Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jude » Chapter 1 » Verse 12-16

Jude 1:12-16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 These G3778 are G1526 spots G4694 in G1722 your G5216 feasts of charity, G26 when they feast G4910 with you, G5213 feeding G4165 themselves G1438 without fear: G870 clouds G3507 they are without water, G504 carried about G4064 of G5259 winds; G417 trees G1186 whose fruit withereth, G5352 without fruit, G175 twice G1364 dead, G599 plucked up by the roots; G1610

13 Raging G66 waves G2949 of the sea, G2281 foaming out G1890 their own G1438 shame; G152 wandering G4107 stars, G792 to whom G3739 is reserved G5083 the blackness G2217 of darkness G4655 for G1519 ever. G165

14 And G1161 Enoch G1802 also, G2532 the seventh G1442 from G575 Adam, G76 prophesied G4395 of these, G5125 saying, G3004 Behold, G2400 the Lord G2962 cometh G2064 with G1722 ten thousands G3461 of his G846 saints, G40

15 To execute G4160 judgment G2920 upon G2596 all, G3956 and G2532 to convince G1827 all G3956 that are ungodly G765 among them G846 of G4012 all G3956 their G846 ungodly G763 deeds G2041 which G3739 they have ungodly committed, G764 and G2532 of G4012 all G3956 their hard G4642 speeches which G3739 ungodly G765 sinners G268 have spoken G2980 against G2596 him. G846

16 These G3778 are G1526 murmurers, G1113 complainers, G3202 walking G4198 after G2596 their own G846 lusts; G1939 and G2532 their G846 mouth G4750 speaketh G2980 great swelling G5246 words, having men's persons G4383 in admiration G2296 because G5484 of advantage. G5622