Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 49 » Verse 34

Jeremiah 49:34 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

34 The word H1697 of the LORD H3068 that came to Jeremiah H3414 the prophet H5030 against Elam H5867 in the beginning H7225 of the reign H4438 of Zedekiah H6667 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 saying, H559

Cross Reference

Genesis 10:22 STRONG

The children H1121 of Shem; H8035 Elam, H5867 and Asshur, H804 and Arphaxad, H775 and Lud, H3865 and Aram. H758

Genesis 14:1 STRONG

And it came to pass in the days H3117 of Amraphel H569 king H4428 of Shinar, H8152 Arioch H746 king H4428 of Ellasar, H495 Chedorlaomer H3540 king H4428 of Elam, H5867 and Tidal H8413 king H4428 of nations; H1471

Jeremiah 25:25 STRONG

And all the kings H4428 of Zimri, H2174 and all the kings H4428 of Elam, H5867 and all the kings H4428 of the Medes, H4074

Daniel 8:2 STRONG

And I saw H7200 in a vision; H2377 and it came to pass, when I saw, H7200 that I was at Shushan H7800 in the palace, H1002 which is in the province H4082 of Elam; H5867 and I saw H7200 in a vision, H2377 and I was by the river H180 of Ulai. H195

Isaiah 21:2 STRONG

A grievous H7186 vision H2380 is declared H5046 unto me; the treacherous dealer H898 dealeth treacherously, H898 and the spoiler H7703 spoileth. H7703 Go up, H5927 O Elam: H5867 besiege, H6696 O Media; H4074 all the sighing H585 thereof have I made to cease. H7673

2 Kings 24:17-18 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Babylon H894 made Mattaniah H4983 his father's brother H1730 king H4427 in his stead, and changed H5437 his name H8034 to Zedekiah. H6667 Zedekiah H6667 was twenty H6242 and one H259 years H8141 old H1121 when he began to reign, H4427 and he reigned H4427 eleven H259 H6240 years H8141 in Jerusalem. H3389 And his mother's H517 name H8034 was Hamutal, H2537 the daughter H1323 of Jeremiah H3414 of Libnah. H3841

Ezra 4:9 STRONG

Then H116 wrote Rehum H7348 the chancellor, H1169 H2942 and Shimshai H8124 the scribe, H5613 and the rest H7606 of their companions; H3675 the Dinaites, H1784 the Apharsathchites, H671 the Tarpelites, H2967 the Apharsites, H670 the Archevites, H756 the Babylonians, H896 the Susanchites, H7801 the Dehavites, H1723 and the Elamites, H5962

Isaiah 11:11 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that the Lord H136 shall set H3254 his hand H3027 again H3254 the second time H8145 to recover H7069 the remnant H7605 of his people, H5971 which shall be left, H7604 from Assyria, H804 and from Egypt, H4714 and from Pathros, H6624 and from Cush, H3568 and from Elam, H5867 and from Shinar, H8152 and from Hamath, H2574 and from the islands H339 of the sea. H3220

Ezekiel 32:24-25 STRONG

There is Elam H5867 and all her multitude H1995 round about H5439 her grave, H6900 all of them slain, H2491 fallen H5307 by the sword, H2719 which are gone down H3381 uncircumcised H6189 into the nether parts H8482 of the earth, H776 which caused H5414 their terror H2851 in the land H776 of the living; H2416 yet have they borne H5375 their shame H3639 with them that go down H3381 to the pit. H953 They have set H5414 her a bed H4904 in the midst H8432 of the slain H2491 with all her multitude: H1995 her graves H6913 are round about H5439 him: all of them uncircumcised, H6189 slain H2491 by the sword: H2719 though their terror H2851 was caused H5414 in the land H776 of the living, H2416 yet have they borne H5375 their shame H3639 with them that go down H3381 to the pit: H953 he is put H5414 in the midst H8432 of them that be slain. H2491

Acts 2:9 STRONG

Parthians, G3934 and G2532 Medes, G3370 and G2532 Elamites, G1639 and G2532 the dwellers G2730 in Mesopotamia, G3318 and G5037 in Judaea, G2449 and G2532 Cappadocia, G2587 in Pontus, G4195 and G2532 Asia, G773

Commentary on Jeremiah 49 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 49:1-39. Predictions as to Ammon, Idumea, Damascus, Kedar, Hazor, and Elam.

The event of the prophecy as to Ammon preceded that as to Moab (see on Jer 49:3); and in Eze 21:26-28, the destruction of Ammon is subjoined to the deposition of Zedekiah.

1. Hath Israel … no heir?—namely, to occupy the land of Gad, after it itself has been carried away captive by Shalmaneser. Ammon, like Moab, descended from Lot, lay north of Moab, from which it was separated by the river Arnon, and east of Reuben and Gad (Jos 13:24, 25) on the same side of Jordan. It seized on Gad when Israel was carried captive. Judah was by the right of kindred the heir, not Ammon; but Ammon joined with Nebuchadnezzar against Judah and Jerusalem (2Ki 24:2) and exulted over its fall (Ps 83:4-7, 8; Zep 2:8, 9). It had already, in the days of Jeroboam, in Israel's affliction, tried to "enlarge its border" (2Ki 14:26; Am 1:1, 13).

their king—(Am 1:15); referring to Melchom, their tutelary idol (Zep 1:5); and so the Septuagint reads it here as a proper name (1Ki 11:5, 33; 2Ki 23:13). The Ammonite god is said to do what they do, namely, occupy the Israelite land of Gad. To Jehovah, the theocratic "King" of Israel, the land belonged of right; so that their Molech or Melchom was a usurper-king.

his people—the people of Melchom, "their king." Compare "people of Chemosh," Jer 48:46.

2. Rabbah—"the great," metropolis of Ammon (2Sa 12:26-30). Its destruction is foretold also in Eze 25:5; Am 1:14, 15.

her daughters—the towns and villages, dependencies of the metropolis (Jos 15:45).

shall … be heir—shall possess those who possessed him. The full accomplishment of this is still future; partially fulfilled under the Maccabees (1 Maccabees 5:6).

3. Heshbon … Ai—Nebuchadnezzar, coming from the north, first attacked Ammon, then its brother and neighbor, Moab. As Ai of Ammon had already suffered destruction, Heshbon of Moab being near it might well fear the same fate.

hedges—Their cities being destroyed, the outcasts have no place of shelter save behind the "hedges" of vineyards and gardens; or else the enclosures of their villages.

their king—Melchom, the idol, as the mention of "his priests" shows (compare Jer 48:7).

4. thy flowing valley—rather, "thy valley shall flow," namely with the blood of the slain; in sad contrast to their "valleys" in which they had heretofore "gloried," as flowing with milk and honey [Grotius]. Or else, as Margin, "shall flow away."

backsliding—apostate from Jehovah, the God of their father Lot, to Molech.

treasures—her resources for resisting the foe.

Who shall, &c.—Who can come … (Jer 21:13).

5. every man right forth—whithersoever chance may lead him (Jer 46:5; Ge 19:17); straight before him, onwards at random (Am 4:3).

none … gather up him, &c.—There shall be none to gather together the wandering fugitives, so as to care for them and restore them to their own homes.

6. (Compare Jer 48:47). For the sake of "righteous" Lot their progenitor. Partially fulfilled under Cyrus; in gospel times more fully.

7. Concerning Edom—a distinct prophecy, copied in part from Obadiah, but with the freedom of one himself inspired and foretelling a later calamity. Obadiah's was fulfilled probably in Sennacherib's time (compare Isa 34:5; Am 1:11); Jeremiah's about the same time as his preceding prophecies (Jer 49:12; Eze 25:12).

wisdom—for which the Arabs and the people of Teman (a city of Edom) in particular, were famed (Ge 36:15; 1Ki 4:30; see Job, everywhere; Ob 8).

vanished—literally, "poured out," that is, exhausted (compare Isa 19:3, Margin) [Maurer]. Or, as the kindred Ethiopic word means, "worn out" [Ludovicus De Dieu].

8. turn—namely, your backs in flight.

dwell deep—in deep defiles and caves [Grotius], which abound in Idumea. Others refer it to the Arab custom of retiring into the depth of the desert when avoiding an offended foe (Jer 49:30).

Dedan—a tribe bordering on and made subject by Idumea; descended from Jokshan, son of Abraham and Keturah (Ge 25:1-3).

Esau—The naming of Edom's progenitor, reprobated by God, recalls the remembrance of the old curse on him for his profanity, both his sin and its punishment being perpetuated in his descendants (Heb 12:16, 17).

9. (Ob 5). Grape gatherers, yea even thieves, leave something behind them; but the Chaldeans will sweep Idumea clean of everything.

10. Edom became politically extinct after the time of the Romans.

uncovered his secret places—where he hid himself (Jer 49:8) and his treasures (Isa 45:3). I have caused that nothing should be so hidden as that the conqueror should not find it.


neighbours—the Philistines.

11. Thy fatherless and widows must rest their hope in God alone, as none of the adult males shall be left alive, so desperate will be the affairs of Edom. The verse also, besides this threat, implies a promise of mercy to Esau in God's good time, as there was to Moab and Ammon (Jer 49:6; Jer 48:47); the extinction of the adult males is the prominent idea (compare Jer 49:12).

12. (Compare Jer 25:15, 16, 29).

they whose judgment was not to drink of the cup—the Jews to whom, by virtue of the covenant relation, it did not belong to drink the cup. It might have been expected that they would be spared. He regards not the merits of the Jews, for they were as bad or worse than others: but the grace and adoption of God; it is just and natural ("judgment") that God should pardon His sons sooner than aliens [Calvin].

13. Bozrah—(See on Jer 48:24).

14. (Ob 1-3).

ambassador … unto the heathen—a messenger from God to stir up the Chaldeans against Edom.

15. David and Joab had already humbled Edom (2Sa 8:14).

16. terribleness—the terror which thou didst inspire into others.

deceived thee—rendered thee proudly confident, as if none would dare to assail thee.

dwellest in … rock—Petra, the chief of Idumea, was cut in the rocks; its ruins are very remarkable. The whole south of Idumea abounds in cave dwellings and rocks.

though … nest … eagle—(Job 39:27; Ob 3, 4). The eagle builds its nest in the highest craggy eyry.

17. (Compare 1Ki 9:8).

18. (Jer 50:40; De 29:23; Am 4:11).

no man shall abide there—that is, of the Idumeans. The Romans had a garrison there.

19. he—Nebuchadnezzar, or Nebuzara-dan; the name would at once suggest itself to the minds of the hearers (Jer 48:40; 46:18).

swelling—as a lion which the overflow of the Jordan forced out of his lair on the banks, to ascend the neighboring heights [Calvin]. See as to the translation, "pride of the Jordan," see on Jer 12:5.

habitation of … strong—the fastnesses of Idumea (compare Nu 24:21). Maurer translates, "An ever verdant (literally, 'perennial') pasturage," that is, Idumea heretofore having enjoyed uninterrupted tranquillity; so in Jer 49:20 the image is retained, the Idumeans being compared to "a flock," and their king to "a shepherd," in this verse, and the enemy to "a lion" (compare Jer 50:17-19). English Version accords more with the Hebrew.

suddenly—"in the twinkling of an eye," as the Hebrew implies.

him … her—I will make Nebuzara-dan enter Idumea, and then, having in the twinkling of an eye effected the conquest, go away speedily: elsewhere. Instead of "but," translate, "for." Grotius translates, "run upon her," or "to her," instead of "run away from her." Maurer understands it, "I will make him (the Idumean) run away from her" (that is, from his own land); the similar change of reference of the pronouns (Jer 50:44) favors this.

who is a chosen man, &c.—God calls the choicest warriors to Him, to set "over" the work of devastating Idumea. God will surely execute His purpose, for He can call forth from all sides the agents He chooses.

who is like me?—(Ex 15:11).

who will appoint me the time?—namely, for entering into a trial in judgment with Me (see Margin). Image from law courts (Job 9:19).

shepherd—leader of the Idumeans; following up the previous image, "a lion"; no Idumean shepherd shall withstand the lion sent by Jehovah (Job 41:10), or save the Idumean flock.

20. least of the flock—the weakest and humblest of the Chaldean host. Compare Jer 6:3, where the hostile leaders and their hosts are called "shepherds and their flocks."

draw … out—"shall drag them away captive" [Grotius]; shall drag them to and fro, as a lion (Jer 49:19) does feeble sheep [Maurer].

with them—that is, the habitation which they possess.

21. was heard in—that is, shall be heard at.

Red Sea—a considerable distance from Idumea; though the district at the Elantic bay of the Red Sea originally belonged to Idumea, and the sea itself was called from Edom, that is, "red" (Ge 25:30, Margin). Others translate, "the weedy sea" (Margin), and derive the name, "Red Sea," from its red weeds; the former view is preferable.

22. (Compare Jer 48:40, 41).

Bozrah—(See on Jer 48:24).

23. Prophecy as to Damascus, &c. (Isa 17:1; 10:9). The kingdom of Damascus was destroyed by Assyria, but the city revived, and it is as to the latter Jeremiah now prophesies. The fulfilment was probably about five years after the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar [Josephus, Antiquities, 10.9,7].

Hamath is confounded—at the tidings of the overthrow of the neighboring Damascus.

on the sea—that is, at the sea; the dwellers there are alarmed. Other manuscripts read, "like the sea." "There is anxiety (restless) as is the sea: they cannot quiet it," that is, it cannot be quieted (Isa 57:20).

it—Whatever dwellers are there "cannot be quiet."

25. city of praise—The prophet, in the person of a citizen of Damascus deploring its calamity, calls it "the city of praise," that is, celebrated with praises everywhere for its beauty (Jer 33:9; 51:41). "How is it possible that such a city has not been left whole—has not been spared by the foe?" Compare left, Lu 17:35, 36. So Israel "left" standing some of the Canaanite cities (Jos 11:13).

of my joy—that is, in which I delighted.

26. Therefore—that is, Since Damascus is doomed to fall, therefore, &c.

27. palaces of Ben-hadad—that palace from which so many evils and such cruelty to Israel emanated; thus implying the cause of Damascus' overthrow. Not the Ben-hadad of 2Ki 13:3; Am 1:4; it was a common name of the Syrian kings (compare 1Ki 15:18; meaning "son of Hadad," the idol).

28. Kedar—son of Ishmael (Ge 25:13). The Kedarenes led a wandering predatory life in Arabia-Petræa, as the Bedouin Arabs (2Ch 21:16, 17; Ps 120:5). Kedar means "blackness" (So 1:5).

Hazor—not the city in Palestine, but a district in Arabia-Petræa. "Kingdoms" refer to the several combinations of clans, each under its own sheik.

men of the east—Kedar and Hazor were east of Judea (Jud 6:3; Job 1:3).

29. tents—in which they dwelt, from which they are called Scenites, that is, tent dwellers.

curtains—namely, with which the tents were covered (Jer 4:20; 10:20; Ps 104:2).

they shall cry unto them, Fear, &c.—The foe, on crying, Fear …, shall discomfit them (the Kedarenes) by their mere cry.

30. (See on Jer 49:8). No conqueror would venture to follow them into the desert.

31. wealthy—rather, "tranquil" (1Ch 4:40).

neither gates nor bars—The Arabs, lying out of the track of the contending powers of Asia and Africa, took no measures of defense and had neither walled cities nor gates (Eze 38:11). They thought their scanty resources and wilderness position would tempt no foe.

alone—separated from other nations, without allies; and from one another scattered asunder. So as to Israel's isolation (Nu 23:9; De 33:28; Mic 7:14).

32. camels—their chief possessions; not fields or vineyards.

in utmost … corners—who seemed least likely to be dispersed. Or else, "having the hair shaven (or clipped) in angles" (Jer 9:26; 25:23) [Grotius].

calamity from all sides—which will force even those in "corners" to "scatter" themselves.

33. (Mal 1:3).

34. Elam—part of Susiana, west of Persia proper, but used to designate Persia in general. Elam proper, or Elymais, nearer Judea than Persia, is probably here meant; it had helped Nebuchadnezzar against Judea; hence its punishment. It may have been idolatrous, whereas Persia proper was mainly monotheistic.

35. bow—Elam was famed for its bowmen (Isa 22:6).

chief of their might—in opposition to "bow," that is, bowmen, who constituted their main strength.

36. four winds, &c.—Nebuchadnezzar's army containing soldiers from the four quarters.

37. consumed—as a distinct nation (Da 8:2-27). Fulfilled under Alexander and his successors.

38. I will show Myself King by My judgments there, as though My tribunal were erected there. The throne of Cyrus, God's instrument, set up over Media, of which Elam was a part, may be meant [Grotius]; or rather, that of Nebuchadnezzar (Jer 43:10). Then the restoration of Elam (Jer 49:39) will refer partly to that which took place on the reduction of Babylon by Cyrus, prince of Persia and Media.

39. latter days—The full restoration belongs to gospel times. Elamites were among the first who heard and accepted it (Ac 2:9).