Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 1 » Verse 15

Joshua 1:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 Until the LORD H3068 have given H5117 your brethren H251 rest, H5117 as he hath given you, and they also have possessed H3423 the land H776 which the LORD H3068 your God H430 giveth H5414 them: then ye shall return H7725 unto the land H776 of your possession, H3425 and enjoy H3423 it, which Moses H4872 the LORD'S H3068 servant H5650 gave H5414 you on this side H5676 Jordan H3383 toward the sunrising. H4217 H8121

Cross Reference

Numbers 32:17-22 STRONG

But we ourselves H587 will go ready H2363 armed H2502 before H6440 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 until we have brought H935 them unto their place: H4725 and our little ones H2945 shall dwell H3427 in the fenced H4013 cities H5892 because H6440 of the inhabitants H3427 of the land. H776 We will not return H7725 unto our houses, H1004 until the children H1121 of Israel H3478 have inherited H5157 every man H376 his inheritance. H5159 For we will not inherit H5157 with them on yonder side H5676 Jordan, H3383 or forward; H1973 because our inheritance H5159 is fallen H935 to us on this side H5676 Jordan H3383 eastward. H4217 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto them, If ye will do H6213 this thing, H1697 if ye will go armed H2502 before H6440 the LORD H3068 to war, H4421 And will go H5674 all of you armed H2502 over H5674 Jordan H3383 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 until he hath driven out H3423 his enemies H341 from before H6440 him, And the land H776 be subdued H3533 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 then afterward H310 ye shall return, H7725 and be guiltless H5355 before the LORD, H3068 and before Israel; H3478 and this land H776 shall be your possession H272 before H6440 the LORD. H3068

Joshua 22:4-9 STRONG

And now the LORD H3068 your God H430 hath given rest H5117 unto your brethren, H251 as he promised H1696 them: therefore now return H6437 ye, and get H3212 you unto your tents, H168 and unto the land H776 of your possession, H272 which Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of the LORD H3068 gave H5414 you on the other side H5676 Jordan. H3383 But take diligent H3966 heed H8104 to do H6213 the commandment H4687 and the law, H8451 which Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of the LORD H3068 charged H6680 you, to love H157 the LORD H3068 your God, H430 and to walk H3212 in all his ways, H1870 and to keep H8104 his commandments, H4687 and to cleave H1692 unto him, and to serve H5647 him with all your heart H3824 and with all your soul. H5315 So Joshua H3091 blessed H1288 them, and sent them away: H7971 and they went H3212 unto their tents. H168 Now to the one half H2677 of the tribe H7626 of Manasseh H4519 Moses H4872 had given H5414 possession in Bashan: H1316 but unto the other half H2677 thereof gave H5414 Joshua H3091 among H5973 their brethren H251 on this side H5676 Jordan H3383 westward. H3220 And when Joshua H3091 sent them away H7971 also unto their tents, H168 then he blessed H1288 them, And he spake H559 unto them, saying, H559 Return H7725 with much H7227 riches H5233 unto your tents, H168 and with very H3966 much H7227 cattle, H4735 with silver, H3701 and with gold, H2091 and with brass, H5178 and with iron, H1270 and with very H3966 much H7235 raiment: H8008 divide H2505 the spoil H7998 of your enemies H341 with your brethren. H251 And the children H1121 of Reuben H7205 and the children H1121 of Gad H1410 and the half H2677 tribe H7626 of Manasseh H4519 returned, H7725 and departed H3212 from the children H1121 of Israel H3478 out of Shiloh, H7887 which is in the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 to go H3212 unto the country H776 of Gilead, H1568 to the land H776 of their possession, H272 whereof they were possessed, H270 according to the word H6310 of the LORD H3068 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

1 Corinthians 12:26 STRONG

And G2532 whether G1535 one G1520 member G3196 suffer, G3958 all G3956 the members G3196 suffer with it; G4841 or G1535 one G1520 member G3196 be honoured, G1392 all G3956 the members G3196 rejoice with it. G4796

1 Corinthians 13:5 STRONG

Doth G807 not G3756 behave itself unseemly, G807 seeketh G2212 not G3756 her own, G1438 is G3947 not G3756 easily provoked, G3947 thinketh G3049 no G3756 evil; G2556

Galatians 5:13 STRONG

For, G1063 brethren, G80 ye G5210 have been called G2564 unto G1909 liberty; G1657 only G3440 use not G3361 liberty G1657 for G1519 an occasion G874 to the flesh, G4561 but G235 by G1223 love G26 serve G1398 one another. G240

Galatians 6:2 STRONG

Bear ye G941 one another's G240 burdens, G922 and G2532 so G3779 fulfil G378 the law G3551 of Christ. G5547

Philippians 1:21-26 STRONG

For G1063 to me G1698 to live G2198 is Christ, G5547 and G2532 to die G599 is gain. G2771 But G1161 if G1487 I live G2198 in G1722 the flesh, G4561 this G5124 is the fruit G2590 of my labour: G2041 G3427 yet G2532 what G5101 I shall choose G138 I wot G1107 not. G3756 For G1063 I am in a strait G4912 betwixt G1537 two, G1417 having G2192 a desire G1939 to G1519 depart, G360 and G2532 to be G1511 with G4862 Christ; G5547 which is far G4183 G3123 better: G2908 Nevertheless G1161 to abide G1961 in G1722 the flesh G4561 is more needful G316 for G1223 you. G5209 And G2532 having this G5124 confidence, G3982 I know G1492 that G3754 I shall abide G3306 and G2532 continue G4839 with you G5213 all G3956 for G1519 your G5216 furtherance G4297 and G2532 joy G5479 of faith; G4102 That G2443 your G5216 rejoicing G2745 may be more abundant G4052 in G1722 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 for G1722 me G1698 by G1223 my G1699 coming G3952 to G4314 you G5209 again. G3825

Philippians 2:4 STRONG

Look G4648 not G3361 every man G1538 on his own things, G1438 but G235 every man G1538 also G2532 on the things G3588 of others. G2087

Commentary on Joshua 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 1:1-18. The Lord Appoints Joshua to Succeed Moses.

1. Now after the death of Moses—Joshua, having been already appointed and designated leader of Israel (Nu 27:18-23), in all probability assumed the reins of government immediately "after the death of Moses."

the servant of the Lord—This was the official title of Moses as invested with a special mission to make known the will of God; and it conferred great honor and authority.

the Lord spake unto Joshua—probably during the period of public mourning, and either by a direct revelation to the mind of Joshua, or by means of Urim and Thummim (Nu 27:21). This first communication gave a pledge that the divine instructions which, according to the provisions of the theocracy, had been imparted to Moses, would be continued to the new leader, though God might not perhaps speak to him "mouth to mouth" (Nu 12:8).

Joshua—The original name, Oshea, (Nu 13:8), which had been, according to Eastern usage, changed like those of Abram and Sarai (Ge 17:5-15) into Jehoshua or Joshua (that is, "God's salvation") was significant of the services he was to render, and typified those of a greater Saviour (Heb 4:8).

Moses' minister—that is, his official attendant, who, from being constantly employed in important services and early initiated into the principles of the government, would be well trained for undertaking the leadership of Israel.

2-9. now therefore arise, go over this Jordan—Joshua's mission was that of a military leader. This passage records his call to begin the work, and the address contains a literal repetition of the promise made to Moses (De 11:24, 25; 31:6-8, 23).

3, 4. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given you—meaning, of course, not universal dominion, but only the territory comprised within the boundaries here specified (see on De 19:8).

4. all the land of the Hittites—These occupied the southern extremities and were the dominant tribe of Canaan. Their superior power and the extent of their dominions are attested by the mention of them under the name of Khita, on the Assyrian inscriptions, and still more frequently on the Egyptian inscriptions of the eighteenth and nineteenth Dynasties. What life and encouragement must have been imparted to Joshua by the assurance that his people, who had been overwhelmed with fear of that gigantic race, were to possess "all the land of the Hittites"!

5-9. There shall not any man be able to stand before thee—Canaan was theirs by a divine grant; and the renewed confirmation of that grant to Joshua when about to lead the people into it, intimated not only a certain but an easy conquest. It is remarkable, however, that his courage and hope of victory were made to depend (see on De 17:18) on his firm and inflexible adherence to the law of God, not only that regarding the extirpation of the Canaanites, but the whole divine code.

10-18. Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people—These were the Shoterim (see on Ex 5:6; De 20:5).

11-13. command the people, saying, Prepare you victuals—not manna, which, though it still fell, would not keep; but corn, sheep, and articles of food procurable in the conquered countries.

for within three days ye shall pass over this Jordan—that is, the third day, according to Hebrew idiom—the time allotted for getting ready before the encampment in Abel-Shittim broke up and they removed to the desert bank of the river where no victuals were available. At the same time Joshua himself convened the two and a half tribes which had settled east of Jordan, to remind them of their promise (Nu 32:1-42) to assist their brethren in the conquest of western Canaan. Their readiness to redeem their pledge and the terms in which they answered the appeal of Joshua displayed to great advantage their patriotic and pious feelings at so interesting a crisis.

14. ye shall pass … armed—that is, officered or marshalled under five leaders in the old and approved caravan order (see on Ex 13:18).

all the mighty men of valour—The words are not to be interpreted strictly as meaning the whole, but only the flower or choice of the fighting men (see on Jos 4:12).