Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 4 » Verse 16

Jeremiah 4:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 Make ye mention H2142 to the nations; H1471 behold, publish H8085 against Jerusalem, H3389 that watchers H5341 come H935 from a far H4801 country, H776 and give out H5414 their voice H6963 against the cities H5892 of Judah. H3063

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 5:15 STRONG

Lo, I will bring H935 a nation H1471 upon you from far, H4801 O house H1004 of Israel, H3478 saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 it is a mighty H386 nation, H1471 it is an ancient H5769 nation, H1471 a nation H1471 whose language H3956 thou knowest H3045 not, neither understandest H8085 what they say. H1696

Ezekiel 21:22 STRONG

At his right hand H3225 was the divination H7081 for Jerusalem, H3389 to appoint H7760 captains, H3733 to open H6605 the mouth H6310 in the slaughter, H7524 to lift up H7311 the voice H6963 with shouting, H8643 to appoint H7760 battering rams H3733 against the gates, H8179 to cast H8210 a mount, H5550 and to build H1129 a fort. H1785

Isaiah 39:3 STRONG

Then came H935 Isaiah H3470 the prophet H5030 unto king H4428 Hezekiah, H2396 and said H559 unto him, What said H559 these men? H582 and from whence H370 came H935 they unto thee? And Hezekiah H2396 said, H559 They are come H935 from a far H7350 country H776 unto me, even from Babylon. H894

Deuteronomy 28:49-52 STRONG

The LORD H3068 shall bring H5375 a nation H1471 against thee from far, H7350 from the end H7097 of the earth, H776 as swift as the eagle H5404 flieth; H1675 a nation H1471 whose tongue H3956 thou shalt not understand; H8085 A nation H1471 of fierce H5794 countenance, H6440 which shall not regard H5375 the person H6440 of the old, H2205 nor shew favour H2603 to the young: H5288 And he shall eat H398 the fruit H6529 of thy cattle, H929 and the fruit H6529 of thy land, H127 until thou be destroyed: H8045 which also shall not leave H7604 thee either corn, H1715 wine, H8492 or oil, H3323 or the increase H7698 of thy kine, H504 or flocks H6251 of thy sheep, H6629 until he have destroyed H6 thee. And he shall besiege H6887 thee in all thy gates, H8179 until thy high H1364 and fenced H1219 walls H2346 come down, H3381 wherein H2004 thou trustedst, H982 throughout all thy land: H776 and he shall besiege H6887 thee in all thy gates H8179 throughout all thy land, H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given H5414 thee.

Isaiah 34:1 STRONG

Come near, H7126 ye nations, H1471 to hear; H8085 and hearken, H7181 ye people: H3816 let the earth H776 hear, H8085 and all that is therein; H4393 the world, H8398 and all things that come forth H6631 of it.

Jeremiah 2:15 STRONG

The young lions H3715 roared H7580 upon him, and yelled, H5414 H6963 and they made H7896 his land H776 waste: H8047 his cities H5892 are burned H3341 without inhabitant. H3427

Jeremiah 4:17 STRONG

As keepers H8104 of a field, H7704 are they against her round about; H5439 because she hath been rebellious H4784 against me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 5:6 STRONG

Wherefore a lion H738 out of the forest H3293 shall slay H5221 them, and a wolf H2061 of the evenings H6160 shall spoil H7703 them, a leopard H5246 shall watch H8245 over their cities: H5892 every one that goeth out H3318 thence shall H2007 be torn in pieces: H2963 because their transgressions H6588 are many, H7231 and their backslidings H4878 are increased. H6105

Jeremiah 6:18 STRONG

Therefore hear, H8085 ye nations, H1471 and know, H3045 O congregation, H5712 what is among them.

Jeremiah 16:6 STRONG

Both the great H1419 and the small H6996 shall die H4191 in this land: H776 they shall not be buried, H6912 neither shall men lament H5594 for them, nor cut H1413 themselves, nor make themselves bald H7139 for them:

Jeremiah 31:10 STRONG

Hear H8085 the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 O ye nations, H1471 and declare H5046 it in the isles H339 afar off, H4801 and say, H559 He that scattered H2219 Israel H3478 will gather H6908 him, and keep H8104 him, as a shepherd H7462 doth his flock. H5739

Jeremiah 39:1 STRONG

In the ninth H8671 year H8141 of Zedekiah H6667 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 in the tenth H6224 month, H2320 came H935 Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 and all his army H2428 against Jerusalem, H3389 and they besieged H6696 it.

Jeremiah 50:2 STRONG

Declare H5046 ye among the nations, H1471 and publish, H8085 and set up H5375 a standard; H5251 publish, H8085 and conceal H3582 not: say, H559 Babylon H894 is taken, H3920 Bel H1078 is confounded, H3001 Merodach H4781 is broken in pieces; H2865 her idols H6091 are confounded, H3001 her images H1544 are broken in pieces. H2865

Commentary on Jeremiah 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 4:1-31. Continuation of Address to the Ten Tribes of Israel. (Jer 4:1, 2). The Prophet Turns Again to Judah, to Whom He Had Originally Been Sent (Jer 4:3-31).

1. return … return—play on words. "If thou wouldest return to thy land (thou must first), return (by conversion and repentance) to Me."

not remove—no longer be an unsettled wanderer in a strange land. So Cain (Ge 4:12, 14).

2. And thou—rather, "And if (carried on from Jer 4:1) thou shalt swear, 'Jehovah liveth,' in truth, &c.", that is, if thou shalt worship Him (for we swear by the God whom we worship; compare De 6:13; 10:20; Isa 19:18; Am 8:14) in sincerity, &c.

and the nations—Rather, this is apodosis to the "if"; then shall the nations bless themselves in (by) Him" (Isa 65:16). The conversion of the nations will be the consequence of Israel's conversion (Ps 102:13, 15; Ro 11:12, 15).

3. Transition to Judah. Supply mentally. All which (the foregoing declaration as to Israel) applies to Judah.

and Jerusalem—that is, and especially the men of Jerusalem, as being the most prominent in Judea.

Break … fallow ground—that is, Repent of your idolatry, and so be prepared to serve the Lord in truth (Ho 10:12; Mt 13:7). The unhumbled heart is like ground which may be improved, being let out to us for that purpose, but which is as yet fallow, overgrown with weeds, its natural product.

4. Remove your natural corruption of heart (De 10:16; 30:6; Ro 2:29; Col 2:11).

5. cry, gather together—rather, "cry fully" that is, loudly. The Jews are warned to take measures against the impending Chaldean invasion (compare Jer 8:14).

6. Zion—The standard toward Zion intimated that the people of the surrounding country were to fly to it, as being the strongest of their fortresses.

7. lion—Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans (Jer 2:15; 5:6; Da 7:14).

his thicket—lair; Babylon.

destroyer of the Gentiles—rather, "the nations" (Jer 25:9).

8. Nothing is left to the Jews but to bewail their desperate condition.

anger … not turned back—(Isa 9:12, 17, 21).

9. heart—The wisdom of the most leading men will be utterly at a loss to devise means of relief.

10. thou hast … deceived—God, having even the false prophets in His hands, is here said to do that which for inscrutable purposes He permits them to do (Ex 9:12; 2Th 2:11; compare Jer 8:15; which passage shows that the dupes of error were self-prepared for it, and that God's predestination did not destroy their moral freedom as voluntary agents). The false prophets foretold "peace," and the Jews believed them; God overruled this to His purposes (Jer 5:12; 14:13; Eze 14:9).

soul—rather, "reacheth to the life."

11. dry wind—the simoom, terrific and destructive, blowing from the southeast across the sandy deserts east of Palestine. Image of the invading Babylonian army (Ho 13:15). Babylon in its turn shall be visited by a similar "destroying wind" (Jer 51:1).

of … high places—that is, that sweeps over the high places.

daughter—that is, the children of my people.

not to fan—a very different wind from those ordinary winds employed for fanning the grain in the open air.

12. full … from those places—rather, "a wind fuller (that is, more impetuous) than those winds" (which fan the corn) (Jer 4:11) [Rosenmuller].

unto me—"for Me," as My instrument for executing My purpose.

sentence—judgments against them (Jer 1:16).

13. clouds—continuing the metaphor in Jer 4:11:12. Clouds of sand and dust accompany the simoom, and after rapid gyrations ascend like a pillar.

eagles—(De 28:49; Hab 1:8).

Woe unto us—The people are graphically presented before us, without it being formally so stated, bursting out in these exclamations.

14. Only one means of deliverance is left to the Jews—a thorough repentance.

vain thoughts—namely, projects for deliverance, such as enlisting the Egyptians on their side. Gesenius translates, "How long wilt thou harbor vain thoughts?"

15. For … from Dan—The connection is: There is danger in delay; for the voice of a messenger announces the approach of the Chaldean enemy from Dan, the northern frontier of Palestine (Jer 8:16; compare Jer 4:6; Jer 1:14).

Mount Ephraim—which borders closely on Judah; so that the foe is coming nearer and nearer. Dan and Beth-el in Ephraim were the two places where Jeroboam set up the idolatrous calves (1Ki 12:29); just retribution.

16. The neighboring foreign "nations" are summoned to witness Jehovah's judgments on His rebel people (Jer 6:18, 19).

watchers—that is, besiegers (compare 2Sa 11:16); observed or watched, that is, besieged.

their voice—the war shout.

17. keepers of a field—metaphor from those who watch a field, to frighten away the wild beasts.

18. (Jer 2:17, 19; Ps 107:17).

this is thy wickedness—that is, the fruit of thy wickedness.

19. The prophet suddenly assumes the language of the Jewish state personified, lamenting its affliction (Jer 10:19, 20; 9:1, 10; Isa 15:5; compare Lu 19:41).

at my very heart—Hebrew, "at the walls of my heart"; the muscles round the heart. There is a climax, the "bowels," the pericardium, the "heart" itself.

maketh … noise—moaneth [Henderson].

alarm—the battle shout.

20. Destruction … cried—Breach upon breach is announced (Ps 42:7; Eze 7:26). The war "trumpet" … the battle shout … the "destructions" … the havoc throughout "the whole land" … the spoiling of the shepherds' "tents" (Jer 10:20; or, "tents" means cities, which should be overthrown as easily as tents [Calvin]), form a gradation.

21. Judah in perplexity asks, How long is this state of things to continue?

22. Jehovah's reply; they cannot be otherwise than miserable, since they persevere in sin. The repetition of clauses gives greater force to the sentiment.

wise … evil … to do good … no knowledge—reversing the rule (Ro 16:19) "wise unto … good, simple concerning evil."

23. Graphic picture of the utter desolation about to visit Palestine. "I beheld, and lo!" four times solemnly repeated, heightens the awful effect of the scene (compare Isa 24:19; 34:11).

without form and void—reduced to the primeval chaos (Ge 1:2).

24. mountains—(Isa 5:25).

moved lightly—shook vehemently.

25. no man … birds—No vestige of the human, or of the feathered creation, is to be seen (Eze 38:20; Zep 1:3).

26. fruitful place—Hebrew, Carmel.

a wilderness—Hebrew, "the wilderness," in contrast to "the fruitful place"; the great desert, where Carmel was, there is now the desert of Arabia [Maurer].

cities—in contrast to the fruitful place or field.

27. full end—utter destruction: I will leave some hope of restoration (Jer 5:10, 18; 30:11; 46:28; compare Le 26:44).

28. For this—on account of the desolations just described (Isa 5:30; Ho 4:3).

not repent—(Nu 23:19).

29. whole city—Jerusalem: to it the inhabitants of the country had fled for refuge; but when it, too, is likely to fall, they flee out of it to hide in the "thickets." Henderson translates, "every city."

noise—The mere noise of the hostile horsemen shall put you to flight.

30. when thou art spoiled—rather, "thou, O destroyed one" [Maurer].

rentest … face with painting—Oriental women paint their eyes with stibium, or antimony, to make them look full and sparkling, the black margin causing the white of the eyes to appear the brighter by contrast (2Ki 9:30). He uses the term "distendest" in derision of their effort to make their eyes look large [Maurer]; or else, "rentest," that is, dost lacerate by puncturing the eyelid in order to make the antimony adhere [Rosenmuller]. So the Jews use every artifice to secure the aid of Egypt against Babylon.

face—rather, thy eyes (Eze 23:40).

31. anguish—namely, occasioned by the attack of the enemy.

daughter of Zion—There is peculiar beauty in suppressing the name of the person in trouble, until that trouble had been fully described [Henderson].

bewaileth herself—rather, "draweth her breath short" [Horsley]; "panteth."

spreadeth … hands—(La 1:17).