Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 37 » Verse 14

Job 37:14 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

14 Hearken H238 unto this, O Job: H347 stand still, H5975 and consider H995 the wondrous H6381 works of God. H410

Cross Reference

Psalms 111:2 STRONG

The works H4639 of the LORD H3068 are great, H1419 sought out H1875 of all them that have pleasure H2656 therein.

Exodus 14:13 STRONG

And Moses H4872 said H559 unto the people, H5971 Fear H3372 ye not, stand still, H3320 and see H7200 the salvation H3444 of the LORD, H3068 which he will shew H6213 to you to day: H3117 for the Egyptians H4714 whom ye have seen H7200 to day, H3117 ye shall see H7200 them again H3254 no more for H5704 ever. H5769

Job 26:6-14 STRONG

Hell H7585 is naked H6174 before him, and destruction H11 hath no covering. H3682 He stretcheth out H5186 the north H6828 over the empty place, H8414 and hangeth H8518 the earth H776 upon nothing. H1099 He bindeth up H6887 the waters H4325 in his thick clouds; H5645 and the cloud H6051 is not rent H1234 under them. He holdeth back H270 the face H6440 of his throne, H3678 and spreadeth H6576 his cloud H6051 upon it. He hath compassed H2328 the waters H6440 H4325 with bounds, H2706 until the day H216 and night H2822 come to an end. H8503 The pillars H5982 of heaven H8064 tremble H7322 and are astonished H8539 at his reproof. H1606 He divideth H7280 the sea H3220 with his power, H3581 and by his understanding H8394 H8394 he smiteth H4272 through the proud. H7293 By his spirit H7307 he hath garnished H8235 the heavens; H8064 his hand H3027 hath formed H2342 the crooked H1281 serpent. H5175 Lo, these are parts H7098 of his ways: H1870 but how little H8102 a portion H1697 is heard H8085 of him? but the thunder H7482 of his power H1369 who can understand? H995

Job 36:24 STRONG

Remember H2142 that thou magnify H7679 his work, H6467 which men H582 behold. H7891

Psalms 46:10 STRONG

Be still, H7503 and know H3045 that I am God: H430 I will be exalted H7311 among the heathen, H1471 I will be exalted H7311 in the earth. H776

Psalms 145:5-6 STRONG

I will speak H7878 of the glorious H3519 honour H1926 of thy majesty, H1935 and of thy wondrous H6381 works. H1697 And men shall speak H559 of the might H5807 of thy terrible acts: H3372 and I will declare H5608 thy greatness. H1420

Psalms 145:10-12 STRONG

All thy works H4639 shall praise H3034 thee, O LORD; H3068 and thy saints H2623 shall bless H1288 thee. They shall speak H559 of the glory H3519 of thy kingdom, H4438 and talk H1696 of thy power; H1369 To make known H3045 to the sons H1121 of men H120 his mighty acts, H1369 and the glorious H3519 majesty H1926 of his kingdom. H4438

Habakkuk 2:20 STRONG

But the LORD H3068 is in his holy H6944 temple: H1964 let all the earth H776 keep silence H2013 before H6440 him.

Commentary on Job 37 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Job 37:1-24.

1. At this—when I hear the thundering of the Divine Majesty. Perhaps the storm already had begun, out of which God was to address Job (Job 38:1).

2. Hear attentively—the thunder (noise), &c., and then you will feel that there is good reason to tremble.

sound—muttering of the thunder.

3. directeth it—however zigzag the lightning's course; or, rather, it applies to the pealing roll of the thunder. God's all-embracing power.

ends—literally, "wings," "skirts," the habitable earth being often compared to an extended garment (Job 38:13; Isa 11:12).

4. The thunderclap follows at an interval after the flash.

stay them—He will not hold back the lightnings (Job 37:3), when the thunder is heard [Maurer]. Rather, take "them" as the usual concomitants of thunder, namely, rain and hail [Umbreit] (Job 40:9).

5. (Job 36:26; Ps 65:6; 139:14). The sublimity of the description lies in this, that God is everywhere in the storm, directing it whither He will [Barnes]. See Ps 29:1-11, where, as here, the "voice" of God is repeated with grand effect. The thunder in Arabia is sublimely terrible.

6. Be—more forcible than "fall," as Umbreit translates Ge 1:3.

to the small rain, &c.—He saith, Be on the earth. The shower increasing from "small" to "great," is expressed by the plural "showers" (Margin), following the singular "shower." Winter rain (So 2:11).

7. In winter God stops man's out-of-doors activity.

sealeth—closeth up (Job 9:7). Man's "hands" are then tied up.

his work—in antithesis to man's own work ("hand") which at other times engages men so as to make them liable to forget their dependence on God. Umbreit more literally translates, That all men whom He has made (literally, "of His making") may be brought to acknowledgment."

8. remain—rest in their lairs. It is beautifully ordered that during the cold, when they could not obtain food, many lie torpid, a state wherein they need no food. The desolation of the fields, at God's bidding, is poetically graphic.

9. south—literally, "chambers"; connected with the south (Job 9:9). The whirlwinds are poetically regarded as pent up by God in His southern chambers, whence He sends them forth (so Job 38:22; Ps 135:7). As to the southern whirlwinds (see Isa 21:1; Zec 9:14), they drive before them burning sands; chiefly from February to May.

the north—literally, "scattering"; the north wind scatters the clouds.

10. the breath of God—poetically, for the ice-producing north wind.

frost—rather, "ice."

straitened—physically accurate; frost compresses or contracts the expanded liquid into a congealed mass (Job 38:29, 30; Ps 147:17, 18).

11-13. How the thunderclouds are dispersed, or else employed by God, either for correction or mercy.

by watering—by loading it with water.

wearieth—burdeneth it, so that it falls in rain; thus "wearieth" answers to the parallel "scattereth" (compare, see on Job 37:9); a clear sky resulting alike from both.

bright cloud—literally, "cloud of his light," that is, of His lightning. Umbreit for "watering," &c., translates; "Brightness drives away the clouds, His light scattereth the thick clouds"; the parallelism is thus good, but the Hebrew hardly sanctions it.

12. it—the cloud of lightning.

counsels—guidance (Ps 148:8); literally, "steering"; the clouds obey God's guidance, as the ship does the helmsman. So the lightning (see on Job 36:31, 32); neither is haphazard in its movements.

they—the clouds, implied in the collective singular "it."

face of the world, &c.—in the face of the earth's circle.

13. Literally, "He maketh it (the rain-cloud) find place," whether for correction, if (it be destined) for His land (that is, for the part inhabited by man, with whom God deals, as opposed to the parts uninhabited, on which rain is at other times appointed to fall, Job 38:26, 27) or for mercy. "If it be destined for His land" is a parenthetical supposition [Maurer]. In English Version, this clause spoils the even balance of the antithesis between the "rod" (Margin) and "mercy" (Ps 68:9; Ge 7:1-24).

14. (Ps 111:2).

15. when—rather, "how."

disposed them—lays His charge on these "wonders" (Job 37:14) to arise.


shine—flash. How is it that light arises from the dark thundercloud?

16. Hebrew, "Hast thou understanding of the balancings," &c., how the clouds are poised in the air, so that their watery gravity does not bring them to the earth? The condensed moisture, descending by gravity, meets a warmer temperature, which dissipates it into vapor (the tendency of which is to ascend) and so counteracts the descending force.

perfect in knowledge—God; not here in the sense that Elihu uses it of himself (Job 36:4).

dost thou know—how, &c.

17. thy garments, &c.—that is, dost thou know how thy body grows warm, so as to affect thy garments with heat?

south wind—literally, "region of the south." "When He maketh still (and sultry) the earth (that is, the atmosphere) by (during) the south wind" (So 4:16).

18. with him—like as He does (Job 40:15).

spread out—given expanse to.

strong pieces—firm; whence the term "firmament" ("expansion," Ge 1:6, Margin; Isa 44:24).

molten looking glass—image of the bright smiling sky. Mirrors were then formed of molten polished metal, not glass.

19. Men cannot explain God's wonders; we ought, therefore, to be dumb and not contend with God. If Job thinks we ought, "let him teach us, what we shall say."


darkness—of mind; ignorance. "The eyes are bewilderingly blinded, when turned in bold controversy with God towards the sunny heavens" (Job 37:18) [Umbreit].

20. What I a mortal say against God's dealings is not worthy of being told Him. In opposition to Job's wish to "speak" before God (Job 13:3, 18-22).

if … surely he shall be swallowed up—The parallelism more favors Umbreit, "Durst a man speak (before Him, complaining) that he is (without cause) being destroyed?"

21. cleanseth—that is, cleareth the air of clouds. When the "bright light" of the sun, previously not seen through "clouds," suddenly shines out from behind them, owing to the wind clearing them away, the effect is dazzling to the eye; so if God's majesty, now hidden, were suddenly revealed in all its brightness, it would spread darkness over Job's eyes, anxious as he is for it (compare, see on Job 37:19) [Umbreit]. It is because now man sees not the bright sunlight (God's dazzling majesty), owing to the intervening "clouds" (Job 26:9), that they dare to wish to "speak" before God (Job 37:20). Prelude to God's appearance (Job 38:1). The words also hold true in a sense not intended by Elihu, but perhaps included by the Holy Ghost. Job and other sufferers cannot see the light of God's countenance through the clouds of trial: but the wind will soon clear them off, and God shall appear again: let them but wait patiently, for He still shines, though for a time they see Him not (see on Job 37:23).

22. Rather, "golden splendor." Maurer translates "gold." It is found in northern regions. But God cannot be "found out," because of His "Majesty" (Job 37:23). Thus the twenty-eighth chapter corresponds; English Version is simpler.

the north—Brightness is chiefly associated with it (see on Job 23:9). Here, perhaps, because the north wind clears the air (Pr 25:23). Thus this clause answers to the last of Job 37:21; as the second of this verse to the first of Job 37:21. Inverted parallelism. (See Isa 14:13; Ps 48:2).

with God—rather, "upon God," as a garment (Ps 104:1, 2).


23. afflict—oppressively, so as to "pervert judgment" as Job implied (see on Job 8:3); but see on Job 37:21, end of note. The reading, "He answereth not," that is, gives no account of His dealings, is like a transcriber's correction, from Job 33:13, Margin.

24. do—rather, "ought."

wise—in their own conceits.