Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 35 » Verse 8

Job 35:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Thy wickedness H7562 may hurt a man H376 as thou art; and thy righteousness H6666 may profit the son H1121 of man. H120

Cross Reference

Genesis 12:2 STRONG

And I will make of thee H6213 a great H1419 nation, H1471 and I will bless H1288 thee, and make H1431 thy name H8034 great; H1431 and thou shalt be a blessing: H1293

Genesis 18:24-33 STRONG

Peradventure there be H3426 fifty H2572 righteous H6662 within H8432 the city: H5892 wilt thou also destroy H5595 and not spare H5375 the place H4725 for H4616 the fifty H2572 righteous H6662 that are therein? H7130 That be far H2486 from thee to do H6213 after this manner, H1697 to slay H4191 the righteous H6662 with the wicked: H7563 and that the righteous H6662 should be as the wicked, H7563 that be far H2486 from thee: Shall not the Judge H8199 of all the earth H776 do H6213 right? H4941 And the LORD H3068 said, H559 If I find H4672 in Sodom H5467 fifty H2572 righteous H6662 within H8432 the city, H5892 then I will spare H5375 all the place H4725 for their sakes. And Abraham H85 answered H6030 and said, H559 Behold now, I have taken upon me H2974 to speak H1696 unto the Lord, H136 which H595 am but dust H6083 and ashes: H665 Peradventure there shall lack H2637 five H2568 of the fifty H2572 righteous: H6662 wilt thou destroy H7843 all the city H5892 for lack of five? H2568 And he said, H559 If I find H4672 there forty H705 and five, H2568 I will not destroy H7843 it. And he spake H1696 unto him yet again, H3254 and said, H559 Peradventure there shall be forty H705 found H4672 there. And he said, H559 I will not do H6213 it for forty's H705 sake. And he said H559 unto him, Oh H4994 let not the Lord H136 be angry, H2734 and I will speak: H1696 Peradventure there shall thirty H7970 be found H4672 there. And he said, H559 I will not do H6213 it, if I find H4672 thirty H7970 there. And he said, H559 Behold now, I have taken upon me H2974 to speak H1696 unto the Lord: H136 Peradventure there shall be twenty H6242 found H4672 there. And he said, H559 I will not destroy H7843 it for twenty's H6242 sake. And he said, H559 Oh let not the Lord H136 be angry, H2734 and I will speak H1696 yet H389 but this once: H6471 Peradventure ten H6235 shall be found H4672 there. And he said, H559 I will not destroy H7843 it for ten's H6235 sake. And the LORD H3068 went his way, H3212 as soon as H834 he had left H3615 communing H1696 with Abraham: H85 and Abraham H85 returned H7725 unto his place. H4725

Genesis 19:29 STRONG

And it came to pass, when God H430 destroyed H7843 the cities H5892 of the plain, H3603 that God H430 remembered H2142 Abraham, H85 and sent H7971 Lot H3876 out of the midst H8432 of the overthrow, H2018 when he overthrew H2015 the cities H5892 in the which H2004 Lot H3876 dwelt. H3427

Joshua 7:1-5 STRONG

But the children H1121 of Israel H3478 committed H4603 a trespass H4604 in the accursed thing: H2764 for Achan, H5912 the son H1121 of Carmi, H3756 the son H1121 of Zabdi, H2067 the son H1121 of Zerah, H2226 of the tribe H4294 of Judah, H3063 took H3947 of the accursed thing: H2764 and the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was kindled H2734 against the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 And Joshua H3091 sent H7971 men H582 from Jericho H3405 to Ai, H5857 which is beside H5973 Bethaven, H1007 on the east side H6924 of Bethel, H1008 and spake H559 unto them, saying, H559 Go up H5927 and view H7270 the country. H776 And the men H582 went up H5927 and viewed H7270 Ai. H5857 And they returned H7725 to Joshua, H3091 and said H559 unto him, Let not all the people H5971 go up; H5927 but let about two or three H7969 thousand H505 men H376 go up H5927 and smite H5221 Ai; H5857 and make not all the people H5971 to labour H3021 thither; for they are but few. H4592 So there went up H5927 thither of the people H5971 about three H7969 thousand H505 men: H376 and they fled H5127 before H6440 the men H582 of Ai. H5857 And the men H582 of Ai H5857 smote H5221 of them about thirty H7970 and six H8337 men: H376 for they chased H7291 them from before H6440 the gate H8179 even unto Shebarim, H7671 and smote H5221 them in the going down: H4174 wherefore the hearts H3824 of the people H5971 melted, H4549 and became as water. H4325

Joshua 22:20 STRONG

Did not Achan H5912 the son H1121 of Zerah H2226 commit H4603 a trespass H4604 in the accursed thing, H2764 and wrath H7110 fell H1961 on all the congregation H5712 of Israel? H3478 and that man H376 perished H1478 not alone H259 in his iniquity. H5771

Job 42:8 STRONG

Therefore take H3947 unto you now seven H7651 bullocks H6499 and seven H7651 rams, H352 and go H3212 to my servant H5650 Job, H347 and offer up H5927 for yourselves a burnt offering; H5930 and my servant H5650 Job H347 shall pray H6419 for you: for him H6440 will I accept: H5375 lest I deal H6213 with you after your folly, H5039 in that ye have not spoken H1696 of me the thing which is right, H3559 like my servant H5650 Job. H347

Psalms 106:23 STRONG

Therefore he said H559 that he would destroy H8045 them, had not H3884 Moses H4872 his chosen H972 stood H5975 before H6440 him in the breach, H6556 to turn away H7725 his wrath, H2534 lest he should destroy H7843 them.

Psalms 106:30 STRONG

Then stood up H5975 Phinehas, H6372 and executed judgment: H6419 and so the plague H4046 was stayed. H6113

Ecclesiastes 9:18 STRONG

Wisdom H2451 is better H2896 than weapons H3627 of war: H7128 but one H259 sinner H2398 destroyeth H6 much H7235 good. H2896

Ezekiel 22:30 STRONG

And I sought H1245 for a man H376 among them, that should make up H1443 the hedge, H1447 and stand H5975 in the gap H6556 before H6440 me for the land, H776 that I should not destroy H7843 it: but I found H4672 none.

Jonah 1:12 STRONG

And he said H559 unto them, Take me up, H5375 and cast me forth H2904 into the sea; H3220 so shall the sea H3220 be calm H8367 unto you: for I know H3045 that for my sake H7945 this great H1419 tempest H5591 is upon you.

Acts 27:24 STRONG

Saying, G3004 Fear G5399 not, G3361 Paul; G3972 thou G4571 must G1163 be brought before G3936 Caesar: G2541 and, G2532 lo, G2400 God G2316 hath given G5483 thee G4671 all G3956 them that sail G4126 with G3326 thee. G4675

Hebrews 11:7 STRONG

By faith G4102 Noah, G3575 being warned of God G5537 of G4012 things not G3369 seen G991 as yet, G3369 moved with fear, G2125 prepared G2680 an ark G2787 to G1519 the saving G4991 of his G846 house; G3624 by G1223 the which G3739 he condemned G2632 the world, G2889 and G2532 became G1096 heir G2818 of the righteousness G1343 which is by G2596 faith. G4102

Commentary on Job 35 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2. more than—rather as in Job 9:2; 25:4: "I am righteous (literally, my righteousness is) before God." The English Version, however, agrees with Job 9:17; 16:12-17; 27:2-6. Job 4:17 is susceptible of either rendering. Elihu means Job said so, not in so many words, but virtually.

3. Rather, explanatory of "this" in Job 35:2, "That thou sayest (to thyself, as if a distinct person) What advantage is it (thy integrity) to thee? What profit have I (by integrity) more than (I should have) by my sin?" that is, more than if I had sinned (Job 34:9). Job had said that the wicked, who use these very words, do not suffer for it (Job 21:13-15); whereby he virtually sanctioned their sentiments. The same change of persons from oblique to direct address occurs (Job 19:28; 22:17).

4. companions—those entertaining like sentiments with thee (Job 34:8, 36).

5-8. Elihu like Eliphaz (Job 22:2, 3, 12) shows that God is too exalted in nature to be susceptible of benefit or hurt from the righteousness or sin of men respectively; it is themselves that they benefit by righteousness, or hurt by sin.

behold the clouds, which are higher than thou—spoken with irony. Not only are they higher than thou, but thou canst not even reach them clearly with the eye. Yet these are not as high as God's seat. God is therefore too exalted to be dependent on man. Therefore He has no inducement to injustice in His dealings with man. When He afflicts, it must be from a different motive; namely, the good of the sufferer.

6. what doest—how canst thou affect Him?

unto him—that can hurt Him? (Jer 7:19; Pr 8:36).

9. (Ec 4:1.) Elihu states in Job's words (Job 24. 12; 30. 20) the difficulty; the "cries" of "the oppressed" not being heard might lead man to think that wrongs are not punished by Him.

10-13. But the reason is that the innocent sufferers often do not humbly seek God for succor; so to their "pride" is to be laid the blame of their ruin; also because (Job 35:13-16) they, as Job, instead of waiting God's time in pious trust, are prone to despair of His justice, when it is not immediately visible (Job 33:19-26). If the sufferer would apply to God with a humbled, penitent spirit, He would hear.

Where, &c.—(Jer 2:6, 8; Isa 51:13).

songs—of joy at deliverance (Ps 42:8; 149:5; Ac 16:25).

in the night—unexpectedly (Job 34:20, 25). Rather, "in calamity."

11. Man's spirit, which distinguishes him from the brute, is the strongest proof of God's beneficence; by the use of it we may understand that God is the Almighty helper of all sufferers who humbly seek Him; and that they err who do not so seek Him.

fowls—(see on Job 28:21).

12. There—rather, "Then" (when none humbly casts himself on God, Job 35:10). They cry proudly against God, rather than humbly to God. So, as the design of affliction is to humble the sufferer, there can be no answer until "pride" gives place to humble, penitent prayer (Ps 10:4; Jer 13:17).

13. vanity—that is, cries uttered in an unhumbled spirit, Job 35:12, which applies in some degree to Job's cries; still more to those of the wicked (Job 27:9; Pr 15:29).

14. Although thou sayest thou shalt not see him—(as a temporal deliverer; for he did look for a Redeemer after death, Job 19:25-27; which passage cannot consistently with Elihu's assertion here be interpreted of "seeing" a temporal "redeemer"), Job 7:7; 9:11; 23:3, 8, 9; yet, judgment … ; therefore trust … But the Hebrew favors Maurer, "How much less (will God … regard, Job 35:13), since thou sayest, that He does not regard thee." So in Job 4:19. Thus Elihu alludes to Job's words (Job 19:7; 30:20).

judgment—that is, thy cause, thy right; as in Ps 9:16; Pr 31:5, 8.

trust—rather, "wait thou" on Him, patiently, until He take up thy cause (Ps 37:7).

15. As it is, because Job waited not trustingly and patiently (Job 35:14; Nu 20:12; Zep 3:2; Mic 7:9), God hath visited … ; yet still he has not taken (severe) cognizance of the great multitude (English Version wrongly, "extremity") of sins; therefore Job should not complain of being punished with undue severity (Job 7:20; 11:6). Maurer translates: "Because His anger hath not visited (hath not immediately punished Job for his impious complaints), nor has He taken strict (great) cognizance of his folly (sinful speeches); therefore," &c. For "folly," Umbreit translates with the Rabbins, "multitude." Gesenius reads with the Septuagint and Vulgate needlessly, "transgression."

16. Apodosis to Job 35:15.

in vain—rashly.