Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 20 » Verse 1

Joshua 20:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 The LORD H3068 also spake H1696 unto Joshua, H3091 saying, H559

Cross Reference

Joshua 5:14 STRONG

And he said, H559 Nay; but as captain H8269 of the host H6635 of the LORD H3068 am I now come. H935 And Joshua H3091 fell H5307 on his face H6440 to the earth, H776 and did worship, H7812 and said H559 unto him, What saith H1696 my lord H113 unto his servant? H5650

Joshua 6:2 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Joshua, H3091 See, H7200 I have given H5414 into thine hand H3027 Jericho, H3405 and the king H4428 thereof, and the mighty men H1368 of valour. H2428

Joshua 7:10 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Joshua, H3091 Get thee up; H6965 wherefore liest H5307 thou thus upon thy face? H6440

Joshua 13:1-7 STRONG

Now Joshua H3091 was old H2204 and stricken H935 in years; H3117 and the LORD H3068 said H559 unto him, Thou art old H2204 and stricken H935 in years, H3117 and there remaineth H7604 yet very H3966 much H7235 land H776 to be possessed. H3423 This is the land H776 that yet remaineth: H7604 all the borders H1552 of the Philistines, H6430 and all Geshuri, H1651 From Sihor, H7883 which is before H6440 Egypt, H4714 even unto the borders H1366 of Ekron H6138 northward, H6828 which is counted H2803 to the Canaanite: H3669 five H2568 lords H5633 of the Philistines; H6430 the Gazathites, H5841 and the Ashdothites, H796 the Eshkalonites, H832 the Gittites, H1663 and the Ekronites; H6139 also the Avites: H5761 From the south, H8486 all the land H776 of the Canaanites, H3669 and Mearah H4632 that is beside the Sidonians, H6722 unto Aphek, H663 to the borders H1366 of the Amorites: H567 And the land H776 of the Giblites, H1382 and all Lebanon, H3844 toward the sunrising, H4217 H8121 from Baalgad H1171 under mount H2022 Hermon H2768 unto the entering H935 into Hamath. H2574 All the inhabitants H3427 of the hill country H2022 from Lebanon H3844 unto Misrephothmaim, H4956 and all the Sidonians, H6722 them will I drive out H3423 from before H6440 the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 only divide thou it by lot H5307 unto the Israelites H3478 for an inheritance, H5159 as I have commanded H6680 thee. Now therefore divide H2505 this land H776 for an inheritance H5159 unto the nine H8672 tribes, H7626 and the half H2677 tribe H7626 of Manasseh, H4519

Commentary on Joshua 20 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 20:1-6. The Lord Commands the Cities of Refuge.

1-3. The Lord spake unto Joshua … Appoint out for you cities of refuge—(See Nu 35:9-28; De 19:1-13). The command here recorded was given on their going to occupy their allotted settlements. The sanctuaries were not temples or altars, as in other countries, but inhabited cities; and the design was not to screen criminals, but only to afford the homicide protection from the vengeance of the deceased's relatives until it should have been ascertained whether the death had resulted from accident and momentary passion, or from premeditated malice. The institution of the cities of refuge, together with the rules prescribed for the guidance of those who sought an asylum within their walls, was an important provision, tending to secure the ends of justice as well as of mercy.

4. he that doth flee unto one of those cities shall stand at the entering of the gate of the city—It was the place of public resort, and on arriving there he related his tale of distress to the elders, who were bound to give him shelter and the means of support, until the local authorities (Jos 20:6), having carefully investigated the case, should have pronounced the decision. If found guilty, the manslayer was surrendered to the blood-avenger; if extenuating circumstances appeared, he was to remain in the city of refuge, where he would be safe from the vindictive feelings of his pursuers; but he forfeited the privilege of immunity the moment he ventured beyond the walls.

6. until the death of the high priest—His death secured the complete deliverance of the manslayer from his sin, only because he had been anointed with the holy oil (Nu 35:25), the symbol of the Holy Ghost; and thus the death of the earthly high priest became a type of that of the heavenly one (Heb 9:14, 15).

Jos 20:7-9. The Israelites Appoint by Name the Cities of Refuge.

7-9. they appointed … cities—There were six; three on the west, and three on the east, of Jordan. In the first instance, they were a provision of the criminal law of the Hebrews, necessary in the circumstances of that people (see on Nu 35:11; De 19:2). At the same time they were designed also typically to point out the sinner's way to Christ (Heb 6:18).