Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 10 » Verse 1

Job 10:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 My soul H5315 is weary H5354 of my life; H2416 I will leave H5800 my complaint H7879 upon myself; I will speak H1696 in the bitterness H4751 of my soul. H5315

Cross Reference

Job 7:11 STRONG

Therefore I will not refrain H2820 my mouth; H6310 I will speak H1696 in the anguish H6862 of my spirit; H7307 I will complain H7878 in the bitterness H4751 of my soul. H5315

1 Kings 19:4 STRONG

But he himself went H1980 a day's H3117 journey H1870 into the wilderness, H4057 and came H935 and sat down H3427 under a H259 juniper tree: H7574 and he requested H7592 for himself H5315 that he might die; H4191 and said, H559 It is enough; H7227 now, O LORD, H3068 take away H3947 my life; H5315 for I am not better H2896 than my fathers. H1

Job 9:21 STRONG

Though I were perfect, H8535 yet would I not know H3045 my soul: H5315 I would despise H3988 my life. H2416

Numbers 11:15 STRONG

And if thou deal H6213 thus with me, kill H2026 me, I pray thee, out of hand, H2026 if I have found H4672 favour H2580 in thy sight; H5869 and let me not see H7200 my wretchedness. H7451

Job 19:4 STRONG

And be it indeed H551 that I have erred, H7686 mine error H4879 remaineth H3885 with myself.

Jonah 4:8 STRONG

And it came to pass, when the sun H8121 did arise, H2224 that God H430 prepared H4487 a vehement H2759 east H6921 wind; H7307 and the sun H8121 beat H5221 upon the head H7218 of Jonah, H3124 that he fainted, H5968 and wished H7592 in himself H5315 to die, H4191 and said, H559 It is better H2896 for me to die H4194 than to live. H2416

Jonah 4:3 STRONG

Therefore now, O LORD, H3068 take, H3947 I beseech thee, my life H5315 from me; for it is better H2896 for me to die H4194 than to live. H2416

Isaiah 38:17 STRONG

Behold, for peace H7965 I had great bitterness: H4751 H4843 but thou hast in love H2836 to my soul H5315 delivered it from the pit H7845 of corruption: H1097 for thou hast cast H7993 all my sins H2399 behind H310 thy back. H1460

Isaiah 38:15 STRONG

What shall I say? H1696 he hath both spoken H559 unto me, and himself hath done H6213 it: I shall go softly H1718 all my years H8141 in the bitterness H4751 of my soul. H5315

Psalms 32:3-5 STRONG

When I kept silence, H2790 my bones H6106 waxed old H1086 through my roaring H7581 all the day H3117 long. For day H3119 and night H3915 thy hand H3027 was heavy H3513 upon me: my moisture H3955 is turned H2015 into the drought H2725 of summer. H7019 Selah. H5542 I acknowledged H3045 my sin H2403 unto thee, and mine iniquity H5771 have I not hid. H3680 I said, H559 I will confess H3034 my transgressions H6588 unto the LORD; H3068 and thou forgavest H5375 the iniquity H5771 of my sin. H2403 Selah. H5542

Job 21:2-4 STRONG

Hear H8085 diligently H8085 my speech, H4405 and let this be your consolations. H8575 Suffer H5375 me that I may speak; H1696 and after H310 that I have spoken, H1696 mock on. H3932 As for me, is my complaint H7879 to man? H120 and if it were so, why should not my spirit H7307 be troubled? H7114

Job 3:20-23 STRONG

Wherefore is light H216 given H5414 to him that is in misery, H6001 and life H2416 unto the bitter H4751 in soul; H5315 Which long H2442 for death, H4194 but it cometh not; and dig H2658 for it more than for hid treasures; H4301 Which rejoice H8056 exceedingly, H1524 and are glad, H7797 when they can find H4672 the grave? H6913 Why is light given to a man H1397 whose way H1870 is hid, H5641 and whom God H433 hath hedged in? H5526

Job 16:6-16 STRONG

Though I speak, H1696 my grief H3511 is not asswaged: H2820 and though I forbear, H2308 what am I eased? H1980 But now he hath made me weary: H3811 thou hast made desolate H8074 all my company. H5712 And thou hast filled me with wrinkles, H7059 which is a witness H5707 against me: and my leanness H3585 rising up H6965 in me beareth witness H6030 to my face. H6440 He teareth H2963 me in his wrath, H639 who hateth H7852 me: he gnasheth H2786 upon me with his teeth; H8127 mine enemy H6862 sharpeneth H3913 his eyes H5869 upon me. They have gaped H6473 upon me with their mouth; H6310 they have smitten H5221 me upon the cheek H3895 reproachfully; H2781 they have gathered H4390 themselves together H3162 against me. God H410 hath delivered H5462 me to the ungodly, H5760 and turned me over H3399 into the hands H3027 of the wicked. H7563 I was at ease, H7961 but he hath broken me asunder: H6565 he hath also taken H270 me by my neck, H6203 and shaken me to pieces, H6327 and set me up H6965 for his mark. H4307 His archers H7228 compass me round about, H5437 he cleaveth H6398 my reins H3629 asunder, H6398 and doth not spare; H2550 he poureth out H8210 my gall H4845 upon the ground. H776 He breaketh H6555 me with breach H6556 upon H6440 breach, H6556 he runneth H7323 upon me like a giant. H1368 I have sewed H8609 sackcloth H8242 upon my skin, H1539 and defiled H5953 my horn H7161 in the dust. H6083 My face H6440 is foul H2560 with weeping, H1065 and on my eyelids H6079 is the shadow of death; H6757

Job 14:13 STRONG

O that H5414 thou wouldest hide H6845 me in the grave, H7585 that thou wouldest keep me secret, H5641 until thy wrath H639 be past, H7725 that thou wouldest appoint H7896 me a set time, H2706 and remember H2142 me!

Job 10:15-16 STRONG

If I be wicked, H7561 woe H480 unto me; and if I be righteous, H6663 yet will I not lift up H5375 my head. H7218 I am full H7649 of confusion; H7036 therefore see H7202 H7200 thou mine affliction; H6040 For it increaseth. H1342 Thou huntest H6679 me as a fierce lion: H7826 and again H7725 thou shewest thyself marvellous H6381 upon me.

Job 7:16 STRONG

I loathe H3988 it; I would not live H2421 alway: H5769 let me alone; H2308 for my days H3117 are vanity. H1892

Job 6:26 STRONG

Do ye imagine H2803 to reprove H3198 words, H4405 and the speeches H561 of one that is desperate, H2976 which are as wind? H7307

Job 6:8-9 STRONG

Oh that I might have H935 my request; H7596 and that God H433 would grant H5414 me the thing that I long for! H8615 Even that it would please H2974 God H433 to destroy H1792 me; that he would let loose H5425 his hand, H3027 and cut me off! H1214

Job 6:2-4 STRONG

Oh that H3863 my grief H3708 were throughly H8254 weighed, H8254 and my calamity H1942 H1962 laid H5375 in the balances H3976 together! H3162 For now it would be heavier H3513 than the sand H2344 of the sea: H3220 therefore my words H1697 are swallowed up. H3886 For the arrows H2671 of the Almighty H7706 are within H5978 me, the poison H2534 whereof drinketh up H8354 my spirit: H7307 the terrors H1161 of God H433 do set themselves in array H6186 against me.

Job 5:20 STRONG

In famine H7458 he shall redeem H6299 thee from death: H4194 and in war H4421 from the power H3027 of the sword. H2719

Job 5:15-16 STRONG

But he saveth H3467 the poor H34 from the sword, H2719 from their mouth, H6310 and from the hand H3027 of the mighty. H2389 So the poor H1800 hath hope, H8615 and iniquity H5766 stoppeth H7092 her mouth. H6310

Commentary on Job 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Job 10:1-22. Job's Reply to Bildad Continued.

1. leave my complaint upon myself—rather, "I will give loose to my complaint" (Job 7:11).

2. show me, &c.—Do not, by virtue of Thy mere sovereignty, treat me as guilty without showing me the reasons.

3. Job is unwilling to think God can have pleasure in using His power to "oppress" the weak, and to treat man, the work of His own hands, as of no value (Job 10:8; Ps 138:8).

shine upon—favor with prosperity (Ps 50:2).

4-6. Dost Thou see as feebly as man? that is, with the same uncharitable eye, as, for instance, Job's friends? Is Thy time as short? Impossible! Yet one might think, from the rapid succession of Thy strokes, that Thou hadst no time to spare in overwhelming me.

7. "Although Thou (the Omniscient) knowest," &c. (connected with Job 10:6), "Thou searchest after my sin."

and … that none that can deliver out of thine hand—Therefore Thou hast no need to deal with me with the rapid violence which man would use (see Job 10:6).

8. Made—with pains; implying a work of difficulty and art; applying to God language applicable only to man.

together round about—implying that the human body is a complete unity, the parts of which on all sides will bear the closest scrutiny.

9. clay—Job 10:10 proves that the reference here is, not so much to the perishable nature of the materials, as to their wonderful fashioning by the divine potter.

10. In the organization of the body from its rude commencements, the original liquid gradually assumes a more solid consistency, like milk curdling into cheese (Ps 139:15, 16). Science reveals that the chyle circulated by the lacteal vessels is the supply to every organ.

11. fenced—or "inlaid" (Ps 139:15); "curiously wrought" [Umbreit]. In the fœtus the skin appears first, then the flesh, then the harder parts.

12. visitation—Thy watchful Providence.


13. is with thee—was Thy purpose. All God's dealings with Job in his creation, preservation, and present afflictions were part of His secret counsel (Ps 139:16; Ac 15:18; Ec 3:11).

14, 15. Job is perplexed because God "marks" every sin of his with such ceaseless rigor. Whether "wicked" (godless and a hypocrite) or "righteous" (comparatively sincere), God condemns and punishes alike.

15. lift up my head—in conscious innocence (Ps 3:3).

see thou—rather, "and seeing I see (I too well see) mine affliction," (which seems to prove me guilty) [Umbreit].

16. increaseth—rather, "(if) I lift up (my head) Thou wouldest hunt me," &c. [Umbreit].

and again—as if a lion should not kill his prey at once, but come back and torture it again.

17. witnesses—His accumulated trials were like a succession of witnesses brought up in proof of his guilt, to wear out the accused.

changes and war—rather, "(thou settest in array) against me host after host" (literally, "changes and a host," that is, a succession of hosts); namely, his afflictions, and then reproach upon reproach from his friends.

20. But, since I was destined from my birth to these ills, at least give me a little breathing time during the few days left me (Job 9:34; 13:21; Ps 39:13).

22. The ideas of order and light, disorder and darkness, harmonize (Ge 1:2). Three Hebrew words are used for darkness; in Job 10:21 (1) the common word "darkness"; here (2) "a land of gloom" (from a Hebrew root, "to cover up"); (3) as "thick darkness" or blackness (from a root, expressing sunset). "Where the light thereof is like blackness." Its only sunshine is thick darkness. A bold figure of poetry. Job in a better frame has brighter thoughts of the unseen world. But his views at best wanted the definite clearness of the Christian's. Compare with his words here Re 21:23; 22:5; 2Ti 1:10.