Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 6 » Verse 10

Job 6:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 Then should I yet have comfort; H5165 yea, I would harden H5539 myself in sorrow: H2427 let him not spare; H2550 for I have not concealed H3582 the words H561 of the Holy One. H6918

Cross Reference

Isaiah 57:15 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the high H7311 and lofty One H5375 that inhabiteth H7931 eternity, H5703 whose name H8034 is Holy; H6918 I dwell H7931 in the high H4791 and holy H6918 place, with him also that is of a contrite H1793 and humble H8217 spirit, H7307 to revive H2421 the spirit H7307 of the humble, H8217 and to revive H2421 the heart H3820 of the contrite ones. H1792

Job 23:12 STRONG

Neither have I gone back H4185 from the commandment H4687 of his lips; H8193 I have esteemed H6845 the words H561 of his mouth H6310 more than my necessary H2706 food.

Leviticus 19:2 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto all the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, Ye shall be holy: H6918 for I the LORD H3068 your God H430 am holy. H6918

Hosea 11:9 STRONG

I will not execute H6213 the fierceness H2740 of mine anger, H639 I will not return H7725 to destroy H7843 Ephraim: H669 for I am God, H410 and not man; H376 the Holy One H6918 in the midst H7130 of thee: and I will not enter H935 into the city. H5892

Habakkuk 1:12 STRONG

Art thou not from everlasting, H6924 O LORD H3068 my God, H430 mine Holy One? H6918 we shall not die. H4191 O LORD, H3068 thou hast ordained H7760 them for judgment; H4941 and, O mighty God, H6697 thou hast established H3245 them for correction. H3198

Revelation 4:8 STRONG

And G2532 the four G5064 beasts G2226 had G2192 each G303 G1520 of them G2596 G1438 six G1803 wings G4420 about G2943 him; and G2532 they were full G1073 of eyes G3788 within: G2081 and G2532 they rest G372 not G3756 G2192 day G2250 and G2532 night, G3571 saying, G3004 Holy, G40 holy, G40 holy, G40 Lord G2962 God G2316 Almighty, G3841 which G3588 was, G2258 and G2532 is, G5607 and G2532 is to come. G2064 G3801

Revelation 3:7 STRONG

And G2532 to the angel G32 of the church G1577 in G1722 Philadelphia G5359 write; G1125 These things G3592 saith G3004 he that is holy, G40 he that is true, G228 he that hath G2192 the key G2807 of David, G1138 he that openeth, G455 and G2532 no man G3762 shutteth; G2808 and G2532 shutteth, G2808 and G2532 no man G3762 openeth; G455

2 Peter 2:4-5 STRONG

For G1063 if G1487 God G2316 spared G5339 not G3756 the angels G32 that sinned, G264 but G235 cast them down to hell, G5020 and delivered G3860 them into chains G4577 of darkness, G2217 to be reserved G5083 unto G1519 judgment; G2920 And G2532 spared G5339 not G3756 the old G744 world, G2889 but G235 saved G5442 Noah G3575 the eighth G3590 person, a preacher G2783 of righteousness, G1343 bringing in G1863 the flood G2627 upon the world G2889 of the ungodly; G765

Romans 8:32 STRONG

He that G3739 G1065 spared G5339 not G3756 his own G2398 Son, G5207 but G235 delivered G3860 him G846 up G3860 for G5228 us G2257 all, G3956 how G4459 shall he G5483 not G3780 with G4862 him G846 also G2532 freely give G5483 us G2254 all things? G3956

Acts 20:27 STRONG

For G1063 I have G5288 not G3756 G3361 shunned G5288 to declare G312 unto you G5213 all G3956 the counsel G1012 of God. G2316

Acts 20:20 STRONG

And how G5613 I kept back G5288 nothing G3762 that was profitable G4851 unto you, but G3361 have shewed G312 you, G5213 and G2532 have taught G1321 you G5209 publickly, G1219 and G2532 from G2596 house to house, G3624

Habakkuk 3:3 STRONG

God H433 came H935 from Teman, H8487 and the Holy One H6918 from mount H2022 Paran. H6290 Selah. H5542 His glory H1935 covered H3680 the heavens, H8064 and the earth H776 was full H4390 of his praise. H8416

Deuteronomy 29:20 STRONG

The LORD H3068 will H14 not spare H5545 him, but then the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 and his jealousy H7068 shall smoke H6225 against that man, H376 and all the curses H423 that are written H3789 in this book H5612 shall lie H7257 upon him, and the LORD H3068 shall blot out H4229 his name H8034 from under heaven. H8064

Isaiah 30:11-12 STRONG

Get you out H5493 of the way, H1870 turn aside H5186 out of the path, H734 cause the Holy One H6918 of Israel H3478 to cease H7673 from before H6440 us. Wherefore thus saith H559 the Holy One H6918 of Israel, H3478 Because ye despise H3988 this word, H1697 and trust H982 in oppression H6233 and perverseness, H3868 and stay H8172 thereon:

Psalms 119:13 STRONG

With my lips H8193 have I declared H5608 all the judgments H4941 of thy mouth. H6310

Psalms 71:17-18 STRONG

O God, H430 thou hast taught H3925 me from my youth: H5271 and hitherto have I declared H5046 thy wondrous works. H6381 Now also when H5704 I am old H2209 and grayheaded, H7872 O God, H430 forsake H5800 me not; until I have shewed H5046 thy strength H2220 unto this generation, H1755 and thy power H1369 to every one that is to come. H935

Psalms 40:9-10 STRONG

I have preached H1319 righteousness H6664 in the great H7227 congregation: H6951 lo, I have not refrained H3607 my lips, H8193 O LORD, H3068 thou knowest. H3045 I have not hid H3680 thy righteousness H6666 within H8432 my heart; H3820 I have declared H559 thy faithfulness H530 and thy salvation: H8668 I have not concealed H3582 thy lovingkindness H2617 and thy truth H571 from the great H7227 congregation. H6951

Psalms 37:30 STRONG

The mouth H6310 of the righteous H6662 speaketh H1897 wisdom, H2451 and his tongue H3956 talketh H1696 of judgment. H4941

Job 22:22 STRONG

Receive, H3947 I pray thee, the law H8451 from his mouth, H6310 and lay up H7760 his words H561 in thine heart. H3824

Job 21:33 STRONG

The clods H7263 of the valley H5158 shall be sweet H4985 unto him, and every man H120 shall draw H4900 after H310 him, as there are innumerable H4557 before H6440 him.

Job 9:4 STRONG

He is wise H2450 in heart, H3824 and mighty H533 in strength: H3581 who hath hardened H7185 himself against him, and hath prospered? H7999

Job 3:22 STRONG

Which rejoice H8056 exceedingly, H1524 and are glad, H7797 when they can find H4672 the grave? H6913

1 Samuel 2:2 STRONG

There is none holy H6918 as the LORD: H3068 for there is none beside H1115 thee: neither is there any rock H6697 like our God. H430

Commentary on Job 6 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible



Job 6:1-30. Reply of Job to Eliphaz.

2. throughly weighed—Oh, that instead of censuring my complaints when thou oughtest rather to have sympathized with me, thou wouldst accurately compare my sorrow, and my misfortunes; these latter "outweigh in the balance" the former.

3. the sand—(Pr 27:3).

are swallowed up—See Margin [that is, "I want words to express my grief"]. But Job plainly is apologizing, not for not having had words enough, but for having spoken too much and too boldly; and the Hebrew is, "to speak rashly" [Umbreit, Gesenius, Rosenmuller]. "Therefore were my words so rash."

4. arrows … within me—have pierced me. A poetic image representing the avenging Almighty armed with bow and arrows (Ps 38:2, 3). Here the arrows are poisoned. Peculiarly appropriate, in reference to the burning pains which penetrated, like poison, into the inmost parts—("spirit"; as contrasted with mere surface flesh wounds) of Job's body.

set themselves in array—a military image (Jud 20:33). All the terrors which the divine wrath can muster are set in array against me (Isa 42:13).

5. Neither wild animals, as the wild ass, nor tame, as the ox, are dissatisfied when well-supplied with food. The braying of the one and the lowing of the other prove distress and want of palatable food. So, Job argues, if he complains, it is not without cause; namely, his pains, which are, as it were, disgusting food, which God feeds him with (end of Job 6:7). But he should have remembered a rational being should evince a better spirit than the brute.

6. unsavoury—tasteless, insipid. Salt is a chief necessary of life to an Easterner, whose food is mostly vegetable.

the white—literally, "spittle" (1Sa 21:13), which the white of an egg resembles.

7. To "touch" is contrasted with "meat." "My taste refused even to touch it, and yet am I fed with such meat of sickness." The second clause literally, is, "Such is like the sickness of my food." The natural taste abhors even to touch insipid food, and such forms my nourishment. For my sickness is like such nauseous food [Umbreit]. (Ps 42:3; 80:5; 102:9). No wonder, then, I complain.

8. To desire death is no necessary proof of fitness for death. The ungodly sometimes desire it, so as to escape troubles, without thought of the hereafter. The godly desire it, in order to be with the Lord; but they patiently wait God's will.

9. destroy—literally, "grind" or "crush" (Isa 3:15).

let loose his hand—God had put forth His hand only so far as to wound the surface of Job's flesh (Job 1:12; 2:6); he wishes that hand to be let loose, so as to wound deeply and vitally.

cut me off—metaphor from a weaver cutting off the web, when finished, from the thrum fastening it to the loom (Isa 38:12).

10. I would harden myself in sorrow—rather, "I would exult in the pain," if I knew that that pain would hasten my death [Gesenius]. Umbreit translates the Hebrew of "Let Him not spare," as "unsparing"; and joins it with "pain."

concealed—I have not disowned, in word or deed, the commands of the Holy One (Ps 119:46; Ac 20:20). He says this in answer to Eliphaz' insinuation that he is a hypocrite. God is here called "the Holy One," to imply man's reciprocal obligation to be holy, as He is holy (Le 19:2).

11. What strength have I, so as to warrant the hope of restoration to health? a hope which Eliphaz had suggested. "And what" but a miserable "end" of life is before me, "that I should" desire to "prolong life"? [Umbreit]. Umbreit and Rosenmuller not so well translate the last words "to be patient."

12. Disease had so attacked him that his strength would need to be hard as a stone, and his flesh like brass, not to sink under it. But he has only flesh, like other men. It must, therefore, give way; so that the hope of restoration suggested by Eliphaz is vain (see on Job 5:11).

13. Is not my help in me?—The interrogation is better omitted. "There is no help in me!" For "wisdom," "deliverance" is a better rendering. "And deliverance is driven quite from me."

14. pity—a proverb. Charity is the love which judges indulgently of our fellow men: it is put on a par with truth in Pr 3:3, for they together form the essence of moral perfection [Umbreit]. It is the spirit of Christianity (1Pe 4:8; 1Co 13:7; Pr 10:12; 17:17). If it ought to be used towards all men, much more towards friends. But he who does not use it forsaketh (renounceth) the fear of the Almighty (Jas 2:13).

15. Those whom I regarded as "my brethren," from whom I looked for faithfulness in my adversity, have disappointed me, as the streams failing from drought—wadies of Arabia, filled in the winter, but dry in the summer, which disappoint the caravans expecting to find water there. The fulness and noise of these temporary streams answer to the past large and loud professions of my friends; their dryness in summer, to the failure of the friendship when needed. The Arab proverb says of a treacherous friend, "I trust not in thy torrent" (Isa 58:11, Margin).

stream of brooks—rather, "the brook in the ravines which passes away." It has no perpetual spring of water to renew it (unlike "the fountain of living waters," Jer 2:13; Isa 33:16, at the end); and thus it passes away as rapidly as it arose.

16. blackish—literally, "Go as a mourner in black clothing" (Ps 34:14). A vivid and poetic image to picture the stream turbid and black with melted ice and snow, descending from the mountains into the valley. In the [second] clause, the snow dissolved is, in the poet's view, "hid" in the flood [Umbreit].

17. wax warm—rather, "At the time when." ("But they soon wax") [Umbreit]. "they become narrower (flow in a narrower bed), they are silent (cease to flow noisily); in the heat (of the sun) they are consumed or vanish out of their place. First the stream flows more narrowly—then it becomes silent and still; at length every trace of water disappears by evaporation under the hot sun" [Umbreit].

18. turned aside—rather, "caravans" (Hebrew, "travellers") turn aside from their way, by circuitous routes, to obtain water. They had seen the brook in spring full of water: and now in the summer heat, on their weary journey, they turn off their road by a devious route to reach the living waters, which they remembered with such pleasure. But, when "they go," it is "into a desert" [Noyes and Umbreit]. Not as English Version, "They go to nothing," which would be a tame repetition of the drying up of the waters in Job 6:17; instead of waters, they find an "empty wilderness"; and, not having strength to regain their road, bitterly disappointed, they "perish." The terse brevity is most expressive.

19. the troops—that is, "caravans."

Tema—north of Arabia-Deserta, near the Syrian desert; called from Tema son of Ishmael (Ge 25:15; Isa 21:14; Jer 25:23), still so called by the Arabs. Job 6:19, 20 give another picture of the mortification of disappointed hopes, namely, those of the caravans on the direct road, anxiously awaiting the return of their companions from the distant valley. The mention of the locality whence the caravans came gives living reality to the picture.

Sheba—refers here not to the marauders in North Arabia-Deserta (Job 1:15), but to the merchants (Eze 27:22) in the south, in Arabia-Felix or Yemen, "afar off" (Jer 6:20; Mt 12:42; Ge 10:28). Caravans are first mentioned in Ge 37:25; men needed to travel thus in companies across the desert, for defense against the roving robbers and for mutual accommodation.

The companies … waited for them—cannot refer to the caravans who had gone in quest of the waters; for Job 6:18 describes their utter destruction.

20. literally, "each had hoped"; namely, that their companions would find water. The greater had been their hopes the more bitter now their disappointment;

they came thither—to the place.

and were ashamed—literally, "their countenances burn," an Oriental phrase for the shame and consternation of deceived expectation; so "ashamed" as to disappointment (Ro 5:5).

21. As the dried-up brook is to the caravan, so are ye to me, namely, a nothing; ye might as well not be in existence [Umbreit]. The Margin "like to them," or "to it" (namely, the waters of the brook), is not so good a reading.

ye see, and are afraid—Ye are struck aghast at the sight of my misery, and ye lose presence of mind. Job puts this mild construction on their failing to relieve him with affectionate consolation.

22. And yet I did not ask you to "bring me" a gift; or to "pay for me out of your substance a reward" (to the Judge, to redeem me from my punishment); all I asked from you was affectionate treatment.

23. the mighty—the oppressor, or creditor, in whose power the debtor was [Umbreit].

24, 25. Irony. If you can "teach me" the right view, I am willing to be set right, and "hold my tongue"; and to be made to see my error. But then if your words be really the right words, how is it that they are so feeble? "Yet how feeble are the words of what you call the right view." So the Hebrew is used (in Mic 2:10; 1:9). The English Version, "How powerful," &c., does not agree so well with the last clause of the verse.

25. And what will your arguings reprove?—literally, "the reproofs which proceed from you"; the emphasis is on you; you may find fault, who are not in my situation [Umbreit].

26. Do you imagine—or, "mean."

to reprove words and (to reprove) the speeches of one desperate, (which are) as wind?—mere nothings, not to be so narrowly taken to task? Umbreit not so well takes the Hebrew for "as wind," as "sentiments"; making formal "sentiments" antithetical to mere "speeches," and supplying, not the word "reprove," but "would you regard," from the first clause.

27. literally, "ye cause" (supply, "your anger") [Umbreit], a net, namely, of sophistry [Noyes and Schuttens], to fall upon the desolate (one bereft of help, like the fatherless orphan);

and ye dig (a pit) for your friend—that is, try to ensnare him, to catch him in the use of unguarded language [Noyes]. (Ps 57:6); metaphor from hunters catching wild beasts in a pit covered with brushwood to conceal it. Umbreit from the Syriac, and answering to his interpretation of the first clause, has, "Would you be indignant against your friend?" The Hebrew in Job 41:6, means to "feast upon." As the first clause asks, "Would you catch him in a net?" so this follows up the image, "And would you next feast upon him, and his miseries?" So the Septuagint.

28. be content—rather, "be pleased to"—look. Since you have so falsely judged my words, look upon me, that is, upon my countenance: for (it is evident before your faces) if I lie; my countenance will betray me, if I be the hypocrite that you suppose.

29. Return—rather, "retract" your charges:

let it not be iniquity—that is, (retract) that injustice may not be done me. Yea retract, "my righteousness is in it"; that is, my right is involved in this matter.

30. Will you say that my guilt lies in the organ of speech, and will you call it to account? or, Is it that my taste (palate) or discernment is not capable to form a judgment of perverse things? Is it thus you will explain the fact of my having no consciousness of guilt? [Umbreit].