Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 17 » Verse 18

Joshua 17:18 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

18 But the mountain H2022 shall be thine; for it is a wood, H3293 and thou shalt cut it down: H1254 and the outgoings H8444 of it shall be thine: for thou shalt drive out H3423 the Canaanites, H3669 though they have iron H1270 chariots, H7393 and though they be strong. H2389

Cross Reference

Numbers 14:6-9 STRONG

And Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun, H5126 and Caleb H3612 the son H1121 of Jephunneh, H3312 which were of them that searched H8446 the land, H776 rent H7167 their clothes: H899 And they spake H559 unto all the company H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 The land, H776 which we passed H5674 through to search H8446 it, is an exceeding H3966 H3966 good H2896 land. H776 If the LORD H3068 delight H2654 in us, then he will bring H935 us into this land, H776 and give H5414 it us; a land H776 which floweth H2100 with milk H2461 and honey. H1706 Only rebel H4775 not ye against the LORD, H3068 neither fear H3372 ye the people H5971 of the land; H776 for they are bread H3899 for us: their defence H6738 is departed H5493 from them, and the LORD H3068 is with us: fear H3372 them not.

Deuteronomy 20:1-4 STRONG

When thou goest out H3318 to battle H4421 against thine enemies, H341 and seest H7200 horses, H5483 and chariots, H7393 and a people H5971 more H7227 than thou, be not afraid H3372 of them: for the LORD H3068 thy God H430 is with thee, which brought thee up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 And it shall be, when ye are come nigh H7126 unto the battle, H4421 that the priest H3548 shall approach H5066 and speak H1696 unto the people, H5971 And shall say H559 unto them, Hear, H8085 O Israel, H3478 ye approach H7131 this day H3117 unto battle H4421 against your enemies: H341 let not your hearts H3824 faint, H7401 fear H3372 not, and do not tremble, H2648 neither be ye terrified H6206 because H6440 of them; For the LORD H3068 your God H430 is he that goeth H1980 with you, to fight H3898 for you against your enemies, H341 to save H3467 you.

Joshua 11:4-6 STRONG

And they went out, H3318 they and all their hosts H4264 with them, much H7227 people, H5971 even as the sand H2344 that is upon the sea H3220 shore H8193 in multitude, H7230 with horses H5483 and chariots H7393 very H3966 many. H7227 And when all these kings H4428 were met together, H3259 they came H935 and pitched H2583 together H3162 at the waters H4325 of Merom, H4792 to fight H3898 against Israel. H3478 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Joshua, H3091 Be not afraid H3372 because H6440 of them: for to morrow H4279 about this time H6256 will I deliver them up H5414 all slain H2491 before H6440 Israel: H3478 thou shalt hough H6131 their horses, H5483 and burn H8313 their chariots H4818 with fire. H784

Joshua 13:6 STRONG

All the inhabitants H3427 of the hill country H2022 from Lebanon H3844 unto Misrephothmaim, H4956 and all the Sidonians, H6722 them will I drive out H3423 from before H6440 the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 only divide thou it by lot H5307 unto the Israelites H3478 for an inheritance, H5159 as I have commanded H6680 thee.

Joshua 15:9 STRONG

And the border H1366 was drawn H8388 from the top H7218 of the hill H2022 unto the fountain H4599 of the water H4325 of Nephtoah, H5318 and went out H3318 to the cities H5892 of mount H2022 Ephron; H6085 and the border H1366 was drawn H8388 to Baalah, H1173 which is Kirjathjearim: H7157

Joshua 17:15-16 STRONG

And Joshua H3091 answered H559 them, If thou be a great H7227 people, H5971 then get thee up H5927 to the wood H3293 country, and cut down H1254 for thyself there in the land H776 of the Perizzites H6522 and of the giants, H7497 if mount H2022 Ephraim H669 be too narrow H213 for thee. And the children H1121 of Joseph H3130 said, H559 The hill H2022 is not enough H4672 for us: and all the Canaanites H3669 that dwell H3427 in the land H776 of the valley H6010 have chariots H7393 of iron, H1270 both they who are of Bethshean H1052 and her towns, H1323 and they who are of the valley H6010 of Jezreel. H3157

Joshua 20:7 STRONG

And they appointed H6942 Kedesh H6943 in Galilee H1551 in mount H2022 Naphtali, H5321 and Shechem H7927 in mount H2022 Ephraim, H669 and Kirjatharba, H7153 which is Hebron, H2275 in the mountain H2022 of Judah. H3063

Psalms 27:1-2 STRONG

[[A Psalm of David.]] H1732 The LORD H3068 is my light H216 and my salvation; H3468 whom shall I fear? H3372 the LORD H3068 is the strength H4581 of my life; H2416 of whom shall I be afraid? H6342 When the wicked, H7489 even mine enemies H6862 and my foes, H341 came H7126 upon me to eat up H398 my flesh, H1320 they stumbled H3782 and fell. H5307

Isaiah 41:10-16 STRONG

Fear H3372 thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; H8159 for I am thy God: H430 I will strengthen H553 thee; yea, I will help H5826 thee; yea, I will uphold H8551 thee with the right hand H3225 of my righteousness. H6664 Behold, all they that were incensed H2734 against thee shall be ashamed H954 and confounded: H3637 they shall be as nothing; and they H582 that strive H7379 with thee shall perish. H6 Thou shalt seek H1245 them, and shalt not find H4672 them, even them H582 that contended H4695 with thee: they that war H4421 against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought. H657 For I the LORD H3068 thy God H430 will hold H2388 thy right hand, H3225 saying H559 unto thee, Fear H3372 not; I will help H5826 thee. Fear H3372 not, thou worm H8438 Jacob, H3290 and ye men H4962 of Israel; H3478 I will help H5826 thee, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and thy redeemer, H1350 the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478 Behold, I will make H7760 thee a new H2319 sharp H2742 threshing H4173 instrument having H1167 teeth: H6374 thou shalt thresh H1758 the mountains, H2022 and beat them small, H1854 and shalt make H7760 the hills H1389 as chaff. H4671 Thou shalt fan H2219 them, and the wind H7307 shall carry them away, H5375 and the whirlwind H5591 shall scatter H6327 them: and thou shalt rejoice H1523 in the LORD, H3068 and shalt glory H1984 in the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478

Isaiah 51:12-13 STRONG

I, even I, am he that comforteth H5162 you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid H3372 of a man H582 that shall die, H4191 and of the son H1121 of man H120 which shall be made H5414 as grass; H2682 And forgettest H7911 the LORD H3068 thy maker, H6213 that hath stretched forth H5186 the heavens, H8064 and laid the foundations H3245 of the earth; H776 and hast feared H6342 continually H8548 every day H3117 because H6440 of the fury H2534 of the oppressor, H6693 as if H834 he were ready H3559 to destroy? H7843 and where is the fury H2534 of the oppressor? H6693

Romans 8:31 STRONG

What G5101 shall we G2046 then G3767 say G2046 to G4314 these things? G5023 If G1487 God G2316 be for G5228 us, G2257 who G5101 can be against G2596 us? G2257

Romans 8:37 STRONG

Nay, G235 in G1722 all G3956 these things G5125 we are more than conquerors G5245 through G1223 him that loved G25 us. G2248

Hebrews 13:6 STRONG

So that G5620 we G2248 may boldly G2292 say, G3004 The Lord G2962 is my G1698 helper, G998 and G2532 I will G5399 not G3756 fear G5399 what G5101 man G444 shall do G4160 unto me. G3427

Commentary on Joshua 17 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 17:1-6. Lot of Manasseh.

1-6. There was also a lot for the tribe of Manasseh—Ephraim was mentioned, as the more numerous and powerful branch of the family of Joseph (Ge 48:19, 20); but Manasseh still retained the right of primogeniture and had a separate inheritance assigned.

Machir—his descendants.

the father of Gilead—Though he had a son of that name (Nu 26:29; 27:1), yet, as is evident from the use of the Hebrew article, reference is made, not to the person, but the province of Gilead. "Father" here means lord or possessor of Gilead. This view is confirmed by the fact that it was not Machir, but his descendants, who subdued Gilead and Bashan (Nu 32:41; De 3:13-15). These Machirites had their portion on the east side of Jordan. The western portion of land, allotted to the tribe of Manasseh, was divided into ten portions because the male descendants who had sons consisted of five families, to which, consequently, five shares were given; and the sixth family, namely, the posterity of Hepher, being all women, the five daughters of Zelophehad were, on application to the valuators, endowed each with an inheritance in land (see on Nu 27:4).

Jos 17:7-11. This Coast.

7-11. the coast of Manasseh was from Asher to Michmethah—The southern boundary is here traced from the east. Asher (now Yasir), the starting point, was a town fifteen Roman miles east of Shechem, and anciently a place of importance.

9. the coast descended unto the river Kanah, southward of the river—The line which separated the possessions of the two brothers from each other ran to the south of the stream. Thus the river was in the territory of Manasseh; but the cities which were upon the river, though all were within the limits of Manasseh's possessions, were assigned partly to Ephraim, and partly to Manasseh; those on the south side being given to the former; those upon the north to the latter [Keil]. It appears (Jos 17:10) that Manasseh was still further interlaced with other neighboring tribes.

11. Beth-shean and her towns—Greek, "Scythopolis" (now Beisan), in the valley of the Jordan, towards the east end of the plain of Jezreel. "Beth-shean" means "house of rest," so called from its being the halting place for caravans travelling between Syria or Midian, and Egypt, and the great station for the commerce between these countries for many centuries.

Ibleam and her towns—in the neighborhood of Megiddo (2Ki 9:27).

the inhabitants of Dor and her towns—(now Tantoura), anciently a strong fortress; a wall of wild precipitous rock defended the shore fortifications against attack from the land side.

En-dor and her towns—situated on a rocky eminence, four Roman miles south of Tabor.

Taanach and … Megiddo—These were near to each other, and they are generally mentioned in Scripture together. They were both royal and strongly fortified places (see on Jud 1:27).

three countries—districts or provinces. It is computed that Manasseh possessed in Asher and Issachar portions of ground to the extent of more than two hundred square miles.

Jos 17:12, 13. Canaanites Not Driven Out.

12, 13. Yet the children of Manasseh could not drive out those cities—probably due to indolence, a love of ease. Perhaps a mistaken humanity, arising from a disregard or forgetfulness of the divine command, and a decreasing principle of faith and zeal in the service of God, were the causes of their failure.

Jos 17:14-18. The Children of Joseph Ask for Another Lot.

14-18. the children of Joseph spake unto Joshua—The two tribes join in laying a complaint before the leader, as to the narrow boundaries of their allotment and its insufficiency to be the residence of tribes so vastly increased. But Joshua's answer was full of wisdom as well as patriotism. Knowing their character, he treated them accordingly, and sarcastically turned all their arguments against themselves. Thus he rebuked their unbelief and cowardice.

15. mount Ephraim—called so here by anticipation. The Gilboa range between Beth-shean and the plain of Jezreel is meant, anciently covered with an extensive forest.

16. chariots of iron—unusually strengthened with that metal, and perhaps armed with projecting scythes.