Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joel » Chapter 3 » Verse 4

Joel 3:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, H6865 and Zidon, H6721 and all the coasts H1552 of Palestine? H6429 will ye render H7999 me a recompence? H1576 and if ye recompense H1580 me, swiftly H7031 and speedily H4120 will I return H7725 your recompence H1576 upon your own head; H7218

Cross Reference

Isaiah 34:8 STRONG

For it is the day H3117 of the LORD'S H3068 vengeance, H5359 and the year H8141 of recompences H7966 for the controversy H7379 of Zion. H6726

Amos 1:6-10 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Gaza, H5804 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they carried away captive H1540 the whole H8003 captivity, H1546 to deliver them up H5462 to Edom: H123 But I will send H7971 a fire H784 on the wall H2346 of Gaza, H5804 which shall devour H398 the palaces H759 thereof: And I will cut off H3772 the inhabitant H3427 from Ashdod, H795 and him that holdeth H8551 the sceptre H7626 from Ashkelon, H831 and I will turn H7725 mine hand H3027 against Ekron: H6138 and the remnant H7611 of the Philistines H6430 shall perish, H6 saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Tyrus, H6865 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they delivered up H5462 the whole H8003 captivity H1546 to Edom, H123 and remembered H2142 not the brotherly H251 covenant: H1285 But I will send H7971 a fire H784 on the wall H2346 of Tyrus, H6865 which shall devour H398 the palaces H759 thereof.

Jeremiah 47:4 STRONG

Because of the day H3117 that cometh H935 to spoil H7703 all the Philistines, H6430 and to cut off H3772 from Tyrus H6865 and Zidon H6721 every helper H5826 that remaineth: H8300 for the LORD H3068 will spoil H7703 the Philistines, H6430 the remnant H7611 of the country H339 of Caphtor. H3731

Isaiah 59:18 STRONG

According to H5921 their deeds, H1578 accordingly he will repay, H7999 fury H2534 to his adversaries, H6862 recompence H1576 to his enemies; H341 to the islands H339 he will repay H7999 recompence. H1576

Isaiah 23:1-2 STRONG

The burden H4853 of Tyre. H6865 Howl, H3213 ye ships H591 of Tarshish; H8659 for it is laid waste, H7703 so that there is no house, H1004 no entering in: H935 from the land H776 of Chittim H3794 it is revealed H1540 to them. Be still, H1826 ye inhabitants H3427 of the isle; H339 thou whom the merchants H5503 of Zidon, H6721 that pass over H5674 the sea, H3220 have replenished. H4390

Matthew 11:21 STRONG

Woe G3759 unto thee, G4671 Chorazin! G5523 woe G3759 unto thee, G4671 Bethsaida! G966 for G3754 if G1487 the mighty works, G1411 which G3588 were done G1096 in G1722 you, G5213 had been done G1096 in G1722 Tyre G5184 and G2532 Sidon, G4605 they would have repented G3340 long ago G302 G3819 in G1722 sackcloth G4526 and G2532 ashes. G4700

2 Thessalonians 1:6 STRONG

Seeing G1512 it is a righteous thing G1342 with G3844 God G2316 to recompense G467 tribulation G2347 to them that trouble G2346 you; G5209

Acts 9:4 STRONG

And G2532 he fell G4098 to G1909 the earth, G1093 and heard G191 a voice G5456 saying G3004 unto him, G846 Saul, G4549 Saul, G4549 why G5101 persecutest thou G1377 me? G3165

Luke 18:7 STRONG

And G1161 shall G1557 not G3364 God G2316 avenge G1557 his own G846 elect, G1588 G4160 which G3588 cry G994 day G2250 and G2532 night G3571 unto G4314 him, G846 though G2532 he bear long G3114 with G1909 them? G846

Deuteronomy 32:35 STRONG

To me belongeth vengeance, H5359 and recompence; H8005 their foot H7272 shall slide H4131 in due time: H6256 for the day H3117 of their calamity H343 is at hand, H7138 and the things that shall come H6264 upon them make haste. H2363

Zechariah 9:2-8 STRONG

And Hamath H2574 also shall border H1379 thereby; Tyrus, H6865 and Zidon, H6721 though it be very H3966 wise. H2449 And Tyrus H6865 did build H1129 herself a strong hold, H4692 and heaped up H6651 silver H3701 as the dust, H6083 and fine gold H2742 as the mire H2916 of the streets. H2351 Behold, the Lord H136 will cast her out, H3423 and he will smite H5221 her power H2428 in the sea; H3220 and she shall be devoured H398 with fire. H784 Ashkelon H831 shall see H7200 it, and fear; H3372 Gaza H5804 also shall see it, and be very H3966 sorrowful, H2342 and Ekron; H6138 for her expectation H4007 shall be ashamed; H3001 and the king H4428 shall perish H6 from Gaza, H5804 and Ashkelon H831 shall not be inhabited. H3427 And a bastard H4464 shall dwell H3427 in Ashdod, H795 and I will cut off H3772 the pride H1347 of the Philistines. H6430 And I will take away H5493 his blood H1818 out of his mouth, H6310 and his abominations H8251 from between his teeth: H8127 but he that remaineth, H7604 even he, shall be for our God, H430 and he shall be as a governor H441 in Judah, H3063 and Ekron H6138 as a Jebusite. H2983 And I will encamp H2583 about mine house H1004 because of the army, H4675 because of him that passeth by, H5674 and because of him that returneth: H7725 and no oppressor H5065 shall pass through H5674 them any more: for now have I seen H7200 with mine eyes. H5869

Amos 1:12-14 STRONG

But I will send H7971 a fire H784 upon Teman, H8487 which shall devour H398 the palaces H759 of Bozrah. H1224 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they have ripped up H1234 the women with child H2030 of Gilead, H1568 that they might enlarge H7337 their border: H1366 But I will kindle H3341 a fire H784 in the wall H2346 of Rabbah, H7237 and it shall devour H398 the palaces H759 thereof, with shouting H8643 in the day H3117 of battle, H4421 with a tempest H5591 in the day H3117 of the whirlwind: H5492

Ezekiel 25:12-17 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because that Edom H123 hath dealt H6213 against the house H1004 of Judah H3063 by taking H5358 vengeance, H5359 and hath greatly H816 offended, H816 and revenged H5358 himself upon them; Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 I will also stretch out H5186 mine hand H3027 upon Edom, H123 and will cut off H3772 man H120 and beast H929 from it; and I will make H5414 it desolate H2723 from Teman; H8487 and they of Dedan H1719 shall fall H5307 by the sword. H2719 And I will lay H5414 my vengeance H5360 upon Edom H123 by the hand H3027 of my people H5971 Israel: H3478 and they shall do H6213 in Edom H123 according to mine anger H639 and according to my fury; H2534 and they shall know H3045 my vengeance, H5360 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because the Philistines H6430 have dealt H6213 by revenge, H5360 and have taken H5358 vengeance H5359 with a despiteful H7589 heart, H5315 to destroy H4889 it for the old H5769 hatred; H342 Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will stretch out H5186 mine hand H3027 upon the Philistines, H6430 and I will cut off H3772 the Cherethims, H3774 and destroy H6 the remnant H7611 of the sea H3220 coast. H2348 And I will execute H6213 great H1419 vengeance H5360 upon them with furious H2534 rebukes; H8433 and they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD, H3068 when I shall lay H5414 my vengeance H5360 upon them.

Jeremiah 51:6 STRONG

Flee out H5127 of the midst H8432 of Babylon, H894 and deliver H4422 every man H376 his soul: H5315 be not cut off H1826 in her iniquity; H5771 for this is the time H6256 of the LORD'S H3068 vengeance; H5360 he will render H7999 unto her a recompence. H1576

2 Chronicles 28:17-18 STRONG

For again the Edomites H130 had come H935 and smitten H5221 Judah, H3063 and carried away H7617 captives. H7628 The Philistines H6430 also had invaded H6584 the cities H5892 of the low country, H8219 and of the south H5045 of Judah, H3063 and had taken H3920 Bethshemesh, H1053 and Ajalon, H357 and Gederoth, H1450 and Shocho H7755 with the villages H1323 thereof, and Timnah H8553 with the villages H1323 thereof, Gimzo H1579 also and the villages H1323 thereof: and they dwelt H3427 there.

2 Chronicles 21:16 STRONG

Moreover the LORD H3068 stirred up H5782 against Jehoram H3088 the spirit H7307 of the Philistines, H6430 and of the Arabians, H6163 that were near H5921 H3027 the Ethiopians: H3569

Judges 11:12 STRONG

And Jephthah H3316 sent H7971 messengers H4397 unto the king H4428 of the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 saying, H559 What hast thou to do with me, that thou art come H935 against me to fight H3898 in my land? H776

Commentary on Joel 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Joe 3:1-21. God's Vengeance on Israel's Foes in the Valley of Jehoshaphat. His Blessing on the Church.

1. bring again the captivity—that is, reverse it. The Jews restrict this to the return from Babylon. Christians refer it to the coming of Christ. But the prophet comprises the whole redemption, beginning from the return out of Babylon, then continued from the first advent of Christ down to the last day (His second advent), when God will restore His Church to perfect felicity [Calvin].

2. Parallel to Zec 14:2, 3, 4, where the "Mount of Olives" answers to the "Valley of Jehoshaphat" here. The latter is called "the valley of blessing" (Berachah) (2Ch 20:26). It lies between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives and has the Kedron flowing through it. As Jehoshaphat overthrew the confederate foes of Judah, namely, Ammon, Moab, &c. (Ps 83:6-8), in this valley, so God was to overthrow the Tyrians, Zidonians, Philistines, Edom, and Egypt, with a similar utter overthrow (Joe 3:4, 19). This has been long ago fulfilled; but the ultimate event shadowed forth herein is still future, when God shall specially interpose to destroy Jerusalem's last foes, of whom Tyre, Zidon, Edom, Egypt, and Philistia are the types. As "Jehoshaphat" means "the judgment of Jehovah," the valley of Jehoshaphat may be used as a general term for the theater of God's final judgments on Israel's foes, with an allusion to the judgment inflicted on them by Jehoshaphat. The definite mention of the Mount of Olives in Zec 14:4, and the fact that this was the scene of the ascension, makes it likely the same shall be the scene of Christ's coming again: compare "this same Jesus … shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven" (Ac 1:11).

all nations—namely, which have maltreated Judah.

plead with them—(Isa 66:16; Eze 38:22).

my heritage Israel—(De 32:9; Jer 10:16). Implying that the source of Judah's redemption is God's free love, wherewith He chose Israel as His peculiar heritage, and at the same time assuring them, when desponding because of trials, that He would plead their cause as His own, and as if He were injured in their person.

3. cast lots for my people—that is, divided among themselves My people as their captives by lot. Compare as to the distribution of captives by lot (Ob 11; Na 3:10).

given a boy for … harlot—Instead of paying a harlot for her prostitution in money, they gave her a Jewish captive boy as a slave.

girl for wine—So valueless did they regard a Jewish girl that they would sell her for a draught of wine.

4. what have ye to do with me—Ye have no connection with Me (that is, with My people: God identifying Himself with Israel); I (that is, My people) have given you no cause of quarrel, why then do ye trouble Me (that is, My people)? (Compare the same phrase, Jos 22:24; Jud 11:12; 2Sa 16:10; Mt 8:29).

Tyre … Zidon … Palestine—(Am 1:6, 9).

if ye recompense me—If ye injure Me (My people), in revenge for fancied wrongs (Eze 25:15-17), I will requite you in your own coin swiftly and speedily.

5. my silver … my gold—that is, the gold and silver of My people. The Philistines and Arabians had carried off all the treasures of King Jehoram's house (2Ch 21:16, 17). Compare also 1Ki 15:18; 2Ki 12:18; 14:14, for the spoiling of the treasures of the temple and the king's palace in Judah by Syria. It was customary among the heathen to hang up in the idol temples some of the spoils of war as presents to their gods.

6. Grecians—literally, "Javanites," that is, the Ionians, a Greek colony on the coast of Asia Minor who were the first Greeks known to the Jews. The Greeks themselves, however, in their original descent came from Javan (Ge 10:2, 4). Probably the germ of Greek civilization in part came through the Jewish slaves imported into Greece from Phœnicia by traffickers. Eze 27:13 mentions Javan and Tyre as trading in the persons of men.

far from their border—far from Judea; so that the captive Jews were cut off from all hope of return.

7. raise them—that is, I will rouse them. Neither sea nor distance will prevent My bringing them back. Alexander, and his successors, restored to liberty many Jews in bondage in Greece [Josephus, Antiquities, 13.5; Wars of the Jews, 3.9,2].

8. sell them to … Sabeans—The Persian Artaxerxes Mnemon and Darius Ochus, and chiefly the Greek Alexander, reduced the Phœnician and Philistine powers. Thirty thousand Tyrians after the capture of Tyre by the last conqueror, and multitudes of Philistines on the taking of Gaza, were sold as slaves. The Jews are here said to do that which the God of Judah does in vindication of their wrong, namely, sell the Phœnicians who sold them, to a people "far off," as was Greece, whither the Jews had been sold. The Sabeans at the most remote extremity of Arabia Felix are referred to (compare Jer 6:20; Mt 12:42).

9. The nations hostile to Israel are summoned by Jehovah to "come up" (this phrase is used because Jerusalem was on a hill) against Jerusalem, not that they may destroy it, but to be destroyed by the Lord (Eze 38:7-23; Zec 12:2-9; 14:2, 3).

Prepare war—literally, sanctify war: because the heathen always began war with religious ceremonies. The very phrase used of Babylon's preparations against Jerusalem (Jer 6:4) is now used of the final foes of Jerusalem. As Babylon was then desired by God to advance against her for her destruction, so now all her foes, of whom Babylon was the type, are desired to advance against her for their own destruction.

10. Beat your ploughshares into swords—As the foes are desired to "beat their ploughshares into swords, and their pruning hooks into spears," that so they may perish in their unhallowed attack on Judah and Jerusalem, so these latter, and the nations converted to God by them, after the overthrow of the antichristian confederacy, shall, on the contrary, "beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks," when under Messiah's coming reign there shall be war no more (Isa 2:4; Ho 2:18; Mic 4:3).

let the weak say, I am strong—So universal shall be the rage of Israel's foes for invading her, that even the weak among them will fancy themselves strong enough to join the invading forces. Age and infirmity were ordinarily made valid excuses for exemption from service, but so mad shall be the fury of the world against God's people, that even the feeble will not desire to be exempted (compare Ps 2:1-3).

11. Assemble—"Hasten" [Maurer].

thither—to the valley of Jehoshaphat.

thy mighty ones—the warriors who fancy themselves "mighty ones," but who are on that very spot to be overthrown by Jehovah [Maurer]. Compare "the mighty men" (Joe 3:9). Rather, Joel speaks of God's really "mighty ones" in contrast to the self-styled "mighty men" (Joe 3:9; Ps 103:20; Isa 13:3; compare Da 10:13). Auberlen remarks: One prophet supplements the other, for they all prophesied only "in part." What was obscure to one was revealed to the other; what is briefly described by one is more fully so by another. Daniel calls Antichrist a king, and dwells on his worldly conquests; John looks more to his spiritual tyranny, for which reason he adds a second beast, wearing the semblance of spirituality. Antichrist himself is described by Daniel. Isaiah (Isa 29:1-24), Joel (Joe 3:1-21) and Zechariah (Zec 12:1-14:21), describe his army of heathen followers coming up against Jerusalem, but not Antichrist himself.

12. See Joe 3:2.

judge all the heathen round about—that is, all the nations from all parts of the earth which have maltreated Israel; not merely, as Henderson supposes, the nations round about Jerusalem (compare Ps 110:6; Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3, 11-13; Zep 3:15-19; Zec 12:9; 14:3-11; Mal 4:1-3).

13. Direction to the ministers of vengeance to execute God's wrath, as the enemy's wickedness is come to its full maturity. God does not cut off the wicked at once, but waits till their guilt is at its full (so as to the Amorites' iniquity, Ge 15:16), to show forth His own long-suffering, and the justice of their doom who have so long abused it (Mt 13:27-30, 38, 40; Re 14:15-19). For the image of a harvest to be threshed, compare Jer 51:33; and a wine-press, Isa 63:3 and La 1:15.

14. The prophet in vision seeing the immense array of nations congregating, exclaims, "Multitudes, multitudes!" a Hebraism for immense multitudes.

valley of decision—that is, the valley in which they are to meet their "determined doom." The same as "the valley of Jehoshaphat," that is, "the valley of judgment" (see on Joe 3:2). Compare Joe 3:12, "there will I sit to judge," which confirms English Version rather than Margin, "threshing." The repetition of "valley of decision" heightens the effect and pronounces the awful certainty of their doom.

15. (See on Joe 2:10; Joe 2:30).

16. (Compare Eze 38:18-22). The victories of the Jews over their cruel foe Antiochus, under the Maccabees, may be a reference of this prophecy; but the ultimate reference is to the last Antichrist, of whom Antiochus was the type. Jerusalem being the central seat of the theocracy (Ps 132:13), it is from thence that Jehovah discomfits the foe.

roar—as a lion (Jer 25:30; Am 1:2; 3:8). Compare as to Jehovah's voice thundering, Ps 18:13; Hab 3:10, 11.

Lord … the hope of his people—or, "their refuge" (Ps 46:1).

17. shall ye know—experimentally by the proofs of favors which I shall vouchsafe to you. So "know" (Isa 60:16; Ho 2:20).

dwelling in Zion—as peculiarly your God.

holy … no strangers pass through—to attack, or to defile, the holy city (Isa 35:8; 52:1; Zec 14:21). Strangers, or Gentiles, shall come to Jerusalem, but it shall be in order to worship Jehovah there (Zec 14:16).

18. mountains … drop … wine—figurative for abundance of vines, which were cultivated in terraces of earth between the rocks on the sides of the hills of Palestine (Am 9:13).

hills … flow with milk—that is, they shall abound in flocks and herds yielding milk plentifully, through the richness of the pastures.

waters—the great desideratum for fertility in the parched East (Isa 30:25).

fountain … of … house of … Lord … water … valley of Shittim—The blessings, temporal and spiritual, issuing from Jehovah's house at Jerusalem, shall extend even to Shittim, on the border between Moab and Israel, beyond Jordan (Nu 25:1; 33:49; Jos 2:1; Mic 6:5). "Shittim" means "acacias," which grow only in arid regions: implying that even the arid desert shall be fertilized by the blessing from Jerusalem. So Eze 47:1-12 describes the waters issuing from the threshold of the house as flowing into the Dead Sea, and purifying it. Also in Zec 14:8 the waters flow on one side into the Mediterranean, on the other side into the Dead Sea, near which latter Shittim was situated (compare Ps 46:4; Re 22:1).

19. Edom—It was subjugated by David, but revolted under Jehoram (2Ch 21:8-10); and at every subsequent opportunity tried to injure Judah. Egypt under Shishak spoiled Jerusalem under Rehoboam of the treasures of the temple and the king's house; subsequently to the captivity, it inflicted under the Ptolemies various injuries on Judea. Antiochus spoiled Egypt (Da 11:40-43). Edom was made "desolate" under the Maccabees [Josephus, Antiquities, 12.11,12]. The low condition of the two countries for centuries proves the truth of the prediction (compare Isa 19:1, &c.; Jer 49:17; Ob 10). So shall fare all the foes of Israel, typified by these two (Isa 63:1, &c.).

20. dwell for ever—(Am 9:15), that is, be established as a flourishing state.

21. cleanse … blood … not cleansed—I will purge away from Judah the extreme guilt (represented by "blood," the shedding of which was the climax of her sin, Isa 1:15) which was for long not purged away, but visited with judgments (Isa 4:4). Messiah saves from guilt, in order to save from punishment (Mt 1:21).