Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 23 » Verse 8

Job 23:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Behold, I go H1980 forward, H6924 but he is not there; and backward, H268 but I cannot perceive H995 him:

Cross Reference

Job 9:11 STRONG

Lo, he goeth H5674 by me, and I see H7200 him not: he passeth on H2498 also, but I perceive H995 him not.

Psalms 10:1 STRONG

Why standest H5975 thou afar off, H7350 O LORD? H3068 why hidest H5956 thou thyself in times H6256 of trouble? H6869

Job 35:14 STRONG

Although H637 thou sayest H559 thou shalt not see H7789 him, yet judgment H1779 is before H6440 him; therefore trust H2342 thou in him.

1 Timothy 6:16 STRONG

Who G3588 only G3441 hath G2192 immortality, G110 dwelling G3611 in the light G5457 which no man G3762 can approach unto; G676 whom G3739 no man G444 hath seen, G1492 nor G3761 can G1410 see: G1492 to whom G3739 be honour G5092 and G2532 power G2904 everlasting. G166 Amen. G281

Psalms 13:1-3 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 of David.]] H1732 How long wilt thou forget H7911 me, O LORD? H3068 for ever? H5331 how long wilt thou hide H5641 thy face H6440 from me? How long shall I take H7896 counsel H6098 in my soul, H5315 having sorrow H3015 in my heart H3824 daily? H3119 how long shall mine enemy H341 be exalted H7311 over me? Consider H5027 and hear H6030 me, O LORD H3068 my God: H430 lighten H215 mine eyes, H5869 lest I sleep H3462 the sleep of death; H4194

Isaiah 45:15 STRONG

Verily H403 thou art a God H410 that hidest H5641 thyself, O God H430 of Israel, H3478 the Saviour. H3467

Commentary on Job 23 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible



Job 23:1-17. Job's Answer.

2. to-day—implying, perhaps, that the debate was carried on through more days than one (see Introduction).

bitter—(Job 7:11; 10:1).

my stroke—the hand of God on me (Margin, Job 19:21; Ps 32:4).

heavier than—is so heavy that I cannot relieve myself adequately by groaning.

3. The same wish as in Job 13:3 (compare Heb 10:19-22).

Seat—The idea in the Hebrew is a well-prepared throne (Ps 9:7).

4. order—state methodically (Job 13:18; Isa 43:26).

fill, &c.—I would have abundance of arguments to adduce.

5. he—emphatic: it little matters what man may say of me, if only I know what God judges of me.

6. An objection suggests itself, while he utters the wish (Job 23:5). Do I hereby wish that He should plead against me with His omnipotence? Far from it! (Job 9:19, 34; 13:21; 30:18).

strength—so as to prevail with Him: as in Jacob's case (Ho 12:3, 4). Umbreit and Maurer better translate as in Job 4:20 (I only wish that He) "would attend to me," that is, give me a patient hearing as an ordinary judge, not using His omnipotence, but only His divine knowledge of my innocence.

7. There—rather, "Then": if God would "attend" to me (Job 23:6).

righteous—that is, the result of my dispute would be, He would acknowledge me as righteous.

delivered—from suspicion of guilt on the part of my Judge.

8. But I wish in vain. For "behold," &c.

forward … backward—rather, "to the east—to the west." The Hebrew geographers faced the east, that is, sunrise: not the north, as we do. So "before" means east: "behind," west (so the Hindus). Para, "before"—east: Apara, "behind"—west: Daschina, "the right hand"—south: Bama, "left"—north. A similar reference to sunrise appears in the name Asia, "sunrise," Europe, "sunset"; pure Babylonian names, as Rawlinson shows.

9. Rather, "To the north."

work—God's glorious works are especially seen towards the north region of the sky by one in the northern hemisphere. The antithesis is between God working and yet not being beheld: as in Job 9:11, between "He goeth by," and "I see Him not." If the Hebrew bears it, the parallelism to the second clause is better suited by translating, as Umbreit, "doth hide himself"; but then the antithesis to "behold" would be lost.

right hand—"in the south."

hideth—appropriately, of the unexplored south, then regarded as uninhabitable because of its heat (see Job 34:29).

10. But—correcting himself for the wish that his cause should be known before God. The omniscient One already knoweth the way in me (my inward principles: His outward way or course of acts is mentioned in Job 23:11. So in me, Job 4:21); though for some inscrutable cause He as yet hides Himself (Job 23:8, 9).

when—let Him only but try my cause, I shall, &c.

11. held—fast by His steps. The law is in Old Testament poetry regarded as a way, God going before us as our guide, in whose footsteps we must tread (Ps 17:5).

declined—(Ps 125:5).

12. esteemed—rather, "laid up," namely, as a treasure found (Mt 13:44; Ps 119:11); alluding to the words of Eliphaz (Job 22:22). There was no need to tell me so; I have done so already (Jer 15:16).

necessary—"Appointed portion" (of food; as in Pr 30:8). Umbreit and Maurer translate, "More than my law," my own will, in antithesis to "the words of His mouth" (Joh 6:38). Probably under the general term, "what is appointed to me" (the same Hebrew is in Job 23:14), all that ministers to the appetites of the body and carnal will is included.

13. in one mind—notwithstanding my innocence, He is unaltered in His purpose of proving me guilty (Job 9:12).

soul—His will (Ps 115:3). God's sovereignty. He has one great purpose; nothing is haphazard; everything has its proper place with a view to His purpose.

14. many such—He has yet many more such ills in store for me, though hidden in His breast (Job 10:13).

15. God's decrees, impossible to be resisted, and leaving us in the dark as to what may come next, are calculated to fill the mind with holy awe [Barnes].

16. soft—faint; hath melted my courage. Here again Job's language is that of Jesus Christ (Ps 22:14).

17. Because I was not taken away by death from the evil to come (literally, "from before the face of the darkness," Isa 57:1). Alluding to the words of Eliphaz (Job 22:11), "darkness," that is, calamity.

cut off—rather, in the Arabic sense, brought to the land of silence; my sad complaint hushed in death [Umbreit]. "Darkness" in the second clause, not the same Hebrew word as in the first, "cloud," "obscurity." Instead of "covering the cloud (of evil) from my face," He "covers" me with it (Job 22:11).