Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 3 » Verse 5

Job 3:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 Let darkness H2822 and the shadow of death H6757 stain H1350 it; let a cloud H6053 dwell H7931 upon it; let the blackness H3650 of the day H3117 terrify H1204 it.

Cross Reference

Psalms 23:4 STRONG

Yea, though I walk H3212 through the valley H1516 of the shadow of death, H6757 I will fear H3372 no evil: H7451 for thou art with me; thy rod H7626 and thy staff H4938 they comfort H5162 me.

Job 10:21-22 STRONG

Before I go H3212 whence I shall not return, H7725 even to the land H776 of darkness H2822 and the shadow of death; H6757 A land H776 of darkness, H5890 as darkness H652 itself; and of the shadow of death, H6757 without any order, H5468 and where the light H3313 is as darkness. H652

Jeremiah 13:16 STRONG

Give H5414 glory H3519 to the LORD H3068 your God, H430 before he cause darkness, H2821 and before your feet H7272 stumble H5062 upon the dark H5399 mountains, H2022 and, while ye look H6960 for light, H216 he turn H7760 it into the shadow of death, H6757 and make H7896 H7896 it gross darkness. H6205

Isaiah 9:2 STRONG

The people H5971 that walked H1980 in darkness H2822 have seen H7200 a great H1419 light: H216 they that dwell H3427 in the land H776 of the shadow of death, H6757 upon them hath the light H216 shined. H5050

Job 28:3 STRONG

He setteth H7760 an end H7093 to darkness, H2822 and searcheth out H2713 all perfection: H8503 the stones H68 of darkness, H652 and the shadow of death. H6757

Luke 1:79 STRONG

To give light G2014 to them that sit G2521 in G1722 darkness G4655 and G2532 in the shadow G4639 of death, G2288 to guide G2720 our G2257 feet G4228 into G1519 the way G3598 of peace. G1515

Matthew 4:16 STRONG

The people G2992 which G3588 sat G2521 in G1722 darkness G4655 saw G1492 great G3173 light; G5457 and G2532 to them which G3588 sat G2521 in G1722 the region G5561 and G2532 shadow G4639 of death G2288 light G5457 is sprung up. G393 G846

Jeremiah 2:6 STRONG

Neither said H559 they, Where is the LORD H3068 that brought us up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 that led H3212 us through the wilderness, H4057 through a land H776 of deserts H6160 and of pits, H7745 through a land H776 of drought, H6723 and of the shadow of death, H6757 through a land H776 that no man H376 passed through, H5674 and where no man H120 dwelt? H3427

Job 38:17 STRONG

Have the gates H8179 of death H4194 been opened H1540 unto thee? or hast thou seen H7200 the doors H8179 of the shadow of death? H6757

Job 24:17 STRONG

For the morning H1242 is to them even as H3162 the shadow of death: H6757 if one know H5234 them, they are in the terrors H1091 of the shadow of death. H6757

Hebrews 12:18 STRONG

For G1063 ye are G4334 not G3756 come G4334 unto the mount G3735 that might be touched, G5584 and G2532 that burned G2545 with fire, G4442 nor G2532 unto blackness, G1105 and G2532 darkness, G4655 and G2532 tempest, G2366

Deuteronomy 4:11 STRONG

And ye came near H7126 and stood H5975 under the mountain; H2022 and the mountain H2022 burned H1197 with fire H784 unto the midst H3820 of heaven, H8064 with darkness, H6205 clouds, H6051 and thick darkness. H2822

Amos 8:10 STRONG

And I will turn H2015 your feasts H2282 into mourning, H60 and all your songs H7892 into lamentation; H7015 and I will bring up H5927 sackcloth H8242 upon all loins, H4975 and baldness H7144 upon every head; H7218 and I will make H7760 it as the mourning H60 of an only H3173 son, and the end H319 thereof as a bitter H4751 day. H3117

Amos 5:8 STRONG

Seek him that maketh H6213 the seven stars H3598 and Orion, H3685 and turneth H2015 the shadow of death H6757 into the morning, H1242 and maketh the day H3117 dark H2821 with night: H3915 that calleth H7121 for the waters H4325 of the sea, H3220 and poureth them out H8210 upon the face H6440 of the earth: H776 The LORD H3068 is his name: H8034

Joel 2:2 STRONG

A day H3117 of darkness H2822 and of gloominess, H653 a day H3117 of clouds H6051 and of thick darkness, H6205 as the morning H7837 spread H6566 upon the mountains: H2022 a great H7227 people H5971 and a strong; H6099 there hath not been H1961 ever H5769 the like, neither shall be any more H3254 after H310 it, even to the years H8141 of many H1755 generations. H1755

Ezekiel 34:12 STRONG

As a shepherd H7462 seeketh out H1243 his flock H5739 in the day H3117 that he is among H8432 his sheep H6629 that are scattered; H6567 so will I seek out H1239 my sheep, H6629 and will deliver H5337 them out of all places H4725 where they have been scattered H6327 in the cloudy H6051 and dark H6205 day. H3117

Ezekiel 30:3 STRONG

For the day H3117 is near, H7138 even the day H3117 of the LORD H3068 is near, H7138 a cloudy H6051 day; H3117 it shall be the time H6256 of the heathen. H1471

Jeremiah 4:28 STRONG

For this shall the earth H776 mourn, H56 and the heavens H8064 above H4605 be black: H6937 because I have spoken H1696 it, I have purposed H2161 it, and will not repent, H5162 neither will I turn back H7725 from it.

Psalms 107:14 STRONG

He brought them out H3318 of darkness H2822 and the shadow of death, H6757 and brake H5423 their bands H4147 in sunder. H5423

Psalms 107:10 STRONG

Such as sit H3427 in darkness H2822 and in the shadow of death, H6757 being bound H615 in affliction H6040 and iron; H1270

Psalms 44:19 STRONG

Though thou hast sore broken H1794 us in the place H4725 of dragons, H8577 and covered H3680 us with the shadow of death. H6757

Job 16:16 STRONG

My face H6440 is foul H2560 with weeping, H1065 and on my eyelids H6079 is the shadow of death; H6757

Commentary on Job 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


FIRST SERIES IN IT (Job 3:1-14:22).
JOB FIRST (Job 3:1-26).

Job 3:1-19. Job Curses the Day of His Birth and Wishes for Death.

1. opened his mouth—The Orientals speak seldom, and then sententiously; hence this formula expressing deliberation and gravity (Ps 78:2). He formally began.

cursed his day—the strict Hebrew word for "cursing:" not the same as in Job 1:5. Job cursed his birthday, but not his God.

2. spake—Hebrew, "answered," that is, not to any actual question that preceded, but to the question virtually involved in the case. His outburst is singularly wild and bold (Jer 20:14). To desire to die so as to be free from sin is a mark of grace; to desire to die so as to escape troubles is a mark of corruption. He was ill-fitted to die who was so unwilling to live. But his trials were greater, and his light less, than ours.

3. the night in which—rather "the night which said." The words in italics are not in the Hebrew. Night is personified and poetically made to speak. So in Job 3:7, and in Ps 19:2. The birth of a male in the East is a matter of joy; often not so of a female.

4. let not God regard it—rather, more poetically, "seek it out." "Let not God stoop from His bright throne to raise it up from its dark hiding-place." The curse on the day in Job 3:3, is amplified in Job 3:4, 5; that on the night, in Job 3:6-10.

5. Let … the shadow of death—("deepest darkness," Isa 9:2).

stain it—This is a later sense of the verb [Gesenius]; better the old and more poetic idea, "Let darkness (the ancient night of chaotic gloom) resume its rights over light (Ge 1:2), and claim that day as its own."

a cloud—collectively, a gathered mass of dark clouds.

the blackness of the day terrify it—literally, "the obscurations"; whatever darkens the day [Gesenius]. The verb in Hebrew expresses sudden terrifying. May it be suddenly affrighted at its own darkness. Umbreit explains it as "magical incantations that darken the day," forming the climax to the previous clauses; Job 3:8 speaks of "cursers of the day" similarly. But the former view is simpler. Others refer it to the poisonous simoom wind.

6. seize upon it—as its prey, that is, utterly dissolve it.

joined unto the days of the year—rather, by poetic personification, "Let it not rejoice in the circle of days and nights and months, which form the circle of years."

7. solitary—rather, "unfruitful." "Would that it had not given birth to me."

8. them … curse the day—If "mourning" be the right rendering in the latter clause of this verse, these words refer to the hired mourners of the dead (Jer 9:17). But the Hebrew for "mourning" elsewhere always denotes an animal, whether it be the crocodile or some huge serpent (Isa 27:1), such as is meant by "leviathan." Therefore, the expression, "cursers of day," refers to magicians, who were believed to be able by charms to make a day one of evil omen. (So Balaam, Nu 22:5). This accords with Umbreit's view (Job 3:7); or to the Ethiopians and Atlantes, who "used to curse the sun at his rising for burning up them and their country" [Herodotus]. Necromancers claimed power to control or rouse wild beasts at will, as do the Indian serpent-charmers of our day (Ps 58:5). Job does not say they had the power they claimed; but, supposing they had, may they curse the day. Schuttens renders it by supplying words as follows:—Let those that are ready for anything, call it (the day) the raiser up of leviathan, that is, of a host of evils.

9. dawning of the day—literally, "eyelashes of morning." The Arab poets call the sun the eye of day. His early rays, therefore, breaking forth before sunrise, are the opening eyelids or eyelashes of morning.

12. Why did the knees prevent me?—Old English for "anticipate my wants." The reference is to the solemn recognition of a new-born child by the father, who used to place it on his knees as his own, whom he was bound to rear (Ge 30:3; 50:23; Isa 66:12).

13. lain … quiet … slept—a gradation. I should not only have lain, but been quiet, and not only been quiet, but slept. Death in Scripture is called "sleep" (Ps 13:3); especially in the New Testament, where the resurrection-awakening is more clearly set forth (1Co 15:51; 1Th 4:14; 5:10).

14. With kings … which built desolate places for themselves—who built up for themselves what proved to be (not palaces, but) ruins! The wounded spirit of Job, once a great emir himself, sick of the vain struggles of mortal great men, after grandeur, contemplates the palaces of kings, now desolate heaps of ruins. His regarding the repose of death the most desirable end of the great ones of earth, wearied with heaping up perishable treasures, marks the irony that breaks out from the black clouds of melancholy [Umbreit]. The "for themselves" marks their selfishness. Michaelis explains it weakly of mausoleums, such as are found still, of stupendous proportions, in the ruins of Petra of Idumea.

15. filled their houses with silver—Some take this to refer to the treasures which the ancients used to bury with their dead. But see Job 3:26.

16. untimely birth—(Ps 58:8); preferable to the life of the restless miser (Ec 6:3-5).

17. the wicked—the original meaning, "those ever restless," "full of desires" (Isa 57:20, 21).

the weary—literally, "those whose strength is wearied out" (Re 14:13).

18. There the prisoners rest—from their chains.

19. servant—The slave is there manumitted from slavery.

Job 3:20-26. He Complains of Life because of His Anguish.

20. Wherefore giveth he light—namely, God; often omitted reverentially (Job 24:23; Ec 9:9). Light, that is, life. The joyful light ill suits the mourners. The grave is most in unison with their feelings.

23. whose way is hid—The picture of Job is drawn from a wanderer who has lost his way, and who is hedged in, so as to have no exit of escape (Ho 2:6; La 3:7, 9).

24. my sighing cometh before I eat—that is, prevents my eating [Umbreit]; or, conscious that the effort to eat brought on the disease, Job must sigh before eating [Rosenmuller]; or, sighing takes the place of good (Ps 42:3) [Good]. But the first explanation accords best with the text.

my roarings are poured out like the waters—an image from the rushing sound of water streaming.

25. the thing which I … feared is come upon me—In the beginning of his trials, when he heard of the loss of one blessing, he feared the loss of another; and when he heard of the loss of that, he feared the loss of a third.

that which I was afraid of is come unto me—namely, the ill opinion of his friends, as though he were a hypocrite on account of his trials.

26. I was not in safety … yet trouble came—referring, not to his former state, but to the beginning of his troubles. From that time I had no rest, there was no intermission of sorrows. "And" (not, "yet") a fresh trouble is coming, namely, my friends' suspicion of my being a hypocrite. This gives the starting-point to the whole ensuing controversy.