Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 12 » Verse 21

Job 12:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 He poureth H8210 contempt H937 upon princes, H5081 and weakeneth H7503 the strength H4206 of the mighty. H650

Cross Reference

Psalms 107:40 STRONG

He poureth H8210 contempt H937 upon princes, H5081 and causeth them to wander H8582 in the wilderness, H8414 where there is no way. H1870

Isaiah 24:21-22 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that the LORD H3068 shall punish H6485 the host H6635 of the high ones H4791 that are on high, H4791 and the kings H4428 of the earth H127 upon the earth. H127 And they shall be gathered together, H622 as prisoners H616 are gathered H626 in the pit, H953 and shall be shut up H5462 in the prison, H4525 and after many H7230 days H3117 shall they be visited. H6485

Ephesians 6:14 STRONG

Stand G2476 therefore, G3767 having G4024 your G5216 loins G3751 girt about G4024 with G1722 truth, G225 and G2532 having on G1746 the breastplate G2382 of righteousness; G1343

Ephesians 6:10 STRONG

Finally, G3063 my G3450 brethren, G80 be strong G1743 in G1722 the Lord, G2962 and G2532 in G1722 the power G2904 of his G846 might. G2479

Acts 12:23 STRONG

And G1161 immediately G3916 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 smote G3960 him, G846 because G473 G3739 he gave G1325 not G3756 God G2316 the glory: G1391 and G2532 he was G1096 eaten of worms, G4662 and gave up the ghost. G1634

Matthew 2:12-13 STRONG

And G2532 being warned of God G5537 in G2596 a dream G3677 that they should G344 not G3361 return G344 to G4314 Herod, G2264 they departed G402 into G1519 their own G846 country G5561 another G1223 G243 way. G3598 And G1161 when they G846 were departed, G402 behold, G2400 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 appeareth G5316 to Joseph G2501 in G2596 a dream, G3677 saying, G3004 Arise, G1453 and take G3880 the young child G3813 and G2532 his G846 mother, G3384 and G2532 flee G5343 into G1519 Egypt, G125 and G2532 be thou G2468 there G1563 until G2193 I G302 bring G2036 thee G4671 word: G2036 for G1063 Herod G2264 will G3195 seek G2212 the young child G3813 to destroy G622 him. G846

Daniel 4:32-33 STRONG

And they shall drive H2957 thee from H4481 men, H606 and thy dwelling H4070 shall be with H5974 the beasts H2423 of the field: H1251 they shall make thee to eat H2939 grass H6211 as oxen, H8450 and seven H7655 times H5732 shall pass H2499 over H5922 thee, until H5705 thou know H3046 that the most High H5943 ruleth H7990 in the kingdom H4437 of men, H606 and giveth H5415 it to whomsoever H4479 he will. H6634 The same hour H8160 was the thing H4406 fulfilled H5487 upon H5922 Nebuchadnezzar: H5020 and he was driven H2957 from H4481 men, H606 and did eat H399 grass H6211 as oxen, H8450 and his body H1655 was wet H6647 with the dew H2920 of heaven, H8065 till H5705 his hairs H8177 were grown H7236 like eagles' H5403 feathers, and his nails H2953 like birds' H6853 claws.

Daniel 2:21-22 STRONG

And he changeth H8133 the times H5732 and the seasons: H2166 he removeth H5709 kings, H4430 and setteth up H6966 kings: H4430 he giveth H3052 wisdom H2452 unto the wise, H2445 and knowledge H4486 to them that know H3046 understanding: H999 He revealeth H1541 the deep H5994 and secret things: H5642 he knoweth H3046 what H4101 is in the darkness, H2816 and the light H5094 dwelleth H8271 with him. H5974

Isaiah 37:38 STRONG

And it came to pass, as he was worshipping H7812 in the house H1004 of Nisroch H5268 his god, H430 that Adrammelech H152 and Sharezer H8272 his sons H1121 smote H5221 him with the sword; H2719 and they escaped H4422 into the land H776 of Armenia: H780 and Esarhaddon H634 his son H1121 reigned H4427 in his stead.

Exodus 8:2 STRONG

And if thou refuse H3986 to let them go, H7971 behold, I will smite H5062 all thy borders H1366 with frogs: H6854

Isaiah 23:9 STRONG

The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 hath purposed H3289 it, to stain H2490 the pride H1347 of all glory, H6643 and to bring into contempt H7043 all the honourable H3513 of the earth. H776

Isaiah 22:21 STRONG

And I will clothe H3847 him with thy robe, H3801 and strengthen H2388 him with thy girdle, H73 and I will commit H5414 thy government H4475 into his hand: H3027 and he shall be a father H1 to the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 and to the house H1004 of Judah. H3063

Isaiah 11:5 STRONG

And righteousness H6664 shall be the girdle H232 of his loins, H4975 and faithfulness H530 the girdle H232 of his reins. H2504

Isaiah 5:27 STRONG

None shall be weary H5889 nor stumble H3782 among them; none shall slumber H5123 nor sleep; H3462 neither shall the girdle H232 of their loins H2504 be loosed, H6605 nor the latchet H8288 of their shoes H5275 be broken: H5423

2 Kings 9:34-37 STRONG

And when he was come in, H935 he did eat H398 and drink, H8354 and said, H559 Go, H6485 see now this cursed H779 woman, and bury H6912 her: for she is a king's H4428 daughter. H1323 And they went H3212 to bury H6912 her: but they found H4672 no more of her than H518 the skull, H1538 and the feet, H7272 and the palms H3709 of her hands. H3027 Wherefore they came again, H7725 and told H5046 him. And he said, H559 This is the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 which he spake H1696 by H3027 his servant H5650 Elijah H452 the Tishbite, H8664 saying, H559 In the portion H2506 of Jezreel H3157 shall dogs H3611 eat H398 the flesh H1320 of Jezebel: H348 And the carcase H5038 of Jezebel H348 shall be as dung H1828 upon the face H6440 of the field H7704 in the portion H2506 of Jezreel; H3157 so that they shall not say, H559 This is Jezebel. H348

2 Kings 9:26 STRONG

Surely I have seen H7200 yesterday H570 the blood H1818 of Naboth, H5022 and the blood H1818 of his sons, H1121 saith H5002 the LORD; H3068 and I will requite H7999 thee in this plat, H2513 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Now therefore take H5375 and cast H7993 him into the plat H2513 of ground, according to the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068

1 Kings 21:23-24 STRONG

And of Jezebel H348 also spake H1696 the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 The dogs H3611 shall eat H398 Jezebel H348 by the wall H2426 of Jezreel. H3157 Him that dieth H4191 of Ahab H256 in the city H5892 the dogs H3611 shall eat; H398 and him that dieth H4191 in the field H7704 shall the fowls H5775 of the air H8064 eat. H398

Exodus 16:24 STRONG

And they laid it up H3240 till the morning, H1242 as Moses H4872 bade: H6680 and it did not stink, H887 neither was there any worm H7415 therein.

Commentary on Job 12 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible



Job 12:1-14:22. Job's Reply to Zophar

2. wisdom shall die with you—Ironical, as if all the wisdom in the world was concentrated in them and would expire when they expired. Wisdom makes "a people:" a foolish nation is "not a people" (Ro 10:19).

3. not inferior—not vanquished in argument and "wisdom" (Job 13:2).

such things as these—such commonplace maxims as you so pompously adduce.

4. The unfounded accusations of Job's friends were a "mockery" of him. He alludes to Zophar's word, "mockest" (Job 11:3).

neighbour, who calleth, &c.—rather, "I who call upon God that he may answer me favorably" [Umbreit].

5. Rather, "a torch" (lamp) is an object of contempt in the thoughts of him who rests securely (is at ease), though it was prepared for the falterings of the feet [Umbreit] (Pr 25:19). "Thoughts" and "feet" are in contrast; also rests "securely," and "falterings." The wanderer, arrived at his night-quarters, contemptuously throws aside the torch which had guided his uncertain steps through the darkness. As the torch is to the wanderer, so Job to his friends. Once they gladly used his aid in their need; now they in prosperity mock him in his need.

6. Job shows that the matter of fact opposes Zophar's theory (Job 11:14, 19, 20) that wickedness causes insecurity in men's "tabernacles." On the contrary, they who rob the "tabernacles" ("dwellings") of others "prosper securely" in their own.

into whose hand, &c.—rather, "who make a god of their own hand," that is, who regard their might as their only ruling principle [Umbreit].

7, 8. Beasts, birds, fishes, and plants, reasons Job, teach that the violent live the most securely (Job 12:6). The vulture lives more securely than the dove, the lion than the ox, the shark than the dolphin, the rose than the thorn which tears it.

8. speak to the earth—rather, "the shrubs of the earth" [Umbreit].

9. In all these cases, says Job, the agency must be referred to Jehovah, though they may seem to man to imply imperfection (Job 12:6; 9:24). This is the only undisputed passage of the poetical part in which the name "Jehovah" occurs; in the historical parts it occurs frequently.

10. the soul—that is, the animal life. Man, reasons Job, is subjected to the same laws as the lower animals.

11. As the mouth by tasting meats selects what pleases it, so the ear tries the words of others and retains what is convincing. Each chooses according to his taste. The connection with Job 12:12 is in reference to Bildad's appeal to the "ancients" (Job 8:8). You are right in appealing to them, since "with them was wisdom," &c. But you select such proverbs of theirs as suit your views; so I may borrow from the same such as suit mine.

12. ancient—aged (Job 15:10).

13. In contrast to, "with the ancient is wisdom" (Job 12:12), Job quotes a saying of the ancients which suits his argument, "with Him (God) is (the true) wisdom" (Pr 8:14); and by that "wisdom and strength" "He breaketh down," &c., as an absolute Sovereign, not allowing man to penetrate His mysteries; man's part is to bow to His unchangeable decrees (Job 1:21). The Mohammedan saying is, "if God will, and how God will."

14. shutteth up—(Isa 22:22). Job refers to Zophar's "shut up" (Job 11:10).

15. Probably alluding to the flood.

16. (Eze 14:9).

18. He looseth the bond of kings—He looseth the authority of kings—the "bond" with which they bind their subjects (Isa 45:1; Ge 14:4; Da 2:21).

a girdle—the cord, with which they are bound as captives, instead of the royal "girdle" they once wore (Isa 22:21), and the bond they once bound others with. So "gird"—put on one the bonds of a prisoner instead of the ordinary girdle (Joh 21:18).

19. princes—rather, "priests," as the Hebrew is rendered (Ps 99:6). Even the sacred ministers of religion are not exempt from reverses and captivity.

the mighty—rather, "the firm-rooted in power"; the Arabic root expresses ever-flowing water [Umbreit].

20. the trusty—rather, "those secure in their eloquence"; for example, the speakers in the gate (Isa 3:3) [Beza].

understanding—literally, "taste," that is, insight or spiritual discernment, which experience gives the aged. The same Hebrew word is applied to Daniel's wisdom in interpretation (Da 2:14).

21. Ps 107:40 quotes, in its first clause, this verse and, in its second, Job 12:24.

weakeneth the strength—literally, "looseth the girdle"; Orientals wear flowing garments; when active strength is to be put forth, they gird up their garments with a girdle. Hence here—"He destroyeth their power" in the eyes of the people.

22. (Da 2:22).

23. Isa 9:3; Ps 107:38, 39, which Psalm quotes this chapter elsewhere. (See on Job 12:21).

straiteneth—literally, "leadeth in," that is, "reduces."

24. heart—intelligence.

wander in a wilderness—figurative; not referring to any actual fact. This cannot be quoted to prove Job lived after Israel's wanderings in the desert. Ps 107:4, 40 quotes this passage.

25. De 28:29; Ps 107:27 again quote Job, but in a different connection.