Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 24 » Verse 13

Job 24:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 They are of those that rebel H4775 against the light; H216 they know H5234 not the ways H1870 thereof, nor abide H3427 in the paths H5410 thereof.

Cross Reference

John 3:19-20 STRONG

And G1161 this G3778 is G2076 the condemnation, G2920 that G3754 light G5457 is come G2064 into G1519 the world, G2889 and G2532 men G444 loved G25 darkness G4655 rather G3123 than G2228 light, G5457 because G1063 their G846 deeds G2041 were G2258 evil. G4190 For G1063 every one G3956 that doeth G4238 evil G5337 hateth G3404 the light, G5457 neither G2532 G3756 cometh G2064 to G4314 the light, G5457 lest G3363 his G846 deeds G2041 should be reproved. G1651

John 15:22-24 STRONG

If G1508 I had G2064 not G1508 come G2064 and G2532 spoken G2980 unto them, G846 they had G2192 not G3756 had G2192 sin: G266 but G1161 now G3568 they have G2192 no G3756 cloke G4392 for G4012 their G846 sin. G266 He that hateth G3404 me G1691 hateth G3404 my G3450 Father G3962 also. G2532 If G1508 I had G4160 not G1508 done G4160 among G1722 them G846 the works G2041 which G3739 none G3762 other man G243 did, G4160 they had G2192 not G3756 had G2192 sin: G266 but G1161 now G3568 have they G3708 both G2532 seen G3708 and G2532 hated G3404 both G2532 me G1691 and G2532 my G3450 Father. G3962

Jude 1:6 STRONG

And G5037 the angels G32 which kept G5083 not G3361 their G1438 first estate, G746 but G235 left G620 their own G2398 habitation, G3613 he hath reserved G5083 in everlasting G126 chains G1199 under G5259 darkness G2217 unto G1519 the judgment G2920 of the great G3173 day. G2250

1 John 2:19 STRONG

They went out G1831 from G1537 us, G2257 but G235 they were G2258 not G3756 of G1537 us; G2257 for G1063 if G1487 they had been G2258 of G1537 us, G2257 they would G302 no doubt have continued G3306 with G3326 us: G2257 but G235 they went out, that G2443 they might be made manifest G5319 that G3754 they were G1526 not G3756 all G3956 of G1537 us. G2257

2 Peter 2:20-22 STRONG

For G1063 if G1487 after they have escaped G668 the pollutions G3393 of the world G2889 through G1722 the knowledge G1922 of the Lord G2962 and G2532 Saviour G4990 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 they are G1707 again G3825 entangled G1707 therein, G5125 and G1161 overcome, G1096 G2274 the latter end G2078 is worse G5501 with them G846 than the beginning. G4413 For G1063 it had been G2258 better G2909 for them G846 not G3361 to have known G1921 the way G3598 of righteousness, G1343 than, G2228 after they have known G1921 it, to turn G1994 from G1537 the holy G40 commandment G1785 delivered G3860 unto them. G846 But G1161 it is happened G4819 unto them G846 according to G3588 the true G227 proverb, G3942 The dog G2965 is turned G1994 to G1909 his own G2398 vomit G1829 again; G1994 and G2532 the sow G5300 that was washed G3068 to G1519 her wallowing G2946 in the mire. G1004

James 4:17 STRONG

Therefore G3767 to him that knoweth G1492 to do G4160 good, G2570 and G2532 doeth G4160 it not, G3361 to him G846 it is G2076 sin. G266

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 STRONG

And G2532 with G1722 all G3956 deceivableness G539 of unrighteousness G93 in G1722 them that perish; G622 because G473 G3739 they received G1209 not G3756 the love G26 of the truth, G225 that G1519 they G846 might be saved. G4982 And G2532 for this G5124 cause G1223 God G2316 shall send G3992 them G846 strong G1753 delusion, G4106 that G1519 they G846 should believe G4100 a lie: G5579 That G2443 they all G3956 might be damned G2919 who G3588 believed G4100 not G3361 the truth, G225 but G235 had pleasure G2106 in G1722 unrighteousness. G93

Romans 3:11-17 STRONG

There is G2076 none G3756 that understandeth, G4920 there is G2076 none G3756 that seeketh after G1567 God. G2316 They are G1578 all G3956 gone out of the way, G1578 they are G889 together G260 become unprofitable; G889 there is G2076 none G3756 that doeth G4160 good, G5544 no, not G3756 one. G2076 G2193 G1520 Their G846 throat G2995 is an open G455 sepulchre; G5028 with their G846 tongues G1100 they have used deceit; G1387 the poison G2447 of asps G785 is under G5259 their G846 lips: G5491 Whose G3739 mouth G4750 is full G1073 of cursing G685 and G2532 bitterness: G4088 Their G846 feet G4228 are swift G3691 to shed G1632 blood: G129 Destruction G4938 and G2532 misery G5004 are in G1722 their G846 ways: G3598 And G2532 the way G3598 of peace G1515 have G1097 they not G3756 known: G1097

Romans 2:17-24 STRONG

Behold, G2396 thou G4771 art called G2028 a Jew, G2453 and G2532 restest G1879 in the law, G3551 and G2532 makest thy boast G2744 of G1722 God, G2316 And G2532 knowest G1097 his will, G2307 and G2532 approvest G1381 the things that are more excellent, G1308 being instructed G2727 out of G1537 the law; G3551 And G5037 art confident G3982 that thou thyself G4572 art G1511 a guide G3595 of the blind, G5185 a light G5457 of them which are in G1722 darkness, G4655 An instructor G3810 of the foolish, G878 a teacher G1320 of babes, G3516 which hast G2192 the form G3446 of knowledge G1108 and G2532 of the truth G225 in G1722 the law. G3551 Thou therefore G3767 which G3588 teachest G1321 another, G2087 teachest thou G1321 not G3756 thyself? G4572 thou that preachest G2784 a man should G2813 not G3361 steal, G2813 dost thou steal? G2813 Thou that sayest G3004 a man should G3431 not G3361 commit adultery, G3431 dost thou commit adultery? G3431 thou that abhorrest G948 idols, G1497 dost thou commit sacrilege? G2416 Thou G3739 that makest thy boast G2744 of G1722 the law, G3551 through G1223 breaking G3847 the law G3551 dishonourest thou G818 God? G2316 For G1063 the name G3686 of God G2316 is blasphemed G987 among G1722 the Gentiles G1484 through G1223 you, G5209 as G2531 it is written. G1125

Romans 1:32 STRONG

Who G3748 knowing G1921 the judgment G1345 of God, G2316 that G3754 they which commit G4238 such things G5108 are G1526 worthy G514 of death, G2288 not G3756 only G3440 do G4160 the same, G846 but G235 G2532 have pleasure G4909 in them that do G4238 them.

Job 23:11-12 STRONG

My foot H7272 hath held H270 his steps, H838 his way H1870 have I kept, H8104 and not declined. H5186 Neither have I gone back H4185 from the commandment H4687 of his lips; H8193 I have esteemed H6845 the words H561 of his mouth H6310 more than my necessary H2706 food.

John 15:6 STRONG

If G3362 a man G5100 abide G3306 not G3362 in G1722 me, G1698 he is cast G906 forth G1854 as G5613 a branch, G2814 and G2532 is withered; G3583 and G2532 men gather G4863 them, G846 and G2532 cast G906 them into G1519 the fire, G4442 and G2532 they are burned. G2545

John 12:40 STRONG

He hath blinded G5186 their G846 eyes, G3788 and G2532 hardened G4456 their G846 heart; G2588 that G3363 they should G1492 not G3363 see G1492 with their eyes, G3788 nor G2532 understand G3539 with their heart, G2588 and G2532 be converted, G1994 and G2532 I should heal G2390 them. G846

John 12:35 STRONG

Then G3767 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 Yet G2089 a little G3398 while G5550 is G2076 the light G5457 with G3326 you. G5216 Walk G4043 while G2193 ye have G2192 the light, G5457 lest G3363 darkness G4653 come upon G2638 you: G5209 for G2532 he that walketh G4043 in G1722 darkness G4653 knoweth G1492 not G3756 whither G4226 he goeth. G5217

John 9:39-41 STRONG

And G2532 Jesus G2424 said, G2036 For G1519 judgment G2917 I G1473 am come G2064 into G1519 this G5126 world, G2889 that G2443 they which see G991 not G3361 might see; G991 and G2532 that they which see G991 might be made G1096 blind. G5185 And G2532 some of G1537 the Pharisees G5330 which G3588 were G5607 with G3326 him G846 heard G191 these words, G5023 and G2532 said G2036 unto him, G846 Are G3361 G2070 we G2249 blind G5185 also? G2532 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 If G1487 ye were G2258 blind, G5185 ye should G302 have G2192 no G3756 sin: G266 but G1161 now G3568 ye say, G3004 G3754 We see; G991 therefore G3767 your G5216 sin G266 remaineth. G3306

John 8:44 STRONG

Ye G5210 are G2075 of G1537 your father G3962 the devil, G1228 and G2532 the lusts G1939 of your G5216 father G3962 ye will G2309 do. G4160 He G1565 was G2258 a murderer G443 from G575 the beginning, G746 and G2532 abode G2476 not G3756 in G1722 the truth, G225 because G3754 there is G2076 no G3756 truth G225 in G1722 him. G846 When G3752 he speaketh G2980 a lie, G5579 he speaketh G2980 of G1537 his own: G2398 for G3754 he is G2076 a liar, G5583 and G2532 the father G3962 of it. G846

John 8:31 STRONG

Then G3767 said G3004 Jesus G2424 to G4314 those Jews G2453 which G3588 believed G4100 on him, G846 If G1437 ye G5210 continue G3306 in G1722 my G1699 word, G3056 then are ye G2075 my G3450 disciples G3101 indeed; G230

Luke 12:47-48 STRONG

And G1161 that G1565 servant, G1401 which G3588 knew G1097 his G1438 lord's G2962 will, G2307 and G2532 prepared G2090 not G3361 himself, neither G3366 did G4160 according G4314 to his G846 will, G2307 shall be beaten G1194 with many G4183 stripes. But G1161 he that knew G1097 not, G3361 and G1161 did commit G4160 things worthy G514 of stripes, G4127 shall be beaten G1194 with few G3641 stripes. For G1161 unto whomsoever G3739 G3956 much G4183 is given, G1325 of G3844 him G846 shall be much G4183 required: G2212 and G2532 to whom men G3739 have committed G3908 much, G4183 of him G846 they will ask G154 the more. G4055

Proverbs 4:19 STRONG

The way H1870 of the wicked H7563 is as darkness: H653 they know H3045 not at what they stumble. H3782

Commentary on Job 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Job 24:1-25.

1. Why is it that, seeing that the times of punishment (Eze 30:3; "time" in the same sense) are not hidden from the Almighty, they who know Him (His true worshippers, Job 18:21) do not see His days (of vengeance; Joe 1:15; 2Pe 3:10)? Or, with Umbreit less simply, making the parallel clauses more nicely balanced, Why are not times of punishment hoarded up ("laid up"; Job 21:19; appointed) by the Almighty? that is, Why are they not so appointed as that man may now see them? as the second clause shows. Job does not doubt that they are appointed: nay, he asserts it (Job 21:30); what he wishes is that God would let all now see that it is so.

2-24. Instances of the wicked doing the worst deeds with seeming impunity (Job 24:2-24).

Some—the wicked.

landmarks—boundaries between different pastures (De 19:14; Pr 22:28).

3. pledge—alluding to Job 22:6. Others really do, and with impunity, that which Eliphaz falsely charges the afflicted Job with.

4. Literally, they push the poor out of their road in meeting them. Figuratively, they take advantage of them by force and injustice (alluding to the charge of Eliphaz, Job 22:8; 1Sa 8:3).

poor—in spirit and in circumstances (Mt 5:3).

hide—from the injustice of their oppressors, who have robbed them of their all and driven them into unfrequented places (Job 20:19; 30:3-6; Pr 28:28).

5. wild asses—(Job 11:12). So Ishmael is called a "wild ass-man"; Hebrew (Ge 16:12). These Bedouin robbers, with the unbridled wildness of the ass of the desert, go forth thither. Robbery is their lawless "work." The desert, which yields no food to other men, yields food for the robber and his children by the plunder of caravans.

rising betimes—In the East travelling is begun very early, before the heat comes on.

6. Like the wild asses (Job 24:5) they (these Bedouin robbers) reap (metaphorically) their various grain (so the Hebrew for "corn" means). The wild ass does not let man pile his mixed provender up in a stable (Isa 30:24); so these robbers find their food in the open air, at one time in the desert (Job 24:5), at another in the fields.

the vintage of the wicked—Hebrew, "the wicked gather the vintage"; the vintage of robbery, not of honest industry. If we translate "belonging to the wicked," then it will imply that the wicked alone have vineyards, the "pious poor" (Job 24:4) have none. "Gather" in Hebrew, is "gather late." As the first clause refers to the early harvest of corn, so the second to the vintage late in autumn.

7. Umbreit understands it of the Bedouin robbers, who are quite regardless of the comforts of life, "They pass the night naked, and uncovered," &c. But the allusion to Job 22:6, makes the English Version preferable (see on Job 24:10). Frost is not uncommon at night in those regions (Ge 31:40).

8. They—the plundered travellers.

embrace the rock—take refuge under it (La 4:5).

9. from the breast—of the widowed mother. Kidnapping children for slaves. Here Job passes from wrongs in the desert to those done among the habitations of men.

pledge—namely, the garment of the poor debtor, as Job 24:10 shows.

10. (See on Job 22:6). In Job 24:7 a like sin is alluded to: but there he implies open robbery of garments in the desert; here, the more refined robbery in civilized life, under the name of a "pledge." Having stripped the poor, they make them besides labor in their harvest-fields and do not allow them to satisfy their hunger with any of the very corn which they carry to the heap. Worse treatment than that of the ox, according to De 25:4. Translate: "they (the poor laborers) hungering carry the sheaves" [Umbreit].

11. Which—"They," the poor, "press the oil within their wall"; namely, not only in the open fields (Job 24:10), but also in the wall-enclosed vineyards and olive gardens of the oppressor (Isa 5:5). Yet they are not allowed to quench their "thirst" with the grapes and olives. Here, thirsty; Job 24:10, hungry.

12. Men—rather, "mortals" (not the common Hebrew for "men"); so the Masoretic vowel points read as English Version. But the vowel points are modern. The true reading is, "The dying," answering to "the wounded" in the next clause, so Syriac. Not merely in the country (Job 24:11), but also in the city there are oppressed sufferers, who cry for help in vain. "From out of the city"; that is, they long to get forth and be free outside of it (Ex 1:11; 2:23).

wounded—by the oppressor (Eze 30:24).

layeth not folly—takes no account of (by punishing) their sin ("folly" in Scripture; Job 1:22). This is the gist of the whole previous list of sins (Ac 17:30). Umbreit with Syriac reads by changing a vowel point, "Regards not their supplication."

13. So far as to openly committed sins; now, those done in the dark. Translate: "There are those among them (the wicked) who rebel," &c.

light—both literal and figurative (Joh 3:19, 20; Pr 2:13).

paths thereof—places where the light shines.

14. with the light—at early dawn, while still dark, when the traveller in the East usually sets out, and the poor laborer to his work; the murderous robber lies in wait then (Ps 10:8).

is as a thief—Thieves in the East steal while men sleep at night; robbers murder at early dawn. The same man who steals at night, when light dawns not only robs, but murders to escape detection.

15. (Pr 7:9; Ps 10:11).

disguiseth—puts a veil on.

16. dig through—Houses in the East are generally built of sun-dried mud bricks (so Mt 6:19). "Thieves break through," literally, "dig through" (Eze 12:7).

had marked—Rather, as in Job 9:7, "They shut themselves up" (in their houses); literally, "they seal up."

for themselves—for their own ends, namely, to escape detection.

know not—shun.

17. They shrink from the "morning" light, as much as other men do from the blackest darkness ("the shadow of death").

if one know—that is, recognize them. Rather, "They know well (are familiar with) the terrors of," &c. [Umbreit]. Or, as Maurer, "They know the terrors of (this) darkness," namely, of morning, the light, which is as terrible to them as darkness ("the shadow of death") is to other men.

18-21. In these verses Job quotes the opinions of his adversaries ironically; he quoted them so before (Job 21:7-21). In Job 24:22-24, he states his own observation as the opposite. You say, "The sinner is swift, that is, swiftly passes away (as a thing floating) on the surface of the waters" (Ec 11:1; Ho 10:7).

is cursed—by those who witness their "swift" destruction.

beholdeth not—"turneth not to"; figuratively, for He cannot enjoy his pleasant possessions (Job 20:17; 15:33).

the way of the vineyards—including his fields, fertile as vineyards; opposite to "the way of the desert."

19. Arabian image; melted snow, as contrasted with the living fountain, quickly dries up in the sunburnt sand, not leaving a trace behind (Job 6:16-18). The Hebrew is terse and elliptical to express the swift and utter destruction of the godless; (so) "the grave—they have sinned!"

20. The womb—The very mother that bare him, and who is the last to "forget" the child that sucked her (Isa 49:15), shall dismiss him from her memory (Job 18:17; Pr 10:7). The worm shall suck, that is, "feed sweetly" on him as a delicate morsel (Job 21:33).

wickedness—that is, the wicked; abstract for concrete (as Job 5:16).

as a tree—utterly (Job 19:10); Umbreit better, "as a staff." A broken staff is the emblem of irreparable ruin (Isa 14:5; Ho 4:12).

21. The reason given by the friends why the sinner deserves such a fate.

barren—without sons, who might have protected her.

widow—without a husband to support her.

22-25. Reply of Job to the opinion of the friends. Experience proves the contrary. Translate: "But He (God) prolongeth the life of (literally, draweth out at length; Ps 36:10, Margin) the mighty with His (God's) power. He (the wicked) riseth up (from his sick bed) although he had given up hope of (literally, when he no longer believed in) life" (De 28:66).

23. Literally, "He (God omitted, as often; Job 3:20; Ec 9:9; reverentially) giveth to him (the wicked, to be) in safety, or security."

yet—Job means, How strange that God should so favor them, and yet have His eyes all the time open to their wicked ways (Pr 15:3; Ps 73:4)!

24. Job repeats what he said (Job 21:13), that sinners die in exalted positions, not the painful and lingering death we might expect, but a quick and easy death. Join "for a while" with "are gone," not as English Version. Translate: "A moment—and they are no more! They are brought low, as all (others) gather up their feet to die" (so the Hebrew of "are taken out of the way"). A natural death (Ge 49:33).

ears of corn—in a ripe and full age, not prematurely (Job 5:26).

25. (So Job 9:24).