Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 43 » Verse 9

Jeremiah 43:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 Take H3947 great H1419 stones H68 in thine hand, H3027 and hide H2934 them in the clay H4423 in the brickkiln, H4404 which is at the entry H6607 of Pharaoh's H6547 house H1004 in Tahpanhes, H8471 in the sight H5869 of the men H582 of Judah; H3064

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 18:2-12 STRONG

Arise, H6965 and go down H3381 to the potter's H3335 house, H1004 and there I will cause thee to hear H8085 my words. H1697 Then I went down H3381 to the potter's H3335 house, H1004 and, behold, H2009 he wrought H6213 a work H4399 on the wheels. H70 And the vessel H3627 that he made H6213 of clay H2563 was marred H7843 in the hand H3027 of the potter: H3335 so he made H6213 it again H7725 another H312 vessel, H3627 as seemed H5869 good H3474 to the potter H3335 to make H6213 it. Then the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came to me, saying, H559 O house H1004 of Israel, H3478 cannot H3201 I do H6213 with you as this potter? H3335 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Behold, as the clay H2563 is in the potter's H3335 hand, H3027 so are ye in mine hand, H3027 O house H1004 of Israel. H3478 At what instant H7281 I shall speak H1696 concerning a nation, H1471 and concerning a kingdom, H4467 to pluck up, H5428 and to pull down, H5422 and to destroy H6 it; If that nation, H1471 against whom I have pronounced, H1696 turn H7725 from their evil, H7451 I will repent H5162 of the evil H7451 that I thought H2803 to do H6213 unto them. And at what instant H7281 I shall speak H1696 concerning a nation, H1471 and concerning a kingdom, H4467 to build H1129 and to plant H5193 it; If it do H6213 evil H7451 in my sight, H5869 that it obey H8085 not my voice, H6963 then I will repent H5162 of the good, H2896 wherewith I said H559 I would benefit H3190 them. Now therefore go to, speak H559 to the men H376 of Judah, H3063 and to the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Behold, I frame H3335 evil H7451 against you, and devise H2803 a device H4284 against you: return H7725 ye now every one H376 from his evil H7451 way, H1870 and make your ways H1870 and your doings H4611 good. H3190 And they said, H559 There is no hope: H2976 but we will walk H3212 after H310 our own devices, H4284 and we will every one H376 do H6213 the imagination H8307 of his evil H7451 heart. H3820

Jeremiah 19:1-15 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Go H1980 and get H7069 a potter's H3335 earthen H2789 bottle, H1228 and take of the ancients H2205 of the people, H5971 and of the ancients H2205 of the priests; H3548 And go forth H3318 unto the valley H1516 of the son H1121 of Hinnom, H2011 which is by the entry H6607 of the east H2777 gate, H8179 and proclaim H7121 there the words H1697 that I shall tell H1696 thee, And say, H559 Hear H8085 ye the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 O kings H4428 of Judah, H3063 and inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem; H3389 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Behold, I will bring H935 evil H7451 upon this place, H4725 the which whosoever heareth, H8085 his ears H241 shall tingle. H6750 Because they have forsaken H5800 me, and have estranged H5234 this place, H4725 and have burned incense H6999 in it unto other H312 gods, H430 whom neither they nor their fathers H1 have known, H3045 nor the kings H4428 of Judah, H3063 and have filled H4390 this place H4725 with the blood H1818 of innocents; H5355 They have built H1129 also the high places H1116 of Baal, H1168 to burn H8313 their sons H1121 with fire H784 for burnt offerings H5930 unto Baal, H1168 which I commanded H6680 not, nor spake H1696 it, neither came H5927 it into my mind: H3820 Therefore, behold, the days H3117 come, H935 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that this place H4725 shall no more be called H7121 Tophet, H8612 nor The valley H1516 of the son H1121 of Hinnom, H2011 but The valley H1516 of slaughter. H2028 And I will make void H1238 the counsel H6098 of Judah H3063 and Jerusalem H3389 in this place; H4725 and I will cause them to fall H5307 by the sword H2719 before H6440 their enemies, H341 and by the hands H3027 of them that seek H1245 their lives: H5315 and their carcases H5038 will I give H5414 to be meat H3978 for the fowls H5775 of the heaven, H8064 and for the beasts H929 of the earth. H776 And I will make H7760 this city H5892 desolate, H8047 and an hissing; H8322 every one that passeth H5674 thereby shall be astonished H8074 and hiss H8319 because of all the plagues H4347 thereof. And I will cause them to eat H398 the flesh H1320 of their sons H1121 and the flesh H1320 of their daughters, H1323 and they shall eat H398 every one H376 the flesh H1320 of his friend H7453 in the siege H4692 and straitness, H4689 wherewith their enemies, H341 and they that seek H1245 their lives, H5315 shall straiten H6693 them. Then shalt thou break H7665 the bottle H1228 in the sight H5869 of the men H582 that go H1980 with thee, And shalt say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Even so H3602 will I break H7665 this people H5971 and this city, H5892 as one breaketh H7665 a potter's H3335 vessel, H3627 that cannot H3201 be made whole again: H7495 and they shall bury H6912 them in Tophet, H8612 till there be no place H4725 to bury. H6912 Thus will I do H6213 unto this place, H4725 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and to the inhabitants H3427 thereof, and even make H5414 this city H5892 as Tophet: H8612 And the houses H1004 of Jerusalem, H3389 and the houses H1004 of the kings H4428 of Judah, H3063 shall be defiled H2931 as the place H4725 of Tophet, H8612 because of all the houses H1004 upon whose roofs H1406 they have burned incense H6999 unto all the host H6635 of heaven, H8064 and have poured out H5258 drink offerings H5262 unto other H312 gods. H430 Then came H935 Jeremiah H3414 from Tophet, H8612 whither the LORD H3068 had sent H7971 him to prophesy; H5012 and he stood H5975 in the court H2691 of the LORD'S H3068 house; H1004 and said H559 to all the people, H5971 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Behold, I will bring H935 upon this city H5892 and upon all her towns H5892 all the evil H7451 that I have pronounced H1696 against it, because they have hardened H7185 their necks, H6203 that they might not hear H8085 my words. H1697

Exodus 1:14 STRONG

And they made H4843 their lives H2416 bitter H4843 with hard H7186 bondage, H5656 in morter, H2563 and in brick, H3843 and in all manner of service H5656 in the field: H7704 all their service, H5656 wherein they made them serve, H5647 was with rigour. H6531

2 Samuel 12:31 STRONG

And he brought forth H3318 the people H5971 that were therein, and put H7760 them under saws, H4050 and under harrows H2757 of iron, H1270 and under axes H4037 of iron, H1270 and made them pass H5674 through the brickkiln: H4404 and thus did H6213 he unto all the cities H5892 of the children H1121 of Ammon. H5983 So David H1732 and all the people H5971 returned H7725 unto Jerusalem. H3389

1 Kings 11:29-31 STRONG

And it came to pass at that time H6256 when Jeroboam H3379 went out H3318 of Jerusalem, H3389 that the prophet H5030 Ahijah H281 the Shilonite H7888 found H4672 him in the way; H1870 and he had clad H3680 himself with a new H2319 garment; H8008 and they two H8147 were alone in the field: H7704 And Ahijah H281 caught H8610 the new H2319 garment H8008 that was on him, and rent H7167 it in twelve H8147 H6240 pieces: H7168 And he said H559 to Jeroboam, H3379 Take H3947 thee ten H6235 pieces: H7168 for thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 the God H430 of Israel, H3478 Behold, I will rend H7167 the kingdom H4467 out of the hand H3027 of Solomon, H8010 and will give H5414 ten H6235 tribes H7626 to thee:

Isaiah 20:1-4 STRONG

In the year H8141 that Tartan H8661 came H935 unto Ashdod, H795 (when Sargon H5623 the king H4428 of Assyria H804 sent H7971 him,) and fought H3898 against Ashdod, H795 and took H3920 it; At the same time H6256 spake H1696 the LORD H3068 by H3027 Isaiah H3470 the son H1121 of Amoz, H531 saying, H559 Go H3212 and loose H6605 the sackcloth H8242 from off thy loins, H4975 and put off H2502 thy shoe H5275 from thy foot. H7272 And he did so, H6213 walking H1980 naked H6174 and barefoot. H3182 And the LORD H3068 said, H559 Like as my servant H5650 Isaiah H3470 hath walked H1980 naked H6174 and barefoot H3182 three H7969 years H8141 for a sign H226 and wonder H4159 upon Egypt H4714 and upon Ethiopia; H3568 So shall the king H4428 of Assyria H804 lead away H5090 the Egyptians H4714 prisoners, H7628 and the Ethiopians H3568 captives, H1546 young H5288 and old, H2205 naked H6174 and barefoot, H3182 even with their buttocks H8357 uncovered, H2834 to the shame H6172 of Egypt. H4714

Jeremiah 13:1-11 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 unto me, Go H1980 and get H7069 thee a linen H6593 girdle, H232 and put H7760 it upon thy loins, H4975 and put H935 it not in water. H4325 So I got H7069 a girdle H232 according to the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 and put H7760 it on my loins. H4975 And the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came unto me the second time, H8145 saying, H559 Take H3947 the girdle H232 that thou hast got, H7069 which is upon thy loins, H4975 and arise, H6965 go H3212 to Euphrates, H6578 and hide H2934 it there in a hole H5357 of the rock. H5553 So I went, H3212 and hid H2934 it by Euphrates, H6578 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 me. And it came to pass after H7093 many H7227 days, H3117 that the LORD H3068 said H559 unto me, Arise, H6965 go H3212 to Euphrates, H6578 and take H3947 the girdle H232 from thence, which I commanded H6680 thee to hide H2934 there. Then I went H3212 to Euphrates, H6578 and digged, H2658 and took H3947 the girdle H232 from the place H4725 where I had hid H2934 it: and, behold, the girdle H232 was marred, H7843 it was profitable H6743 for nothing. Then the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came unto me, saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 After this manner will I mar H7843 the pride H1347 of Judah, H3063 and the great H7227 pride H1347 of Jerusalem. H3389 This evil H7451 people, H5971 which refuse H3987 to hear H8085 my words, H1697 which walk H1980 in the imagination H8307 of their heart, H3820 and walk H3212 after H310 other H312 gods, H430 to serve H5647 them, and to worship H7812 them, shall even be as this girdle, H232 which is good H6743 for nothing. For as the girdle H232 cleaveth H1692 to the loins H4975 of a man, H376 so have I caused to cleave H1692 unto me the whole house H1004 of Israel H3478 and the whole house H1004 of Judah, H3063 saith H5002 the LORD; H3068 that they might be unto me for a people, H5971 and for a name, H8034 and for a praise, H8416 and for a glory: H8597 but they would not hear. H8085

Jeremiah 51:63-64 STRONG

And it shall be, when thou hast made an end H3615 of reading H7121 this book, H5612 that thou shalt bind H7194 a stone H68 to it, and cast H7993 it into the midst H8432 of Euphrates: H6578 And thou shalt say, H559 Thus shall Babylon H894 sink, H8257 and shall not rise H6965 from H6440 the evil H7451 that I will bring H935 upon her: and they shall be weary. H3286 Thus far are the words H1697 of Jeremiah. H3414

Ezekiel 12:3-16 STRONG

Therefore, thou son H1121 of man, H120 prepare H6213 thee stuff H3627 for removing, H1473 and remove H1540 by day H3119 in their sight; H5869 and thou shalt remove H1540 from thy place H4725 to another H312 place H4725 in their sight: H5869 it may be they will consider, H7200 though they be a rebellious H4805 house. H1004 Then shalt thou bring forth H3318 thy stuff H3627 by day H3119 in their sight, H5869 as stuff H3627 for removing: H1473 and thou shalt go forth H3318 at even H6153 in their sight, H5869 as they that go forth H4161 into captivity. H1473 Dig H2864 thou through the wall H7023 in their sight, H5869 and carry out H3318 thereby. In their sight H5869 shalt thou bear H5375 it upon thy shoulders, H3802 and carry it forth H3318 in the twilight: H5939 thou shalt cover H3680 thy face, H6440 that thou see H7200 not the ground: H776 for I have set H5414 thee for a sign H4159 unto the house H1004 of Israel. H3478 And I did H6213 so as I was commanded: H6680 I brought forth H3318 my stuff H3627 by day, H3119 as stuff H3627 for captivity, H1473 and in the even H6153 I digged H2864 through the wall H7023 with mine hand; H3027 I brought it forth H3318 in the twilight, H5939 and I bare H5375 it upon my shoulder H3802 in their sight. H5869 And in the morning H1242 came the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 unto me, saying, H559 Son H1121 of man, H120 hath not the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 the rebellious H4805 house, H1004 said H559 unto thee, What doest H6213 thou? Say H559 thou unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 This burden H4853 concerneth the prince H5387 in Jerusalem, H3389 and all the house H1004 of Israel H3478 that are among H8432 them. Say, H559 I am your sign: H4159 like as I have done, H6213 so shall it be done H6213 unto them: they shall remove H1473 and go H3212 into captivity. H7628 And the prince H5387 that is among H8432 them shall bear H5375 upon his shoulder H3802 in the twilight, H5939 and shall go forth: H3318 they shall dig H2864 through the wall H7023 to carry out H3318 thereby: he shall cover H3680 his face, H6440 that H3282 he see H7200 not the ground H776 with his eyes. H5869 My net H7568 also will I spread H6566 upon him, and he shall be taken H8610 in my snare: H4686 and I will bring H935 him to Babylon H894 to the land H776 of the Chaldeans; H3778 yet shall he not see H7200 it, though he shall die H4191 there. And I will scatter H2219 toward every wind H7307 all that are about H5439 him to help H5828 him, and all his bands; H102 and I will draw out H7324 the sword H2719 after H310 them. And they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD, H3068 when I shall scatter H6327 them among the nations, H1471 and disperse H2219 them in the countries. H776 But I will leave H3498 a few H4557 men H582 of them from the sword, H2719 from the famine, H7458 and from the pestilence; H1698 that they may declare H5608 all their abominations H8441 among the heathen H1471 whither they come; H935 and they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068

Hosea 12:10 STRONG

I have also spoken H1696 by the prophets, H5030 and I have multiplied H7235 visions, H2377 and used similitudes, H1819 by the ministry H3027 of the prophets. H5030

Nahum 3:14 STRONG

Draw H7579 thee waters H4325 for the siege, H4692 fortify H2388 thy strong holds: H4013 go H935 into clay, H2916 and tread H7429 the morter, H2563 make strong H2388 the brickkiln. H4404

Acts 21:11 STRONG

And G2532 when he was come G2064 unto G4314 us, G2248 G2532 he took G142 Paul's G3972 girdle, G2223 and G5037 bound G1210 his own G846 hands G5495 and G2532 feet, G4228 and said, G2036 Thus G3592 saith G3004 the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 So G3779 shall G1210 the Jews G2453 at G1722 Jerusalem G2419 bind G1210 the man G435 that G3739 owneth G2076 this G3778 girdle, G2223 and G2532 shall deliver G3860 him into G1519 the hands G5495 of the Gentiles. G1484

Revelation 18:21 STRONG

And G2532 a G1520 mighty G2478 angel G32 took up G142 a stone G3037 like G5613 a great G3173 millstone, G3458 and G2532 cast G906 it into G1519 the sea, G2281 saying, G3004 Thus G3779 with violence G3731 shall G906 that great G3173 city G4172 Babylon G897 be thrown down, G906 and G2532 shall be found G2147 no more G3364 at all. G2089

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on Jeremiah 43

Commentary on Jeremiah 43 Matthew Henry Commentary

Chapter 43

Jeremiah had faithfully delivered his message from God in the foregoing chapter, and the case was made so very plain by it that one would have thought there needed no more words about it; but we find it quite otherwise. Here is,

  • I. The people's contempt of this message; they denied it to be the word of God (v. 1-3) and then made no difficulty of going directly contrary to it. Into Egypt they went, and took Jeremiah himself along with them (v. 4-7).
  • II. God's pursuit of them with another message, foretelling the king of Babylon's pursuit of them into Egypt (v. 8-13).

Jer 43:1-7

What God said to the builders of Babel may be truly said of this people that Jeremiah is now dealing with: Now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do, Gen. 11:6. They have a fancy for Egypt, and to Egypt they will go, whatever God himself says to the contrary. Jeremiah made them hear all he had to say, though he saw them uneasy at it; it was what the Lord their God had sent him to speak to them, and they shall have it all. And now let us see what they have to say to it.

  • I. They deny it to be a message from God: Johanan, and all the proud men, said to Jeremiah, Thou speakest falsely, v. 2. See here,
    • 1. What was the cause of their disobedience-it was pride; only by that comes contention both with God and man. They were proud men that gave the lie to the prophet. They could not bear the contradiction of their sentiments and the control of their designs, no, not by the divine wisdom, by the divine will itself. Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should obey him? Ex. 5:2. The proud unhumbled heart of man is one of the most daring enemies God has on this side hell.
    • 2. What was the colour for their disobedience. They would not acknowledge it to be the word of God: The Lord hath not sent thee on this errand to us. Either they were not convinced that what was said came from God or (which I rather think) though they were convinced of it they would not own it. The light shone strongly in their face, but they either shut their eyes against it or would not confess that they saw it. Note, The reason why men deny the scriptures to be the word of God is because they are resolved not to conform to scripture-rules, and so an obstinate infidelity is made the sorry subterfuge of a wilful disobedience. If God had spoken to them by an angel, or as he did from Mount Sinai, they would have said that it was a delusion. Had they not consulted Jeremiah as a prophet? Had he not waited to receive instructions from God what to say to them? Had not what he said all the usual marks of prophecy upon it? Was not the prophet himself embarked in the same bottom with them? What interests could he have separate from theirs? Had he not always approved himself an Israelite indeed? And had not God proved him a prophet indeed? Had any of his words ever fallen to the ground? Why, truly, they had some good thoughts of Jeremiah, but they suggest (v. 3), Baruch sets thee on against us. A likely thing, that Baruch should be in a plot to deliver them into the hands of the Chaldeans; and what would he get by that? If Jeremiah and he had been so well affected to the Chaldeans as they would represent them, they would have gone away at first with Nebuzaradan, when he courted them, to Babylon, and not have staid to take their lot with this despised ungrateful remnant. But the best services are no fences against malice and slander. Or, if Baruch had been so ill disposed, could they think Jeremiah would be so influenced by him as to make God's name an authority to patronise so villainous a purpose? Note, Those that are resolved to contradict the great ends of the ministry are industrious to bring a bad name upon it. When men will persist in sin they represent those that would turn them from it as designing men for themselves, nay, as ill-designing men against their neighbours. It is well for persons who are thus misrepresented that their witness is in heaven and their record on high.
  • II. They determine to go to Egypt notwithstanding. They resolve not to dwell in the land of Judah, as God had ordered them (v. 4), but to go themselves with one consent and to take all that they had under their power along with them to Egypt. Those that came from all the nations whither they had been driven, to dwell in the land of Judah, out of a sincere affection to that land, they would not leave to their liberty, but forced them to go with them into Egypt (v. 5), men, women, and children (v. 6), a long journey into a strange country, an idolatrous country, a country that had never been kind of faithful to Israel; yet thither they would go, though they deserted their own land and threw themselves out of God's protection. It is the folly of men that they know not when they are well off, and often ruin themselves by endeavouring to better themselves; and it is the pride of great men to force those they have under their power to follow them, though ever so much against their duty and interest. These proud men compelled even Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch his scribe to go along with them to Egypt; they carried them away as prisoners, partly to punish them (and a greater punishment they could not inflict upon them than to force them against their consciences; theirs is the worst of tyranny who say to men's souls, even to good men's souls, Bow down, that we may go over), partly to put some reputation upon themselves and their own way. Though the prophets were under a force, they would make the world believe that they were voluntary in going along with them; and who could have blamed them for acting contrary to the word of the Lord if the prophets themselves had acted so? They came to Tahpanhes, a famous city of Egypt (so called from a queen of that name, 1 Ki. 11:19), the same with Hanes (Isa. 30:4); it was now the metropolis, for Pharaoh's house was there, v. 9. No place could serve these proud men to settle in but the royal city and near the court, so little mindful were they of Joseph's wisdom, who would have his brethren settle in Goshen. If they had had the spirit of Israelites, they would have chosen rather to dwell in the wilderness of Judah than in the most pompous populous cities of Egypt.

Jer 43:8-13

We have here, as also in the next chapter, Jeremiah prophesying in Egypt. Jeremiah was now in Tahpanhes, for there his lords and masters were; he was there among idolatrous Egyptians and treacherous Israelites; but there,

  • 1. He received the word of the Lord; it came to him. God can find his people, with the visits of his grace, wherever they are; and, when his ministers are bound, yet the word of the Lord is not bound. The spirit of prophecy was not confined to the land of Israel. When Jeremiah went into Egypt, not out of choice, but by constraint, God withdrew not his wonted favour from him.
  • 2. What he received of the Lord he delivered to the people. Wherever we are we must endeavour to do good, for that is our business in this world. Now we find two messages which Jeremiah was appointed and entrusted to deliver when he was in Egypt. We may suppose that he rendered what services he could to his countrymen in Egypt, at least as far as they would be acceptable, in performing the ordinary duties of a prophet, praying for them and instructing and comforting them; but only two messages of his, which he had received immediately from God, are recorded, one in this chapter, relating to Egypt itself and foretelling its destruction, the other in the next chapter, relating to the Jews in Egypt. God had told them before that if they went into Egypt the sword they feared should follow them; here he tells them further that the sword of Nebuchadnezzar, which they were in a particular manner afraid of, should follow them.
    • I. This is foretold by a sign. Jeremiah must take great stones, such as are used for foundations, and lay them in the clay of the furnace, or brick-kiln, which is in the open way, or beside the way that leads to Pharaoh's house (v. 9), some remarkable place in view of the royal palace. Egypt was famous for brick-kilns, witness the slavery of the Israelites there, whom they forced to make bricks (Ex. 5:7), which perhaps was now remembered against them. The foundation of Egypt's desolation was laid in those brick-kilns, in that clay. This he must do, not in the sight of the Egyptians (they knew not Jeremiah's character), but in the sight of the men of Judah to whom he was sent, that, since he could not prevent their going into Egypt, he might bring them to repent of their going.
    • II. It is foretold in express words, as express as can be,
      • 1. That the king, the present king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, the very same that had been employed in the destruction of Jerusalem, should come in person against the land of Egypt, should make himself master even of this royal city, by the same token that he should set his throne in that very place where these stones were laid, v. 10. This minute circumstance is particularly foretold, that, when it was accomplished, they might be put in mind of the prophecy and confirmed in their belief of the extent and certainly of the divine prescience, to which the smallest and most contingent events are evident. God calls Nebuchadnezzar his servant, because herein he executed God's will, accomplished his purposes, and was instrumental to carry on his designs. Note, The world's princes are God's servants and he makes what use he pleases of them, and even those that know him not, nor aim at his honour, are the tools which his providence makes use of.
      • 2. That he should destroy many of the Egyptians, and have them all at his mercy (v. 11): He shall smite the land of Egypt; and, though it has been always a warlike nation, yet none shall be able to make head against him, but whom he will he shall slay, and by what sort of death he will, whether pestilence (for that is here meant by death, as ch. 15:2) by shutting them up in places infected, or by the sword of war or justice, in cold blood or hot. And whom he will he shall save alive and carry into captivity. The Jews, by going into Egypt, brought the Chaldeans thither, and so did but ill repay those that entertained them. Those who promised to protect Israel from the king of Babylon exposed themselves to him.
      • 3. That he shall destroy the idols of Egypt, both the temples and the images of their gods (v. 12): He shall burn, the houses of the gods of Egypt, but it shall be with a fire of God's kindling; the fire of God's wrath fastens upon them, and then he burns some of them and carries others captive, Isa. 46:1. Beth-shemesh, or the house of the sun, was so called from a temple there built to the sun, where at certain times there was a general meeting of the worshippers of the sun. The statues or standing images there he shall break in pieces (v. 13) and carry away the rich materials of them. It intimates that he should lay all waste when even the temple and the images should not escape the fury of the victorious army. The king of Babylon was himself a great idolater and a patron of idolatry; he had his temples and images in honour of the sun as well as the Egyptians; and yet he is employed to destroy the idols of Egypt. Thus God sometimes makes one wicked man, or wicked nation, a scourge and plague to another.
      • 4. That he shall make himself master of the land of Egypt, and none shall be able to plead its cause or avenge its quarrel (v. 12): He shall array himself with the rich spoils of the land of Egypt, both beautify and fortify himself with them. He shall array himself with them as ornaments and as armour; and this, though it shall be a rich and heavy booty, being expert in war, and expeditious, he shall slip on with as much ease and in as little time, in comparison, as a shepherd slips on his garment, when he goes to turn out his sheep in a morning. And being loaded with the wealth of many other nations, the fruits of his conquests, he shall make no more of the spoils of the land of Egypt than of a shepherd's coat. And when he has taken what he pleases (as Benhadad threatened to do, 1 Ki. 20:6) he shall go forth in peace, without any molestation given him, or any precipitation for fear of it, so effectually reduced shall the land of Egypt be. This destruction of Egypt by the king of Babylon is foretold, Eze. 29:19 and 30:10. Babylon lay at a great distance from Egypt, and yet thence the destruction of Egypt comes; for God can make those judgments strike home which are far-fetched.