Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 45 » Verse 5

Jeremiah 45:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 And seekest H1245 thou great things H1419 for thyself? seek H1245 them not: for, behold, I will bring H935 evil H7451 upon all flesh, H1320 saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 but thy life H5315 will I give H5414 unto thee for a prey H7998 in all places H4725 whither thou goest. H3212

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 21:9 STRONG

He that abideth H3427 in this city H5892 shall die H4191 by the sword, H2719 and by the famine, H7458 and by the pestilence: H1698 but he that goeth out, H3318 and falleth H5307 to the Chaldeans H3778 that besiege H6696 you, he shall live, H2421 H2421 and his life H5315 shall be unto him for a prey. H7998

Jeremiah 39:18 STRONG

For I will surely H4422 deliver H4422 thee, and thou shalt not fall H5307 by the sword, H2719 but thy life H5315 shall be for a prey H7998 unto thee: because thou hast put thy trust H982 in me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 38:2 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 He that remaineth H3427 in this city H5892 shall die H4191 by the sword, H2719 by the famine, H7458 and by the pestilence: H1698 but he that goeth forth H3318 to the Chaldeans H3778 shall live; H2421 for he shall have his life H5315 for a prey, H7998 and shall live. H2421 H2425

Romans 12:16 STRONG

Be of the same G846 mind G5426 one toward another. G1519 G240 Mind G5426 not G3361 high things, G5308 but G235 condescend G4879 to men of low estate. G5011 Be G1096 not G3361 wise G5429 in G3844 your own conceits. G1438

Jeremiah 25:26 STRONG

And all the kings H4428 of the north, H6828 far H7350 and near, H7138 one H376 with another, H251 and all the kingdoms H4467 of the world, H776 which are upon the face H6440 of the earth: H127 and the king H4428 of Sheshach H8347 shall drink H8354 after H310 them.

Matthew 6:25-32 STRONG

Therefore G1223 G5124 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Take no G3361 thought G3309 for your G5216 life, G5590 what G5101 ye shall eat, G5315 or G2532 what G5101 ye shall drink; G4095 nor yet for G3366 your G5216 body, G4983 what G5101 ye shall put on. G1746 Is G2076 not G3780 the life G5590 more than G4119 meat, G5160 and G2532 the body G4983 than raiment? G1742 Behold G1689 G1519 the fowls G4071 of the air: G3772 for G3754 they sow G4687 not, G3756 neither G3761 do they reap, G2325 nor G3761 gather G4863 into G1519 barns; G596 yet G2532 your G5216 heavenly G3770 Father G3962 feedeth G5142 them. G846 Are G1308 ye G5210 not G3756 much G3123 better than G1308 they? G846 G1161 Which G1537 G5101 of you G5216 by taking thought G3309 can G1410 add G4369 one G1520 cubit G4083 unto G1909 his G846 stature? G2244 And G2532 why G5101 take ye thought G3309 for G4012 raiment? G1742 Consider G2648 the lilies G2918 of the field, G68 how G4459 they grow; G837 they toil G2872 not, G3756 neither G3761 do they spin: G3514 And yet G1161 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 even G3761 Solomon G4672 in G1722 all G3956 his G846 glory G1391 was G4016 not G3761 arrayed G4016 like G5613 one G1520 of these. G5130 Wherefore, G1161 if G1487 God G2316 so G3779 clothe G294 the grass G5528 of the field, G68 which to day G4594 is, G5607 and G2532 to morrow G839 is cast G906 into G1519 the oven, G2823 shall he not G3756 much G4183 more G3123 clothe you, G5209 O ye of little faith? G3640 Therefore G3767 take no G3361 thought, G3309 saying, G3004 What G5101 shall we eat? G5315 or, G2228 What G5101 shall we drink? G4095 or, G2228 Wherewithal G5101 shall we be clothed? G4016 (For G1063 after G1934 all G3956 these things G5023 do the Gentiles G1484 seek:) G1934 for G1063 your G5216 heavenly G3770 Father G3962 knoweth G1492 that G3754 ye have need G5535 of all G537 these things. G5130

1 Timothy 6:6-9 STRONG

But G1161 godliness G2150 with G3326 contentment G841 is G2076 great G3173 gain. G4200 For G1063 we brought G1533 nothing G3762 into G1519 this world, G2889 and it is certain G1212 G3754 we can G1410 carry G1627 nothing G3761 G5100 out. G1627 And G1161 having G2192 food G1305 and G2532 raiment G4629 let us be G714 therewith G5125 content. G714 But G1161 they that will G1014 be rich G4147 fall G1706 into G1519 temptation G3986 and G2532 a snare, G3803 and G2532 into many G4183 foolish G453 and G2532 hurtful G983 lusts, G1939 which G3748 drown G1036 men G444 in G1519 destruction G3639 and G2532 perdition. G684

Hebrews 13:5 STRONG

Let your conversation G5158 be without covetousness; G866 and be content G714 with such things as ye have: G3918 for G1063 he G846 hath said, G2046 I will never G3364 leave G447 thee, G4571 nor G3761 G3364 forsake G1459 thee. G4571

Genesis 6:12 STRONG

And God H430 looked H7200 upon the earth, H776 and, behold, it was corrupt; H7843 for all flesh H1320 had corrupted H7843 his way H1870 upon the earth. H776

2 Kings 5:26 STRONG

And he said H559 unto him, Went H1980 not mine heart H3820 with thee, when the man H376 turned H2015 again from his chariot H4818 to meet H7125 thee? Is it a time H6256 to receive H3947 money, H3701 and to receive H3947 garments, H899 and oliveyards, H2132 and vineyards, H3754 and sheep, H6629 and oxen, H1241 and menservants, H5650 and maidservants? H8198

Isaiah 66:16 STRONG

For by fire H784 and by his sword H2719 will the LORD H3068 plead H8199 with all flesh: H1320 and the slain H2491 of the LORD H3068 shall be many. H7231

Zephaniah 3:8 STRONG

Therefore wait H2442 ye upon me, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 until the day H3117 that I rise up H6965 to the prey: H5706 for my determination H4941 is to gather H622 the nations, H1471 that I may assemble H6908 the kingdoms, H4467 to pour H8210 upon them mine indignation, H2195 even all my fierce H2740 anger: H639 for all the earth H776 shall be devoured H398 with the fire H784 of my jealousy. H7068

1 Corinthians 7:26-32 STRONG

I suppose G3543 therefore G3767 that this G5124 is G5225 good G2570 for G1223 the present G1764 distress, G318 I say, that G3754 it is good G2570 for a man G444 so G3779 to be. G1511 Art thou bound G1210 unto a wife? G1135 seek G2212 not G3361 to be loosed. G3080 Art thou loosed G3089 from G575 a wife? G1135 seek G2212 not G3361 a wife. G1135 But G1161 and G2532 if G1437 thou marry, G1060 thou hast G264 not G3756 sinned; G264 and G2532 if G1437 a virgin G3933 marry, G1060 she hath G264 not G3756 sinned. G264 Nevertheless G1161 such G5108 shall have G2192 trouble G2347 in the flesh: G4561 but G1161 I G1473 spare G5339 you. G5216 But G1161 this G5124 I say, G5346 brethren, G80 the time G2540 is short: G4958 it remaineth, G2076 G3063 that G2443 both G2532 they that have G2192 wives G1135 be G5600 as though G5613 they had G2192 none; G3361 And G2532 they that weep, G2799 as G5613 though they wept G2799 not; G3361 and G2532 they that rejoice, G5463 as G5613 though they rejoiced G5463 not; G3361 and G2532 they that buy, G59 as G5613 though they possessed G2722 not; G3361 And G2532 they that use G5530 this G5127 world, G2889 as G5613 not G3361 abusing G2710 it: for G1063 the fashion G4976 of this G5129 world G2889 passeth away. G3855 But G1161 I would have G1511 G2309 you G5209 without carefulness. G275 He that is unmarried G22 careth G3309 for the things that belong to G3588 the Lord, G2962 how G4459 he may please G700 the Lord: G2962

Commentary on Jeremiah 45 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 45:1-5. Jeremiah Comforts Baruch.

After the completion of the prophecies and histories appertaining to the Jewish people and kings, Jeremiah subjoins one referring to an individual, Baruch; even as there are subjoined to the epistles of Paul addressed to churches, epistles to individuals, some of which were prior in date to the former. Afterwards follow the prophecies referring to other nations, closing the book [Grotius]. The date of the events here told is eighteen years before the taking of the city; this chapter in point of time follows the thirty-sixth chapter. Baruch seems to have been regularly employed by Jeremiah to commit his prophecies to writing (Jer 36:1, 4, 32).

1. these words—his prophecies from the thirteenth year of Josiah to the fourth of Jehoiakim.

3. Thou didst say, &c.—Jeremiah does not spare his disciple, but unveils his fault, namely, fear for his life by reason of the suspicions which he incurred in the eyes of his countrymen (compare Jer 36:17), as if he was in sympathy with the Chaldeans (Jer 43:3), and instigator of Jeremiah; also ingratitude in speaking of his "grief," &c., whereas he ought to deem himself highly blessed in being employed by God to record Jeremiah's prophecies.

added—rescued from the peril of my first writing (Jer 36:26). I am again involved in a similar peril. He upbraids God as dealing harshly with him.

I fainted—rather, "I am weary."

no rest—no quiet resting-place.

4. that which I have built … planted I will pluck up—(Isa 5:5). This whole nation (the Jews) which I founded and planted with such extraordinary care and favor, I will overthrow.

5. seekest thou great things for thyself—Thou art over-fastidious and self-seeking. When My own peculiar people, a "whole" nation (Jer 45:4), and the temple, are being given to ruin, dost thou expect to be exempt from all hardship? Baruch had raised his expectations too high in this world, and this made his distresses harder to be borne. The frowns of the world would not disquiet us if we did not so eagerly covet its smiles. What folly to seek great things for ourselves here, where everything is little, and nothing certain!

all flesh—the whole Jewish nation and even foreign peoples (Jer 25:26).

but thy life … for a prey—Esteem it enough at such a general crisis that thy life shall be granted thee. Be content with this boon of life which I will rescue from imminent death, even as when all things are given up to plunder, if one escape with aught, he has a something saved as his "prey" (Jer 21:9). It is striking how Jeremiah, who once used such complaining language himself, is enabled now to minister the counsel requisite for Baruch when falling into the same sin (Jer 12:1-5; 15:10-18). This is part of God's design in suffering His servants to be tempted, that their temptations may adapt them for ministering to their fellow servants when tempted.