Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 11 » Verse 16

Joshua 11:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 So Joshua H3091 took H3947 all that land, H776 the hills, H2022 and all the south country, H5045 and all the land H776 of Goshen, H1657 and the valley, H8219 and the plain, H6160 and the mountain H2022 of Israel, H3478 and the valley H8219 of the same;

Cross Reference

Joshua 10:41 STRONG

And Joshua H3091 smote H5221 them from Kadeshbarnea H6947 even unto Gaza, H5804 and all the country H776 of Goshen, H1657 even unto Gibeon. H1391

Joshua 11:21 STRONG

And at that time H6256 came H935 Joshua, H3091 and cut off H3772 the Anakims H6062 from the mountains, H2022 from Hebron, H2275 from Debir, H1688 from Anab, H6024 and from all the mountains H2022 of Judah, H3063 and from all the mountains H2022 of Israel: H3478 Joshua H3091 destroyed them utterly H2763 with their cities. H5892

Joshua 12:8 STRONG

In the mountains, H2022 and in the valleys, H8219 and in the plains, H6160 and in the springs, H794 and in the wilderness, H4057 and in the south country; H5045 the Hittites, H2850 the Amorites, H567 and the Canaanites, H3669 the Perizzites, H6522 the Hivites, H2340 and the Jebusites: H2983

Genesis 15:18-21 STRONG

In the same H1931 day H3117 the LORD H3068 made H3772 a covenant H1285 with Abram, H87 saying, H559 Unto thy seed H2233 have I given H5414 this land, H776 from the river H5104 of Egypt H4714 unto the great H1419 river, H5104 the river H5104 Euphrates: H6578 The Kenites, H7017 and the Kenizzites, H7074 and the Kadmonites, H6935 And the Hittites, H2850 and the Perizzites, H6522 and the Rephaims, H7497 And the Amorites, H567 and the Canaanites, H3669 and the Girgashites, H1622 and the Jebusites. H2983

Numbers 34:2-13 STRONG

Command H6680 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, When ye come H935 into the land H776 of Canaan; H3667 (this is the land H776 that shall fall H5307 unto you for an inheritance, H5159 even the land H776 of Canaan H3667 with the coasts H1367 thereof:) Then your south H5045 quarter H6285 shall be from the wilderness H4057 of Zin H6790 along by the coast H3027 of Edom, H123 and your south H5045 border H1366 shall be the outmost coast H7097 of the salt H4417 sea H3220 eastward: H6924 And your border H1366 shall turn H5437 from the south H5045 to the ascent H4608 of Akrabbim, H4610 and pass on H5674 to Zin: H6790 and the going forth H8444 thereof shall be from the south H5045 to Kadeshbarnea, H6947 and shall go on H3318 to Hazaraddar, H2692 and pass on H5674 to Azmon: H6111 And the border H1366 shall fetch a compass H5437 from Azmon H6111 unto the river H5158 of Egypt, H4714 and the goings out H8444 of it shall be at the sea. H3220 And as for the western H3220 border, H1366 ye shall even have the great H1419 sea H3220 for a border: H1366 this shall be your west H3220 border. H1366 And this shall be your north H6828 border: H1366 from the great H1419 sea H3220 ye shall point out H8376 for you mount H2022 Hor: H2023 From mount H2022 Hor H2023 ye shall point out H8376 your border unto the entrance H935 of Hamath; H2574 and the goings forth H8444 of the border H1366 shall be to Zedad: H6657 And the border H1366 shall go on H3318 to Ziphron, H2202 and the goings out H8444 of it shall be at Hazarenan: H2704 this shall be your north H6828 border. H1366 And ye shall point out H184 your east H6924 border H1366 from Hazarenan H2704 to Shepham: H8221 And the coast H1366 shall go down H3381 from Shepham H8221 to Riblah, H7247 on the east side H6924 of Ain; H5871 and the border H1366 shall descend, H3381 and shall reach H4229 unto the side H3802 of the sea H3220 of Chinnereth H3672 eastward: H6924 And the border H1366 shall go down H3381 to Jordan, H3383 and the goings out H8444 of it shall be at the salt H4417 sea: H3220 this shall be your land H776 with the coasts H1367 thereof round about. H5439 And Moses H4872 commanded H6680 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 This is the land H776 which ye shall inherit H5157 by lot, H1486 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to give H5414 unto the nine H8672 tribes, H4294 and to the half H2677 tribe: H4294

Deuteronomy 34:2-3 STRONG

And all Naphtali, H5321 and the land H776 of Ephraim, H669 and Manasseh, H4519 and all the land H776 of Judah, H3063 unto the utmost H314 sea, H3220 And the south, H5045 and the plain H3603 of the valley H1237 of Jericho, H3405 the city H5892 of palm trees, H8558 H5899 unto Zoar. H6820

Joshua 9:1 STRONG

And it came to pass, when all the kings H4428 which were on this side H5676 Jordan, H3383 in the hills, H2022 and in the valleys, H8219 and in all the coasts H2348 of the great H1419 sea H3220 over against H4136 Lebanon, H3844 the Hittite, H2850 and the Amorite, H567 the Canaanite, H3669 the Perizzite, H6522 the Hivite, H2340 and the Jebusite, H2983 heard H8085 thereof;

Joshua 11:2 STRONG

And to the kings H4428 that were on the north H6828 of the mountains, H2022 and of the plains H6160 south H5045 of Chinneroth, H3672 and in the valley, H8219 and in the borders H5299 of Dor H1756 on the west, H3220

Ezekiel 17:23 STRONG

In the mountain H2022 of the height H4791 of Israel H3478 will I plant H8362 it: and it shall bring forth H5375 boughs, H6057 and bear H6213 fruit, H6529 and be a goodly H117 cedar: H730 and under it shall dwell H7931 all fowl H6833 of every wing; H3671 in the shadow H6738 of the branches H1808 thereof shall they dwell. H7931

Ezekiel 36:1-3 STRONG

Also, thou son H1121 of man, H120 prophesy H5012 unto the mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 and say, H559 Ye mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 hear H8085 the word H1697 of the LORD: H3068 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because the enemy H341 hath said H559 against you, Aha, H1889 even the ancient H5769 high places H1116 are ours in possession: H4181 Therefore prophesy H5012 and say, H559 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because they have made you desolate, H8074 and swallowed you up H7602 on every side, H5439 that ye might be a possession H4181 unto the residue H7611 of the heathen, H1471 and ye are taken up H5927 in the lips H8193 of talkers, H3956 and are an infamy H1681 of the people: H5971

Ezekiel 36:8 STRONG

But ye, O mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 ye shall shoot forth H5414 your branches, H6057 and yield H5375 your fruit H6529 to my people H5971 of Israel; H3478 for they are at hand H7126 to come. H935

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Joshua 11

Commentary on Joshua 11 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-15

The War in Northern Canaan. - Joshua 11:1-3. On receiving intelligence of what had occurred in the south, the king of Hazor formed an alliance with the kings of Madon, Shimron, and Achshaph, and other kings of the north, to make a common attack upon the Israelites. This league originated with Jabin the king of Hazor, because Hazor was formerly the head of all the kingdoms of northern Canaan (Joshua 11:10). Hazor , which Joshua conquered and burned to the ground (Joshua 11:10, Joshua 11:11), was afterwards restored, and became a capital again (Judges 4:2; 1 Samuel 12:9); it was fortified by Solomon (1 Kings 9:15), and taken by Tiglath-Pileser (2 Kings 15:29). It belonged to the tribe of Naphtali (Joshua 19:36), but has not yet been discovered. According to Josephus (Ant. v. 5, 1), it was above the Lake of Samochonitis, the present Bahr el Huleh. Robinson conjectures that it is to be found in the ruins upon Tell Khuraibeh , opposite to the north-west corner of the lake of Huleh, the situation of which would suit Hazor quite well, as it is placed between Ramah and Kedesh in Joshua 19:35-36 (see Bibl. Res. p. 364). On the other hand, the present ruins of Huzzur or Hazireh , where there are the remains of large buildings of a very remote antiquity (see Rob. Bibl. Res. p. 62), with which Knobel identifies Hazor, cannot be thought of for a moment, as these ruins, which are about an hour and a quarter to the south-west of Yathir, are so close to the Ramah of Asher (Joshua 19:29) that Hazor must also have belonged to Asher, and could not possibly have been included in the territory of Naphtali. There would be more reason for thinking of Tell Hazr or Khirbet Hazr , on the south-west of Szafed (see Rob. Bibl. Res. p. 81); but these ruins are not very ancient, and only belong to an ordinary village, and not to a town at all. Madon is only mentioned again in Joshua 12:19, and its situation is quite unknown. Shimron , called Shimron-meron in Joshua 12:20, was allotted to the tribe of Zebulun (Joshua 19:15), and is also unknown. For Meron cannot be connected, as Knobel supposes, with the village and ruins of Marפn , not far from Kedesh, on the south-west (see Rob. Pal. iii. p. 371), or Shimron with the ruins of Khuraibeh , an hour to the south of Kedesh; as the territory of Zebulun, to which Shimron belonged, did not reach so far north, and there is not the slightest ground for assuming that there were two Shimrons, or for making a distinction between the royal seat mentioned here and the Shimron of Zebulun. There is also no probability in Knobel 's conjecture, that the Shimron last named is the same as the small village of Semunieh , probably the Simonias of Josephus (Vita, §24), on the west of Nazareth (see Rob. Pal. iii. p. 201). Achshaph , a border town of Ashwer (Joshua 19:25), is also unknown, and is neither to be sought, as Robinson supposes (Bibl. Res. pp. 55), in the ruins of Kesגf, which lie even farther north than Abel ( Abil ), in the tribe of Naphtali, and therefore much too far to the north to have formed the boundary of Asher; nor to be identified with Acco ( Ptolemais ), as Knobel imagines, since Acco has nothing in common with Achshaph except the letter caph (see also at Joshua 19:25).

Joshua 11:2

Jabin also allied himself with the kings of the north “ upon the mountains ,” i.e., the mountains of Naphtali (Joshua 20:7), and “ in the Arabah to the south of Chinnereth ” (Joshua 19:35), i.e., in the Ghor to the south of the sea of Galilee, and “ in the lowland ,” i.e., the northern portion of it, as far down as Joppa, and “ upon the heights of Dor .” The town of Dor , which was built by Phoenicians, who settled there on account of the abundance of the purple mussels ( Steph. Byz. s. v. Δῶρος ), was allotted to the Manassites in the territory of Asher (Joshua 17:11; cf. Joshua 19:26), and taken possession of by the children of Joseph (1 Chronicles 7:29). It was situated on the Mediterranean Sea, below the promontory of Carmel, nine Roman miles north of Caesarea, and is at the present time a hamlet called Tantura or Tortura , with very considerable ruins ( Wilson , The Holy Land, ii. 249, and V. de Velde , Journey, i. p. 251). The old town was a little more than a mile to the north, on a small range of hills, which is covered with ruins ( Ritter , Erdk. xvi. pp. 608-9; V. de Velde , Mem. p. 307), and on the north of which there are rocky ranges, with many grottos, and houses cut in the rock itself ( Buckingham , Syria, i. pp. 101-2). These are “the heights of Dor,” or “the high range of Dor” (Joshua 12:23; 1 Kings 4:11).

Joshua 11:3

Namely, with the Canaanites on the east and west, the Amorites ” and other tribes dwelling upon the mountains (vid., Joshua 3:10), and “ the Hivites under the Hermon in the land of Mizpah ,” i.e., the country below Hasbeya , between Nahr Hasbany on the east, and Merj. Ayûn on the west, with the village of Mutulleh or Mtelleh , at present inhabited by Druses, which stands upon a hill more than 200 feet high, and from which there is a splendid prospect over the Huleh basin. It is from this that it has derived its name, which signifies prospect, specula , answering to the Hebrew Mizpah (see Robinson , Bibl. Res. p. 372).

Joshua 11:4-5

These came out with their armies, a people as numerous as the sand by the sea-shore (vid., Genesis 22:17, etc.), and very many horses and chariots. All these kings agreed together, sc., concerning the war and the place of battle, and encamped at Merom to fight against Israel. The name Merom ( Meirûm in the Arabic version) answers to Meirôm , a village whose name is also pronounced Meirûm , a celebrated place of pilgrimage among the Jews, because Hillel, Shammai, Simeon ben Jochai, and other noted Rabbins are said to be buried there (see Robinson , Pal. iii. p. 333), about two hours' journey north-west of Szafed, upon a rocky mountain, at the foot of which there is a spring that forms a small brook and flows away through the valley below Szafed ( Seetzen , R. ii. pp. 127-8; Robinson , Bibl. Res. pp. 73ff.). This stream, which is said to reach the Lake of Tiberias, in the neighbourhood of Bethsaida, is in all probability to be regarded as the “waters of Merom,” as, according to Josephus (Ant. v. 1, 18), “these kings encamped at Berothe (de. Bell. Jud. xx. 6, and Vit. 37, ' Meroth '), a city of Upper Galilee, not far from Kedese.”

(Note: The traditional opinion that “waters of Merom” is the Old Testament name for the Lake of Samochonitis, or Huleh, is not founded upon any historical evidence, but is simply an inference of Hadr. Reland (Pal. Ill. p. 262), (1) from the statement made by Josephus (Ant. v. 5, 1), that Hazor was above the Lake of Somochonitis, it being taken for granted without further reason that the battle occurred at Hazor, and (2) from the supposed similarity in the meaning of the names, viz., that Samochonitis is derived from an Arabic word signifying to be high, and therefore means the same as Merom (height), though here again the zere is disregarded, and Merom is arbitrarily identified with Marom .)

Joshua 11:6

On account of this enormous number, and the might of the enemy, who were all the more to be dreaded because of their horses and chariots, the Lord encouraged Joshua again,

(Note: “As there was so much more difficulty connected with the destruction of so populous and well-disciplined an army, it was all the more necessary that he should be inspired with fresh confidence. For this reason God appeared to Joshua, and promised him the same success as He had given him so many times before.” - Calvin .)

as in Joshua 8:1, by promising him that on the morrow He would deliver them all up slain before Israel; only Joshua was to lame their horses (Genesis 49:6) and burn their chariots. אנכי before נתן gives emphasis to the sentence: “I will provide for this; by my power, which is immeasurable, as I have shown thee so many times, and by my nod, by which heaven and earth are shaken, shall these things be done” ( Masius ).

Joshua 11:7-8

With this to inspirit them, the Israelites fell upon the enemy and smote them, chasing them towards the north-west to Sidon, and westwards as far as Misrephothmaim, and into the plain of Mizpah on the east. Sidon is called the great (as in Joshua 19:28), because at that time it was the metropolis of Phoenicia; whereas even by the time of David it had lost its ancient splendour, and was outstripped by its daughter city Tyre. It is still to be seen in the town of Saida , a town of five or six thousand inhabitants, with many large and well-built houses (see Rob. Pal. iii. p. 415, and Movers , Phönizier, ii. 1, pp. 86ff.). Misrephothmaim (mentioned also at Joshua 13:6), which the Greek translators have taken as a proper name, though the Rabbins and some Christian commentators render it in different ways, such as salt-pits, smelting-huts, or glass-huts (see Ges. Thes. p. 1341), is a collection of springs, called Ain Mesherfi , at the foot of the promontory to which with its steep pass the name of Ras el Nakhûra is given, the scala Tyriorum or Passepoulain of the Crusaders (see V. de Velde , Mem. p. 335, and Ritter , Erdk. xvi. p. 807). מצפּה בּקעת (Eng. Ver. “the valley of Mizpeh”) is probably the basin of the Huleh lake and of Nahr Hasbany , on the western side of which lay the land of Mizpah (Joshua 11:3).

Joshua 11:9

Joshua carried out the command of the Lord with regard to the chariots and horses.

Joshua 11:10-15

After destroying the foe, and returning from the pursuit, Joshua took Hazor, smote its king and all the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and burned the town, the former leader of all those kingdoms. He did just the same to the other towns, except that he did not burn them, but left them standing upon their hills. על־תּלּם העמחות (Joshua 11:13) neither contains an allusion to any special fortification of the towns, nor implies a contrast to the towns built in the valleys and plains, but simply expresses the thought that these towns were still standing upon their hill, i.e., upon the old site (cf. Jeremiah 30:18 : the participle does not express the preterite, but the present). At the same time, the expression certainly implies that the towns were generally built upon hills. The pointing in תּלּם is not to be altered, as Knobel suggests. The singular “ upon their hill ” is to be taken as distributive: standing, now as then, each upon its hill. - With Joshua 11:15, “ as Jehovah commanded His servant Moses ” (cf. Numbers 33:52.; Deuteronomy 7:1., Deuteronomy 20:16), the account of the wars of Joshua is brought to a close, and the way opened for proceeding to the concluding remarks with reference to the conquest of the whole land (Joshua 11:16-23). דּבר הסיר לא , he put not away a word, i.e., left nothing undone.

Verse 16-17

Retrospective View of the Conquest of the Whole Land. - Joshua 11:16, Joshua 11:17. Joshua took all this land, namely, those portions of Southern Canaan that have already been mentioned in Joshua 10:40-41; also the Arabah, and the mountains of Israel and its lowlands (see Joshua 11:2), i.e., the northern part of the land (in the campaign described in Joshua 11:1-15), that is to say, Canaan in all its extent, “ from the bald mountain which goeth up to Seir ” in the south, “ to Baal-gad, in the valley of Lebanon under Hermon .” The “ bald mountain ” ( Halak ), which is mentioned here and in Joshua 12:7 as the southern boundary of Canaan, is hardly the row of white cliffs which stretches obliquely across the Arabah eight miles below the Dead Sea and forms the dividing line that separates this valley into el-Ghor and el-Araba ( Rob. Pal. ii. pp. 489, 492), or the present Madara , a strange-looking chalk-hill to the south-west of the pass of Sufah ( Rob. ii. p. 589), a steep bare mountain in a barren plain, the sides of which consist of stone and earth of a leaden ashy hue ( Seetzen , R. iii. pp. 14, 15); but in all probability the northern edge of the Azazimeh mountain with its white and glistening masses of chalk. Baal-gad , i.e., the place or town of Baal, who was there worshipped as Gad (see Isaiah 65:11), also called Baal-hermon in Judges 3:3 and 1 Chronicles 5:23, is not Baalbek, but the Paneas or Caesarea Philippi of a later time, the present Banjas (see at Numbers 34:8-9). This is the opinion of v. Raumer and Robinson , though Van de Velde is more disposed to look for Baal-gad in the ruins of Kalath (the castle of) Bostra , or of Kalath Aisafa , the former an hour and a half, the latter three hours to the north of Banjas, the situation of which would accord with the biblical statements respecting Baal-gad exceedingly well. The “ valley of Lebanon ” is not Coele-Syria , the modern Bekגa , between Lebanon and Antilibanus, but the valley at the foot of the southern slope of Jebel Sheik (Hermon).

Verses 18-20

Joshua made war with the kings of Canaan a long time; judging from Joshua 14:7, Joshua 14:10, as much as seven years, though Josephus (Ant. v. 1, 19) speaks of five (see at Joshua 14:10). No town submitted peaceably to the Israelites, with the exception of Gibeon: they took the whole in war. “ For it was of the Lord ” (Joshua 11:20), i.e., God ordered it so that they (the Canaanites) hardened their heart to make war upon Israel, that they might fall under the ban, and be destroyed without mercy. On the hardening of the heart as a work of God, see the remarks upon the hardening of Pharaoh (Exodus 4:21). It cannot be inferred from this, that if the Canaanites had received the Israelites amicably, God would have withdrawn His command to destroy them, and allowed the Israelites to make peace with them; for when they made peace with the Gibeonites, they did not inquire what as the will of the Lord, but acted in opposition to it (see at Joshua 9:14). The remark is made with special reference to this, and has been correctly explained by Augustine (qu. 8 in Jos.) as follows: “Because the Israelites had shown mercy to some of them of their own accord, though in opposition to the command of God, therefore it is stated that they (the Canaanites) made war upon them so that none of them were spared, and the Israelites were not induced to show mercy to the neglect of the commandment of God.”

Verses 21-23

In Joshua 11:21, Joshua 11:22, the destruction of the Anakites upon the mountains of Judah and Israel is introduced in a supplementary form, which completes the history of the subjugation and extermination of the Canaanites in the south of the land (Josh 10). This supplement is not to be regarded either as a fragment interpolated by a different hand, or as a passage borrowed from another source. On the contrary, the author himself thought it necessary, having special regard to Numbers 13:28, Numbers 13:31., to mention expressly that Joshua also rooted out from their settlements the sons of Anak, whom the spies in the time of Moses had described as terrible giants, and drove them into the Philistine cities of Gaza, Bath, and Ashdod. “ At that time ” points back to the “long time,” mentioned in Joshua 11:18, during which Joshua was making war upon the Canaanites. The words “cut off,” etc., are explained correctly by Clericus : “Those who fell into his hands he slew, the rest he put to flight, though, as we learn from Joshua 15:14, they afterwards returned.” (On the Anakim , see at Numbers 13:22.) They had their principal settlement upon the mountains in Hebron ( el Khulil , see Joshua 10:3), Debir (see at Joshua 10:38), and Anab. The last place ( Anab ), upon the mountains of Judah (Joshua 15:50), has been preserved along with the old name in the village of Anגb , four or five hours to the south of Hebron, on the eastern side of the great Wady el Khulil , which runs from Hebron down to Beersheba ( Rob. Pal. ii. p. 193). “ And from all (the rest of) the mountains of Judah, and all the mountains of Israel :” the latter are called the mountains of Ephraim in Joshua 17:15. The two together form the real basis of the land of Canaan, and are separated from one another by the large Wady Beit Hanina (see Rob. Pal. ii. p. 333). They received their respective names from the fact that the southern portion of the mountain land of Canaan fell to the tribe of Judah as its inheritance, and the northern part to the tribe of Ephraim and other tribes of Israel.

(Note: The distinction here made may be explained without difficulty even from the circumstances of Joshua's own time. Judah and the double tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) received their inheritance by lot before any of the others. But whilst the tribe of Judah proceeded into the territory allotted to them in the south, all the other tribes still remained in Gilgal; and even at a later period, when Ephraim and Manasseh were in their possessions, all Israel, with the exception of Judah, were still encamped at Shiloh. Moreover, the two parts of the nation were now separated by the territory which was afterwards assigned to the tribe of Benjamin, but had no owner at this time; and in addition to this, the altar, tabernacle, and ark of the covenant were in the midst of Joseph and the other tribes that were still assembled at Shiloh. Under such circumstances, then, would not the idea of a distinction between Judah, on the one hand, and the rest of Israel, in which the double tribe of Joseph and then the single tribe of Ephraim acquired such peculiar prominence, on the other, shape itself more and more in the mind, and what already existed in the germ begin to attain maturity even here? And what could be more natural than that the mountains in which the “children of Judah” had their settlements should be called the mountains of Judah ; and the mountains where all the rest of Israel was encamped, where the “children of Israel” were gathered together, be called the mountains of Israel , and, as that particular district really belonged to the tribe of Ephraim, the mountains of Ephraim also? (Joshua 19:50; Joshua 20:7; also Joshua 24:30.))

Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod were towns of the Philistines; of these Gaza and Ashdod were allotted to the tribe of Judah (Joshua 15:47), but were never taken possession of by the Israelites, although the Philistines were sometimes subject to the Israelites (see at Joshua 13:3). - With Joshua 11:23 , “ thus Joshua took the whole land ” etc., the history of the conquest of Canaan by Joshua is brought to a close; and Joshua 11:23 , “ and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel ,” forms a kind of introduction to the second part of the book. The list of the conquered kings in Josh 12 is simply an appendix to the first part.

The taking of the whole land does not imply that all the towns and villages to the very last had been conquered, or that all the Canaanites were rooted out from every corner of the land, but simply that the conquest was of such a character that the power of the Canaanites was broken, their dominion overthrown, and their whole land so thoroughly given into the hands of the Israelites, that those who still remained here and there were crushed into powerless fugitives, who could neither offer any further opposition to the Israelites, nor dispute the possession of the land with them, if they would only strive to fulfil the commandments of their God and persevere in the gradual extermination of the scattered remnants. Moreover, Israel had received the strongest pledge, in the powerful help which it had received from the Lord in the conquests thus far obtained, that the faithful covenant God would continue His help in the conflicts which still remained, and secure for it a complete victory and the full possession of the promised land. Looking, therefore, at the existing state of things from this point of view, Joshua had taken possession of the whole land, and could now proceed to finish the work entrusted to him by the Lord, by dividing the land among the tribes of Israel. Joshua had really done all that the Lord had said to Moses. For the Lord had not only promised to Moses the complete extermination of the Canaanites, but had also told him that He would not drive out the Canaanites at once, or “in one year,” but only little by little, until Israel multiplied and took the land (Exodus 23:28-30; cf. Deuteronomy 7:22). Looking at this promised, therefore, the author of the book could say with perfect justice, that “ Joshua took the whole land according to all that (precisely in the manner in which) the Lord had said to Moses .” But this did not preclude the fact, that a great deal still remained to be done before all the Canaanites could be utterly exterminated from every part of the land. Consequently, the enumeration of towns and districts that were not yet conquered, and of Canaanites who still remained, which we find in Joshua 13:1-6; Joshua 17:14., Joshua 18:3; Joshua 23:5, Joshua 23:12, forms no discrepancy with the statements in the verses before us, so as to warrant us in adopting any critical hypotheses or conclusions as to the composition of the book by different authors. The Israelites could easily have taken such portions of the land as were still unconquered, and could have exterminated all the Canaanites who remained, without any severe or wearisome conflicts; if they had but persevered in fidelity to their God and in the fulfilment of His commandments. If, therefore, the complete conquest of the whole land was not secured in the next few years, but, on the contrary, the Canaanites repeatedly gained the upper hand over the Israelites; we must seek for the explanation, not in the fact that Joshua had not completely taken and conquered the land, but simply in the fact that the Lord had withdrawn His help from His people because of their apostasy from Him, and had given them up to the power of their enemies to chastise them for their sins. - The distribution of the land for an inheritance to the Israelites took place “ according to their divisions by their tribes .” מחלקות denote the division of the twelve tribes of Israel into families, fathers' houses, and households; and is so used not only here, but in Joshua 12:7 and Joshua 18:10. Compare with this 1 Chronicles 23:6; 1 Chronicles 24:1, etc., where it is applied to the different orders of priests and Levites. “ And the land rested from war :” i.e., the war was ended, so that the peaceable task of distributing the land by lot could now be proceeded with (vid., Joshua 14:15; Judges 3:11, Judges 3:30; Judges 5:31).