Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 42 » Verse 11

Jeremiah 42:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 Be not afraid H3372 of H6440 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 of whom H6440 ye are afraid; H3373 be not afraid H3372 of him, saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 for I am with you to save H3467 you, and to deliver H5337 you from his hand. H3027

Cross Reference

Romans 8:31 STRONG

What G5101 shall we G2046 then G3767 say G2046 to G4314 these things? G5023 If G1487 God G2316 be for G5228 us, G2257 who G5101 can be against G2596 us? G2257

Jeremiah 41:18 STRONG

Because H6440 of the Chaldeans: H3778 for they were afraid H3372 of them, because Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah H5418 had slain H5221 Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam, H296 whom the king H4428 of Babylon H894 made governor H6485 in the land. H776

Jeremiah 1:19 STRONG

And they shall fight H3898 against thee; but they shall not prevail H3201 against thee; for I am with thee, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 to deliver H5337 thee.

Isaiah 43:5 STRONG

Fear H3372 not: for I am with thee: I will bring H935 thy seed H2233 from the east, H4217 and gather H6908 thee from the west; H4628

Isaiah 43:2 STRONG

When thou passest through H5674 the waters, H4325 I will be with thee; and through the rivers, H5104 they shall not overflow H7857 thee: when thou walkest H3212 through H1119 the fire, H784 thou shalt not be burned; H3554 neither shall the flame H3852 kindle H1197 upon thee.

2 Chronicles 32:7-8 STRONG

Be strong H2388 and courageous, H553 be not afraid H3372 nor dismayed H2865 for H6440 the king H4428 of Assyria, H804 nor for all the multitude H1995 that is with him: for there be more H7227 with us than with him: With him is an arm H2220 of flesh; H1320 but with us is the LORD H3068 our God H430 to help H5826 us, and to fight H3898 our battles. H4421 And the people H5971 rested H5564 themselves upon the words H1697 of Hezekiah H3169 king H4428 of Judah. H3063

Isaiah 41:10 STRONG

Fear H3372 thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; H8159 for I am thy God: H430 I will strengthen H553 thee; yea, I will help H5826 thee; yea, I will uphold H8551 thee with the right hand H3225 of my righteousness. H6664

2 Timothy 4:17 STRONG

Notwithstanding G1161 the Lord G2962 stood G3936 with me, G3427 and G2532 strengthened G1743 me; G3165 that G2443 by G1223 me G1700 the preaching G2782 might be fully known, G4135 and G2532 that all G3956 the Gentiles G1484 might hear: G191 and G2532 I was delivered G4506 out of G1537 the mouth G4750 of the lion. G3023

Jeremiah 27:17 STRONG

Hearken H8085 not unto them; serve H5647 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and live: H2421 wherefore should this city H5892 be laid waste? H2723

Jeremiah 27:12 STRONG

I spake H1696 also to Zedekiah H6667 king H4428 of Judah H3063 according to all these words, H1697 saying, H559 Bring H935 your necks H6677 under the yoke H5923 of the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and serve H5647 him and his people, H5971 and live. H2421

Jeremiah 15:20 STRONG

And I will make H5414 thee unto this people H5971 a fenced H1219 brasen H5178 wall: H2346 and they shall fight H3898 against thee, but they shall not prevail H3201 against thee: for I am with thee to save H3467 thee and to deliver H5337 thee, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 1:8 STRONG

Be not afraid H3372 of their faces: H6440 for I am with thee to deliver H5337 thee, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Psalms 46:11 STRONG

The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is with us; the God H430 of Jacob H3290 is our refuge. H4869 Selah. H5542

Psalms 46:7 STRONG

The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is with us; the God H430 of Jacob H3290 is our refuge. H4869 Selah. H5542

Joshua 1:9 STRONG

Have not I commanded H6680 thee? Be strong H2388 and of a good courage; H553 be not afraid, H6206 neither be thou dismayed: H2865 for the LORD H3068 thy God H430 is with thee whithersoever thou goest. H3212

Joshua 1:5 STRONG

There shall not any man H376 be able to stand H3320 before H6440 thee all the days H3117 of thy life: H2416 as I was with Moses, H4872 so I will be with thee: I will not fail H7503 thee, nor forsake H5800 thee.

Deuteronomy 20:4 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 your God H430 is he that goeth H1980 with you, to fight H3898 for you against your enemies, H341 to save H3467 you.

Numbers 14:9 STRONG

Only rebel H4775 not ye against the LORD, H3068 neither fear H3372 ye the people H5971 of the land; H776 for they are bread H3899 for us: their defence H6738 is departed H5493 from them, and the LORD H3068 is with us: fear H3372 them not.

2 Kings 25:26 STRONG

And all the people, H5971 both small H6996 and great, H1419 and the captains H8269 of the armies, H2428 arose, H6965 and came H935 to Egypt: H4714 for they were afraid H3372 of H6440 the Chaldees. H3778

Acts 18:10 STRONG

For G1360 I G1473 am G1510 with G3326 thee, G4675 and G2532 no man G3762 shall set on G2007 thee G4671 to hurt G2559 thee: G4571 for G1360 I G3427 have G2076 much G4183 people G2992 in G1722 this G5026 city. G4172

Matthew 28:20 STRONG

Teaching G1321 them G846 to observe G5083 all things G3956 whatsoever G3745 I have commanded G1781 you: G5213 and, G2532 lo, G2400 I G1473 am G1510 with G3326 you G5216 alway, G3956 G2250 even unto G2193 the end G4930 of the world. G165 Amen. G281

Matthew 10:28 STRONG

And G2532 fear G5399 G575 not G3361 them which G3588 kill G615 the body, G4983 but G1161 are G1410 not G3361 able G1410 to kill G615 the soul: G5590 but G1161 rather G3123 fear G5399 him which G3588 is able G1410 to destroy G622 both G2532 soul G5590 and G2532 body G4983 in G1722 hell. G1067

Isaiah 8:8-10 STRONG

And he shall pass H2498 through Judah; H3063 he shall overflow H7857 and go over, H5674 he shall reach H5060 even to the neck; H6677 and the stretching out H4298 of his wings H3671 shall fill H4393 the breadth H7341 of thy land, H776 O Immanuel. H6005 H410 Associate H7489 yourselves, O ye people, H5971 and ye shall be broken in pieces; H2865 and give ear, H238 all H3605 ye of far H4801 countries: H776 gird H247 yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; H2865 gird H247 yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. H2865 Take H5779 counsel H6098 together, H5779 and it shall come to nought; H6565 speak H1696 the word, H1697 and it shall not stand: H6965 for God H410 is with us.

Commentary on Jeremiah 42 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 42:1-22. The Jews and Johanan Inquire of God, through Jeremiah, as to Going to Egypt, Promising Obedience to His Will. Their Safety on Condition of Staying in Judea, and Their Destruction in the Event of Going to Egypt, Are Foretold. Their Hypocrisy in Asking for Counsel Which They Meant Not to Follow, if Contrary to Their Own Determination, Is Reproved.

2. Jeremiah—He probably was one of the number carried off from Mizpah, and dwelt with Johanan (Jer 41:16). Hence the expression is, "came near" (Jer 42:1), not "sent."

Let … supplication be accepted—literally, "fall" (see on Jer 36:7; Jer 37:20).

pray for us—(Ge 20:7; Isa 37:4; Jas 5:16).

thy God—(Jer 42:5). The Jews use this form to express their belief in the peculiar relation in which Jeremiah stood to God as His accredited prophet. Jeremiah in his reply reminds them that God is their God ("your God") as well as his as being the covenant people (Jer 42:4). They in turn acknowledge this in Jer 42:6, "the Lord our God."

few of many—as had been foretold (Le 26:22).

3. They consulted God, like many, not so much to know what was right, as wishing Him to authorize what they had already determined on, whether agreeable to His will or not. So Ahab in consulting Micaiah (1Ki 22:13). Compare Jeremiah's answer (Jer 42:4) with Micaiah's (1Ki 22:14).

4. I have heard—that is, I accede to your request.

your God—Being His by adoption, ye are not your own, and are bound to whatever He wills (Ex 19:5, 6; 1Co 6:19, 20).

answer you—that is, through me.

keep nothing back—(1Sa 3:18; Ac 20:20).

5. Lord be a true … witness—(Ge 31:50; Ps 89:37; Re 1:5; 3:14; 19:11).

6. evil—not moral evil, which God cannot command (Jas 1:13), but what may be disagreeable and hard to us. Piety obeys God, without questioning, at all costs. See the instance defective in this, that it obeyed only so far as was agreeable to itself (1Sa 15:3, 9, 13-15, 20-23).

7. ten days—Jeremiah did not speak of himself, but waited God's time and revelation, showing the reality of his inspiration. Man left to himself would have given an immediate response to the people, who were impatient of delay. The delay was designed to test the sincerity of their professed willingness to obey, and that they should have full time to deliberate (De 8:2). True obedience bows to God's time, as well as His way and will.

10. If ye … abide—namely, under the Babylonian authority, to which God hath appointed that all should be subject (Da 2:37, 38). To resist was to resist God.

build … plant—metaphor for, I will firmly establish you (Jer 24:6).

I repent … of the evil—(Jer 18:8; De 32:36). I am satisfied with the punishment I have inflicted on you, if only you add not a new offense [Grotius]. God is said to "repent," when He alters His outward ways of dealing.

12. show mercies—rather, I will excite (in him) feelings of mercy towards you [Calvin].

cause you to return—permit you to return to the peaceable enjoyment of the possessions from which you are wishing to withdraw through fear of the Chaldeans. By departing in disobedience they should incur the very evils they wished thereby to escape; and by staying they should gain the blessings which they feared to lose by doing so.

13. if ye say, &c.—avowed rebellion against God, who had often (De 17:16), as now, forbidden their going to Egypt, lest they should be entangled in its idolatry.

14. where we shall see no war—Here they betray their impiety in not believing God's promise (Jer 42:10, 11), as if He were a liar (1Jo 5:10).

15. wholly set your faces—firmly resolve (Lu 9:51) in spite of all warnings (Jer 44:12).

16. sword, which ye feared, shall overtake you—The very evils we think to escape by sin, we bring on ourselves thereby. What our hearts are most set on often proves fatal to us. Those who think to escape troubles by changing their place will find them wherever they go (Eze 11:8). The "sword" here is that of Nebuchadnezzar, who fulfilled the prediction in his expedition to Africa (according to Megasthenes, a heathen writer), 300 B.C.

17. all the men—excepting the "small number" mentioned (Jer 44:14, 28); namely, those who were forced into Egypt against their will, Jeremiah, Baruch, &c., and those who took Jeremiah's advice and fled from Egypt before the arrival of the Chaldeans.

18. As mine anger, &c.—As ye have already, to your sorrow, found Me true to My word, so shall ye again (Jer 7:20; 18:16).

shall see this place no more—Ye shall not return to Judea, as those shall who have been removed to Babylon.

19. I have admonished—literally, "testified," that is, solemnly admonished, having yourselves as My witnesses; so that if ye perish, ye yourselves will have to confess that it was through your own fault, not through ignorance, ye perished.

20. dissembled in your hearts—rather, "ye have used deceit against your (own) souls." It is not God, but yourselves, whom ye deceive, to your own ruin, by your own dissimulation (Ga 6:7) [Calvin]. But the words following accord best with English Version, ye have dissembled in your hearts (see on Jer 42:3) towards me, when ye sent me to consult God for you.

21. declared it—namely, the divine will.

I … but ye—antithesis. I have done my part; but ye do not yours. It is no fault of mine that ye act not rightly.

22. sojourn—for a time, until they could return to their country. They expected, therefore, to be restored, in spite of God's prediction to the contrary.