 and such as are for captivity H7628 to captivity; H7628 and such as are for the sword H2719 to the sword. H2719

Ezekiel 29:1-21 STRONG

In the tenth H6224 year, H8141 in the tenth H6224 month, in the twelfth H8147 H6240 day of the month, H2320 the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came unto me, saying, H559 Son H1121 of man, H120 set H7760 thy face H6440 against Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 and prophesy H5012 against him, and against all Egypt: H4714 Speak, H1696 and say, H559 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 the great H1419 dragon H8577 that lieth H7257 in the midst H8432 of his rivers, H2975 which hath said, H559 My river H2975 is mine own, and I have made H6213 it for myself. But I will put H5414 hooks H2397 H2397 in thy jaws, H3895 and I will cause the fish H1710 of thy rivers H2975 to stick H1692 unto thy scales, H7193 and I will bring thee up H5927 out of the midst H8432 of thy rivers, H2975 and all the fish H1710 of thy rivers H2975 shall stick H1692 unto thy scales. H7193 And I will leave H5203 thee thrown into the wilderness, H4057 thee and all the fish H1710 of thy rivers: H2975 thou shalt fall H5307 upon the open H6440 fields; H7704 thou shalt not be brought together, H622 nor gathered: H6908 I have given H5414 thee for meat H402 to the beasts H2416 of the field H776 and to the fowls H5775 of the heaven. H8064 And all the inhabitants H3427 of Egypt H4714 shall know H3045 that I am the LORD, H3068 because they have been a staff H4938 of reed H7070 to the house H1004 of Israel. H3478 When they took hold H8610 of thee by thy hand, H3709 thou didst break, H7533 and rend H1234 all their shoulder: H3802 and when they leaned H8172 upon thee, thou brakest, H7665 and madest all their loins H4975 to be at a stand. H5976 Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will bring H935 a sword H2719 upon thee, and cut off H3772 man H120 and beast H929 out of thee. And the land H776 of Egypt H4714 shall be desolate H8077 and waste; H2723 and they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD: H3068 because he hath said, H559 The river H2975 is mine, and I have made H6213 it. Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against thy rivers, H2975 and I will make H5414 the land H776 of Egypt H4714 utterly H2721 waste H2723 and desolate, H8077 from the tower H4024 of Syene H5482 even unto the border H1366 of Ethiopia. H3568 No foot H7272 of man H120 shall pass through H5674 it, nor foot H7272 of beast H929 shall pass through H5674 it, neither shall it be inhabited H3427 forty H705 years. H8141 And I will make H5414 the land H776 of Egypt H4714 desolate H8077 in the midst H8432 of the countries H776 that are desolate, H8074 and her cities H5892 among H8432 the cities H5892 that are laid waste H2717 shall be desolate H8077 forty H705 years: H8141 and I will scatter H6327 the Egyptians H4714 among the nations, H1471 and will disperse H2219 them through the countries. H776 Yet thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 At the end H7093 of forty H705 years H8141 will I gather H6908 the Egyptians H4714 from the people H5971 whither they were scattered: H6327 And I will bring again H7725 the captivity H7622 of Egypt, H4714 and will cause them to return H7725 into the land H776 of Pathros, H6624 into the land H776 of their habitation; H4351 and they shall be there a base H8217 kingdom. H4467 It shall be the basest H8217 of the kingdoms; H4467 neither shall it exalt H5375 itself any more above the nations: H1471 for I will diminish H4591 them, that they shall no more rule H7287 over the nations. H1471 And it shall be no more the confidence H4009 of the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 which bringeth H2142 their iniquity H5771 to remembrance, H2142 when they shall look H6437 after H310 them: but they shall know H3045 that I am the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 And it came to pass in the seven H7651 and twentieth H6242 year, H8141 in the first H7223 month, in the first H259 day of the month, H2320 the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came unto me, saying, H559 Son H1121 of man, H120 Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 caused H5647 his army H2428 to serve H5647 a great H1419 service H5656 against Tyrus: H6865 every head H7218 was made bald, H7139 and every shoulder H3802 was peeled: H4803 yet had he no wages, H7939 nor his army, H2428 for Tyrus, H6865 for the service H5656 that he had served H5647 against it: Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will give H5414 the land H776 of Egypt H4714 unto Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon; H894 and he shall take H5375 her multitude, H1995 and take H7997 her spoil, H7998 and take H962 her prey; H957 and it shall be the wages H7939 for his army. H2428 I have given H5414 him the land H776 of Egypt H4714 for his labour H6468 wherewith he served H5647 against it, because they wrought H6213 for me, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 In that day H3117 will I cause H6779 the horn H7161 of the house H1004 of Israel H3478 to bud forth, H6779 and I will give H5414 thee the opening H6610 of the mouth H6310 in the midst H8432 of them; and they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068

Commentary on Jeremiah 25 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 25:1-38. Prophecy of the Seventy Years' Captivity; and after That the Destruction of Babylon, and of All the Nations That Oppressed the Jews.

1. fourth year of Jehoiakim—called the third year in Da 1:1. But probably Jehoiakim was set on the throne by Pharaoh-necho on his return from Carchemish about July, whereas Nebuchadnezzar mounted the throne January 21, 604 B.C.; so that Nebuchadnezzar's first year was partly the third, partly the fourth, of Jehoiakim's. Here first Jeremiah gives specific dates. Nebuchadnezzar had previously entered Judea in the reign of his father Nabopolassar.

3. From the thirteenth year of Josiah, in which Jeremiah began to prophesy (Jer 1:1), to the end of Josiah's reign, was nineteen years (2Ki 22:1); the three months 2 Kings 23. 31) of Jehoahaz' reign, with the not quite complete four years of Jehoiakim (Jer 25:1), added to the nineteen years, make up twenty-three years in all.

4. rising early—(See on Jer 7:13). "The prophets" refer to Urijah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, &c. It aggravates their sin, that God sent not merely one but many messengers, and those messengers, prophets; and, that during all those years specified, Jeremiah and his fellow prophets spared no effort, late and early.

5. Turn … dwell—In Hebrew there is expressed by sameness of sounds the correspondence between their turning to God and God's turning to them to permit them to dwell in their land: Shubu … shebu, "Return" … so shall ye "remain."

every one from … evil—Each must separately repent and turn from his own sin. None is excepted, lest they should think their guilt extenuated because the evil is general.

6. He instances one sin, idolatry, as representative of all their sins; as nothing is dearer to God than a pure worship of Himself.

7. Though ye provoke Me to anger (De 32:21), yet it is not I, but yourselves, whom ye thereby hurt (Pr 8:36; 20:2).

9. the north—(see on Jer 1:14, 15). The Medes and other northern peoples, confederate with Babylon, are included with the Chaldeans.

my servant—My agent for punishing (Jer 27:6; 43:10; compare Jer 40:2). Compare Isa 44:28; Cyrus, "My shepherd." God makes even unbelievers unconsciously to fulfil His designs. A reproof to the Jews, who boasted that they were the servants of God; yet a heathen king is to be more the servant of God than they, and that as the agent of their punishment.

10. (Jer 7:34; Re 18:23). The land shall be so desolated that even in the houses left standing there shall be no inhabitant; a terrible stillness shall prevail; no sound of the hand-mill (two circular stones, one above the other, for grinding corn, worked by two women, Ex 11:5; Mt 24:41; in daily use in every house, and therefore forbidden to be taken in pledge, De 24:6); no night-light, so universal in the East that the poorest house has it, burning all night.

candle—lamp (Job 21:17; 18:6).

11. seventy years—(Jer 27:7). The exact number of years of Sabbaths in four hundred ninety years, the period from Saul to the Babylonian captivity; righteous retribution for their violation of the Sabbath (Le 26:34, 35; 2Ch 36:21). The seventy years probably begin from the fourth year of Jehoiakim, when Jerusalem was first captured, and many captives, as well as the treasures of the temple, were carried away; they end with the first year of Cyrus, who, on taking Babylon, issued an edict for the restoration of the Jews (Ezr 1:1). Daniel's seventy prophetic weeks are based on the seventy years of the captivity (compare Da 9:2, 24).

13. all … written in this book, which Jeremiah … prophesied against all … nations—It follows from this, that the prophecies against foreign nations (forty-sixth through fifty-first chapters) must have been already written. Hence the Septuagint inserts here those prophecies. But if they had followed immediately (Jer 25:13), there would have been no propriety in the observation in the verse. The very wording of the reference shows that they existed in some other part of the book, and not in the immediate context. It was in this very year, the fourth of Jehoiakim (Jer 36:1, 2), that Jeremiah was directed to write in a regular book for the first time all that he had prophesied against Judah and foreign "nations" from the beginning of his ministry. Probably, at a subsequent time, when he completed the whole work, including the forty-sixth through fifty-first chapters, Jeremiah himself inserted the clause, "all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations." The prophecies in question may have been repeated, as others in Jeremiah, more than once; so in the original smaller collection they may have stood in an earlier position; and, in the fuller subsequent collection, in their later and present position.

14. serve themselves—(Jer 27:7; 30:8; 34:10). Avail themselves of their services as slaves.

them also—the Chaldees, who heretofore have made other nations their slaves, shall themselves also in their turn be slaves to them. Maurer translates, "shall impose servitude on them, even them."

recompense them—namely, the Chaldees and other nations against whom Jeremiah had prophesied (Jer 25:13), as having oppressed the Jews.

their deeds—rather, "deed," namely, their bad treatment of the Jews (Jer 50:29; 51:6, 24; compare 2Ch 36:17).

15. wine cup—Compare Jer 13:12, 13, as to this image, to express stupefying judgments; also Jer 49:12; 51:7. Jeremiah often embodies the imagery of Isaiah in his prophecies (La 4:21; Isa 51:17-22; Re 16:19; 18:6). The wine cup was not literally given by Jeremiah to the representatives of the different nations; but only in symbolical vision.

16. be moved—reel (Na 3:11).

18. Jerusalem—put first: for "judgment begins at the house of God"; they being most guilty whose religious privileges are greatest (1Pe 4:17).

kings—Jehoiakim, Jeconiah, and Zedekiah.

as it is this day—The accomplishment of the curse had already begun under Jehoiakim. This clause, however, may have been inserted by Jeremiah at his final revision of his prophecies in Egypt.

19. Pharaoh—put next after Jerusalem, because the Jews had relied most on him, and Egypt and Judea stood on a common footing (Jer 46:2, 25).

20. mingled people—mercenary foreign troops serving under Pharaoh-hophra in the time of Jeremiah. The employment of these foreigners provoked the native Egyptians to overthrow him. Psammetichus, father of Pharaoh-necho, also had given a settlement in Egypt to Ionian and Carian adventurers [Herodotus, 2.152, 154]. (Compare Jer 50:37; see on Isa 19:2, 3; Isa 20:1; Eze 30:5. The term is first found in Ex 12:38.

Uz—in the geographical order here, between Egypt and the states along the Mediterranean; therefore not the "Uz" of Job 1:1 (north of Arabia-Deserta), but the northern part of Arabia-Petræa, between the sea and Idumea (La 4:21; see Ge 36:20, 28).

remnant of Ashdod—called a "remnant," because Ashdod had lost most of its inhabitants in the twenty-nine years siege by Psammetichus. Compare also see on Isa 20:1. Gath is not mentioned because it was overthrown in the same war.

21. Edom … Moab … Ammon—joined together, as being related to Israel (see Jer 48:1-49:39).

22. all the kings of Tyrus—the petty kings of the various dependencies of Tyre.

isles—a term including all maritime regions (Ps 72:10).

23. Dedan—north of Arabia (Ge 25:3, 4).

Tema … Buz—neighboring tribes north of Arabia (Job 32:2).

all … in … utmost corners—rather, "having the hair cut in angles," a heathenish custom (see on Jer 9:26).

24. mingled people—not in the same sense as in Jer 25:20; the "motley crowd," so called in contempt (compare Jer 49:28, 31; 50:37). By a different pointing it may be translated the "Arabs"; but the repetition of the name is not likely. Blaney thinks there were two divisions of what we call Arabia, the west (Araba) and the east. The west included Arabia-Petræa and the parts on the sea bordering on Egypt, the land of Cush; the east, Arabia-Felix and Deserta. The latter are "the mixed race" inhabiting the desert.

25. Zimri—perhaps the Zabra mentioned by Ptolemy between Mecca and Medina. Zimran also, as Dedan, was one of Abraham's sons by Keturah (Ge 25:2).

Elam—properly, west of Persia; but used for Persia in general.

26. Sheshach—Babylon; as the parallelism in Jer 51:41 proves. In the Cabalistic system (called Athbash, the first Hebrew letter in the alphabet being expressed by the last) Sheshach would exactly answer to Babel. Jeremiah may have used this system (as perhaps in Jer 51:41) for concealment at the time of this prediction, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, while Nebuchadnezzar was before Jerusalem. In Jer 51:41 there can be no concealment, as Babylon is expressly mentioned. Michaelis more simply explains the term "brazen-gated" (compare Isa 45:2); others, "the house of a prince." Rather, it comes from the Babylonian goddess, Shach, by reduplication of the first letter; from her Misael was named Meshach by the Babylonians. The term Shace was applied to a festival at Babylon, alluded to in Jer 51:39, 57; Isa 21:5. It was during this feast that Cyrus took Babylon [Herodotus, 1]. Thus Jeremiah mystically denotes the time of its capture by this term [Glassius].

27. rise no more—The heathen nations in question should fall to rise no more. The Jews should fall but for a time, and then rise again. Therefore, the epithet is given, "the God of Israel."

28. if they refuse to take the cup—No effort of theirs to escape destruction will avail.

29. If I spared not Mine elect people on account of sin, much less will I spare you (Eze 9:6; Ob 16; Lu 23:31; 1Pe 4:17).

be unpunished—"be treated as innocent."

30. roar—image from a destructive lion (Isa 42:13; Joe 3:16).

upon his habitation—rather, "His pasturage"; keeping up the image of a lion roaring against the flock in the pasture. The roar was first to go forth over Judea wherein were "the sheep of His pasture" (Ps 100:3), and thence into heathen lands.

shout … tread … grapes—(Jer 48:33; Isa 16:9, 10).

31. controversy—cause at issue (Mic 6:2).

plead with all flesh—(Isa 66:16). God shows the whole world that He does what is altogether just in punishing.

32. from the coasts—rather, "from the uttermost regions." Like a storm which arises in one region and then diffuses itself far and wide, so God's judgments shall pass "from nation to nation," till all has been fulfilled; no distance shall prevent the fulfilment.

not be lamented—(Jer 16:4, 6).

neither gathered—to their fathers, in their ancestral tombs (Jer 8:2).

dung—(Ps 83:10).

34. shepherds—princes (Jer 22:22). Here he returns to the Jews and their rulers, using the same image as in Jer 25:30, "pasture" (see on Jer 25:30).

wallow yourselves—Cover yourselves as thickly with ashes, in token of sorrow, as one who rolls in them (Jer 6:26; Eze 27:30) [Maurer].

principal—leaders. The Septuagint translates "rams," carrying out the image (compare Isa 14:9, Margin; Zec 10:3).

days of your slaughter … of … dispersions—rather, "your days for slaughter (that is, the time of your being slain), and your dispersions (not 'of your dispersions'), are accomplished (are come)."

pleasant vessel—Ye were once a precious vessel, but ye shall fall, and so be a broken vessel (see on Jer 22:28). "Your past excellency shall not render you safe now. I will turn to your ignominy whatever glory I conferred on you" [Calvin].

35. Literally, "Flight shall fail the shepherds … escaping (shall fail) the principal," &c. (Am 2:14). The leaders will be the first objects for slaughter; escape by flight will be out of their power.

37. habitations—rather, carrying out the image "pastures" (see on Jer 25:30). The pasturages where, peaceably and without incursion of wild beasts, the flocks have fed, shall be destroyed; that is, the regions where, heretofore, there was peace and security (alluding to the name Salem, or Jerusalem, "possessing peace").

38. his covert—the temple, where heretofore, like a lion, as its defender, by the mere terror of His voice He warded off the foe; but now He leaves it a prey to the Gentiles [Calvin].

fierceness of … oppressor—rather, as the Hebrew, for "oppressor" is an adjective feminine, the word "sword" is understood, which, in Jer 46:16; 50:16, is expressed (indeed, some manuscripts and the Septuagint read "sword" instead of "fierceness" here; probably interpolated from Jer 46:16), "the oppressing sword." The Hebrew for "oppressing" means also a "dove": there may be, therefore, a covert allusion to the Chaldean standard bearing a dove on it, in honor of Semiramis, the first queen, said in popular superstition to have been nourished by doves when exposed at birth, and at death to have been transformed into a dove. Her name may come from a root referring to the cooing of a dove. That bird was held sacred to the goddess Venus. Vulgate so translates "the anger of the dove."

his … anger—If the anger of Nebuchadnezzar cannot be evaded, how much less that of God (compare Jer 25:37)!