Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 13 » Verse 22

Joshua 13:22 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

22 Balaam H1109 also the son H1121 of Beor, H1160 the soothsayer, H7080 did the children H1121 of Israel H3478 slay H2026 with the sword H2719 among them H413 that were slain H2491 by them.

Cross Reference

Numbers 31:8 STRONG

And they slew H2026 the kings H4428 of Midian, H4080 beside H5921 the rest of them that were slain; H2491 namely, Evi, H189 and Rekem, H7552 and Zur, H6698 and Hur, H2354 and Reba, H7254 five H2568 kings H4428 of Midian: H4080 Balaam H1109 also the son H1121 of Beor H1160 they slew H2026 with the sword. H2719

Numbers 22:5-7 STRONG

He sent H7971 messengers H4397 therefore unto Balaam H1109 the son H1121 of Beor H1160 to Pethor, H6604 which is by the river H5104 of the land H776 of the children H1121 of his people, H5971 to call H7121 him, saying, H559 Behold, there is a people H5971 come out H3318 from Egypt: H4714 behold, they cover H3680 the face H5869 of the earth, H776 and they abide H3427 over against H4136 me: Come H3212 now therefore, I pray thee, curse H779 me this people; H5971 for they are too mighty H6099 for me: peradventure I shall prevail, H3201 that we may smite H5221 them, and that I may drive them out H1644 of the land: H776 for I wot H3045 that he whom thou blessest H1288 is blessed, H1288 and he whom thou cursest H779 is cursed. H779 And the elders H2205 of Moab H4124 and the elders H2205 of Midian H4080 departed H3212 with the rewards of divination H7081 in their hand; H3027 and they came H935 unto Balaam, H1109 and spake H1696 unto him the words H1697 of Balak. H1111

Numbers 24:1 STRONG

And when Balaam H1109 saw H7200 that it pleased H5869 H2895 the LORD H3068 to bless H1288 Israel, H3478 he went H1980 not, as at other times, H6471 to seek H7125 for enchantments, H5173 but he set H7896 his face H6440 toward the wilderness. H4057

2 Peter 2:15 STRONG

Which have forsaken G2641 the right G2117 way, G3598 and are gone astray, G4105 following G1811 the way G3598 of Balaam G903 the son of Bosor, G1007 who G3739 loved G25 the wages G3408 of unrighteousness; G93

Jude 1:11 STRONG

Woe G3759 unto them! G846 for G3754 they have gone G4198 in the way G3598 of Cain, G2535 and G2532 ran greedily after G1632 the error G4106 of Balaam G903 for reward, G3408 and G2532 perished G622 in the gainsaying G485 of Core. G2879

Revelation 2:14 STRONG

But G235 I have G2192 a few things G3641 against G2596 thee, G4675 because G3754 thou hast G2192 there G1563 them that hold G2902 the doctrine G1322 of Balaam, G903 who G3739 taught G1722 G1321 Balac G904 to cast G906 a stumblingblock G4625 before G1799 the children G5207 of Israel, G2474 to eat G5315 things sacrificed unto idols, G1494 and G2532 to commit fornication. G4203

Revelation 19:20 STRONG

And G2532 the beast G2342 was taken, G4084 and G2532 with G3326 him G5127 the false prophet G5578 that wrought G4160 miracles G4592 before G1799 him, G846 with G1722 which G3739 he deceived G4105 them that had received G2983 the mark G5480 of the beast, G2342 and G2532 them that worshipped G4352 his G846 image. G1504 These both G1417 were cast G906 alive G2198 into G1519 a lake G3041 of fire G4442 burning G2545 with G1722 brimstone. G2303

Commentary on Joshua 13 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 13:1-33. Bounds of the Land Not Yet Conquered.

1. Now Joshua was old and stricken in years—He was probably above a hundred years old; for the conquest and survey of the land occupied about seven years, the partition one; and he died at the age of one hundred ten years (Jos 24:29). The distribution, as well as the conquest of the land, was included in the mission of Joshua; and his advanced age supplied a special reason for entering on the immediate discharge of that duty; namely, of allocating Canaan among the tribes of Israel—not only the parts already won, but those also which were still to be conquered.

2-6. This is the land that yet remaineth—that is, to be acquired. This section forms a parenthesis, in which the historian briefly notices the districts yet unsubdued; namely, first, the whole country of the Philistines—a narrow tract stretching about sixty miles along the Mediterranean coast, and that of the Geshurites to the south of it (1Sa 27:8). Both included that portion of the country "from Sihor, which is before Egypt," a small brook near El-Arish, which on the east was the southern boundary of Canaan, to Ekron, the most northerly of the five chief lordships or principalities of the Philistines.

3, 4. also the Avites: From [on] the south—The two clauses are thus connected in the Septuagint and many other versions. On being driven out (De 2:23), they established themselves in the south of Philistia. The second division of the unconquered country comprised

4. all the land of the Canaanites, and Mearah—("the cave")

that is beside the Sidonians—a mountainous region of Upper Galilee, remarkable for its caves and fastnesses.

unto Aphek—now Afka; eastward, in Lebanon.

to the borders of the Amorites—a portion of the northeastern territory that had belonged to Og. The third district that remained unsubdued:

5. all the land of the Giblites—Their capital was Gebal or Bylbos (Greek), on the Mediterranean, forty miles north of Sidon.

all Lebanon, toward the sunrising—that is, Anti-libanus; the eastern ridge, which has its proper termination in Hermon.

entering into Hamath—the valley of Baalbec.

6, 7. All the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon unto Misrephoth-maim—(See on Jos 11:8)—that is, "all the Sidonians and Phœnicians."

them will I drive out—The fulfilment of this promise was conditional. In the event of the Israelites proving unfaithful or disobedient, they would not subdue the districts now specified; and, in point of fact, the Israelites never possessed them though the inhabitants were subjected to the power of David and Solomon.

only divide thou it by lot unto the Israelites for an inheritance—The parenthetic section being closed, the historian here resumes the main subject of this chapter—the order of God to Joshua to make an immediate allotment of the land. The method of distribution by lot was, in all respects, the best that could have been adopted, as it prevented all ground of discontent, as well as charges of arbitrary or partial conduct on the part of the leaders; and its announcement in the life of Moses (Nu 33:54), as the system according to which the allocations to each tribe should be made, was intended to lead the people to the acknowledgment of God as the proprietor of the land and as having the entire right to its disposal. Moreover, a solemn appeal to the lot showed it to be the dictate not of human, but divine, wisdom. It was used, however, only in determining the part of the country where a tribe was to be settled—the extent of the settlement was to be decided on a different principle (Nu 26:54). The overruling control of God is conclusively proved because each tribe received the possession predicted by Jacob (Ge 49:3-28) and by Moses (De 33:6-25).

8. With whom—Hebrew, "him." The antecedent is evidently to Manasseh, not, however, the half-tribe just mentioned, but the other half; for the historian, led, as it were, by the sound of the word, breaks off to describe the possessions beyond Jordan already assigned to Reuben, Gad, and the half of Manasseh (see on Nu 32:1; Nu 32:33; also see De 3:8-17). It may be proper to remark that it was wise to put these boundaries on record. In case of any misunderstanding or dispute arising about the exact limits of each district or property, an appeal could always be made to this authoritative document, and a full knowledge as well as grateful sense obtained of what they had received from God (Ps 16:5, 6).