Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 39 » Verse 4

Jeremiah 39:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And it came to pass, that when Zedekiah H6667 the king H4428 of Judah H3063 saw H7200 them, and all the men H582 of war, H4421 then they fled, H1272 and went forth H3318 out of the city H5892 by night, H3915 by the way H1870 of the king's H4428 garden, H1588 by the gate H8179 betwixt the two walls: H2346 and he went out H3318 the way H1870 of the plain. H6160

Cross Reference

2 Chronicles 32:5 STRONG

Also he strengthened H2388 himself, and built up H1129 all the wall H2346 that was broken, H6555 and raised it up H5927 to the towers, H4026 and another H312 wall H2346 without, H2351 and repaired H2388 Millo H4407 in the city H5892 of David, H1732 and made H6213 darts H7973 and shields H4043 in abundance. H7230

Amos 2:14 STRONG

Therefore the flight H4498 shall perish H6 from the swift, H7031 and the strong H2389 shall not strengthen H553 his force, H3581 neither shall the mighty H1368 deliver H4422 himself: H5315

Leviticus 26:17 STRONG

And I will set H5414 my face H6440 against you, and ye shall be slain H5062 before H6440 your enemies: H341 they that hate H8130 you shall reign H7287 over you; and ye shall flee H5127 when none pursueth H7291 you.

Leviticus 26:36 STRONG

And upon them that are left H7604 alive of you I will send H935 a faintness H4816 into their hearts H3824 in the lands H776 of their enemies; H341 and the sound H6963 of a shaken H5086 leaf H5929 shall chase H7291 them; and they shall flee, H5127 as fleeing H4499 from a sword; H2719 and they shall fall H5307 when none pursueth. H7291

Deuteronomy 28:25 STRONG

The LORD H3068 shall cause H5414 thee to be smitten H5062 before H6440 thine enemies: H341 thou shalt go out H3318 one H259 way H1870 against them, and flee H5127 seven H7651 ways H1870 before H6440 them: and shalt be removed H2189 into all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth. H776

Deuteronomy 32:24-30 STRONG

They shall be burnt H4198 with hunger, H7458 and devoured H3898 with burning heat, H7565 and with bitter H4815 destruction: H6986 I will also send H7971 the teeth H8127 of beasts H929 upon them, with the poison H2534 of serpents H2119 of the dust. H6083 The sword H2719 without, H2351 and terror H367 within, H2315 shall destroy H7921 both the young man H970 and the virgin, H1330 the suckling H3243 also with the man H376 of gray hairs. H7872 I said, H559 I would scatter them into corners, H6284 I would make the remembrance H2143 of them to cease H7673 from among men: H582 Were it not H3884 that I feared H1481 the wrath H3708 of the enemy, H341 lest their adversaries H6862 should behave themselves strangely, H5234 and lest they should say, H559 Our hand H3027 is high, H7311 and the LORD H3068 hath not done H6466 all this. For they are a nation H1471 void H6 of counsel, H6098 neither is there any understanding H8394 in them. O that H3863 they were wise, H2449 that they understood H7919 this, that they would consider H995 their latter end! H319 How should one H259 chase H7291 a thousand, H505 and two H8147 put ten H7233 thousand H505 to flight, H5127 except H3808 their Rock H6697 had sold H4376 them, H3588 and the LORD H3068 had shut them up? H5462

2 Kings 25:4-7 STRONG

And the city H5892 was broken up, H1234 and all the men H582 of war H4421 fled by night H3915 by the way H1870 of the gate H8179 between two walls, H2346 which is by the king's H4428 garden: H1588 (now the Chaldees H3778 were against the city H5892 round about:) H5439 and the king went H3212 the way H1870 toward the plain. H6160 And the army H2428 of the Chaldees H3778 pursued H7291 after H310 the king, H4428 and overtook H5381 him in the plains H6160 of Jericho: H3405 and all his army H2428 were scattered H6327 from him. So they took H8610 the king, H4428 and brought him up H5927 to the king H4428 of Babylon H894 to Riblah; H7247 and they gave H1696 judgment H4941 upon him. And they slew H7819 the sons H1121 of Zedekiah H6667 before his eyes, H5869 and put out H5786 the eyes H5869 of Zedekiah, H6667 and bound H631 him with fetters H5178 of brass, H5178 and carried H935 him to Babylon. H894

Isaiah 30:15-16 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 the Holy One H6918 of Israel; H3478 In returning H7729 and rest H5183 shall ye be saved; H3467 in quietness H8252 and in confidence H985 shall be your strength: H1369 and ye would H14 not. But ye said, H559 No; for we will flee H5127 upon horses; H5483 therefore shall ye flee: H5127 and, We will ride H7392 upon the swift; H7031 therefore shall they that pursue H7291 you be swift. H7043

Jeremiah 38:18-20 STRONG

But if thou wilt not go forth H3318 to the king H4428 of Babylon's H894 princes, H8269 then shall this city H5892 be given H5414 into the hand H3027 of the Chaldeans, H3778 and they shall burn H8313 it with fire, H784 and thou shalt not escape out H4422 of their hand. H3027 And Zedekiah H6667 the king H4428 said H559 unto Jeremiah, H3414 I am afraid H1672 of the Jews H3064 that are fallen H5307 to the Chaldeans, H3778 lest they deliver H5414 me into their hand, H3027 and they mock H5953 me. But Jeremiah H3414 said, H559 They shall not deliver H5414 thee. Obey, H8085 I beseech thee, the voice H6963 of the LORD, H3068 which I speak H1696 unto thee: so it shall be well H3190 unto thee, and thy soul H5315 shall live. H2421

Jeremiah 52:7-11 STRONG

Then the city H5892 was broken up, H1234 and all the men H582 of war H4421 fled, H1272 and went forth H3318 out of the city H5892 by night H3915 by the way H1870 of the gate H8179 between the two walls, H2346 which was by the king's H4428 garden; H1588 (now the Chaldeans H3778 were by the city H5892 round about:) H5439 and they went H3212 by the way H1870 of the plain. H6160 But the army H2428 of the Chaldeans H3778 pursued H7291 after H310 the king, H4428 and overtook H5381 Zedekiah H6667 in the plains H6160 of Jericho; H3405 and all his army H2428 was scattered H6327 from him. Then they took H8610 the king, H4428 and carried him up H5927 unto the king H4428 of Babylon H894 to Riblah H7247 in the land H776 of Hamath; H2574 where he gave H1696 judgment H4941 upon him. And the king H4428 of Babylon H894 slew H7819 the sons H1121 of Zedekiah H6667 before his eyes: H5869 he slew H7819 also all the princes H8269 of Judah H3063 in Riblah. H7247 Then he put out H5786 the eyes H5869 of Zedekiah; H6667 and the king H4428 of Babylon H894 bound H631 him in chains, H5178 and carried H935 him to Babylon, H894 and put H5414 him in prison H1004 H6486 till the day H3117 of his death. H4194

Ezekiel 12:12 STRONG

And the prince H5387 that is among H8432 them shall bear H5375 upon his shoulder H3802 in the twilight, H5939 and shall go forth: H3318 they shall dig H2864 through the wall H7023 to carry out H3318 thereby: he shall cover H3680 his face, H6440 that H3282 he see H7200 not the ground H776 with his eyes. H5869

Commentary on Jeremiah 39 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 39:1-18. Jerusalem Taken. Zedekiah's Fate. Jeremiah Cared for. Ebed-melech Assured.

This chapter consists of two parts: the first describes the capture of Jerusalem, the removal of the people to Babylon, and the fate of Zedekiah, and that of Jeremiah. The second tells of the assurance of safety to Ebed-melech.

1. ninth year … tenth month—and on the tenth day of it (Jer 52:4; 2Ki 25:1-4). From Jer 39:2, "eleventh year … fourth month … ninth day," we know the siege lasted one and a half years, excepting the suspension of it caused by Pharaoh. Nebuchadnezzar was present in the beginning of the siege, but was at Riblah at its close (Jer 39:3, 6; compare Jer 38:17).

3. sat—expressing military occupation or encampment.

middle gate—the gate from the upper city (comprehending Mount Zion) to the lower city (north of the former and much lower); it was into the latter (the north side) that the Chaldeans forced an entry and took up their position opposite the gate of the "middle" wall, between the lower and upper city. Zedekiah fled in the opposite, that is, the south direction (Jer 39:4).

Nergalsharezer, Samgarnebo—proper names formed from those of the idols, Nergal and Nebo (2Ki 17:30; Isa 46:1).

Rab-saris—meaning "chief of the eunuchs."

Rab-mag—chief of the magi; brought with the expedition in order that its issue might be foreknown through his astrological skill. Mag is a Persian word, meaning "great," "powerful." The magi were a sacerdotal caste among the Medes, and supported the Zoroastrian religion.

4. the king's garden—The "gate" to it from the upper, city above was appropriated to the kings alone; stairs" led down from Mount Zion and the palace to the king's garden below (Ne 3:15).

two walls—Zedekiah might have held the upper city longer, but want of provisions drove him to flee by the double wall south of Zion, towards the plains of Jericho (Jer 39:5), in order to escape beyond Jordan to Arabia-Deserta. He broke an opening in the wall to get out (Eze 12:12).

5. Riblah—north of Palestine (see Jer 1:14; Nu 34:11). Hamath is identified by commentators with Antioch, in Syria, on the Orontes, called Epiphania, from Antiochus Epiphanes.

gave judgment upon him—literally, "spake judgments with him," that is, brought him to trial as a common criminal, not as a king. He had violated his oath (Eze 17:13-19; 2Ch 36:13).

6. slew … sons … before his eyes—previous to his eyes being "put out" (Jer 39:7); literally, "dug out." The Assyrian sculptures depict the delight with which the kings struck out, often with their own hands, the eyes of captive princes. This passage reconciles Jer 32:4, "his eyes shall behold his eyes"; with Eze 12:13, "he shall not see Babylon, though he shall die there."

slew all … nobles—(Jer 27:20).

8. burned … the houses—(Jer 52:12, 13). Not immediately after the taking of the city, but in the month after, namely, the fifth month (compare Jer 39:2). The delay was probably caused by the princes having to send to Riblah to know the king's pleasure as to the city.

9. remnant—excepting the poorest (Jer 39:10), who caused Nebuchadnezzar no apprehensions.

those … that fell to him—the deserters were distrusted; or they may have been removed at their own request, lest the people should vent their rage on them as traitors, after the departure of the Chaldeans.

rest … that remained—distinct from the previous "remnant"; there he means the remnant of those besieged in the city, whom Nebuchadnezzar spared; here, those scattered through various districts of the country which had not been besieged [Calvin].

10. left … the poor … which had nothing—The poor have least to lose; one of the providential compensations of their lot. They who before had been stripped of their possessions by the wealthier Jews obtain, not only their own, but those of others.

11. Jeremiah's prophecies were known to Nebuchadnezzar through deserters (Jer 39:9; Jer 38:19), also through the Jews carried to Babylon with Jeconiah (compare Jer 40:2). Hence the king's kindness to him.

12. look well to him—Hebrew, "set thine eyes upon him"; provide for his well-being.

13. Nebuzara-dan … sent—He was then at Ramah (Jer 40:1).

14. Gedaliah—son of Ahikam, the former supporter of Jeremiah (Jer 26:24). Gedaliah was the chief of the deserters to the Chaldeans, and was set over the remnant in Judea as one likely to remain faithful to Nebuchadnezzar. His residence was at Mizpah (Jer 40:5).

home—the house of Gedaliah, wherein Jeremiah might remain as in a safe asylum. As in Jer 40:1 Jeremiah is represented as "bound in chains" when he came to Ramah among the captives to be carried to Babylon, this release of Jeremiah is thought by Maurer to be distinct from that in Jer 40:5, 6. But he seems first to have been released from the court of the prison and to have been taken to Ramah, still in chains, and then committed in freedom to Gedaliah.

dwelt among the people—that is, was made free.

15-18. Belonging to the time when the city was not yet taken, and when Jeremiah was still in the court of the prison (Jer 38:13). This passage is inserted here because it was now that Ebed-melech's good act (Jer 38:7-12; Mt 25:43) was to be rewarded in his deliverance.

16. Go—not literally, for he was in confinement, but figuratively.

before thee—in thy sight.

17. the men of whom thou art afraid—(Jer 38:1, 4-6). The courtiers and princes hostile to thee for having delivered Jeremiah shall have a danger coming so home to themselves as to have no power to hurt. Heretofore intrepid, he was now afraid; this prophecy was therefore the more welcome to him.

18. life … for a prey—(See on Jer 21:9; Jer 38:2; Jer 45:5).

put … trust in me—(Jer 38:7-9). Trust in God was the root of his fearlessness of the wrath of men, in his humanity to the prophet (1Ch 5:20; Ps 37:40). The "life" he thus risked was to be his reward, being spared beyond all hope, when the lives of his enemies should be forfeited ("for a prey").