Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 15 » Verse 21-63

Joshua 15:21-63 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 And the uttermost H7097 cities H5892 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Judah H3063 toward the coast H1366 of Edom H123 southward H5045 were Kabzeel, H6909 and Eder, H5740 and Jagur, H3017

22 And Kinah, H7016 and Dimonah, H1776 and Adadah, H5735

23 And Kedesh, H6943 and Hazor, H2674 and Ithnan, H3497

24 Ziph, H2128 and Telem, H2928 and Bealoth, H1175

25 And Hazor, H2674 Hadattah, H2675 and Kerioth, H7152 and Hezron, H2696 which is Hazor, H2674

26 Amam, H538 and Shema, H8090 and Moladah, H4137

27 And Hazargaddah, H2693 and Heshmon, H2829 and Bethpalet, H1046

28 And Hazarshual, H2705 and Beersheba, H884 and Bizjothjah, H964

29 Baalah, H1173 and Iim, H5864 and Azem, H6107

30 And Eltolad, H513 and Chesil, H3686 and Hormah, H2767

31 And Ziklag, H6860 and Madmannah, H4089 and Sansannah, H5578

32 And Lebaoth, H3822 and Shilhim, H7978 and Ain, H5871 and Rimmon: H7417 all the cities H5892 are twenty H6242 and nine, H8672 with their villages: H2691

33 And in the valley, H8219 Eshtaol, H847 and Zoreah, H6881 and Ashnah, H823

34 And Zanoah, H2182 and Engannim, H5873 Tappuah, H8599 and Enam, H5879

35 Jarmuth, H3412 and Adullam, H5725 Socoh, H7755 and Azekah, H5825

36 And Sharaim, H8189 and Adithaim, H5723 and Gederah, H1449 and Gederothaim; H1453 fourteen H702 H6240 cities H5892 with their villages: H2691

37 Zenan, H6799 and Hadashah, H2322 and Migdalgad, H4028

38 And Dilean, H1810 and Mizpeh, H4708 and Joktheel, H3371

39 Lachish, H3923 and Bozkath, H1218 and Eglon, H5700

40 And Cabbon, H3522 and Lahmam, H3903 and Kithlish, H3798

41 And Gederoth, H1450 Bethdagon, H1016 and Naamah, H5279 and Makkedah; H4719 sixteen H8337 H6240 cities H5892 with their villages: H2691

42 Libnah, H3841 and Ether, H6281 and Ashan, H6228

43 And Jiphtah, H3316 and Ashnah, H823 and Nezib, H5334

44 And Keilah, H7084 and Achzib, H392 and Mareshah; H4762 nine H8672 cities H5892 with their villages: H2691

45 Ekron, H6138 with her towns H1323 and her villages: H2691

46 From Ekron H6138 even unto the sea, H3220 all that lay near H3027 Ashdod, H795 with their villages: H2691

47 Ashdod H795 with her towns H1323 and her villages, H2691 Gaza H5804 with her towns H1323 and her villages, H2691 unto the river H5158 of Egypt, H4714 and the great H1419 H1366 sea, H3220 and the border H1366 thereof:

48 And in the mountains, H2022 Shamir, H8069 and Jattir, H3492 and Socoh, H7755

49 And Dannah, H1837 and Kirjathsannah, H7158 which is Debir, H1688

50 And Anab, H6024 and Eshtemoh, H851 and Anim, H6044

51 And Goshen, H1657 and Holon, H2473 and Giloh; H1542 eleven H259 H6240 cities H5892 with their villages: H2691

52 Arab, H694 and Dumah, H1746 and Eshean, H824

53 And Janum, H3241 and Bethtappuah, H1054 and Aphekah, H664

54 And Humtah, H2547 and Kirjatharba, H7153 which is Hebron, H2275 and Zior; H6730 nine H8672 cities H5892 with their villages: H2691

55 Maon, H4584 Carmel, H3760 and Ziph, H2128 and Juttah, H3194

56 And Jezreel, H3157 and Jokdeam, H3347 and Zanoah, H2182

57 Cain, H7014 Gibeah, H1390 and Timnah; H8553 ten H6235 cities H5892 with their villages: H2691

58 Halhul, H2478 Bethzur, H1049 and Gedor, H1446

59 And Maarath, H4638 and Bethanoth, H1042 and Eltekon; H515 six H8337 cities H5892 with their villages: H2691

60 Kirjathbaal, H7154 which is Kirjathjearim, H7157 and Rabbah; H7237 two H8147 cities H5892 with their villages: H2691

61 In the wilderness, H4057 Betharabah, H1026 Middin, H4081 and Secacah, H5527

62 And Nibshan, H5044 and the city of Salt, H5898 and Engedi; H5872 six H8337 cities H5892 with their villages. H2691

63 As for the Jebusites H2983 the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 the children H1121 of Judah H3063 could H3201 H3201 not drive them out: H3423 but the Jebusites H2983 dwell H3427 with the children H1121 of Judah H3063 at Jerusalem H3389 unto this day. H3117

Commentary on Joshua 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 15:1-12. Borders of the Lot of Judah.

1. This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Judah—In what manner the lot was drawn on this occasion the sacred historian does not say; but it is probable that the method adopted was similar to that described in Jos 18:10. Though the general survey of the country had not been completed, some rough draft or delineation of the first conquered part must have been made, and satisfactory evidence obtained that it was large enough to furnish three cantons, before all the tribes cast lots for them; and they fell to Judah, Ephraim, and the half-tribe of Manasseh. The lot of Judah came first, in token of the pre-eminence of that tribe over all the others; and its destined superiority thus received the visible sanction of God. The territory, assigned to it as a possession, was large and extensive, being bounded on the south by the wilderness of Zin, and the southern extremity of the Salt Sea (Nu 34:3-5); on the east, by that sea, extending to the point where it receives the waters of the Jordan; on the north, by a line drawn nearly parallel to Jerusalem, across the country, from the northern extremity of the Salt Sea to the southern limits of the Philistine territory, and to the Mediterranean; and on the west this sea was its boundary, as far as Sihor (Wady El-Arish).

2. the bay—Hebrew, "tongue." It pushes its waters out in this form to a great distance [Robinson].

3. Maaleh-akrabbim—Hebrew, "the ascent of scorpions"; a pass in the "bald mountain" (see on Jos 11:17), probably much infested by these venomous reptiles.

5. the end—that is, the mouth of the Jordan.

6. Beth-hogla—now Ain Hajla, a fine spring of clear and sweet water, at the northern extremity of the Dead Sea, about two miles from the Jordan [Robinson].

Beth-arabah—"the house," or "place of solitude," in the desert of Judah (Jos 15:61).

stone of Bohan the son of Reuben—the sepulchral monument of a Reubenite leader, who had been distinguished for his bravery, and had fallen in the Canaanite war.

7. Achor—(see on Jos 7:26).

Adummim—a rising ground in the wilderness of Jericho, on the south of the little brook that flowed near Jericho (Jos 16:1).

En-shemesh—"the fountain of the sun"; "either the present well of the apostle, below Bethany, on the road to Jericho, or the fountain near to St. Saba" [Robinson].

En-rogel—"the fuller's fountain," on the southeast of Jerusalem, below the spot where the valleys of Jehoshaphat and Hinnom unite.

Jos 15:13-15. Caleb's Portion and Conquest.

13. unto Caleb he gave a part among the children of Judah—(See on Jos 14:6).

14. drove thence the three sons of Anak—rather three chiefs of the Anakim race. This exploit is recorded to the honor of Caleb, as the success of it was the reward of his trust in God.

15. Debir—"oracle." Its former name, Kirjath-sepher, signifies "city of the book," being probably a place where public registers were kept.

Jos 15:16-20. Othniel, for His Valor, Has Achsah to Wife.

16-20. He that smiteth Kirjath-sepher—This offer was made as an incentive to youthful bravery (see on 1Sa 17:25); and the prize was won by Othniel, Caleb's younger brother (Jud 1:13; 3:9). This was the occasion of drawing out the latent energies of him who was destined to be the first judge in Israel.

18, 19. as she came unto him—that is, when about to remove from her father's to her husband's house. She suddenly alighted from her travelling equipage—a mark of respect to her father, and a sign of making some request. She had urged Othniel to broach the matter, but he not wishing to do what appeared like evincing a grasping disposition, she resolved herself to speak out. Taking advantage of the parting scene when a parent's heart was likely to be tender, she begged (as her marriage portion consisted of a field which, having a southern exposure, was comparatively an arid and barren waste) he would add the adjoining one, which abounded in excellent springs. The request being reasonable, it was granted; and the story conveys this important lesson in religion, that if earthly parents are ready to bestow on their children that which is good, much more will our heavenly Father give every necessary blessing to them who ask Him.

Jos 15:21-63. Cities of Judah.

21-63. the uttermost cities of the tribe of the children of Judah—There is given a list of cities within the tribal territory of Judah, arranged in four divisions, corresponding to the districts of which it consisted—the cities in the southern part (Jos 15:21-32), those in the lowlands (Jos 15:33-47), those in the highlands (Jos 15:48-60), and those in the desert (Jos 15:61, 62). One gets the best idea of the relative situation of these cities by looking at the map.