Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 10 » Verse 5

Job 10:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 Are thy days H3117 as the days H3117 of man? H582 are thy years H8141 as man's H1397 days, H3117

Cross Reference

2 Peter 3:8 STRONG

But, G1161 beloved, G27 be G2990 not G3361 G5209 ignorant G2990 of this one G1520 thing, G5124 that G3754 one G3391 day G2250 is with G3844 the Lord G2962 as G5613 a thousand G5507 years, G2094 and G2532 a thousand G5507 years G2094 as G5613 one G3391 day. G2250

Job 36:26 STRONG

Behold, God H410 is great, H7689 and we know H3045 him not, neither can the number H4557 of his years H8141 be searched out. H2714

Psalms 90:2-4 STRONG

Before the mountains H2022 were brought forth, H3205 or ever thou hadst formed H2342 the earth H776 and the world, H8398 even from everlasting H5769 to H5704 everlasting, H5769 thou art God. H410 Thou turnest H7725 man H582 to destruction; H1793 and sayest, H559 Return, H7725 ye children H1121 of men. H120 For a thousand H505 years H8141 in thy sight H5869 are but as H3117 yesterday H865 when it is past, H5674 and as a watch H821 in the night. H3915

Psalms 102:12 STRONG

But thou, O LORD, H3068 shalt endure H3427 for ever; H5769 and thy remembrance H2143 unto all H1755 generations. H1755

Psalms 102:24-27 STRONG

I said, H559 O my God, H410 take me not away H5927 in the midst H2677 of my days: H3117 thy years H8141 are throughout all H1755 generations. H1755 Of old H6440 hast thou laid the foundation H3245 of the earth: H776 and the heavens H8064 are the work H4639 of thy hands. H3027 They shall perish, H6 but thou shalt endure: H5975 yea, all of them shall wax old H1086 like a garment; H899 as a vesture H3830 shalt thou change H2498 them, and they shall be changed: H2498 But thou art the same, and thy years H8141 shall have no end. H8552

Hebrews 1:12 STRONG

And G2532 as G5616 a vesture G4018 shalt thou fold G1667 them G846 up, G1667 and G2532 they shall be changed: G236 but G1161 thou G4771 art G1488 the same, G846 and G2532 thy G4675 years G2094 shall G1587 not G3756 fail. G1587

Commentary on Job 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Job 10:1-22. Job's Reply to Bildad Continued.

1. leave my complaint upon myself—rather, "I will give loose to my complaint" (Job 7:11).

2. show me, &c.—Do not, by virtue of Thy mere sovereignty, treat me as guilty without showing me the reasons.

3. Job is unwilling to think God can have pleasure in using His power to "oppress" the weak, and to treat man, the work of His own hands, as of no value (Job 10:8; Ps 138:8).

shine upon—favor with prosperity (Ps 50:2).

4-6. Dost Thou see as feebly as man? that is, with the same uncharitable eye, as, for instance, Job's friends? Is Thy time as short? Impossible! Yet one might think, from the rapid succession of Thy strokes, that Thou hadst no time to spare in overwhelming me.

7. "Although Thou (the Omniscient) knowest," &c. (connected with Job 10:6), "Thou searchest after my sin."

and … that none that can deliver out of thine hand—Therefore Thou hast no need to deal with me with the rapid violence which man would use (see Job 10:6).

8. Made—with pains; implying a work of difficulty and art; applying to God language applicable only to man.

together round about—implying that the human body is a complete unity, the parts of which on all sides will bear the closest scrutiny.

9. clay—Job 10:10 proves that the reference here is, not so much to the perishable nature of the materials, as to their wonderful fashioning by the divine potter.

10. In the organization of the body from its rude commencements, the original liquid gradually assumes a more solid consistency, like milk curdling into cheese (Ps 139:15, 16). Science reveals that the chyle circulated by the lacteal vessels is the supply to every organ.

11. fenced—or "inlaid" (Ps 139:15); "curiously wrought" [Umbreit]. In the fœtus the skin appears first, then the flesh, then the harder parts.

12. visitation—Thy watchful Providence.


13. is with thee—was Thy purpose. All God's dealings with Job in his creation, preservation, and present afflictions were part of His secret counsel (Ps 139:16; Ac 15:18; Ec 3:11).

14, 15. Job is perplexed because God "marks" every sin of his with such ceaseless rigor. Whether "wicked" (godless and a hypocrite) or "righteous" (comparatively sincere), God condemns and punishes alike.

15. lift up my head—in conscious innocence (Ps 3:3).

see thou—rather, "and seeing I see (I too well see) mine affliction," (which seems to prove me guilty) [Umbreit].

16. increaseth—rather, "(if) I lift up (my head) Thou wouldest hunt me," &c. [Umbreit].

and again—as if a lion should not kill his prey at once, but come back and torture it again.

17. witnesses—His accumulated trials were like a succession of witnesses brought up in proof of his guilt, to wear out the accused.

changes and war—rather, "(thou settest in array) against me host after host" (literally, "changes and a host," that is, a succession of hosts); namely, his afflictions, and then reproach upon reproach from his friends.

20. But, since I was destined from my birth to these ills, at least give me a little breathing time during the few days left me (Job 9:34; 13:21; Ps 39:13).

22. The ideas of order and light, disorder and darkness, harmonize (Ge 1:2). Three Hebrew words are used for darkness; in Job 10:21 (1) the common word "darkness"; here (2) "a land of gloom" (from a Hebrew root, "to cover up"); (3) as "thick darkness" or blackness (from a root, expressing sunset). "Where the light thereof is like blackness." Its only sunshine is thick darkness. A bold figure of poetry. Job in a better frame has brighter thoughts of the unseen world. But his views at best wanted the definite clearness of the Christian's. Compare with his words here Re 21:23; 22:5; 2Ti 1:10.