Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 19 » Verse 28

Joshua 19:28 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

28 And Hebron, H5683 and Rehob, H7340 and Hammon, H2540 and Kanah, H7071 even unto great H7227 Zidon; H6721

Cross Reference

Judges 1:31 STRONG

Neither did Asher H836 drive out H3423 the inhabitants H3427 of Accho, H5910 nor the inhabitants H3427 of Zidon, H6721 nor of Ahlab, H303 nor of Achzib, H392 nor of Helbah, H2462 nor of Aphik, H663 nor of Rehob: H7340

Joshua 11:8 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 delivered H5414 them into the hand H3027 of Israel, H3478 who smote H5221 them, and chased H7291 them unto great H7227 Zidon, H6721 and unto Misrephothmaim, H4956 and unto the valley H1237 of Mizpeh H4708 eastward; H4217 and they smote H5221 them, until they left H7604 them none remaining. H8300

Genesis 10:19 STRONG

And the border H1366 of the Canaanites H3669 was from Sidon, H6721 as thou comest H935 to Gerar, H1642 unto Gaza; H5804 as thou goest, H935 unto Sodom, H5467 and Gomorrah, H6017 and Admah, H126 and Zeboim, H6636 even unto Lasha. H3962

Isaiah 23:2 STRONG

Be still, H1826 ye inhabitants H3427 of the isle; H339 thou whom the merchants H5503 of Zidon, H6721 that pass over H5674 the sea, H3220 have replenished. H4390

Isaiah 23:4 STRONG

Be thou ashamed, H954 O Zidon: H6721 for the sea H3220 hath spoken, H559 even the strength H4581 of the sea, H3220 saying, H559 I travail H2342 not, nor bring forth children, H3205 neither do I nourish up H1431 young men, H970 nor bring up H7311 virgins. H1330

Isaiah 23:12 STRONG

And he said, H559 Thou shalt no more H3254 rejoice, H5937 O thou oppressed H6231 virgin, H1330 daughter H1323 of Zidon: H6721 arise, H6965 pass over H5674 to Chittim; H3794 there also shalt thou have no rest. H5117

John 2:1 STRONG

And G2532 the third G5154 day G2250 there was G1096 a marriage G1062 in G1722 Cana G2580 of Galilee; G1056 and G2532 the mother G3384 of Jesus G2424 was G2258 there: G1563

John 2:11 STRONG

This G5026 beginning G746 of miracles G4592 did G4160 Jesus G2424 in G1722 Cana G2580 of Galilee, G1056 and G2532 manifested forth G5319 his G846 glory; G1391 and G2532 his G846 disciples G3101 believed G4100 on G1519 him. G846

John 4:46 STRONG

So G3767 Jesus G2424 came G2064 again G3825 into G1519 Cana G2580 of Galilee, G1056 where G3699 he made G4160 the water G5204 wine. G3631 And G2532 there was G2258 a certain G5100 nobleman, G937 whose G3739 son G5207 was sick G770 at G1722 Capernaum. G2584

Commentary on Joshua 19 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 19:1-9. The Lot of Simeon.

1. the second lot came forth to Simeon—The next lot that was drawn at Shiloh, gave the tribe of Simeon his inheritance within the territory, which had been assigned to that of Judah. The knowledge of Canaan possessed by the Israelites, when the division of the land commenced, was but very general, being derived from the rapid sweep they had made over it during the course of conquest; and it was on the ground of that rough survey alone that the distribution proceeded, by which Judah received an inheritance. Time showed that this territory was too large (Jos 19:9), either for their numbers, however great, to occupy and their arms to defend, or too large in proportion to the allotments of the other tribes. Justice therefore required (what kind and brotherly feeling readily dictated) a modification of their possession; and a part of it was appropriated to Simeon. By thus establishing it within the original domain of another tribe, the prophecy of Jacob in regard to Simeon was fulfilled (Ge 49:7); for from its boundaries being not traced, there is reason to conclude that its people were divided and dispersed among those of Judah; and though one group of its cities named (Jos 19:2-6), gives the idea of a compact district, as it is usually represented by map makers, the other group (Jos 19:7, 8) were situated, two in the south, and two elsewhere, with tracts of the country around them.

Jos 19:10-16. Of Zebulun.

10-14. the third lot came up for the children of Zebulun—The boundaries of the possession assigned to them extended from the Lake of Chinnereth (Sea of Galilee) on the east, to the Mediterranean on the west. Although they do not seem at first to have touched on the western shore—a part of Manasseh running north into Asher (Jos 17:10)—they afterwards did, according to the prediction of Moses (De 33:19). The extent from north to south cannot be very exactly traced; the sites of many of the places through which the boundary line is drawn being unknown. Some of the cities were of note.

Jos 19:17-23. Of Issachar.

17-20. the fourth lot came out to Issachar—Instead of describing the boundaries of this tribe, the inspired historian gives a list of its principal cities. These cities are all in the eastern part of the plain of Esdraelon.

Jos 19:24-31. Of Asher.

24-31. the fifth lot came out for the tribe of the children of Asher—The western boundary is traced from north to south through the cities mentioned; the site of them, however, is unknown.

26. to Carmel … and to Shihor-libnath—that is, the "black" or "muddy river"; probably the Nahr Belka, below Dor (Tantoura); for that town belonged to Asher (Jos 17:10). Thence the boundary line turned eastward to Beth-dagon, a town at the junction of Zebulun and Naphtali, and ran northwards as far as Cabul, with other towns, among which is mentioned (Jos 19:28) "great Zidon," so called on account of its being even then the flourishing metropolis of the Phœnicians. Though included in the inheritance of Asher, this town was never possessed by them (Jud 1:31).

29. and then the coast turneth to Ramah—now El-Hamra, which stood where the Leontes (Litany) ends its southern course and flows westward.

and to the strong city Tyre—The original city appears to have stood on the mainland, and was well-fortified. From Tyre the boundary ran to Hosah, an inland town; and then, passing the unconquered district of Achzib (Jud 1:31), terminated at the seacoast.

Jos 19:32-39. Of Naphtali.

32-39. the sixth lot came out to the children of Naphtali—Although the cities mentioned have not been discovered, it is evident, from Zaanannim, which is by Kedesh, that is, on the northwest of Lake Merom (Jud 4:11), that the boundary described (Jos 19:34) ran from the southwest towards the northeast, up to the sources of the Jordan.

34. Aznoth-tabor—on the east of Tabor towards the Jordan, for the border ran thence to Hukkok, touching upon that of Zebulun; and as the territory of Zebulun did not extend as far as the Jordan, Aznoth-tabor and Hukkok must have been border towns on the line which separated Naphtali from Issachar.

to Judah upon Jordan toward the sunrising—The sixty cities, Havoth-jair, which were on the eastern side of the Jordan, opposite Naphtali, were reckoned as belonging to Judah, because Jair, their possessor, was a descendant of Judah (1Ch 2:4-22) [Keil].

Jos 19:40-48. Of Dan.

40-46. the seventh lot came out for the tribe … Dan—It lay on the west of Benjamin and consisted of portions surrendered by Judah and Ephraim. Its boundaries are not stated, as they were easily distinguishable from the relative position of Dan to the three adjoining tribes.

47. the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem—The Danites, finding their inheritance too small, decided to enlarge its boundaries by the sword; and, having conquered Leshem (Laish), they planted a colony there, calling the new settlement by the name of Dan (see on Jud 18:7).

Jos 19:49-51. The Children of Israel Give an Inheritance to Joshua.

50. According to the word of the Lord they gave him the city which he asked—It was most proper that the great leader should receive an inheritance suited to his dignity, and as a reward for his public services. But the gift was not left to the spontaneous feelings of a grateful people. It was conferred "according to the word of the Lord"—probably an unrecorded promise, similar to what had been made to Caleb (Jos 14:9).

Timnath-serah—or Heres, on Mount Gaash (Jud 2:9). Joshua founded it, and was afterwards buried there (Jos 24:30).

51. These are the inheritances—This verse is the formal close of the section which narrates the history of the land distribution; and to stamp it with due importance, the names of the commissioners are repeated, as well as the spot where so memorable a transaction took place.