Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 40 » Verse 4

Jeremiah 40:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And now, behold, I loose H6605 thee this day H3117 from the chains H246 which were upon thine hand. H3027 If it seem good H2896 H5869 unto thee to come H935 with me into Babylon, H894 come; H935 and I will look well H7760 H5869 unto thee: but if it seem ill H7489 H5869 unto thee to come H935 with me into Babylon, H894 forbear: H2308 behold, H7200 all the land H776 is before H6440 thee: whither it seemeth H413 good H2896 and convenient H3477 H5869 for thee to go, H3212 thither go. H3212

Cross Reference

Genesis 13:9 STRONG

Is not the whole land H776 before thee? H6440 separate thyself, H6504 I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, H8040 then I will go to the right; H3231 or if thou depart to the right hand, H3225 then I will go to the left. H8041

Genesis 20:15 STRONG

And Abimelech H40 said, H559 Behold, my land H776 is before thee: H6440 dwell H3427 where it pleaseth H2896 H5869 thee.

Jeremiah 39:11-12 STRONG

Now Nebuchadrezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 gave charge H6680 concerning Jeremiah H3414 to H3027 Nebuzaradan H5018 the captain H7227 of the guard, H2876 saying, H559 Take H3947 him, and look well H5869 H7760 to him, and do H6213 him no harm; H3972 H7451 but do H6213 unto him even as he shall say H1696 unto thee.

Commentary on Jeremiah 40 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 40:1-16. Jeremiah Is Set Free at Ramah, and Goes to Gedaliah, to Whom the Remnant of Jews Repair. Johanan Warns Gedaliah of Ishmael's Conspiracy in Vain.

1. word that came—the heading of a new part of the book (the forty-first through forty-fourth chapters), namely, the prophecies to the Jews in Judea and Egypt after the taking of the city, blended with history. The prophecy does not begin till Jer 42:7, and the previous history is introductory to it.

bound in chains—Though released from the court of the prison (see on Jer 39:14), in the confusion at the burning of the city he seems to have been led away in chains with the other captives, and not till he reached Ramah to have gained full liberty. Nebuzara-dan had his quarters at Ramah, in Benjamin; and there he collected the captives previous to their removal to Babylon (Jer 31:15). He in releasing Jeremiah obeyed the king's commands (Jer 39:11). Jeremiah's "chains" for a time were due to the negligence of those to whom he had been committed; or else to Nebuzara-dan's wish to upbraid the people with their perverse ingratitude in imprisoning Jeremiah [Calvin]; hence he addresses the people (ye … you) as much as Jeremiah (Jer 40:2, 3).

2. The Babylonians were in some measure aware, through Jeremiah's prophecies (Jer 39:11), that they were the instruments of God's wrath on His people.

3. ye—(See on Jer 40:1). His address is directed to the Jews as well as to Jeremiah. God makes the very heathen testify for Him against them (De 29:24, 25).

4. look well unto thee—the very words of Nebuchadnezzar's charge (Jer 39:12).

all the land is before thee … seemeth good—(Ge 20:15, Margin). Jeremiah alone had the option given him of staying where he pleased, when all the rest were either carried off or forced to remain there.

5. while he was not yet gone back—parenthetical. When Jeremiah hesitated whether it would be best for him to go, Nebuzara-dan proceeded to say, "Go, then, to Gedaliah," (not as English Version, "Go back, also"), if thou preferrest (as Nebuzara-dan inferred from Jeremiah's hesitancy) to stop here rather than go with me.

victuals—(Isa 33:16).

reward—rather, "a present." This must have been a seasonable relief to the prophet, who probably lost his all in the siege.

6. Mizpah—in Benjamin, northwest of Jerusalem (Jer 41:5, 6, 9). Not the Mizpah in Gilead, beyond Jordan (Jud 10:17). Jeremiah showed his patriotism and piety in remaining in his country amidst afflictions and notwithstanding the ingratitude of the Jews, rather than go to enjoy honors and pleasures in a heathen court (Heb 11:24-26). This vindicates his purity of motive in his withdrawal (Jer 37:12-14).

7. captains … in the fields—The leaders of the Jewish army had been "scattered" throughout the country on the capture of Zedekiah (Jer 52:8), in order to escape the notice of the Chaldeans.

8. Netophathite—from Netophah, a town in Judah (2Sa 23:28).

Maachathite—from Maachathi, at the foot of Mount Hermon (De 3:14).

9. Fear not—They were afraid that they should not obtain pardon from the Chaldeans for their acts. He therefore assured them of safety by an oath.

serve—literally, "to stand before" (Jer 40:10; Jer 52:12), that is, to be at hand ready to execute the commands of the king of Babylon.

10. Mizpah—lying on the way between Babylon and Judah, and so convenient for transacting business between the two countries.

As for me … but ye—He artfully, in order to conciliate them, represents the burden of the service to the Chaldeans as falling on him, while they may freely gather their wine, fruits, and oil. He does not now add that these very fruits were to constitute the chief part of the tribute to be paid to Babylon: which, though fruitful in corn, was less productive of grapes, figs, and olives [Herodotus, 1.193]. The grant of "vineyards" to the "poor" (Jer 39:10) would give hope to the discontended of enjoying the best fruits (Jer 40:12).

11. Jews … in Moab—who had fled thither at the approach of the Chaldeans. God thus tempered the severity of His vengeance that a remnant might be left.

13. in the fields—not in the city, but scattered in the country (Jer 40:7).

14. Baalis—named from the idol Baal, as was often the case in heathen names.

Ammonites—So it was to them that Ishmael went after murdering Gedaliah (Jer 41:10).

slay—literally, "strike thee in the soul," that is, a deadly stroke.

Ishmael—Being of the royal seed of David (Jer 41:1), he envied Gedaliah the presidency to which he thought himself entitled; therefore he leagued himself with the ancient heathen enemy of Judah.

believed … not—generous, but unwise unsuspiciousness (Ec 9:16).

16. thou speakest falsely—a mystery of providence that God should permit the righteous, in spite of warning, thus to rush into the trap laid for them! Isa 57:1 suggests a solution.