Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jude » Chapter 1 » Verse 22

Jude 1:22 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

22 And G2532 G3303 of some G3739 have compassion, G1653 making a difference: G1252

Cross Reference

1 John 5:16-18 STRONG

If G1437 any man G5100 see G1492 his G846 brother G80 sin G264 a sin G266 which is not G3361 unto G4314 death, G2288 he shall ask, G154 and G2532 he shall give G1325 him G846 life G2222 for them that sin G264 not G3361 unto G4314 death. G2288 There is G2076 a sin G266 unto G4314 death: G2288 I do not G3756 say G3004 that G2443 he shall pray G2065 for G4012 it. G1565 All G3956 unrighteousness G93 is G2076 sin: G266 and G2532 there is G2076 a sin G266 not G3756 unto G4314 death. G2288 We know G1492 that G3754 whosoever G3956 is born G1080 of G1537 God G2316 sinneth G264 not; G3756 but G235 he that is begotten G1080 of G1537 God G2316 keepeth G5083 himself, G1438 and G2532 that wicked one G4190 toucheth G680 him G846 not. G3756

Ezekiel 34:17 STRONG

And as for you, H859 O my flock, H6629 thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I judge H8199 between cattle H7716 and cattle, H7716 between the rams H352 and the he goats. H6260

Galatians 4:20 STRONG

G1161 I desire G2309 to be present G3918 with G4314 you G5209 now, G737 and G2532 to change G236 my G3450 voice; G5456 for G3754 I stand in doubt G639 of G1722 you. G5213

Galatians 6:1 STRONG

Brethren, G80 if G1437 G2532 a man G444 be overtaken G4301 in G1722 a G5100 fault, G3900 ye G5210 which G3588 are spiritual, G4152 restore G2675 such an one G5108 in G1722 the spirit G4151 of meekness; G4236 considering G4648 thyself, G4572 lest G3361 thou G4771 also G2532 be tempted. G3985

Hebrews 6:4-8 STRONG

For G1063 it is impossible G102 for those who were once G530 enlightened, G5461 and G5037 have tasted G1089 of the heavenly G2032 gift, G1431 and G2532 were made G1096 partakers G3353 of the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 And G2532 have tasted G1089 the good G2570 word G4487 of God, G2316 and G5037 the powers G1411 of the world G165 to come, G3195 If G2532 they shall fall away, G3895 to renew them G340 again G3825 unto G1519 repentance; G3341 seeing they crucify G388 to themselves G1438 the Son G5207 of God G2316 afresh, G388 and G2532 put him to an open shame. G3856 For G1063 the earth G1093 which G3588 drinketh in G4095 the rain G5205 that cometh G2064 oft G4178 upon G1909 it, G846 and G2532 bringeth forth G5088 herbs G1008 meet G2111 for them G1565 G2532 by G1223 whom G3739 it is dressed, G1090 receiveth G3335 blessing G2129 from G575 God: G2316 But G1161 that which beareth G1627 thorns G173 and G2532 briers G5146 is rejected, G96 and G2532 is nigh G1451 unto cursing; G2671 whose G3739 end G5056 is to G1519 be burned. G2740

James 5:19-20 STRONG

Brethren, G80 if G1437 any G5100 of G1722 you G5213 do err G4105 from G575 the truth, G225 and G2532 one G5100 convert G1994 him; G846 Let G1097 him G846 know, G1097 that G3754 he which converteth G1994 the sinner G268 from G1537 the error G4106 of his G846 way G3598 shall save G4982 a soul G5590 from G1537 death, G2288 and G2532 shall hide G2572 a multitude G4128 of sins. G266

Jude 1:4-13 STRONG

For G1063 there are certain G5100 men G444 crept in unawares, G3921 who G3588 were before G4270 of old G3819 ordained G4270 to G1519 this G5124 condemnation, G2917 ungodly men, G765 turning G3346 the grace G5485 of our G2257 God G2316 into G1519 lasciviousness, G766 and G2532 denying G720 the only G3441 Lord G1203 God, G2316 and G2532 our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 I will G1014 therefore G1161 put G5279 you G5209 in remembrance, G5279 though ye G5209 once G530 knew G1492 this, G5124 how that G3754 the Lord, G2962 having saved G4982 the people G2992 out of G1537 the land G1093 of Egypt, G125 afterward G1208 destroyed G622 them that believed G4100 not. G3361 And G5037 the angels G32 which kept G5083 not G3361 their G1438 first estate, G746 but G235 left G620 their own G2398 habitation, G3613 he hath reserved G5083 in everlasting G126 chains G1199 under G5259 darkness G2217 unto G1519 the judgment G2920 of the great G3173 day. G2250 Even as G5613 Sodom G4670 and G2532 Gomorrha, G1116 and G2532 the cities G4172 about G4012 them G846 in like G3664 G5125 manner, G5158 giving themselves over to fornication, G1608 and G2532 going G565 after G3694 strange G2087 flesh, G4561 are set forth for G4295 an example, G1164 suffering G5254 the vengeance G1349 of eternal G166 fire. G4442 Likewise G3668 G3305 also G2532 these G3778 filthy dreamers G1797 defile G3392 the flesh, G3303 G4561 G1161 despise G114 dominion, G2963 and G1161 speak evil G987 of dignities. G1391 Yet G1161 Michael G3413 the archangel, G743 when G3753 contending G1252 with the devil G1228 he disputed G1256 about G4012 the body G4983 of Moses, G3475 durst G5111 not G3756 bring against him G2018 a railing G988 accusation, G2920 but G235 said, G2036 The Lord G2962 rebuke G2008 thee. G4671 But G1161 these G3778 speak evil G987 of those things which G3745 G3303 they know G1492 not: G3756 but G1161 what G3745 they know G1987 naturally, G5447 as G5613 brute G249 beasts, G2226 in G1722 those things G5125 they corrupt themselves. G5351 Woe G3759 unto them! G846 for G3754 they have gone G4198 in the way G3598 of Cain, G2535 and G2532 ran greedily after G1632 the error G4106 of Balaam G903 for reward, G3408 and G2532 perished G622 in the gainsaying G485 of Core. G2879 These G3778 are G1526 spots G4694 in G1722 your G5216 feasts of charity, G26 when they feast G4910 with you, G5213 feeding G4165 themselves G1438 without fear: G870 clouds G3507 they are without water, G504 carried about G4064 of G5259 winds; G417 trees G1186 whose fruit withereth, G5352 without fruit, G175 twice G1364 dead, G599 plucked up by the roots; G1610 Raging G66 waves G2949 of the sea, G2281 foaming out G1890 their own G1438 shame; G152 wandering G4107 stars, G792 to whom G3739 is reserved G5083 the blackness G2217 of darkness G4655 for G1519 ever. G165