Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 22 » Verse 19

Joshua 22:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 Notwithstanding, H389 if the land H776 of your possession H272 be unclean, H2931 then pass ye over H5674 unto the land H776 of the possession H272 of the LORD, H3068 wherein the LORD'S H3068 tabernacle H4908 dwelleth, H7931 and take possession H270 among H8432 us: but rebel H4775 not against the LORD, H3068 nor H408 rebel H4775 against us, in building H1129 you an altar H4196 beside H1107 the altar H4196 of the LORD H3068 our God. H430

Cross Reference

Joshua 18:1 STRONG

And the whole congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 assembled together H6950 at Shiloh, H7887 and set up H7931 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 there. And the land H776 was subdued H3533 before H6440 them.

Exodus 15:17 STRONG

Thou shalt bring H935 them in, and plant H5193 them in the mountain H2022 of thine inheritance, H5159 in the place, H4349 O LORD, H3068 which thou hast made H6466 for thee to dwell in, H3427 in the Sanctuary, H4720 O Lord, H136 which thy hands H3027 have established. H3559

Leviticus 17:8-9 STRONG

And thou shalt say H559 unto them, Whatsoever man H376 there be of the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 or of the strangers H1616 which sojourn H1481 among H8432 you, that offereth H5927 a burnt offering H5930 or sacrifice, H2077 And bringeth H935 it not unto the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 to offer H6213 it unto the LORD; H3068 even that man H376 shall be cut off H3772 from among his people. H5971

Leviticus 18:25-28 STRONG

And the land H776 is defiled: H2930 therefore I do visit H6485 the iniquity H5771 thereof upon it, and the land H776 itself vomiteth out H6958 her inhabitants. H3427 Ye shall therefore keep H8104 my statutes H2708 and my judgments, H4941 and shall not commit H6213 any of these abominations; H8441 neither any of your own nation, H249 nor any stranger H1616 that sojourneth H1481 among H8432 you: (For all these H411 abominations H8441 have the men H582 of the land H776 done, H6213 which were before H6440 you, and the land H776 is defiled;) H2930 That the land H776 spue not you out H6958 also, when ye defile H2930 it, as it spued out H6958 the nations H1471 that were before H6440 you.

Deuteronomy 12:5-6 STRONG

But unto the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 your God H430 shall choose H977 out of all your tribes H7626 to put H7760 his name H8034 there, even unto his habitation H7933 shall ye seek, H1875 and thither thou shalt come: H935 And thither ye shall bring H935 your burnt offerings, H5930 and your sacrifices, H2077 and your tithes, H4643 and heave offerings H8641 of your hand, H3027 and your vows, H5088 and your freewill offerings, H5071 and the firstlings H1062 of your herds H1241 and of your flocks: H6629

2 Chronicles 11:13 STRONG

And the priests H3548 and the Levites H3881 that were in all Israel H3478 resorted H3320 to him out of all their coasts. H1366

2 Chronicles 11:16-17 STRONG

And after H310 them out of all the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 such as set H5414 their hearts H3824 to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 came H935 to Jerusalem, H3389 to sacrifice H2076 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers. H1 So they strengthened H2388 the kingdom H4438 of Judah, H3063 and made Rehoboam H7346 the son H1121 of Solomon H8010 strong, H553 three H7969 years: H8141 for three H7969 years H8141 they walked H1980 in the way H1870 of David H1732 and Solomon. H8010

Amos 7:17 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Thy wife H802 shall be an harlot H2181 in the city, H5892 and thy sons H1121 and thy daughters H1323 shall fall H5307 by the sword, H2719 and thy land H127 shall be divided H2505 by line; H2256 and thou shalt die H4191 in H5921 a polluted H2931 land: H127 and Israel H3478 shall surely H1540 go into captivity H1540 forth of his land. H127

Acts 10:14-15 STRONG

But G1161 Peter G4074 said, G2036 Not so, G3365 Lord; G2962 for G3754 I have G5315 never G3763 eaten G5315 any thing G3956 that is common G2839 or G2228 unclean. G169 And G2532 the voice G5456 spake unto G4314 him G846 again G3825 G1537 the second time, G1208 What G3739 God G2316 hath cleansed, G2511 that call G2840 not G3361 thou G4771 common. G2840

Acts 11:8-9 STRONG

But G1161 I said, G2036 Not so, G3365 Lord: G2962 for G3754 nothing G3956 common G2839 or G2228 unclean G169 hath G1525 at any time G3763 entered G1525 into G1519 my G3450 mouth. G4750 But G1161 the voice G5456 answered G611 me G3427 again G1537 G1208 from G1537 heaven, G3772 What G3739 God G2316 hath cleansed, G2511 that call G2840 not G3361 thou G4771 common. G2840

Commentary on Joshua 22 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 22:1-9. Joshua Dismisses the Two Tribes and a Half, with a Blessing.

1. Then Joshua called the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh—The general war of invasion being ended and the enemy being in so dispirited and isolated a condition that each tribe, by its own resources or with the aid of its neighboring tribe, was able to repress any renewed hostilities, the auxiliary Israelites from the eastern side of the Jordan were now discharged from service. Joshua dismissed them with high commendations for their fidelity and earnest admonitions to cultivate perpetual piety in life. The redundancy of the language is remarkable [Jos 22:2-5]. It shows how important, in the judgment of the venerable leader, a steadfast observance of the divine law was to personal happiness, as well as national prosperity.

3. Ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day—for the space of seven years.

4-7. get you unto your tents—that is, home; for their families had been left in fortified towns (Nu 32:17).

8. he spake unto them, saying, Return with much riches—in cattle, clothes, and precious metals.

divide the spoil of your enemies with your brethren—(See on Nu 31:25-39).

Jos 22:10. They Build the Altar of Testimony on Their Journey.

10. when they came unto the borders of Jordan, that are in the land of Canaan, the children of Reuben … built there an altar by Jordan—This altar was probably an immense pile of stones and earth. The generality of our translators supposes that it was reared on the banks of the Jordan, within the limits of Canaan proper. But a little closer examination seems to make the conclusion irresistible that its position was on the eastern side of the river, for these two reasons; first, because it is said (Jos 22:11) to have been built "over against," or in the sight of the land of Canaan—not within it; and secondly, because the declared motive of the trans-jordanic Israelites in erecting it was to prevent their brethren in Canaan ever saying, "in time to come, What have ye to do with the Lord God of Israel? For the Lord hath made Jordan a border between us and you," &c. [Jos 22:24, 25]. Such a taunt would be obviously prevented or confuted by the two tribes and a half having on the eastern side of Jordan, within their own land, a facsimile of the altar at Shiloh, as a witness that they acknowledged the same God and practised the same rites of worship as the brethren in Canaan.

Jos 22:11-29. Contention Thereupon.

11-29. and the children of Israel heard say—Fame speedily spread intelligence of what the trans-jordanic tribes had done. The act being suspected of some idolatrous design, the tribes rose in a mass, and repairing to the tabernacle at Shiloh, resolved to declare war against the two tribes and a half as apostates from God. On calmer and more mature consideration, however, they determined, in the first instance, to send a deputation consisting of the son of the high priest, and ten eminent persons from each tribe, to make inquiry into this rumored rebellion against God (De 13:13-15). The quality of the deputies evinced the deep solicitude that was felt on the occasion to maintain the purity of the divine worship throughout Israel. In the presumptive belief that the two tribes and a half had really built an altar, the deputies expressed astonishment at their so soon falling into such a heinous crime as that of violating the unity of divine worship (Ex 20:24; Leviticus 17:8, 9; De 12:5-13). They reminded their eastern brethren of the disastrous consequences that were entailed on the nation at large by the apostasy at Peor and by the sin of Achan, and finally exhorted them, if they felt the want of the tabernacle and altar and repented of their rash choice in preferring worldly advantages to religious privileges, to remove to the western side of the Jordan, where all the tribes would form a united and obedient community of worshippers.

21. Then the children of Reuben … answered—repudiating, in the strongest terms, the alleged crime, and deponing that so far from entertaining the intention imputed to them, their only object was to perpetuate the memory of their alliance with Israel [Jos 22:24, 25], and their adherence to the worship of Israel's God [Jos 22:26, 27].

Jos 22:30-34. The Deputies Satisfied.

33, 34. the thing pleased the children of Israel—The explanation not only gave perfect satisfaction to the deputies, but elicited from them expressions of unbounded joy and thankfulness. "This day we perceive that the Lord is among us" [Jos 22:31], that is, by His gracious presence and preventing goodness, which has kept you from falling into the suspected sin and rescued the nation from the calamity of a fratricidal war or providential judgments. This episode reflects honor upon all parties and shows that piety and zeal for the honor and worship of God animated the people that entered Canaan to an extent far beyond what was exemplified in many other periods of the history of Israel.