Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 27 » Verse 7

Jeremiah 27:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 And all nations H1471 shall serve H5647 him, and his son, H1121 and his son's H1121 son, H1121 until the very time H6256 of his land H776 come: H935 and then many H7227 nations H1471 and great H1419 kings H4428 shall serve H5647 themselves of him.

Cross Reference

Zechariah 2:8-9 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 After H310 the glory H3519 hath he sent H7971 me unto the nations H1471 which spoiled H7997 you: for he that toucheth H5060 you toucheth H5060 the apple H892 of his eye. H5869 For, behold, I will shake H5130 mine hand H3027 upon them, and they shall be a spoil H7998 to their servants: H5647 and ye shall know H3045 that the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 hath sent H7971 me.

Jeremiah 52:31 STRONG

And it came to pass in the seven H7651 and thirtieth H7970 year H8141 of the captivity H1546 of Jehoiachin H3078 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 in the twelfth H8147 H6240 month, H2320 in the five H2568 and twentieth H6242 day of the month, H2320 that Evilmerodach H192 king H4428 of Babylon H894 in the first year H8141 of his reign H4438 lifted up H5375 the head H7218 of Jehoiachin H3078 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 and brought him forth H3318 out of prison, H1004 H3628

Isaiah 14:4-6 STRONG

That thou shalt take up H5375 this proverb H4912 against the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and say, H559 How hath the oppressor H5065 ceased! H7673 the golden city H4062 ceased! H7673 The LORD H3068 hath broken H7665 the staff H4294 of the wicked, H7563 and the sceptre H7626 of the rulers. H4910 He who smote H5221 the people H5971 in wrath H5678 with a continual H1115 H5627 stroke, H4347 he that ruled H7287 the nations H1471 in anger, H639 is persecuted, H4783 and none H1097 hindereth. H2820

Daniel 5:25-31 STRONG

And this H1836 is the writing H3792 that was written, H7560 MENE, H4484 MENE, H4484 TEKEL, H8625 UPHARSIN. H6537 This H1836 is the interpretation H6591 of the thing: H4406 MENE; H4484 God H426 hath numbered H4483 thy kingdom, H4437 and finished H8000 it. TEKEL; H8625 Thou art weighed H8625 in the balances, H3977 and art found H7912 wanting. H2627 PERES; H6537 Thy kingdom H4437 is divided, H6537 and given H3052 to the Medes H4076 and Persians. H6540 Then H116 commanded H560 Belshazzar, H1113 and they clothed H3848 Daniel H1841 with scarlet, H711 and put a chain H2002 of gold H1722 about H5922 his neck, H6676 and made a proclamation H3745 concerning H5922 him, that he should be H1934 the third H8531 ruler H7990 in the kingdom. H4437 In that night H3916 was Belshazzar H1113 the king H4430 of the Chaldeans H3779 slain. H6992 And Darius H1868 the Median H4077 took H6902 the kingdom, H4437 being about threescore H8361 and two H8648 years H8140 old. H1247

Revelation 18:2-8 STRONG

And G2532 he cried G2896 mightily G2479 with G1722 a strong G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 Babylon G897 the great G3173 is fallen, G4098 is fallen, G4098 and G2532 is become G1096 the habitation G2732 of devils, G1142 and G2532 the hold G5438 of every G3956 foul G169 spirit, G4151 and G2532 a cage G5438 of every G3956 unclean G169 and G2532 hateful G3404 bird. G3732 For G3754 all G3956 nations G1484 have drunk G4095 of G1537 the wine G3631 of the wrath G2372 of her G846 fornication, G4202 and G2532 the kings G935 of the earth G1093 have committed fornication G4203 with G3326 her, G846 and G2532 the merchants G1713 of the earth G1093 are waxed rich G4147 through G1537 the abundance G1411 of her G846 delicacies. G4764 And G2532 I heard G191 another G243 voice G5456 from G1537 heaven, G3772 saying, G3004 Come G1831 out of G1537 her, G846 my G3450 people, G2992 that G3363 ye be G4790 not G3363 partakers G4790 of her G846 sins, G266 and G2532 that G3363 ye receive G2983 not G3363 of G1537 her G846 plagues. G4127 For G3754 her G846 sins G266 have reached G190 G2853 unto G891 heaven, G3772 and G2532 God G2316 hath remembered G3421 her G846 iniquities. G92 Reward G591 her G846 even G2532 as G5613 she G846 G3778 rewarded G591 you, G5213 and G2532 double G1363 unto her G846 double G1362 according to G2596 her G846 works: G2041 in G1722 the cup G4221 which G3739 she hath filled G2767 fill G2767 to her G846 double. G1362 How much G3745 she hath glorified G1392 herself, G1438 and G2532 lived deliciously, G4763 so much G5118 torment G929 and G2532 sorrow G3997 give G1325 her: G846 for G3754 she saith G3004 in G1722 her G846 heart, G2588 I sit G2521 a queen, G938 and G2532 am G1510 no G3756 widow, G5503 and G2532 shall see G1492 no G3364 sorrow. G3997 Therefore G5124 G1223 shall G2240 her G846 plagues G4127 come G2240 in G1722 one G3391 day, G2250 death, G2288 and G2532 mourning, G3997 and G2532 famine; G3042 and G2532 she shall be utterly burned G2618 with G1722 fire: G4442 for G3754 strong G2478 is the Lord G2962 God G2316 who G3588 judgeth G2919 her. G846

Revelation 17:16-17 STRONG

And G2532 the ten G1176 horns G2768 which G3739 thou sawest G1492 upon G1909 the beast, G2342 these G3778 shall hate G3404 the whore, G4204 and G2532 shall make G4160 her G846 desolate G2049 and G2532 naked, G1131 and G2532 shall eat G5315 her G846 flesh, G4561 and G2532 burn G2618 her G846 with G1722 fire. G4442 For G1063 God G2316 hath put G1325 in G1519 their G846 hearts G2588 to fulfil G4160 his G846 will, G1106 and G2532 to agree, G4160 G3391 G1106 and G2532 give G1325 their G846 kingdom G932 unto the beast, G2342 until G891 the words G4487 of God G2316 shall be fulfilled. G5055

Revelation 16:19 STRONG

And G2532 the great G3173 city G4172 was divided G1096 into G1519 three G5140 parts, G3313 and G2532 the cities G4172 of the nations G1484 fell: G4098 and G2532 great G3173 Babylon G897 came in remembrance G3415 before G1799 God, G2316 to give G1325 unto her G846 the cup G4221 of the wine G3631 of the fierceness G2372 of his G846 wrath. G3709

Revelation 14:15-20 STRONG

And G2532 another G243 angel G32 came G1831 out of G1537 the temple, G3485 crying G2896 with G1722 a loud G3173 voice G5456 to him that sat G2521 on G1909 the cloud, G3507 Thrust in G3992 thy G4675 sickle, G1407 and G2532 reap: G2325 for G3754 the time G5610 is come G2064 for thee G4671 to reap; G2325 for G3754 the harvest G2326 of the earth G1093 is ripe. G3583 And G2532 he that sat G2521 on G1909 the cloud G3507 thrust in G906 his G846 sickle G1407 on G1909 the earth; G1093 and G2532 the earth G1093 was reaped. G2325 And G2532 another G243 angel G32 came G1831 out of G1537 the temple G3485 which G3588 is in G1722 heaven, G3772 he G846 also G2532 having G2192 a sharp G3691 sickle. G1407 And G2532 another G243 angel G32 came G1831 out G1537 from the altar, G2379 which had G2192 power G1849 over G1909 fire; G4442 and G2532 cried G5455 with a loud G3173 cry G2906 to him that had G2192 the sharp G3691 sickle, G1407 saying, G3004 Thrust in G3992 thy G4675 sharp G3691 sickle, G1407 and G2532 gather G5166 the clusters G1009 of the vine G288 of the earth; G1093 for G3754 her G846 grapes G4718 are fully ripe. G187 And G2532 the angel G32 thrust in G906 his G846 sickle G1407 into G1519 the earth, G1093 and G2532 gathered G5166 the vine G288 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 cast G906 it into G1519 the great G3173 winepress G3025 of the wrath G2372 of God. G2316 And G2532 the winepress G3025 was trodden G3961 without G1854 the city, G4172 and G2532 blood G129 came G1831 out of G1537 the winepress, G3025 even unto G891 the horse G2462 bridles, G5469 by the space of G575 a thousand G5507 and six hundred G1812 furlongs. G4712

Revelation 14:8 STRONG

And G2532 there followed G190 another G243 angel, G32 saying, G3004 Babylon G897 is fallen, G4098 is fallen, G4098 that great G3173 city, G4172 because G3754 she made G4222 all G3956 nations G1484 drink G4222 of G1537 the wine G3631 of the wrath G2372 of her G846 fornication. G4202

Revelation 13:5-10 STRONG

And G2532 there was given G1325 unto him G846 a mouth G4750 speaking G2980 great things G3173 and G2532 blasphemies; G988 and G2532 power G1849 was given G1325 unto him G846 to continue G4160 forty G5062 and two G1417 months. G3376 And G2532 he opened G455 his G846 mouth G4750 in G1519 blasphemy G988 against G4314 God, G2316 to blaspheme G987 his G846 name, G3686 and G2532 his G846 tabernacle, G4633 and G2532 them that dwell G4637 in G1722 heaven. G3772 And G2532 it was given G1325 unto him G846 to make G4160 war G4171 with G3326 the saints, G40 and G2532 to overcome G3528 them: G846 and G2532 power G1849 was given G1325 him G846 over G1909 all G3956 kindreds, G5443 and G2532 tongues, G1100 and G2532 nations. G1484 And G2532 all G3956 that dwell G2730 upon G1909 the earth G1093 shall worship G4352 him, G846 whose G3739 names G3686 are G1125 not G3756 written G1125 in G1722 the book G976 of life G2222 of the Lamb G721 slain G4969 from G575 the foundation G2602 of the world. G2889 If any man G1536 have G2192 an ear, G3775 let him hear. G191 He that G1536 leadeth G4863 into captivity G161 shall go G5217 into G1519 captivity: G161 he that G1536 killeth G615 with G1722 the sword G3162 must G1163 be killed G615 with G1722 the sword. G3162 Here G5602 is G2076 the patience G5281 and G2532 the faith G4102 of the saints. G40

Habakkuk 2:7 STRONG

Shall they not rise up H6965 suddenly H6621 that shall bite H5391 thee, and awake H3364 that shall vex H2111 thee, and thou shalt be for booties H4933 unto them?

2 Chronicles 36:20-21 STRONG

And them that had escaped H7611 from the sword H2719 carried he away H1540 to Babylon; H894 where they were servants H5650 to him and his sons H1121 until the reign H4427 of the kingdom H4438 of Persia: H6539 To fulfil H4390 the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 by the mouth H6310 of Jeremiah, H3414 until the land H776 had enjoyed H7521 her sabbaths: H7676 for as long as H3117 she lay desolate H8074 she kept sabbath, H7673 to fulfil H4390 threescore and ten H7657 years. H8141

Jeremiah 50:1-46 STRONG

The word H1697 that the LORD H3068 spake H1696 against Babylon H894 and against the land H776 of the Chaldeans H3778 by H3027 Jeremiah H3414 the prophet. H5030 Declare H5046 ye among the nations, H1471 and publish, H8085 and set up H5375 a standard; H5251 publish, H8085 and conceal H3582 not: say, H559 Babylon H894 is taken, H3920 Bel H1078 is confounded, H3001 Merodach H4781 is broken in pieces; H2865 her idols H6091 are confounded, H3001 her images H1544 are broken in pieces. H2865 For out of the north H6828 there cometh up H5927 a nation H1471 against her, which shall make H7896 her land H776 desolate, H8047 and none shall dwell H3427 therein: they shall remove, H5110 they shall depart, H1980 both man H120 and beast. H929 In those days, H3117 and in that time, H6256 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall come, H935 they and the children H1121 of Judah H3063 together, H3162 going H1980 and weeping: H1058 they shall go, H3212 and seek H1245 the LORD H3068 their God. H430 They shall ask H7592 the way H1870 to Zion H6726 with their faces H6440 thitherward, H2008 saying, Come, H935 and let us join H3867 ourselves to the LORD H3068 in a perpetual H5769 covenant H1285 that shall not be forgotten. H7911 My people H5971 hath been lost H6 sheep: H6629 their shepherds H7462 have caused them to go astray, H8582 they have turned them away H7725 H7726 on the mountains: H2022 they have gone H1980 from mountain H2022 to hill, H1389 they have forgotten H7911 their restingplace. H7258 All that found H4672 them have devoured H398 them: and their adversaries H6862 said, H559 We offend H816 not, because they have sinned H2398 against the LORD, H3068 the habitation H5116 of justice, H6664 even the LORD, H3068 the hope H4723 of their fathers. H1 Remove H5110 out of the midst H8432 of Babylon, H894 and go forth H3318 H3318 out of the land H776 of the Chaldeans, H3778 and be as the he goats H6260 before H6440 the flocks. H6629 For, lo, I will raise H5782 and cause to come up H5927 against Babylon H894 an assembly H6951 of great H1419 nations H1471 from the north H6828 country: H776 and they shall set themselves in array H6186 against her; from thence she shall be taken: H3920 their arrows H2671 shall be as of a mighty H1368 expert man; H7919 H7921 none shall return H7725 in vain. H7387 And Chaldea H3778 shall be a spoil: H7998 all that spoil H7997 her shall be satisfied, H7646 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Because ye were glad, H8055 because ye rejoiced, H5937 O ye destroyers H8154 of mine heritage, H5159 because ye are grown fat H6335 as the heifer H5697 at grass, H1877 H1758 and bellow H6670 as bulls; H47 Your mother H517 shall be sore H3966 confounded; H954 she that bare H3205 you shall be ashamed: H2659 behold, the hindermost H319 of the nations H1471 shall be a wilderness, H4057 a dry land, H6723 and a desert. H6160 Because of the wrath H7110 of the LORD H3068 it shall not be inhabited, H3427 but it shall be wholly desolate: H8077 every one that goeth H5674 by Babylon H894 shall be astonished, H8074 and hiss H8319 at all her plagues. H4347 Put yourselves in array H6186 against Babylon H894 round about: H5439 all ye that bend H1869 the bow, H7198 shoot H3034 at her, spare H2550 no arrows: H2671 for she hath sinned H2398 against the LORD. H3068 Shout H7321 against her round about: H5439 she hath given H5414 her hand: H3027 her foundations H803 are fallen, H5307 her walls H2346 are thrown down: H2040 for it is the vengeance H5360 of the LORD: H3068 take vengeance H5358 upon her; as she hath done, H6213 do H6213 unto her. Cut off H3772 the sower H2232 from Babylon, H894 and him that handleth H8610 the sickle H4038 in the time H6256 of harvest: H7105 for fear H6440 of the oppressing H3238 sword H2719 they shall turn H6437 every one H376 to his people, H5971 and they shall flee H5127 every one H376 to his own land. H776 Israel H3478 is a scattered H6340 sheep; H7716 the lions H738 have driven him away: H5080 first H7223 the king H4428 of Assyria H804 hath devoured H398 him; and last H314 this Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 hath broken his bones. H6105 Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Behold, I will punish H6485 the king H4428 of Babylon H894 and his land, H776 as I have punished H6485 the king H4428 of Assyria. H804 And I will bring H7725 Israel H3478 again H7725 to his habitation, H5116 and he shall feed H7462 on Carmel H3760 and Bashan, H1316 and his soul H5315 shall be satisfied H7646 upon mount H2022 Ephraim H669 and Gilead. H1568 In those days, H3117 and in that time, H6256 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 the iniquity H5771 of Israel H3478 shall be sought for, H1245 and there shall be none; and the sins H2403 of Judah, H3063 and they shall not be found: H4672 for I will pardon H5545 them whom I reserve. H7604 Go up H5927 against the land H776 of Merathaim, H4850 even against it, and against the inhabitants H3427 of Pekod: H6489 waste H2717 and utterly destroy H2763 after H310 them, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and do H6213 according to all that I have commanded H6680 thee. A sound H6963 of battle H4421 is in the land, H776 and of great H1419 destruction. H7667 How is the hammer H6360 of the whole earth H776 cut asunder H1438 and broken! H7665 how is Babylon H894 become a desolation H8047 among the nations! H1471 I have laid a snare H3369 for thee, and thou art also taken, H3920 O Babylon, H894 and thou wast not aware: H3045 thou art found, H4672 and also caught, H8610 because thou hast striven H1624 against the LORD. H3068 The LORD H3068 hath opened H6605 his armoury, H214 and hath brought forth H3318 the weapons H3627 of his indignation: H2195 for this is the work H4399 of the Lord H136 GOD H3069 of hosts H6635 in the land H776 of the Chaldeans. H3778 Come H935 against her from the utmost border, H7093 open H6605 her storehouses: H3965 cast her up H5549 as heaps, H6194 and destroy her utterly: H2763 let nothing of her be left. H7611 Slay H2717 all her bullocks; H6499 let them go down H3381 to the slaughter: H2874 woe H1945 unto them! for their day H3117 is come, H935 the time H6256 of their visitation. H6486 The voice H6963 of them that flee H5127 and escape out H6405 of the land H776 of Babylon, H894 to declare H5046 in Zion H6726 the vengeance H5360 of the LORD H3068 our God, H430 the vengeance H5360 of his temple. H1964 Call together H8085 the archers H7228 against Babylon: H894 all ye that bend H1869 the bow, H7198 camp H2583 against it round about; H5439 let none thereof escape: H6413 recompense H7999 her according to her work; H6467 according to all that she hath done, H6213 do H6213 unto her: for she hath been proud H2102 against the LORD, H3068 against the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478 Therefore shall her young men H970 fall H5307 in the streets, H7339 and all her men H582 of war H4421 shall be cut off H1826 in that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, H2087 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 of hosts: H6635 for thy day H3117 is come, H935 the time H6256 that I will visit H6485 thee. And the most proud H2087 shall stumble H3782 and fall, H5307 and none shall raise him up: H6965 and I will kindle H3341 a fire H784 in his cities, H5892 and it shall devour H398 all round about H5439 him. Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 The children H1121 of Israel H3478 and the children H1121 of Judah H3063 were oppressed H6231 together: H3162 and all that took them captives H7617 held them fast; H2388 they refused H3985 to let them go. H7971 Their Redeemer H1350 is strong; H2389 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is his name: H8034 he shall throughly H7378 plead H7378 their cause, H7379 that he may give rest H7280 to the land, H776 and disquiet H7264 the inhabitants H3427 of Babylon. H894 A sword H2719 is upon the Chaldeans, H3778 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and upon the inhabitants H3427 of Babylon, H894 and upon her princes, H8269 and upon her wise H2450 men. A sword H2719 is upon the liars; H907 and they shall dote: H2973 a sword H2719 is upon her mighty men; H1368 and they shall be dismayed. H2865 A sword H2719 is upon their horses, H5483 and upon their chariots, H7393 and upon all the mingled people H6153 that are in the midst H8432 of her; and they shall become as women: H802 a sword H2719 is upon her treasures; H214 and they shall be robbed. H962 A drought H2721 is upon her waters; H4325 and they shall be dried up: H3001 for it is the land H776 of graven images, H6456 and they are mad H1984 upon their idols. H367 Therefore the wild beasts of the desert H6728 with the wild beasts of the islands H338 shall dwell H3427 there, and the owls H1323 H3284 shall dwell H3427 therein: and it shall be no more inhabited H3427 for ever; H5331 neither shall it be dwelt H7931 in from generation H1755 to generation. H1755 As God H430 overthrew H4114 Sodom H5467 and Gomorrah H6017 and the neighbour H7934 cities thereof, saith H5002 the LORD; H3068 so shall no man H376 abide H3427 there, neither shall any son H1121 of man H120 dwell H1481 therein. Behold, a people H5971 shall come H935 from the north, H6828 and a great H1419 nation, H1471 and many H7227 kings H4428 shall be raised up H5782 from the coasts H3411 of the earth. H776 They shall hold H2388 the bow H7198 and the lance: H3591 they are cruel, H394 and will not shew mercy: H7355 their voice H6963 shall roar H1993 like the sea, H3220 and they shall ride H7392 upon horses, H5483 every one put in array, H6186 like a man H376 to the battle, H4421 against thee, O daughter H1323 of Babylon. H894 The king H4428 of Babylon H894 hath heard H8085 the report H8088 of them, and his hands H3027 waxed feeble: H7503 anguish H6869 took hold H2388 of him, and pangs H2427 as of a woman in travail. H3205 Behold, he shall come up H5927 like a lion H738 from the swelling H1347 of Jordan H3383 unto the habitation H5116 of the strong: H386 but I will make H7323 them suddenly H7280 run away H7323 H7323 from her: and who is a chosen H977 man, that I may appoint H6485 over her? for who is like me? and who will appoint me the time? H3259 and who is that shepherd H7462 that will stand H5975 before H6440 me? Therefore hear H8085 ye the counsel H6098 of the LORD, H3068 that he hath taken H3289 against Babylon; H894 and his purposes, H4284 that he hath purposed H2803 against the land H776 of the Chaldeans: H3778 Surely the least H6810 of the flock H6629 shall draw them out: H5498 surely he shall make their habitation H5116 desolate H8074 with them. At the noise H6963 of the taking H8610 of Babylon H894 the earth H776 is moved, H7493 and the cry H2201 is heard H8085 among the nations. H1471

Jeremiah 25:11-14 STRONG

And this whole land H776 shall be a desolation, H2723 and an astonishment; H8047 and these nations H1471 shall serve H5647 the king H4428 of Babylon H894 seventy H7657 years. H8141 And it shall come to pass, when seventy H7657 years H8141 are accomplished, H4390 that I will punish H6485 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and that nation, H1471 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 for their iniquity, H5771 and the land H776 of the Chaldeans, H3778 and will make H7760 it perpetual H5769 desolations. H8077 And I will bring H935 upon that land H776 all my words H1697 which I have pronounced H1696 against it, even all that is written H3789 in this book, H5612 which Jeremiah H3414 hath prophesied H5012 against all the nations. H1471 For many H7227 nations H1471 and great H1419 kings H4428 shall serve H5647 themselves of them also: and I will recompense H7999 them according to their deeds, H6467 and according to the works H4639 of their own hands. H3027

Isaiah 47:1-5 STRONG

Come down, H3381 and sit H3427 in the dust, H6083 O virgin H1330 daughter H1323 of Babylon, H894 sit H3427 on the ground: H776 there is no throne, H3678 O daughter H1323 of the Chaldeans: H3778 for thou shalt no more H3254 be called H7121 tender H7390 and delicate. H6028 Take H3947 the millstones, H7347 and grind H2912 meal: H7058 uncover H1540 thy locks, H6777 make bare H2834 the leg, H7640 uncover H1540 the thigh, H7785 pass over H5674 the rivers. H5104 Thy nakedness H6172 shall be uncovered, H1540 yea, thy shame H2781 shall be seen: H7200 I will take H3947 vengeance, H5359 and I will not meet H6293 thee as a man. H120 As for our redeemer, H1350 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is his name, H8034 the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478 Sit H3427 thou silent, H1748 and get H935 thee into darkness, H2822 O daughter H1323 of the Chaldeans: H3778 for thou shalt no more H3254 be called, H7121 The lady H1404 of kingdoms. H4467

Isaiah 21:9 STRONG

And, behold, here cometh H935 a chariot H7393 of men, H376 with a couple H6776 of horsemen. H6571 And he answered H6030 and said, H559 Babylon H894 is fallen, H5307 is fallen; H5307 and all the graven images H6456 of her gods H430 he hath broken H7665 unto the ground. H776

Isaiah 14:22-23 STRONG

For I will rise up H6965 against them, saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and cut off H3772 from Babylon H894 the name, H8034 and remnant, H7605 and son, H5209 and nephew, H5220 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 I will also make H7760 it a possession H4180 for the bittern, H7090 and pools H98 of water: H4325 and I will sweep H2894 it with the besom H4292 of destruction, H8045 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Isaiah 13:8-22 STRONG

And they shall be afraid: H926 pangs H6735 and sorrows H2256 shall take hold H270 of them; they shall be in pain H2342 as a woman that travaileth: H3205 they shall be amazed H8539 one H376 at another; H7453 their faces H6440 shall be as flames. H3851 Behold, the day H3117 of the LORD H3068 cometh, H935 cruel H394 both with wrath H5678 and fierce H2740 anger, H639 to lay H7760 the land H776 desolate: H8047 and he shall destroy H8045 the sinners H2400 thereof out of it. For the stars H3556 of heaven H8064 and the constellations H3685 thereof shall not give H1984 their light: H216 the sun H8121 shall be darkened H2821 in his going forth, H3318 and the moon H3394 shall not cause her light H216 to shine. H5050 And I will punish H6485 the world H8398 for their evil, H7451 and the wicked H7563 for their iniquity; H5771 and I will cause the arrogancy H1347 of the proud H2086 to cease, H7673 and will lay low H8213 the haughtiness H1346 of the terrible. H6184 I will make a man H582 more precious H3365 than fine gold; H6337 even a man H120 than the golden wedge H3800 of Ophir. H211 Therefore I will shake H7264 the heavens, H8064 and the earth H776 shall remove H7493 out of her place, H4725 in the wrath H5678 of the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and in the day H3117 of his fierce H2740 anger. H639 And it shall be as the chased H5080 roe, H6643 and as a sheep H6629 that no man taketh up: H6908 they shall every man H376 turn H6437 to his own people, H5971 and flee H5127 every one H376 into his own land. H776 Every one that is found H4672 shall be thrust through; H1856 and every one that is joined H5595 unto them shall fall H5307 by the sword. H2719 Their children H5768 also shall be dashed to pieces H7376 before their eyes; H5869 their houses H1004 shall be spoiled, H8155 and their wives H802 ravished. H7901 H7693 Behold, I will stir up H5782 the Medes H4074 against them, which shall not regard H2803 silver; H3701 and as for gold, H2091 they shall not delight H2654 in it. Their bows H7198 also shall dash H7376 the young men H5288 to pieces; H7376 and they shall have no pity H7355 on the fruit H6529 of the womb; H990 their eye H5869 shall not spare H2347 children. H1121 And Babylon, H894 the glory H6643 of kingdoms, H4467 the beauty H8597 of the Chaldees' H3778 excellency, H1347 shall be as when God H430 overthrew H4114 Sodom H5467 and Gomorrah. H6017 It shall never H5331 be inhabited, H3427 neither shall it be dwelt H7931 in from generation H1755 to generation: H1755 neither shall the Arabian H6163 pitch tent H167 there; neither shall the shepherds H7462 make their fold H7257 there. But wild beasts of the desert H6728 shall lie H7257 there; and their houses H1004 shall be full H4390 of doleful creatures; H255 and owls H1323 H3284 shall dwell H7931 there, and satyrs H8163 shall dance H7540 there. And the wild beasts of the islands H338 shall cry H6030 in their desolate houses, H490 and dragons H8577 in their pleasant H6027 palaces: H1964 and her time H6256 is near H7138 to come, H935 and her days H3117 shall not be prolonged. H4900

Isaiah 13:1 STRONG

The burden H4853 of Babylon, H894 which Isaiah H3470 the son H1121 of Amoz H531 did see. H2372

Psalms 137:8-9 STRONG

O daughter H1323 of Babylon, H894 who art to be destroyed; H7703 happy H835 shall he be, that rewardeth H7999 thee as thou hast served H1580 H1576 us. Happy H835 shall he be, that taketh H270 and dasheth H5310 thy little ones H5768 against the stones. H5553

Psalms 37:13 STRONG

The Lord H136 shall laugh H7832 at him: for he seeth H7200 that his day H3117 is coming. H935

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Commentary on Jeremiah 27 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


The Yoke of Babylon upon Judah and the Neighbouring Peoples - Jeremiah 27-29

These three chapters are closely connected with one another. They all belong to the earlier period of Zedekiah's reign, and contain words of Jeremiah by means of which he confirms and vindicates against the opposition of false prophets his announcement of the seventy years' duration of the Chaldean supremacy over Judah and the nations, and warns king and people patiently to bear the yoke laid on them by Nebuchadnezzar. The three chapters have besides an external connection. For Jer 28 is attached to the event of Jer 27 by its introductory formula: And it came to pass in that year, at the beginning, etc., as Jer 29 is to Jer 28 by ואלּה . To this, it is true, the heading handed down in the Masoretic text is in contradiction. The date: In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim , the son of Josiah king of Judah, came this word to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 27:1), is irreconcilable with the date: And it came to pass in that year , in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the fourth year, in the fifth month. The name "Jehoiakim the son of Josiah" in Jeremiah 27:1 is erroneous. It is without doubt the blunder of a copyist who had in his mind the heading of the 26th chapter, and should have been "Zedekiah;" for the contents of Jer 27 carry us into Zedekiah's time, as plainly appears from Jeremiah 27:3, Jeremiah 27:12, and Jeremiah 27:20. Hence the Syr. translation and one of Kennicott's codd. have substituted the latter name.

(Note: Following the example of ancient comm., Haevernick in his Introd . (ii. 2) has endeavoured to defend the date: "In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah." To this end he ventures the hypothesis, that in Jer 27 there are placed beside one another three discourses agreeing in their subject-matter: "one addressed to Jehoiakim (Jeremiah 27:2-11), a second to Zedekiah (Jeremiah 27:12-15), a third to the priests and people;" and that the words: "by the hand of the ambassador that came to Zedekiah the king of Judah," are appended to show how Zedekiah ought to have obeyed the older prophecy of Jehoiakim's time, and how he should have borne himself towards the nations with which he was in alliance. but this does not solve the difficulty. The prophecy, Jeremiah 27:4-11, is addressed to the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon; but since the envoys of these kings did not come to Jerusalem till Zedekiah's time, we are bound, if the prophecy dates from the beginning of Jehoiakim's reign, to assume that this prophecy was communicated to Jeremiah and published by him eleven years before the event, upon occasion of which it was to be conveyed to the kings concerned. An assumption that would require unusually cogent reasons to render it credible. Vv. 4 b -21 contain nothing whatever that points to Jehoiakim's time, or give countenance to the hypothesis that the three sections of this chapter contain three discourses of different dates, which have been put together on account merely of the similarity of their contents.

Beyond this one error of transcription, these three chapters contain nothing that could throw any doubt on the integrity of the text. There are no traces of a later supplementary revision by another hand, such as Mov., Hitz., and de W. profess to have discovered. The occurrence of Jeremiah's name in the contracted form ירמיה , as also of other names compounded with Jahu in the form Jah , does not prove later retouching; for, as Graf has shown, we find alongside of it the fuller form also (Jeremiah 28:12; Jeremiah 29:27-30), and have frequently both longer and shorter forms in the same verse (so in Jeremiah 27:1; Jeremiah 28:12; Jeremiah 29:29-31). And so long as other means for distinguishing are wanting, it will not do to discriminate the manner of expression in the original text from that of the reviser by means of these forms alone. Again, as we have shown at p. 194, note, there is a good practical reason for Jeremiah's being called "the prophet" ( הנּביא ); so that this too is not the reviser's work. Finally, we cannot argue later addition from the fact that the name of the king of Babylon is written Nebuchad n ezzar in Jeremiah 27:6, Jeremiah 27:8,Jeremiah 27:20; Jeremiah 28:3, Jeremiah 28:11, Jeremiah 28:14; Jeremiah 29:1, Jeremiah 29:3; for the same form appears again in Jeremiah 34:1 and Jeremiah 39:5, and with it we have also Nebuchad r ezzar in Jeremiah 29:21 and Jeremiah 39:1. Elsewhere, it is true, we find only the one form Nebuchad n ezzar, and this is the unvarying spelling in the books of Kings, Chron., Ezra, Dan., and in Esther 2:6; whereas Ezekiel uniformly writes Nebuchad r ezzar (Ezekiel 26:7; Ezekiel 29:18-19, and Ezekiel 30:10), and this form Jeremiah uses twenty-seven times (Jeremiah 21:2, Jeremiah 21:7; Jeremiah 22:25; Jeremiah 24:1; Jeremiah 25:1, Jeremiah 25:9; Jeremiah 29:21; Jeremiah 32:1, Jeremiah 32:28; Jeremiah 35:11; Jeremiah 37:1; Jeremiah 39:1, Jeremiah 39:11; Jeremiah 43:10; Jeremiah 44:30; Jeremiah 46:2, Jeremiah 46:13, Jeremiah 46:26; Jeremiah 49:28, 40; Jeremiah 50:17; Jeremiah 51:34; Jeremiah 52:4, Jeremiah 52:12, Jeremiah 52:28-30 - not merely in the discourses, but in the headings and historical parts as well). But though the case is so, we are not entitled to conclude that Nebuchadnezzar was a way of pronouncing the name that came into use at a later time; the conclusion rather is, as we have remarked at p. 203, and on Daniel 1:1, that the writing with n represents the Jewish-Aramaean pronunciation, whereas the form Nebuchadrezzar, according to the testimony of such inscriptions as have been preserved, expresses more fairly Assyrian pronunciation. The Jewish way of pronouncing would naturally not arise till after the king of Babylon had appeared in Palestine, from which time the Jews would have this name often on their lips. Hence it is in the book of Jeremiah alone that we find both forms of the name (that with r 27 times, that with n 10 times). How it has come about that the latter form is used just three times in each of Jer 27 and 28 cannot with certainty be made out. But note, (1) that the form with n occurs twice in 28 (Jeremiah 28:3 and Jeremiah 28:11) in the speech of the false prophet Hananiah, and then, Jeremiah 28:14, in Jeremiah's answer to that speech; (2) that the prophecy of Jer 27 was addressed partly to the envoys of the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, and Phoenicia, while it is partly a warning to the people against the lying speeches of the false prophets, and that it is just in these portions, Jeremiah 27:6, Jeremiah 27:8, and Jeremiah 27:20, that the name so written occurs. If we consider this, we cannot avoid the conjecture, that by changing the r for n , the Jewish people had accommodated to their own mode of utterance the strange-sounding name Nabucudurusur , and that Jeremiah made use of the popular pronunciation in these two discourses, whereas elsewhere in all his discourses he uses Nebucahd r ezzar alone; for the remaining cases in which we find Nebuchad n ezzar in this book are contained in historical notices.)

Verse 1

The Yoke of Babylon. - In three sections, connected as to their date and their matter, Jeremiah prophesies to the nations adjoining Judah (Jeremiah 27:2-11), to King Zedekiah (Jeremiah 27:12-15), and to the priests and all the people (Jeremiah 27:16-22), that God has laid on them the yoke of the king of Babylon, and that they ought to humble themselves under His almighty hand.

According to the (corrected) heading, the prophecy was given in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah. If we compare Jer 28 we find the same date: "in that year, at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah," more fully defined as the fourth year of his reign. Graf has made objection, that in the case of a reign of eleven years, one could not well speak of the fourth year as the beginning of the reign. But the idea of beginning is relative (cf. Genesis 10:10), and does not necessarily coincide with that of the first year. The reign of Zedekiah is divided into two halves: the first period, or beginning, when he was elevated by Nebuchadnezzar, and remained subject to him, and the after or last period, when he had rebelled against his liege lord.

Verses 2-8

The yoke of the king of Babylon upon the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon. - Jeremiah 27:2. "Thus said Jahveh to me: Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck, Jeremiah 27:3. And send them to the king of Edom, the king of Moab, the king of the sons of Ammon, the king of Tyre, and the king of Sidon, by the hand of the messengers that are come to Jerusalem to Zedekiah king of Judah. Jeremiah 27:4. And command them to say unto their masters, Thus hath Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel, said: Thus shall ye say unto your masters: Jeremiah 27:5. I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power and by my outstretched hand, and give it to whom it seemeth meet unto me. Jeremiah 27:6. And how have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field also have I given him to serve him. Jeremiah 27:7. And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son's son, until the time of his land come, and many nations and great kings serve themselves of him. Jeremiah 27:8. And the people and the kingdom that will not serve him, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and that will not put its neck into the yoke of the king of Babylon, with sword, with famine, and with pestilence I will visit that people, until I have made an end of them by his hand. Jeremiah 27:9. And ye, hearken not to your prophets, and your soothsayers, and to your dreams, to your enchanters and your sorcerers, which speak unto you, saying: Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon. Jeremiah 27:10. For they prophesy a lie unto you, that I should remove you far from your land, and that I should drive you out and ye should perish. Jeremiah 27:11. But the people that will bring its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and will serve him, that will I let remain in its land, saith Jahveh, to till it and to dwell therein."