Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 10 » Verse 15

Job 10:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 If I be wicked, H7561 woe H480 unto me; and if I be righteous, H6663 yet will I not lift up H5375 my head. H7218 I am full H7649 of confusion; H7036 therefore see H7202 H7200 thou mine affliction; H6040

Cross Reference

Isaiah 3:11 STRONG

Woe H188 unto the wicked! H7563 it shall be ill H7451 with him: for the reward H1576 of his hands H3027 shall be given H6213 him.

Job 9:15 STRONG

Whom, though I were righteous, H6663 yet would I not answer, H6030 but I would make supplication H2603 to my judge. H8199

Psalms 25:18 STRONG

Look H7200 upon mine affliction H6040 and my pain; H5999 and forgive H5375 all my sins. H2403

Job 10:7 STRONG

Thou knowest H1847 that I am not wicked; H7561 and there is none that can deliver H5337 out of thine hand. H3027

Job 9:20-21 STRONG

If I justify H6663 myself, mine own mouth H6310 shall condemn H7561 me: if I say, I am perfect, H8535 it shall also prove me perverse. H6140 Though I were perfect, H8535 yet would I not know H3045 my soul: H5315 I would despise H3988 my life. H2416

Lamentations 1:20 STRONG

Behold, H7200 O LORD; H3068 for I am in distress: H6887 my bowels H4578 are troubled; H2560 mine heart H3820 is turned H2015 within H7130 me; for I have grievously H4784 rebelled: H4784 abroad H2351 the sword H2719 bereaveth, H7921 at home H1004 there is as death. H4194

Romans 2:8-9 STRONG

But G1161 unto them that are contentious, G1537 G2052 and G2532 do not obey G544 G3303 the truth, G225 but G1161 obey G3982 unrighteousness, G93 indignation G2372 and G2532 wrath, G3709 Tribulation G2347 and G2532 anguish, G4730 upon G1909 every G3956 soul G5590 of man G444 that doeth G2716 evil, G2556 of the Jew G2453 first, G4412 and G5037 also G2532 of the Gentile; G1672

Luke 17:10 STRONG

So G3779 likewise G2532 ye, G5210 when G3752 ye shall have done G4160 all G3956 those things which are commanded G1299 you, G5213 say, G3004 G3754 We are G2070 unprofitable G888 servants: G1401 G3754 we have done G4160 that which G3739 was our duty G3784 to do. G4160

Malachi 3:18 STRONG

Then shall ye return, H7725 and discern H7200 between the righteous H6662 and the wicked, H7563 between him that serveth H5647 God H430 and him that serveth H5647 him not.

Lamentations 5:1-22 STRONG

Remember, H2142 O LORD, H3068 what is come upon us: consider, H5027 and behold H7200 our reproach. H2781 Our inheritance H5159 is turned H2015 to strangers, H2114 our houses H1004 to aliens. H5237 We are orphans H3490 and fatherless, H369 H1 our mothers H517 are as widows. H490 We have drunken H8354 our water H4325 for money; H3701 our wood H6086 is sold H935 H4242 unto us. Our necks H6677 are under persecution: H7291 we labour, H3021 and have no rest. H5117 We have given H5414 the hand H3027 to the Egyptians, H4714 and to the Assyrians, H804 to be satisfied H7646 with bread. H3899 Our fathers H1 have sinned, H2398 and are not; H369 and we have borne H5445 their iniquities. H5771 Servants H5650 have ruled H4910 over us: there is none that doth deliver H6561 us out of their hand. H3027 We gat H935 our bread H3899 with the peril of our lives H5315 because H6440 of the sword H2719 of the wilderness. H4057 Our skin H5785 was black H3648 like an oven H8574 because H6440 of the terrible H2152 famine. H7458 They ravished H6031 the women H802 in Zion, H6726 and the maids H1330 in the cities H5892 of Judah. H3063 Princes H8269 are hanged up H8518 by their hand: H3027 the faces H6440 of elders H2205 were not honoured. H1921 They took H5375 the young men H970 to grind, H2911 and the children H5288 fell H3782 under the wood. H6086 The elders H2205 have ceased H7673 from the gate, H8179 the young men H970 from their musick. H5058 The joy H4885 of our heart H3820 is ceased; H7673 our dance H4234 is turned H2015 into mourning. H60 The crown H5850 is fallen H5307 from our head: H7218 woe H188 unto us, that we have sinned! H2398 For this our heart H3820 is faint; H1739 for these things our eyes H5869 are dim. H2821 Because of the mountain H2022 of Zion, H6726 which is desolate, H8074 the foxes H7776 walk H1980 upon it. Thou, O LORD, H3068 remainest H3427 for ever; H5769 thy throne H3678 from generation H1755 to generation. H1755 Wherefore dost thou forget H7911 us for ever, H5331 and forsake H5800 us so long H753 time? H3117 Turn H7725 thou us unto thee, O LORD, H3068 and we shall be turned; H7725 renew H2318 our days H3117 as of old. H6924 But thou hast utterly H3988 rejected H3988 us; thou art very H3966 wroth H7107 against us.

Exodus 3:7 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said, H559 I have surely H7200 seen H7200 the affliction H6040 of my people H5971 which are in Egypt, H4714 and have heard H8085 their cry H6818 by reason H6440 of their taskmasters; H5065 for I know H3045 their sorrows; H4341

Isaiah 64:5-6 STRONG

Thou meetest H6293 him that rejoiceth H7797 and worketh H6213 righteousness, H6664 those that remember H2142 thee in thy ways: H1870 behold, thou art wroth; H7107 for we have sinned: H2398 in those is continuance, H5769 and we shall be saved. H3467 But we are all as an unclean H2931 thing, and all our righteousnesses H6666 are as filthy H5708 rags; H899 and we all do fade H5034 H1101 as a leaf; H5929 and our iniquities, H5771 like the wind, H7307 have taken us away. H5375

Isaiah 6:5 STRONG

Then said H559 I, Woe H188 is me! for I am undone; H1820 because I am a man H376 of unclean H2931 lips, H8193 and I dwell H3427 in the midst H8432 of a people H5971 of unclean H2931 lips: H8193 for mine eyes H5869 have seen H7200 the King, H4428 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Psalms 119:153 STRONG

RESH. Consider H7200 mine affliction, H6040 and deliver H2502 me: for I do not forget H7911 thy law. H8451

Psalms 9:17 STRONG

The wicked H7563 shall be turned H7725 into hell, H7585 and all the nations H1471 that forget H7913 God. H430

Job 27:7 STRONG

Let mine enemy H341 be as the wicked, H7563 and he that riseth up H6965 against me as the unrighteous. H5767

Job 23:15 STRONG

Therefore am I troubled H926 at his presence: H6440 when I consider, H995 I am afraid H6342 of him.

Job 21:6 STRONG

Even when I remember H2142 I am afraid, H926 and trembling H6427 taketh hold on H270 my flesh. H1320

Job 9:29 STRONG

If I be wicked, H7561 why then labour H3021 I in vain? H1892

Job 9:12 STRONG

Behold, he taketh away, H2862 who can hinder H7725 him? who will say H559 unto him, What doest H6213 thou?

Commentary on Job 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Job 10:1-22. Job's Reply to Bildad Continued.

1. leave my complaint upon myself—rather, "I will give loose to my complaint" (Job 7:11).

2. show me, &c.—Do not, by virtue of Thy mere sovereignty, treat me as guilty without showing me the reasons.

3. Job is unwilling to think God can have pleasure in using His power to "oppress" the weak, and to treat man, the work of His own hands, as of no value (Job 10:8; Ps 138:8).

shine upon—favor with prosperity (Ps 50:2).

4-6. Dost Thou see as feebly as man? that is, with the same uncharitable eye, as, for instance, Job's friends? Is Thy time as short? Impossible! Yet one might think, from the rapid succession of Thy strokes, that Thou hadst no time to spare in overwhelming me.

7. "Although Thou (the Omniscient) knowest," &c. (connected with Job 10:6), "Thou searchest after my sin."

and … that none that can deliver out of thine hand—Therefore Thou hast no need to deal with me with the rapid violence which man would use (see Job 10:6).

8. Made—with pains; implying a work of difficulty and art; applying to God language applicable only to man.

together round about—implying that the human body is a complete unity, the parts of which on all sides will bear the closest scrutiny.

9. clay—Job 10:10 proves that the reference here is, not so much to the perishable nature of the materials, as to their wonderful fashioning by the divine potter.

10. In the organization of the body from its rude commencements, the original liquid gradually assumes a more solid consistency, like milk curdling into cheese (Ps 139:15, 16). Science reveals that the chyle circulated by the lacteal vessels is the supply to every organ.

11. fenced—or "inlaid" (Ps 139:15); "curiously wrought" [Umbreit]. In the fœtus the skin appears first, then the flesh, then the harder parts.

12. visitation—Thy watchful Providence.


13. is with thee—was Thy purpose. All God's dealings with Job in his creation, preservation, and present afflictions were part of His secret counsel (Ps 139:16; Ac 15:18; Ec 3:11).

14, 15. Job is perplexed because God "marks" every sin of his with such ceaseless rigor. Whether "wicked" (godless and a hypocrite) or "righteous" (comparatively sincere), God condemns and punishes alike.

15. lift up my head—in conscious innocence (Ps 3:3).

see thou—rather, "and seeing I see (I too well see) mine affliction," (which seems to prove me guilty) [Umbreit].

16. increaseth—rather, "(if) I lift up (my head) Thou wouldest hunt me," &c. [Umbreit].

and again—as if a lion should not kill his prey at once, but come back and torture it again.

17. witnesses—His accumulated trials were like a succession of witnesses brought up in proof of his guilt, to wear out the accused.

changes and war—rather, "(thou settest in array) against me host after host" (literally, "changes and a host," that is, a succession of hosts); namely, his afflictions, and then reproach upon reproach from his friends.

20. But, since I was destined from my birth to these ills, at least give me a little breathing time during the few days left me (Job 9:34; 13:21; Ps 39:13).

22. The ideas of order and light, disorder and darkness, harmonize (Ge 1:2). Three Hebrew words are used for darkness; in Job 10:21 (1) the common word "darkness"; here (2) "a land of gloom" (from a Hebrew root, "to cover up"); (3) as "thick darkness" or blackness (from a root, expressing sunset). "Where the light thereof is like blackness." Its only sunshine is thick darkness. A bold figure of poetry. Job in a better frame has brighter thoughts of the unseen world. But his views at best wanted the definite clearness of the Christian's. Compare with his words here Re 21:23; 22:5; 2Ti 1:10.