Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 36 » Verse 12

Jeremiah 36:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 Then he went down H3381 into the king's H4428 house, H1004 into the scribe's H5608 chamber: H3957 and, lo, all the princes H8269 sat H3427 there, even Elishama H476 the scribe, H5608 and Delaiah H1806 the son H1121 of Shemaiah, H8098 and Elnathan H494 the son H1121 of Achbor, H5907 and Gemariah H1587 the son H1121 of Shaphan, H8227 and Zedekiah H6667 the son H1121 of Hananiah, H2608 and all the princes. H8269

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 26:22 STRONG

And Jehoiakim H3079 the king H4428 sent H7971 men H582 into Egypt, H4714 namely, Elnathan H494 the son H1121 of Achbor, H5907 and certain men H582 with him into Egypt. H4714

2 Kings 22:12 STRONG

And the king H4428 commanded H6680 Hilkiah H2518 the priest, H3548 and Ahikam H296 the son H1121 of Shaphan, H8227 and Achbor H5907 the son H1121 of Michaiah, H4320 and Shaphan H8227 the scribe, H5608 and Asahiah H6222 a servant H5650 of the king's, H4428 saying, H559

Jeremiah 36:25 STRONG

Nevertheless Elnathan H494 and Delaiah H1806 and Gemariah H1587 had made intercession H6293 to the king H4428 that he would not burn H8313 the roll: H4039 but he would not hear H8085 them.

Jeremiah 41:1 STRONG

Now it came to pass in the seventh H7637 month, H2320 that Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah H5418 the son H1121 of Elishama, H476 of the seed H2233 royal, H4410 and the princes H7227 of the king, H4428 even ten H6235 men H582 with him, came H935 unto Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam H296 to Mizpah; H4709 and there they did eat H398 bread H3899 together H3162 in Mizpah. H4708

2 Kings 22:3 STRONG

And it came to pass in the eighteenth H8083 H6240 year H8141 of king H4428 Josiah, H2977 that the king H4428 sent H7971 Shaphan H8227 the son H1121 of Azaliah, H683 the son H1121 of Meshullam, H4918 the scribe, H5608 to the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 saying, H559

2 Kings 22:14 STRONG

So Hilkiah H2518 the priest, H3548 and Ahikam, H296 and Achbor, H5907 and Shaphan, H8227 and Asahiah, H6222 went H3212 unto Huldah H2468 the prophetess, H5031 the wife H802 of Shallum H7967 the son H1121 of Tikvah, H8616 the son H1121 of Harhas, H2745 keeper H8104 of the wardrobe; H899 (now she dwelt H3427 in Jerusalem H3389 in the college;) H4932 and they communed H1696 with her.

2 Kings 24:8 STRONG

Jehoiachin H3078 was eighteen H8083 H6240 years H8141 old H1121 when he began to reign, H4427 and he reigned H4427 in Jerusalem H3389 three H7969 months. H2320 And his mother's H517 name H8034 was Nehushta, H5179 the daughter H1323 of Elnathan H494 of Jerusalem. H3389

Jeremiah 28:1-17 STRONG

And it came to pass the same year, H8141 in the beginning H7225 of the reign H4467 of Zedekiah H6667 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 in the fourth H7243 year, H8141 and in the fifth H2549 month, H2320 that Hananiah H2608 the son H1121 of Azur H5809 the prophet, H5030 which was of Gibeon, H1391 spake H559 unto me in the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 in the presence H5869 of the priests H3548 and of all the people, H5971 saying, H559 Thus speaketh H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 I have broken H7665 the yoke H5923 of the king H4428 of Babylon. H894 Within two full H3117 years H8141 will I bring again H7725 into this place H4725 all the vessels H3627 of the LORD'S H3068 house, H1004 that Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 took away H3947 from this place, H4725 and carried H935 them to Babylon: H894 And I will bring again H7725 to this place H4725 Jeconiah H3204 the son H1121 of Jehoiakim H3079 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 with all the captives H1546 of Judah, H3063 that went H935 into Babylon, H894 saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 for I will break H7665 the yoke H5923 of the king H4428 of Babylon. H894 Then the prophet H5030 Jeremiah H3414 said H559 unto the prophet H5030 Hananiah H2608 in the presence H5869 of the priests, H3548 and in the presence H5869 of all the people H5971 that stood H5975 in the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 Even the prophet H5030 Jeremiah H3414 said, H559 Amen: H543 the LORD H3068 do H6213 so: the LORD H3068 perform H6965 thy words H1697 which thou hast prophesied, H5012 to bring again H7725 the vessels H3627 of the LORD'S H3068 house, H1004 and all that is carried away captive, H1473 from Babylon H894 into this place. H4725 Nevertheless hear H8085 thou now this word H1697 that I speak H1696 in thine ears, H241 and in the ears H241 of all the people; H5971 The prophets H5030 that have been before H6440 me and before H6440 thee of old H5769 prophesied H5012 both against many H7227 countries, H776 and against great H1419 kingdoms, H4467 of war, H4421 and of evil, H7451 and of pestilence. H1698 The prophet H5030 which prophesieth H5012 of peace, H7965 when the word H1697 of the prophet H5030 shall come to pass, H935 then H227 shall the prophet H5030 be known, H3045 that the LORD H3068 hath truly H571 sent H7971 him. Then Hananiah H2608 the prophet H5030 took H3947 the yoke H4133 from off the prophet H5030 Jeremiah's H3414 neck, H6677 and brake H7665 it. And Hananiah H2608 spake H559 in the presence H5869 of all the people, H5971 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Even so will I break H7665 the yoke H5923 of Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 from the neck H6677 of all nations H1471 within the space of two full H3117 years. H8141 And the prophet H5030 Jeremiah H3414 went H3212 his way. H1870 Then the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came unto Jeremiah H3414 the prophet, after H310 that Hananiah H2608 the prophet H5030 had broken H7665 the yoke H4133 from off the neck H6677 of the prophet H5030 Jeremiah, H3414 saying, H559 Go H1980 and tell H559 Hananiah, H2608 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Thou hast broken H7665 the yokes H4133 of wood; H6086 but thou shalt make H6213 for them yokes H4133 of iron. H1270 For thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 I have put H5414 a yoke H5923 of iron H1270 upon the neck H6677 of all these nations, H1471 that they may serve H5647 Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon; H894 and they shall serve H5647 him: and I have given H5414 him the beasts H2416 of the field H7704 also. Then said H559 the prophet H5030 Jeremiah H3414 unto Hananiah H2608 the prophet, H5030 Hear H8085 now, Hananiah; H2608 The LORD H3068 hath not sent H7971 thee; but thou makest this people H5971 to trust H982 in a lie. H8267 Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Behold, I will cast H7971 thee from off the face H6440 of the earth: H127 this year H8141 thou shalt die, H4191 because thou hast taught H1696 rebellion H5627 against the LORD. H3068 So Hananiah H2608 the prophet H5030 died H4191 the same year H8141 in the seventh H7637 month. H2320

Jeremiah 36:10-11 STRONG

Then read H7121 Baruch H1263 in the book H5612 the words H1697 of Jeremiah H3414 in the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 in the chamber H3957 of Gemariah H1587 the son H1121 of Shaphan H8227 the scribe, H5608 in the higher H5945 court, H2691 at the entry H6607 of the new H2319 gate H8179 of the LORD'S H3068 house, H1004 in the ears H241 of all the people. H5971 When Michaiah H4321 the son H1121 of Gemariah, H1587 the son H1121 of Shaphan, H8227 had heard H8085 out of the book H5612 all the words H1697 of the LORD, H3068

Jeremiah 36:20-21 STRONG

And they went in H935 to the king H4428 into the court, H2691 but they laid up H6485 the roll H4039 in the chamber H3957 of Elishama H476 the scribe, H5608 and told H5046 all the words H1697 in the ears H241 of the king. H4428 So the king H4428 sent H7971 Jehudi H3065 to fetch H3947 the roll: H4039 and he took H3947 it out of Elishama H476 the scribe's H5608 chamber. H3957 And Jehudi H3065 read H7121 it in the ears H241 of the king, H4428 and in the ears H241 of all the princes H8269 which stood H5975 beside H5921 the king. H4428

Commentary on Jeremiah 36 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 36:1-32. Baruch Writes, and Reads Publicly Jeremiah's Prophecies Collected in a Volume. The Roll Is Burnt by Jehoiakim, and Written Again by Baruch at Jeremiah's Dictation.

1. fourth year—The command to write the roll was given in the fourth year, but it was not read publicly till the fifth year. As Isaiah subjoined to his predictions a history of events confirming his prophecies (Isa 36:1-22; 37:1-38; 38:1-22; 39:1-8), so Jeremiah also in the thirty-seventh through forty-third chapters; but he prefaces his history with the narrative of an incident that occurred some time ago, showing that he, not only by word, but in writing, and that twice, had testified all that he about to state as having subsequently come to pass [Grotius]. At the end of Jehoiakim's third year, Nebuchadnezzar enrolled an army against Jerusalem and took it in the end of the fifth or beginning of the sixth year, carrying away captive Jehoiakim, Daniel, &c. Jehoiakim returned the same year, and for three years was tributary: then he withheld tribute. Nebuchadnezzar returned and took Jerusalem, and carried off Jehoiakim, who died on the road. This harmonizes this chapter with 2Ki 24:1-20 and Da 1:1-21. See on Jer 22:19.

2. roll of a book—a book formed of prepared skins made into a roll. Compare "volume of the book," that is, the Pentateuch (Ps 40:7). It does not follow that his prophecies were not before committed to writing; what is implied is, they were now written together in one volume, so as to be read continuously to the Jews in the temple.

against … nations—(Jer 25:15, &c.).

from … days of Josiah—(Jer 25:3). From Josiah's thirteenth year (Jer 1:2).

3. hear—consider seriously.

return … from … evil way—(Jon 3:8).

4. all … words of … Lord—God specially suggesting what might otherwise have escaped his memory, and directing the choice of words, as well as the substance (Joh 14:26; 16:13).

5. I am shut up—not in prison, for there is no account of his imprisonment under Jehoiakim, and Jer 36:19, 26 are inconsistent with it: but, "I am prevented," namely, by some hindrance; or, through fear of the king, to whose anger Baruch was less exposed, as not being the author of the prophecy.

6. go—on the following year (Jer 36:9).

fasting day—(See Jer 36:9). An extraordinary fast, in the ninth month (whereas the fast on the great day of atonement was on the tenth day of the seventh month, Le 16:29; 23:27-32), appointed to avert the impending calamity, when it was feared Nebuchadnezzar, having in the year before (that is, the fourth of Jehoiakim), smitten Pharaoh-necho at Carchemish, would attack Judea, as the ally of Egypt (2Ki 23:34, 35). The fast was likely to be an occasion on which Jeremiah would find the Jews more softened, as well as a larger number of them met together.

7. present … supplication—literally, "supplication shall fall"; alluding to the prostrate attitude of the supplicants (De 9:25; Mt 26:39), as petitioners fall at the feet of a king in the East. So Hebrew, Jer 38:26; Da 9:18, Margin.

9. they proclaimed … to all the people … to all, &c.—rather, "all the people … all the people proclaimed a fast" [Michaelis]. The chiefs appointed the fast by the wish of the people. In either version the ungodly king had no share in appointing the fast.

10. chamber—Baruch read from the window or balcony of the chamber looking into the court where the people were assembled. However, some of the chambers were large enough to contain a considerable number (Ne 13:5).

Gemariah—distinct from the Gemariah, son of Hilkiah, in Jer 29:3.

Shaphan—the same person as in 2Ki 22:3.

scribe—secretary of state, or he who presided over the public records.

higher court—that of the priests, the court of the people being lower (2Ch 4:9).

new gate—(Jer 26:10). The east gate.

12. scribe's chamber—an apartment in the palace occupied by the secretary of state.

princes—holding a counsel of state at the time.

Elnathan—who had already been an instrument of evil in Jehoiakim's hand (Jer 26:22, 23).

Hananiah—the false prophet (Jer 28:10-17).

14. Jehudi—of a good family, as appears from his pedigree being given so fully, but in a subordinate position.

come—Instead of requiring Baruch to come to them, they ought to have gone to the temple, and there professed their penitence. But pride forbade it [Calvin].

16. afraid, both one and other—Hebrew, "fear-stricken," they turned to one another (compare Ge 42:28). This showed, on their part, hesitancy, and some degree of fear of God, but not enough to make them willing to sacrifice the favor of an earthly king.

We will surely tell the king—not the language of threatening but implying that the matter is of such moment that the king ought to be made acquainted with it, so as to seek some remedy against the divine anger.

17. What they wished to know was, whether what Baruch had read to them was written by him from memory after hearing Jeremiah repeating his prophecies continuously, or accurately from the prophet's own dictation.

18. his mouth—Baruch replies it was by the oral dictation of the prophet; Jer 36:2 accords with this view, rather than with the notion that Jeremiah repeated his prophecies from manuscripts.

ink—his specification of the "ink" implies: I added nothing save the hand, pen, and ink.

19. Showing that they were not altogether without better feelings (compare Jer 36:16, 25).

20. chamber—There were chambers in the king's palace round the court or great hall, as in the temple (Jer 36:10). The roll was "laid up" there for safekeeping, with other public records.

21. sent Jehudi—Note how unbelievers flee from God, and yet seek Him through some kind of involuntary impulse [Calvin]. Jehudi seems to have been the king's ready tool for evil.

22. winter house—(Am 3:15).

ninth month—namely, of the religious year, that is, November or December.

fire on … hearth—rather, the stove was burning before him. In the East neither chimneys nor ovens are used, but, in cold weather, a brazen vessel containing burning charcoal; when the wood has burned to embers, a cover is placed over the pot to make it retain the heat.

23. three or four leaves—not distinct leaves as in a book, but the consecutive spaces on the long roll in the shape of doors (whence the Hebrew name is derived), into which the writing is divided: as the books of Moses in the synagogue in the present day are written in a long parchment rolled round a stick, the writing divided into columns, like pages.

pen-knife—the writer's knife with which the reed, used as a pen, was mended. "He" refers to the king (Jer 36:22). As often as Jehudi read three or four columns, the king cut asunder the part of the roll read; and so he treated the whole, until all the parts read consecutively were cut and burnt; Jer 36:24, "all these words," implies that the whole volume was read through, not merely the first three or four columns (1Ki 22:8).

24. The king and his "servants" were more hardened than the "princes" and councillors (see on Jer 36:12; Jer 36:14; Jer 36:16). Contrast the humble fear exhibited by Josiah at the reading of the law (2Ki 22:11).

25. (See on Jer 36:16). The "nevertheless" aggravates the king's sin; though God would have drawn him back through their intercession, he persisted: judicial blindness and reprobation!

26. Hammelech—not as Margin, "of the king." Jehoiakim at this time (the fifth year of his reign) had no grown-up son: Jeconiah, his successor, was then a boy of eleven (compare 2Ki 23:36, with 2Ki 24:8).

hid them—(Ps 31:20; 83:3; Isa 26:20).

27. roll, and … words—that is, the roll of words.

28. all the former words—It is in vain that the ungodly resist the power of Jehovah: not one of His words shall fall to the ground (Mt 5:18; Ac 9:5; 5:39).

29. say to Jehoiakim—not in person, as Jeremiah was "hidden" (Jer 36:26), but by the written word of prophecy.

saying, Why—This is what the king had desired to be said to Jeremiah if he should be found; kings often dislike the truth to be told them.

30. He shall have none to sit upon the throne—fulfilled (2Ki 24:8, &c.; 2Ki 25:1-30). He had successors, but not directly of his posterity, except his son Jeconiah, whose three months' reign is counted as nothing. Zedekiah was not the son, but the uncle of Jeconiah, and was raised to the throne in contempt of him and his father Jehoiakim (Jer 22:30).

dead body … cast out—(Jer 22:18, 19).

day … heat … night … frost—There are often these variations of temperature in the East between night and day (Ge 31:40).

32. added besides … many like words—Sinners gain nothing but additional punishment by setting aside the word of Jehovah. The law was similarly rewritten after the first tables had been broken owing to Israel's idolatry (Ex 32:19, 34:1).