Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 11 » Verse 15

Job 11:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 For then shalt thou lift up H5375 thy face H6440 without spot; H3971 yea, thou shalt be stedfast, H3332 and shalt not fear: H3372

Cross Reference

Job 22:26 STRONG

For then shalt thou have thy delight H6026 in the Almighty, H7706 and shalt lift up H5375 thy face H6440 unto God. H433

Genesis 4:5-6 STRONG

But unto Cain H7014 and to his offering H4503 he had not respect. H8159 And Cain H7014 was very H3966 wroth, H2734 and his countenance H6440 fell. H5307 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Cain, H7014 Why art thou wroth? H2734 and why is thy countenance H6440 fallen? H5307

Job 10:15 STRONG

If I be wicked, H7561 woe H480 unto me; and if I be righteous, H6663 yet will I not lift up H5375 my head. H7218 I am full H7649 of confusion; H7036 therefore see H7202 H7200 thou mine affliction; H6040

Psalms 27:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm of David.]] H1732 The LORD H3068 is my light H216 and my salvation; H3468 whom shall I fear? H3372 the LORD H3068 is the strength H4581 of my life; H2416 of whom shall I be afraid? H6342

Psalms 46:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician H5329 for the sons H1121 of Korah, H7141 A Song H7892 upon Alamoth.]] H5961 God H430 is our refuge H4268 and strength, H5797 a very H3966 present H4672 help H5833 in trouble. H6869

Psalms 112:6-8 STRONG

Surely he shall not be moved H4131 for ever: H5769 the righteous H6662 shall be in everlasting H5769 remembrance. H2143 He shall not be afraid H3372 of evil H7451 tidings: H8052 his heart H3820 is fixed, H3559 trusting H982 in the LORD. H3068 His heart H3820 is established, H5564 he shall not be afraid, H3372 until he see H7200 his desire upon his enemies. H6862

Psalms 119:6-7 STRONG

Then shall I not be ashamed, H954 when I have respect H5027 unto all thy commandments. H4687 I will praise H3034 thee with uprightness H3476 of heart, H3824 when I shall have learned H3925 thy righteous H6664 judgments. H4941

Proverbs 14:26 STRONG

In the fear H3374 of the LORD H3068 is strong H5797 confidence: H4009 and his children H1121 shall have a place of refuge. H4268

Proverbs 28:1 STRONG

The wicked H7563 flee H5127 when no man pursueth: H7291 but the righteous H6662 are bold H982 as a lion. H3715

2 Corinthians 1:12 STRONG

For G1063 our G2257 rejoicing G2746 is G2076 this, G3778 the testimony G3142 of our G2257 conscience, G4893 that G3754 in G1722 simplicity G572 and G2532 godly G2316 sincerity, G1505 not G3756 with G1722 fleshly G4559 wisdom, G4678 but G235 by G1722 the grace G5485 of God, G2316 we have had our conversation G390 in G1722 the world, G2889 and G1161 more abundantly G4056 to G4314 you-ward. G5209

1 Timothy 2:8 STRONG

I will G1014 therefore G3767 that men G435 pray G4336 every G1722 G3956 where, G5117 lifting up G1869 holy G3741 hands, G5495 without G5565 wrath G3709 and G2532 doubting. G1261

1 John 2:28 STRONG

And G2532 now, G3568 little children, G5040 abide G3306 in G1722 him; G846 that, G2443 when G3752 he shall appear, G5319 we may have G2192 confidence, G3954 and G2532 not G3361 be ashamed G153 before G575 him G846 at G1722 his G846 coming. G3952

1 John 3:19-22 STRONG

And G2532 hereby G1722 G5129 we know G1097 that G3754 we are G2070 of G1537 the truth, G225 and G2532 shall assure G3982 our G2257 hearts G2588 before G1715 him. G846 For G3754 if G1437 our G2257 heart G2588 condemn us, G2607 G3754 God G2316 is G2076 greater G3187 than our G2257 heart, G2588 and G2532 knoweth G1097 all things. G3956 Beloved, G27 if G3362 our G2257 heart G2588 condemn G2607 us G2257 not, G3362 then have we G2192 confidence G3954 toward G4314 God. G2316 And G2532 whatsoever G3739 G1437 we ask, G154 we receive G2983 of G3844 him, G846 because G3754 we keep G5083 his G846 commandments, G1785 and G2532 do G4160 those things that are pleasing G701 in his G846 sight. G1799

Commentary on Job 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible



Job 11:1-20. First Speech of Zophar.

2. Zophar assails Job for his empty words, and indirectly, the two friends, for their weak reply. Taciturnity is highly prized among Orientals (Pr 10:8, 19).

3. lies—rather, "vain boasting" (Isa 16:6; Jer 48:30). The "men" is emphatic; men of sense; in antithesis to "vain boasting."

mockest—upbraidest God by complaints, "shall no man make thee ashamed?"

4. doctrine—purposely used of Job's speeches, which sounded like lessons of doctrine (De 32:2; Pr 4:2).

thine—addressed to God. Job had maintained his sincerity against his friends suspicions, not faultlessness.

6. to that which is!—Rather, "they are double to [man's] wisdom" [Michaelis]. So the Hebrew is rendered (Pr 2:7). God's ways, which you arraign, if you were shown their secret wisdom, would be seen vastly to exceed that of men, including yours (1Co 1:25).

exacteth—Rather, "God consigns to oblivion in thy favor much of thy guilt."

7. Rather, "Penetrate to the perfections of the Almighty" (Job 9:10; Ps 139:6).

8. It—the "wisdom" of God (Job 11:6). The abruptness of the Hebrew is forcible: "The heights of heaven! What canst thou do" (as to attaining to them with thy gaze, Ps 139:8)?

know—namely, of His perfections.

10. cut off—Rather, as in Job 9:11, "pass over," as a storm; namely, rush upon in anger.

shut up—in prison, with a view to trial.

gather together—the parties for judgment: hold a judicial assembly; to pass sentence on the prisoners.

11. (Ps 94:11).

consider—so as to punish it. Rather, from the connection, Job 11:6, "He seeth wickedness also, which man does not perceive"; literally, "But no (other, save He) perceiveth it" [Umbreit]. God's "wisdom" (Job 11:6), detects sin where Job's human eye cannot reach (Job 11:8), so as to see any.

12. vain—hollow.

would be—"wants to consider himself wise"; opposed to God's "wisdom" (see on Job 11:11); refuses to see sin, where God sees it (Ro 1:22).

wild ass's colt—a proverb for untamed wildness (Job 39:5, 8; Jer 2:24; Ge 16:12; Hebrew, "a wild-ass man"). Man wishes to appear wisely obedient to his Lord, whereas he is, from his birth, unsubdued in spirit.

13. The apodosis to the "If" is at Job 11:15. The preparation of the heart is to be obtained (Pr 16:1) by stretching out the hands in prayer for it (Ps 10:17; 1Ch 29:18).

14. Rather, "if thou wilt put far away the iniquity in thine hand" (as Zaccheus did, Lu 19:8). The apodosis or conclusion is at Job 11:15, "then shalt thou," &c.

15. Zophar refers to Job's own words (Job 10:15), "yet will I not lift up my head," even though righteous. Zophar declares, if Job will follow his advice, he may "lift up his face."

spot—(De 32:5).

steadfast—literally, "run fast together," like metals which become firm and hard by fusion. The sinner on the contrary is wavering.

16. Just as when the stream runs dry (Job 6:17), the danger threatened by its wild waves is forgotten (Isa 65:16) [Umbreit].

17. age—days of life.

the noon-day—namely, of thy former prosperity; which, in the poet's image, had gone on increasing, until it reached its height, as the sun rises higher and higher until it reaches the meridian (Pr 4:18).

shine forth—rather, "though now in darkness, thou shall be as the morning"; or, "thy darkness (if any dark shade should arise on thee, it) shall be as the morning" (only the dullness of morning twilight, not nocturnal darkness) [Umbreit].

18. The experience of thy life will teach thee there is hope for man in every trial.

dig—namely, wells; the chief necessity in the East. Better, "though now ashamed (Ro 5:5, opposed to the previous 'hope'), thou shalt then rest safely" [Gesenius];

19. (Ps 4:8; Pr 3:24; Isa 14:30); oriental images of prosperity.

make suit—literally, "stroke thy face," "caress thee" (Pr 19:6).

20. A warning to Job, if he would not turn to God.

The wicked—that is, obdurate sinners.

eyes … fail—that is, in vain look for relief (De 28:65). Zophar implies Job's only hope of relief is in a change of heart.

they shall not escape—literally, "every refuge shall vanish from them."

giving up of the ghost—Their hope shall leave them as the breath does the body (Pr 11:7).