Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 5 » Verse 5

Jeremiah 5:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 I will get H3212 me unto the great men, H1419 and will speak H1696 unto them; for they have known H3045 the way H1870 of the LORD, H3068 and the judgment H4941 of their God: H430 but these have altogether H3162 broken H7665 the yoke, H5923 and burst H5423 the bonds. H4147

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 2:20 STRONG

For of old time H5769 I have broken H7665 thy yoke, H5923 and burst H5423 thy bands; H4147 and thou saidst, H559 I will not transgress; H5674 H5647 when upon every high H1364 hill H1389 and under every green H7488 tree H6086 thou wanderest, H6808 playing the harlot. H2181

James 2:5-7 STRONG

Hearken, G191 my G3450 beloved G27 brethren, G80 Hath G1586 not G3756 God G2316 chosen G1586 the poor G4434 of this G5127 world G2889 rich G4145 in G1722 faith, G4102 and G2532 heirs G2818 of the kingdom G932 which G3739 he hath promised G1861 to them that love G25 him? G846 But G1161 ye G5210 have despised G818 the poor. G4434 Do G2616 not G3756 rich men G4145 oppress G2616 you, G5216 and G2532 draw G846 G1670 you G5209 before G1519 the judgment seats? G2922 Do G987 not G3756 they G846 blaspheme G987 that worthy G2570 name G3686 by G1909 the which ye G5209 are called? G1941

Psalms 2:2-3 STRONG

The kings H4428 of the earth H776 set H3320 themselves, and the rulers H7336 take counsel H3245 together, H3162 against the LORD, H3068 and against his anointed, H4899 saying, Let us break H5423 their bands H4147 asunder, H5423 and cast away H7993 their cords H5688 from us.

Jeremiah 6:13 STRONG

For from the least H6996 of them even unto the greatest H1419 of them every one is given H1214 to covetousness; H1215 and from the prophet H5030 even unto the priest H3548 every one dealeth H6213 falsely. H8267

Ezekiel 22:6-8 STRONG

Behold, the princes H5387 of Israel, H3478 every one H376 were in thee to their power H2220 to shed H8210 blood. H1818 In thee have they set light H7043 by father H1 and mother: H517 in the midst H8432 of thee have they dealt H6213 by oppression H6233 with the stranger: H1616 in thee have they vexed H3238 the fatherless H3490 and the widow. H490 Thou hast despised H959 mine holy things, H6944 and hast profaned H2490 my sabbaths. H7676

Ezekiel 22:25-29 STRONG

There is a conspiracy H7195 of her prophets H5030 in the midst H8432 thereof, like a roaring H7580 lion H738 ravening H2963 the prey; H2964 they have devoured H398 souls; H5315 they have taken H3947 the treasure H2633 and precious things; H3366 they have made her many H7235 widows H490 in the midst H8432 thereof. Her priests H3548 have violated H2554 my law, H8451 and have profaned H2490 mine holy things: H6944 they have put no difference H914 between the holy H6944 and profane, H2455 neither have they shewed H3045 difference between the unclean H2931 and the clean, H2889 and have hid H5956 their eyes H5869 from my sabbaths, H7676 and I am profaned H2490 among H8432 them. Her princes H8269 in the midst H7130 thereof are like wolves H2061 ravening H2963 the prey, H2964 to shed H8210 blood, H1818 and to destroy H6 souls, H5315 to get H1214 dishonest gain. H1215 And her prophets H5030 have daubed H2902 them with untempered H8602 morter, seeing H2374 vanity, H7723 and divining H7080 lies H3577 unto them, saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 when the LORD H3068 hath not spoken. H1696 The people H5971 of the land H776 have used oppression, H6231 H6233 and exercised H1497 robbery, H1498 and have vexed H3238 the poor H6041 and needy: H34 yea, they have oppressed H6231 the stranger H1616 wrongfully. H4941

Amos 4:1 STRONG

Hear H8085 this word, H1697 ye kine H6510 of Bashan, H1316 that are in the mountain H2022 of Samaria, H8111 which oppress H6231 the poor, H1800 which crush H7533 the needy, H34 which say H559 to their masters, H113 Bring, H935 and let us drink. H8354

Micah 3:1-4 STRONG

And I said, H559 Hear, H8085 I pray you, O heads H7218 of Jacob, H3290 and ye princes H7101 of the house H1004 of Israel; H3478 Is it not for you to know H3045 judgment? H4941 Who hate H8130 the good, H2896 and love H157 the evil; H7451 who pluck off H1497 their skin H5785 from off them, and their flesh H7607 from off their bones; H6106 Who also eat H398 the flesh H7607 of my people, H5971 and flay H6584 their skin H5785 from off them; and they break H6476 their bones, H6106 and chop them in pieces, H6566 as for the pot, H5518 and as flesh H1320 within H8432 the caldron. H7037 Then shall they cry H2199 unto the LORD, H3068 but he will not hear H6030 them: he will even hide H5641 his face H6440 from them at that time, H6256 as they have behaved themselves ill H7489 in their doings. H4611

Micah 3:11 STRONG

The heads H7218 thereof judge H8199 for reward, H7810 and the priests H3548 thereof teach H3384 for hire, H4242 and the prophets H5030 thereof divine H7080 for money: H3701 yet will they lean H8172 upon the LORD, H3068 and say, H559 Is not the LORD H3068 among H7130 us? none evil H7451 can come H935 upon us.

Micah 7:3-4 STRONG

That they may do evil H7451 with both hands H3709 earnestly, H3190 the prince H8269 asketh, H7592 and the judge H8199 asketh for a reward; H7966 and the great H1419 man, he uttereth H1696 his mischievous H1942 desire: H5315 so they wrap it up. H5686 The best H2896 of them is as a brier: H2312 the most upright H3477 is sharper than a thorn hedge: H4534 the day H3117 of thy watchmen H6822 and thy visitation H6486 cometh; H935 now shall be their perplexity. H3998

Zephaniah 3:3-5 STRONG

Her princes H8269 within H7130 her are roaring H7580 lions; H738 her judges H8199 are evening H6153 wolves; H2061 they gnaw not the bones H1633 till the morrow. H1242 Her prophets H5030 are light H6348 and treacherous H900 persons: H582 her priests H3548 have polluted H2490 the sanctuary, H6944 they have done violence H2554 to the law. H8451 The just H6662 LORD H3068 is in the midst H7130 thereof; he will not do H6213 iniquity: H5766 every H1242 morning H1242 doth he bring H5414 his judgment H4941 to light, H216 he faileth H5737 not; but the unjust H5767 knoweth H3045 no shame. H1322

Malachi 2:7 STRONG

For the priest's H3548 lips H8193 should keep H8104 knowledge, H1847 and they should seek H1245 the law H8451 at his mouth: H6310 for he is the messenger H4397 of the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Matthew 19:23-26 STRONG

Then G1161 said G2036 Jesus G2424 unto his G846 disciples, G3101 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 a rich man G4145 shall hardly G1423 enter G1525 into G1519 the kingdom G932 of heaven. G3772 And G1161 again G3825 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 It is G2076 easier G2123 for a camel G2574 to go G1330 through G1223 the eye G5169 of a needle, G4476 than G2228 for a rich man G4145 to enter G1525 into G1519 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316 When G1161 his G846 disciples G3101 heard G191 it, they were exceedingly G4970 amazed, G1605 saying, G3004 Who G5101 then G686 can G1410 be saved? G4982 But G1161 Jesus G2424 beheld G1689 them, and said G2036 unto them, G846 With G3844 men G444 this G5124 is G2076 impossible; G102 but G1161 with G3844 God G2316 all things G3956 are G2076 possible. G1415

Luke 18:24 STRONG

And G1161 when Jesus G2424 saw G1492 that he G846 was G1096 very sorrowful, G4036 he said, G2036 How G4459 hardly G1423 shall they G1525 that have G2192 riches G5536 enter G1525 into G1519 the kingdom G932 of God! G2316

Luke 19:14 STRONG

But G1161 his G846 citizens G4177 hated G3404 him, G846 and G2532 sent G649 a message G4242 after G3694 him, G846 saying, G3004 We will G2309 not G3756 have G2309 this G5126 man to reign G936 over G1909 us. G2248

Acts 4:26-27 STRONG

The kings G935 of the earth G1093 stood up, G3936 and G2532 the rulers G758 were gathered G4863 together G1909 G846 against G2596 the Lord, G2962 and G2532 against G2596 his G846 Christ. G5547 For G1063 of G1909 a truth G225 against G1909 thy G4675 holy G40 child G3816 Jesus, G2424 whom G3739 thou hast anointed, G5548 both G5037 Herod, G2264 and G2532 Pontius G4194 Pilate, G4091 with G4862 the Gentiles, G1484 and G2532 the people G2992 of Israel, G2474 were gathered together, G4863

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Jeremiah 5

Commentary on Jeremiah 5 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-9

The Causes which Called Down the Judgment Pronounced: The Total Corruption of the People. - Chr. B. Mich. has excellently summed up thus the contents of this chapter: Deus judicia sua, quae cap. IV praedixerat, justificat ostendens, se quamvis invitum, tamen non aliter posse quam punire Judaeos propter praefractam ipsorum malitiam . The train of thought in this chapter is the following: God would pardon if there were to be found in Jerusalem but one who practised righteousness and strove to keep good faith; but high and low have forsaken God and His law, and serve the false gods. This the Lord must punish (Jeremiah 5:1-9). Judah, like Israel, disowns the Lord, and despises the words of His prophets; therefore the Lord must affirm His word by deeds of judgment (Jeremiah 5:10-18). Because they serve the gods of strangers, He will throw them into bondage to strange peoples, that they may learn to fear Him as the Almighty God and Lord of the world, who withholds His benefits from them because their sins keep them far from Him (Jeremiah 5:19-25); for wickedness and crime have acquired a frightful predominance (Jeremiah 5:26-31).

Jeremiah 5:1-2

By reason of the universal godlessness and moral corruption the Lord cannot pardon. - Jeremiah 5:1. "Range through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek upon her thoroughfares, if ye find any, if any doth judgment, seeketh after faithfulness, and I will pardon her. Jeremiah 5:2. And if they say, 'As Jahveh liveth,' then in this they swear falsely. Jeremiah 5:3. Jahveh, are not Thine yes upon faithfulness? Thou smitest them, an they are not pained; thou consumest them, they will take no correction; they make their face harder than rock, they will not turn. Jeremiah 5:4. And I thought, It is but the baser sort, they are foolish; for they know not the way of Jahveh, the judgment of their God. Jeremiah 5:5. I will get me then to the great, and will speak with them, for they know the way of Jahveh, the judgment of their God; yet together have they broken the yoke, burst the bonds. Jeremiah 5:6. Therefore a lion out of the wood smiteth them, a wolf of the deserts spoileth them, a leopard lieth in wait against their cities: every one that goeth out thence is torn in pieces; because many are their transgressions, many their backslidings. Jeremiah 5:7. Wherefore should I pardon thee? thy sons have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no gods. I caused them to sear, but they committed adultery, and crowd into the house of the harlot. Jeremiah 5:8. Like well-fed horses, they are roaming about; each neigheth after the other's wife. Jeremiah 5:9. Shall I not punish this? saith Jahveh; or shall not my soul be avenged on such a people as this?"