Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 37 » Verse 1

Job 37:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 At this H2063 also my heart H3820 trembleth, H2729 and is moved out H5425 of his place. H4725

Cross Reference

Exodus 19:16 STRONG

And it came to pass on the third H7992 day H3117 in the morning, H1242 that there were thunders H6963 and lightnings, H1300 and a thick H3515 cloud H6051 upon the mount, H2022 and the voice H6963 of the trumpet H7782 exceeding H3966 loud; H2389 so that all the people H5971 that was in the camp H4264 trembled. H2729

Job 4:14 STRONG

Fear H6343 came H7122 upon me, and trembling, H7461 which made all H7230 my bones H6106 to shake. H6342

Job 21:6 STRONG

Even when I remember H2142 I am afraid, H926 and trembling H6427 taketh hold on H270 my flesh. H1320

Job 38:1 STRONG

Then the LORD H3068 answered H6030 Job H347 out of the whirlwind, H5591 and said, H559

Psalms 89:7 STRONG

God H410 is greatly H7227 to be feared H6206 in the assembly H5475 of the saints, H6918 and to be had in reverence H3372 of all them that are about H5439 him.

Psalms 119:120 STRONG

My flesh H1320 trembleth H5568 for fear H6343 of thee; and I am afraid H3372 of thy judgments. H4941

Jeremiah 5:22 STRONG

Fear H3372 ye not me? saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 will ye not tremble H2342 at my presence, H6440 which have placed H7760 the sand H2344 for the bound H1366 of the sea H3220 by a perpetual H5769 decree, H2706 that it cannot pass H5674 it: and though the waves H1530 thereof toss H1607 themselves, yet can they not prevail; H3201 though they roar, H1993 yet can they not pass over H5674 it?

Daniel 10:7-8 STRONG

And I Daniel H1840 alone saw H7200 the vision: H4759 for the men H582 that were with me saw H7200 not the vision; H4759 but H61 a great H1419 quaking H2731 fell H5307 upon them, so that they fled H1272 to hide H2244 themselves. Therefore I was left alone, H7604 and saw H7200 this great H1419 vision, H4759 and there remained H7604 no strength H3581 in me: for my comeliness H1935 was turned H2015 in me into corruption, H4889 and I retained H6113 no strength. H3581

Habakkuk 3:16 STRONG

When I heard, H8085 my belly H990 trembled; H7264 my lips H8193 quivered H6750 at the voice: H6963 rottenness H7538 entered H935 into my bones, H6106 and I trembled H7264 in myself, that I might rest H5117 in the day H3117 of trouble: H6869 when he cometh up H5927 unto the people, H5971 he will invade them with his troops. H1464

Matthew 28:2-4 STRONG

And, G2532 behold, G2400 there was G1096 a great G3173 earthquake: G4578 for G1063 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 descended G2597 from G1537 heaven, G3772 and came G4334 and rolled back G617 the stone G3037 from G575 the door, G2374 and G2532 sat G2521 upon G1883 it. G846 G1161 His G846 countenance G2397 was G2258 like G5613 lightning, G796 and G2532 his G846 raiment G1742 white G3022 as G5616 snow: G5510 And G1161 for G575 fear G5401 of him G846 the keepers G5083 did shake, G4579 and G2532 became G1096 as G5616 dead G3498 men.

Acts 16:26 STRONG

And G1161 suddenly G869 there was G1096 a great G3173 earthquake, G4578 so that G5620 the foundations G2310 of the prison G1201 were shaken: G4531 and G5037 immediately G3916 all G3956 the doors G2374 were opened, G455 and G2532 every one's G3956 bands G1199 were loosed. G447

Acts 16:29 STRONG

Then G1161 he called G154 for a light, G5457 and sprang in, G1530 and G2532 came G1096 trembling, G1790 and fell down before G4363 Paul G3972 and G2532 Silas, G4609

Commentary on Job 37 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Job 37:1-24.

1. At this—when I hear the thundering of the Divine Majesty. Perhaps the storm already had begun, out of which God was to address Job (Job 38:1).

2. Hear attentively—the thunder (noise), &c., and then you will feel that there is good reason to tremble.

sound—muttering of the thunder.

3. directeth it—however zigzag the lightning's course; or, rather, it applies to the pealing roll of the thunder. God's all-embracing power.

ends—literally, "wings," "skirts," the habitable earth being often compared to an extended garment (Job 38:13; Isa 11:12).

4. The thunderclap follows at an interval after the flash.

stay them—He will not hold back the lightnings (Job 37:3), when the thunder is heard [Maurer]. Rather, take "them" as the usual concomitants of thunder, namely, rain and hail [Umbreit] (Job 40:9).

5. (Job 36:26; Ps 65:6; 139:14). The sublimity of the description lies in this, that God is everywhere in the storm, directing it whither He will [Barnes]. See Ps 29:1-11, where, as here, the "voice" of God is repeated with grand effect. The thunder in Arabia is sublimely terrible.

6. Be—more forcible than "fall," as Umbreit translates Ge 1:3.

to the small rain, &c.—He saith, Be on the earth. The shower increasing from "small" to "great," is expressed by the plural "showers" (Margin), following the singular "shower." Winter rain (So 2:11).

7. In winter God stops man's out-of-doors activity.

sealeth—closeth up (Job 9:7). Man's "hands" are then tied up.

his work—in antithesis to man's own work ("hand") which at other times engages men so as to make them liable to forget their dependence on God. Umbreit more literally translates, That all men whom He has made (literally, "of His making") may be brought to acknowledgment."

8. remain—rest in their lairs. It is beautifully ordered that during the cold, when they could not obtain food, many lie torpid, a state wherein they need no food. The desolation of the fields, at God's bidding, is poetically graphic.

9. south—literally, "chambers"; connected with the south (Job 9:9). The whirlwinds are poetically regarded as pent up by God in His southern chambers, whence He sends them forth (so Job 38:22; Ps 135:7). As to the southern whirlwinds (see Isa 21:1; Zec 9:14), they drive before them burning sands; chiefly from February to May.

the north—literally, "scattering"; the north wind scatters the clouds.

10. the breath of God—poetically, for the ice-producing north wind.

frost—rather, "ice."

straitened—physically accurate; frost compresses or contracts the expanded liquid into a congealed mass (Job 38:29, 30; Ps 147:17, 18).

11-13. How the thunderclouds are dispersed, or else employed by God, either for correction or mercy.

by watering—by loading it with water.

wearieth—burdeneth it, so that it falls in rain; thus "wearieth" answers to the parallel "scattereth" (compare, see on Job 37:9); a clear sky resulting alike from both.

bright cloud—literally, "cloud of his light," that is, of His lightning. Umbreit for "watering," &c., translates; "Brightness drives away the clouds, His light scattereth the thick clouds"; the parallelism is thus good, but the Hebrew hardly sanctions it.

12. it—the cloud of lightning.

counsels—guidance (Ps 148:8); literally, "steering"; the clouds obey God's guidance, as the ship does the helmsman. So the lightning (see on Job 36:31, 32); neither is haphazard in its movements.

they—the clouds, implied in the collective singular "it."

face of the world, &c.—in the face of the earth's circle.

13. Literally, "He maketh it (the rain-cloud) find place," whether for correction, if (it be destined) for His land (that is, for the part inhabited by man, with whom God deals, as opposed to the parts uninhabited, on which rain is at other times appointed to fall, Job 38:26, 27) or for mercy. "If it be destined for His land" is a parenthetical supposition [Maurer]. In English Version, this clause spoils the even balance of the antithesis between the "rod" (Margin) and "mercy" (Ps 68:9; Ge 7:1-24).

14. (Ps 111:2).

15. when—rather, "how."

disposed them—lays His charge on these "wonders" (Job 37:14) to arise.


shine—flash. How is it that light arises from the dark thundercloud?

16. Hebrew, "Hast thou understanding of the balancings," &c., how the clouds are poised in the air, so that their watery gravity does not bring them to the earth? The condensed moisture, descending by gravity, meets a warmer temperature, which dissipates it into vapor (the tendency of which is to ascend) and so counteracts the descending force.

perfect in knowledge—God; not here in the sense that Elihu uses it of himself (Job 36:4).

dost thou know—how, &c.

17. thy garments, &c.—that is, dost thou know how thy body grows warm, so as to affect thy garments with heat?

south wind—literally, "region of the south." "When He maketh still (and sultry) the earth (that is, the atmosphere) by (during) the south wind" (So 4:16).

18. with him—like as He does (Job 40:15).

spread out—given expanse to.

strong pieces—firm; whence the term "firmament" ("expansion," Ge 1:6, Margin; Isa 44:24).

molten looking glass—image of the bright smiling sky. Mirrors were then formed of molten polished metal, not glass.

19. Men cannot explain God's wonders; we ought, therefore, to be dumb and not contend with God. If Job thinks we ought, "let him teach us, what we shall say."


darkness—of mind; ignorance. "The eyes are bewilderingly blinded, when turned in bold controversy with God towards the sunny heavens" (Job 37:18) [Umbreit].

20. What I a mortal say against God's dealings is not worthy of being told Him. In opposition to Job's wish to "speak" before God (Job 13:3, 18-22).

if … surely he shall be swallowed up—The parallelism more favors Umbreit, "Durst a man speak (before Him, complaining) that he is (without cause) being destroyed?"

21. cleanseth—that is, cleareth the air of clouds. When the "bright light" of the sun, previously not seen through "clouds," suddenly shines out from behind them, owing to the wind clearing them away, the effect is dazzling to the eye; so if God's majesty, now hidden, were suddenly revealed in all its brightness, it would spread darkness over Job's eyes, anxious as he is for it (compare, see on Job 37:19) [Umbreit]. It is because now man sees not the bright sunlight (God's dazzling majesty), owing to the intervening "clouds" (Job 26:9), that they dare to wish to "speak" before God (Job 37:20). Prelude to God's appearance (Job 38:1). The words also hold true in a sense not intended by Elihu, but perhaps included by the Holy Ghost. Job and other sufferers cannot see the light of God's countenance through the clouds of trial: but the wind will soon clear them off, and God shall appear again: let them but wait patiently, for He still shines, though for a time they see Him not (see on Job 37:23).

22. Rather, "golden splendor." Maurer translates "gold." It is found in northern regions. But God cannot be "found out," because of His "Majesty" (Job 37:23). Thus the twenty-eighth chapter corresponds; English Version is simpler.

the north—Brightness is chiefly associated with it (see on Job 23:9). Here, perhaps, because the north wind clears the air (Pr 25:23). Thus this clause answers to the last of Job 37:21; as the second of this verse to the first of Job 37:21. Inverted parallelism. (See Isa 14:13; Ps 48:2).

with God—rather, "upon God," as a garment (Ps 104:1, 2).


23. afflict—oppressively, so as to "pervert judgment" as Job implied (see on Job 8:3); but see on Job 37:21, end of note. The reading, "He answereth not," that is, gives no account of His dealings, is like a transcriber's correction, from Job 33:13, Margin.

24. do—rather, "ought."

wise—in their own conceits.